30 Day Shred



  • mrspryz
    mrspryz Posts: 11
    Has anyone moved to level 2 before doing 10 days at level one?

    Im on day 8 level 1 (but haven't actually done it today yet) and was thinking about moving up to level 2 today.
  • charminglochie
    charminglochie Posts: 9 Member
    I managed to get to halfway through level 2 last year before crashing out so this year I want to complete the whole 30days. However, I am not going to be doing it on consecutive days. I did day 1 today but I'm not going to be able to fit it in tomorrow so will do weds & thurs then fri off and carry on doing a two days on, 1 day off routine with swimming and hiking in between. I do remember it being so sore but so worth it as your really start noticing the body changes in only a few days of it.

    Keep going everyone :o)
    Kelly xx
  • 0400772
    0400772 Posts: 80
    Im going to give this another bash again

    I dont do it for 30 days solid. Is that ok?

    Im doing it as an at home cardio workout as i cant always get to the gym / swimming with partner playing footy / working

    I plan on doing it Mon, Tues, Thus, Sat and Sun so still taking two weeks per level. Level 1 really knocks me but i know it works and its trying and testing and im screaming at mad for the 20 mins to be over but once its over i feel so good!

    p[s how do you log it in your exercise diary (if you dont have HRM)
  • dreamer722
    dreamer722 Posts: 57 Member
    OK so today will be day 10 of level 2 ... which means I start level 3 tomorrow ... and level 2 is *STILL* kicking my *kitten* ... but I will slog on. I know that I am *MUCH* stronger but still not strong enough. I'm proud of myself too because yesterday I woke up with a massive migraine and after getting it under control with meds (thank GOD for migraine medication) and then resting my brain for a while, I was still able to log in my 30DS workout. I'll admit I wasn't as productive at it and had to stop off and on in the middle of it ... but I *DID* it. I can tell a difference, like I said in my last post, in my measurements but I'm still hoping for some more weight loss. Ah well. The weight has stayed the same perhaps, but I *KNOW* there is more muscle, and since muscle weighs more than fat, I reason that this means I've lost *FAT*, so I'm ok with it all. However, I *STILL* want to lose more weight so we'll keep at it. Hang in there, everyone!
  • alimarie53
    alimarie53 Posts: 102 Member
    Day 1 of the Shred and I feel amazingg!!! I can't wait for tomorrow!
  • Ickle_Pickle
    Ickle_Pickle Posts: 12 Member
    Back on it today - day 12 and day 2 of L2. Really struggle with those twists in the last ab section so hae decided to just do double crunches instead as I end up stopping so often during the twists that I feel I'd be better doing something I can do for the full minute than something I can only do for 20-30 seconds.

    Terrified of level 3 as finding level 2 very hard.
  • Peaches516
    Peaches516 Posts: 104 Member
    Had to take a week off since I was sick. Still can't do the jumping jacks or butt kicks because my head is too congested and it hurts! I substituted it with air bicycles and punches. Today was Day 5 of Level 1 after the one week break.
  • bglasheen
    bglasheen Posts: 3 Member
    I just started this afternoon. I did Level 1. So far I feel fine. I can not do a push up correctly though. I need to learn not to stick my butt in the air. LOL! :laugh:
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    ONE DAY LEFT!!!!!! Can't wait to get home and get it over with.
  • I'm 50% through :D

    Level 2 is so tough on my arms! The plank stuff! Ah! I can do it, but the pressure isn't on the cardio part it's literally just being able to hold myself up with my arms.
    I *love* the jump and twist thing, and the oblique plank twist thingymabob at the end :D
  • TaniaB_79
    TaniaB_79 Posts: 52 Member
    I hate that abs oblique thing on L2. Had a rest day yesterday as knee and arm ached (more from the cold than any muscle thing I think but cold doesn't usually affect me, also had a massive headache so may have just been a general unwell thing!) so back on it today, Day 6 on L2 and it is slightly easier but still finding it really hard so need to go for a few days in a row to get better I think.
  • I just did day 1 today!

    Anyone else? Want to partner/buddy up?

    I liked it. Some parts were easy while others were hard. I'm a rock climber and this video made me realize how one dimensional my fitness is.
  • Well...I've just done my second day of level 1 and I really really struggled with it! I did a fair bit of shouting at the tv!

    Hoping that I'll be able to keep it up, have been really motivated by everyone on here, so thanks guys!
  • Jday71
    Jday71 Posts: 39
    Day 19 and 9th day of level 2 completed!!!! I cant wait to be done. Love the results.
  • TripLight
    TripLight Posts: 9 Member
    I am on Day 10 of Level 2 today, the scale has hardly budged (long absence(15 months) from MFP as well), but I have lost inches around my waist and hips. I've been lurking since December reaquainting myself with the forums and saw all the talk about 30DS, I tried Ripped in 30 first but didnt stick with it, then I read all these threads and saw the Before and After Results threads, and was motivated and inpsired. So glad I went out and bought it. I took pics as well so I can compare when I am fiinished. Thanks to everyone for the inspiration and motivation, and don't stop!
  • Started 30DS today...wow. I take a body pump class at the gym three days a week so I plan to do this one 5 on 2 off. Really looking forward to it getting easier.
  • purplecharm
    purplecharm Posts: 446 Member
    I completed Day 4 of Level 2 today. Level 2 is kicking my butt. All that planking is a bit much for me but I will keep at it.
  • Jlbland123
    Jlbland123 Posts: 34 Member
    bump to read later!