Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Hi Everyone....Newbie here. I've got about 100 lbs to lose (80 would bring me into the top range for a healthy bmi). Just wanted to introduce myself..I'm Renee..and say way to go for all the successes!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @helen--glad to see you back in the thread! :drinker:

    @vicki--I've had total food fails yesterday and today, so I can sympathize. We will do better tomorrow!!

    @robin--You should be proud of keeping off that 31 lbs.--display that ticker with a smile!

    @laurie--awesome job choosing the gym!!

    @kris--Great goal!! I don't usually have trouble drinking water, but I lose track of how much I've had on the weekend b/c I'm not using my water bottle.

    @lin--As I mentioned yesterday, I'm no math wizard :laugh: , but a 12 minute mile is 5 mph. I only know this from running (not from actually doing the math). Also, I think the salad challenge is a great idea! I used to eat baby spinach salad with goat cheese quite often and I haven't had one in ages.

    @rachael--do you by any chance like dark chocolate? I love it and have found a little goes a long way to subdue my chocolate cravings. It's also much healthier than milk chocolate (and has less calories/sugar).

    @kris--I'm sure there may be a slight difference in the calories burned simply b/c your heart rate won't be up as high for as long with the shorter walks, but I'm guessing it's not a big difference. And as others have said, there are other benefits to shorter workouts in terms of building strength and endurance that make it just as worthwhile.

    @angelika--Oh, I know I should follow your link, but as I have zero time right now to follow through, I'm going to pretend I didn't see it. Maybe when school is out and I start talking about how much I need to clean my house, you can remind me about this website?

    Again, welcome to the newlings--melancholy, kvandeest, drojen, and any others I missed! :flowerforyou:

    Tuesday Goals:
    I had a meeting after work and didn't get home until 6 pm--too dark to walk gunner. Ate terribly today, so I was hungry when I got home, but all my DH had made was a bunch of fried stuff. I ate a bit, but then logged it and realized I really needed to work out!

    I didn't feel like going to the gym, so I changed and ran 3 miles on my treadmill. I really HATE my treadmill b/c it doesn't allow for 0% grade--the lowest is 2%, and I HATE running on an incline. However, I'm really glad I pushed myself to burn some calories. It allowed me to eat some healthier fare, and though my macros still aren't great, they're much better than they would have been if I hadn't earned those exercise calories.

    So my goal is twofold--1. to keep up this motivation to work out--even after work when it's been a long day 2. to start doing a better job resisting the craptastic snacks my colleagues keep bringing to work (this morning it was dunkin donuts :grumble: ). I think Lin's idea for a salad challenge will help put me on the right path.

    Exercise Goals:
    Mon--core work DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting after work)--I ended up running 3 miles on my treadmill!! Yay me!
    Wed--walk gunner + gym
    Thurs--walk gunner + core work or dancing (may go see another band)
    Fri--rest day (plans w/ friends right after work)
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (long run)
    Sun--walk gunner + core work

    Grading goals:
    1. x/48 AP essays
    2. x/22 Advance Grammar Final Exam essays
    3. enter participation for juniors
    4. finish posting all grades
  • barquilt
    barquilt Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm new to MFP - just joined last week - & I've been reading this thread just about every day since I joined. I have already gotten motivation from so many of you. I am just amazed at the weight loss that many of you have already achieved. I am 66 & semi-retired. I have a handicap & now have been through 4 months of almost total inactivity. I had total knee replacement on the leg with the handicap & thought I was starting to make progress when I got a large blood clot in the other leg. I'm just now starting to get around but still have to use a walker. I was determined that 2013 was going to be the year of SUCCESS, in many areas of my life. I started on 1/1/13 by trying to watch what I eat. Believe me, I know what I should do - just can't ever seem to stay on a weight loss program & lose all the weight I should. I will lose 40 or 50 lbs., I will derail & gain it all back plus 10 more. Anyway, when I went back to the Dr.this week, I had lost 7 lbs. in 2 weeks. I know a lot of this is the fluids I've retained, but it still made me feel good. I was shocked though when I started tracking my food - I had not been eating enough calories!! The first few days I would be 200 - 300 calories short of the 1320 that MFP set me at. Then I would get a warning on the bottom of my diary that I was going to put my body in to starvation mode. The last 2 days have been better, but I can't believe how full I feel. I've always thought I should feel hungry in order to lose weight. I had better cut this off now, but I sure would appreciate any words of encouragement anyone has to share.
  • JeffHackney
    JeffHackney Posts: 81 Member
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    @ barquilt- welcome, welcome!!! 2013 will be your year for positive change. I've been here almost 2 weeks and I read every single post as well. As long as you are committed to making the necessary changes, you will succeed. One pesky pound at a time. :)

    @skinny- I looooooove all kinds of chocolate, I don't discriminate lol. I don't have any dark chocolate in the house at the moment, but I could get a bar as my "stash" if need be. I have a half milk chocolate bar in the fridge since NYE and haven't touched it, but that might change! Lol :D

    @susan- thanks for the name of the bra. I definitely need something with better support. I'm so tired of trying to lightly jog in some of the workouts and practically getting knocked out. I guess I can say goodbye to them when I really start losing weight. That would be nice lol.

    @jumpy- It was some brand that I got at Walmart, will check the name tomorrow, but I'm looking into the fitbit. Lin had told me about a wristband coming out in the spring, so I checked out their website and it's actually really cool. If I'm going to spend the $$ on one, I want it to be a good reliable one. I did use the one I got from Walmart. It's ok for now. It tracks my steps, calories and fat burned I think. It'll serve it's purpose until I can get a better one. I think it was either $10 or $20, nothing fancy. How much weight are you looking to lose?

    Another restless's now after midnight and downpouring and can't sleep. When this happened before I would snack and then go back to bed... I have to repeat to myself "I will enjoy food and NOT let it control me". Ugh, 6 am comes fast when you can't sleep.
    Anyone have new healthy remedies for not sleeping that might help?

    Btw- keep up the great work EVERYONE!!!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!
  • pinky_pie
    pinky_pie Posts: 127
    I have over 100lbs to lose, and I'm looking for a support group like this. I've been reading some of your posts, and I'd like to join in.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Lots of new people right now! welcome everyone.

    Tuesday Goals: A cousin has asked me to join her in the 30-Day Power Purge, which is a whole house clean and de-clutter project.
    We are on day two. I am going to wear my HRM to see how much I burn doing this since it is "above and beyond" normal housekeeping.

    that is really cool. our new year's resolution as a family this year is to try and live like human beings :laugh: better meals all the time, eating at the table, house always at least mostly clean, reasonable bed times etc. i don't think i'm ready for whole house purging, i'm still working on consistently picking up lol but i bet you're burning tons of calories.
    I have a weird question. If I take like 3 10 minutes walks during the day is it going to burn the same calories and be as good for me as if I took a straight 30 minute walk?

    I've been grumbling that I can't get outside and walk this week because I get home so late but the weather is *amazing* this week. So today I took a 10 minute during my morning break, another 10 minute during my lunch, and I'll take one more 10 minute this afternoon for my break. I don't usually take my breaks, I think that's why it never occurred to me before. I can probably even squeeze out a 15 minute at lunch. The guys won't buck if I leave 5 minutes early for lunch.

    that's a great idea. and a way to use 'smoke breaks' that i never took when i was working but all my smoking friends did. they got like twice as many breaks as the rest of us. just take 'walking breaks' instead :laugh: brilliant planning on your part though.
    @Toots - I can relate. I hate this time of year. Dark when I leave home and dark when I get back from work... no outside time at all during the week and I hate exercising inside the apartment.

    it's ridiculous. it's dark so early. my husband gets home at 4:30 and we have a passel of kids so i can't drag them out in the cold with me. so by the time he gets home i'd have all of maybe thirty minutes to get out of the house, exercise and get back in before it's dark and that's if i was ready and waiting by the door haha.
    Tuesday goal: to log in every day this week. I know. I'm starting from scratch.

    I hope the new year is treating you all well!

    welcome back, helen. you were missed.
    HI all, trying to keep up....I've been ill for the past couple of weeks and only active for the last 2 days...I'm trying to build up some strength by walking. NOt ready for the gym yet. Kind of scared of it. Anyway, went for a walk but only lasted about 10 minutes as the cold got to me. I dressed for it, but hate the cold wind on my face...I gave up and went inside.

    ugh, i absolute can not handle anything hot or cold getting close to my face. i know it's the weirdest thing, but i totally feel you. like even when it's really hot, that AC better not be near my face. walking is a great way to build up to more things though
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Helena -- well done for not giving up. Not stopping is so important!
    @Drojen -- I had never run a mile without stopping, not in my whole life, until I did C25K in the autumn, and I was *so pleased with myself*. I've really been amazed by how fast I built up the running, just using these step by step apps. I use Wii games on days I can't go out, and do strength work.
    @Kvandeest -- welcome! There are lots of people here with joint issues. It can be hard to exercise if you can't put weight on your legs, but swimming/aquacize and cardio boxing are both good I think.
    @Kris -- I keep thinking I ought to pre-log food, but I'm not very good about it! Three short walks are just as good as one long one as long as you get up to speed and work your heart. Some people even think they might be better. Go for it!
    @Lin -- Salad challenge is good, though I'm mostly cooking our greens at the moment.
    @Ang -- That Power Purge looks great! I'll try and catch up and get my fridge done later today.
    @Rachael -- when I started I had days when I was craving all sorts. Now, six months in, it's much easier. The only thing is that if I have a day when I can't do any exercise I do find it very hard to stick to target.
    @Robin -- I don't think 9lb is much at all given that you're on prednisone! Such a hard drug to manage weight loss on. 31lb lost is a great way to start 2013!
    @Kristen -- I really don't believe that stat about the brain. Honestly I've had a very brain-focused sort of life and all those years of doing brain workouts while sitting on my *kitten* is what's got me here! On the other hand, I love that idea of a 'goal weight' -- what's the weight that's finally going to cause you to do something about this?
    @Renee -- welcome! My goal here (109lb) puts me at the very very top of the 'healthy' BMI range. So perhaps I need to lose a little more than that. I'm not worrying about it at the moment anyway.
    @Barquilt -- welcome! It's really important to eat enough that you don't starve and lose gradually. (Though they do say that 'starvation mode' doesn't apply for really heavy folks so much).
    @Pinky_Pie -- welcome!

    It's really cold here: I want to go running but it might just not be practical. It's better later but my mum's coming over. If I finish tidying this morning I can do a run about noon as long as it's speedwork. I managed to do some dance mat late last night to try to drag my day back into balance (got within 100 calories which was a lot better).

    Wednesday wishes -- ooh, can I have a magical tax return sorting fairy please? If I don't get it done by 31 Jan there is an automatic penalty that I could well do without.

    -- Alison
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Hello friends, I'm back... Have found out that between not using my CPAP machine for a couple of months, not taking my blood pressure medicine, stress and winter setting in my body couldn't take it. BP went sky high, fibromyalgia kicked in, brain got foggy and with God's strength, I am finally climbing out of the pit I was in!!! I am waiting until tomorrow morning to weigh to see the damage and will adjust my loss then. It is good to be back amongst friends, missed you all. Did have a wonderful Christmas though and actually got a picture with my 4 grown children and myself. Hadn't seen or talked to my daughter in over 3 years and got to see my almost 4 year-old great-granddaughter.


    those pits sure are deep!!! so glad God led you out of it. Your Christmas sounds wonderful. Looking forward to seeing more of your posts on here
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @lmacbethl - I THINK I said gratz on 50lbs lost but in case I just thought it, GRATZ! :flowerforyou:
    @Naceto - Happy birthday!
    @Susan - Thanks for sharing the name of that bra. As I get closer to wanting to run, the more important that will be..... Glad to hear about your fit challenge, I know you'll knock it out of the park! You are seriously the strongest woman I know..
    @Rachael - Glad to hear your daughter is doing better. How about a low sugar/cal hot chocolate mix? That might satisfy a bit of both cravings.
    @Linder - Love the salad challenge. I'm in. Today's lunch is a chicken Caesar.
    @Angelika - I checked out the Power Purge and I like it. This weekend I'll be doing day 1-3 (I'll never get it done after work).
    Thanks to everyone who answered my question about walking. I didn't get my afternoon break yesterday but I let everyone know that I'd be taking 3 10-15 minute breaks each day. My guys thought it was great and on of them wants to come along with me to stretch his legs. Works for me, since he's 6'3 I will have to hustle to keep up with him.
    @Kris - I have a brita filter bottle at work. I drew a line at the midway point in black marker and it sits next to my phone. I fill it up when I get there and by 9:30 I have to hit the black line. By 11:30 I have to finish the bottle (refill) Then repeat at 2:30 and 4:30. That forces at least 4 glasses down my throat before I get home. Two more is simple with dinner and the other 2... well, I haven't figured them in yet..... I try after dinner.
    @Robin - Be proud of your 31lbs lost!
    @Vickie - Sing it sister. I'm feeling like a bit fat failure after 4 days of binging in the last 7.

    Furious with myself last night. I was *SO* proud that I didn't cave to work stress and hit the vending machine. On the way home I stopped for a cooked grocery store chicken and also came home with a bag of cheddar cheese popcorn and a container of almond roca....then proceeded to eat all of the popcorn AND the roca.... w.t.f! As I was walking down the snack aisle I was repeating with every step "Don't do this. Don't do this. Don't do this" and I did it anyway. I was just so hungry.. I packed two extra tangerines today. Id rather take the 90 calorie hit for two tangerines than the 2080 calorie hit for what I shoved in my pie hole last night.

    No Wednesday wish - Just a determination to get one GREAT food and exercise day so I can feel a sense of accomplishment and get that ball rolling.
  • wow you guys are doing great in this thread, I started Jan 2nd and lost 11.7 so far, I got a long way to go!!!
  • Hi, I'm new to MFP - just joined last week - & I've been reading this thread just about every day since I joined. I have already gotten motivation from so many of you. I am just amazed at the weight loss that many of you have already achieved. I am 66 & semi-retired. I have a handicap & now have been through 4 months of almost total inactivity. I had total knee replacement on the leg with the handicap & thought I was starting to make progress when I got a large blood clot in the other leg. I'm just now starting to get around but still have to use a walker. I was determined that 2013 was going to be the year of SUCCESS, in many areas of my life. I started on 1/1/13 by trying to watch what I eat. Believe me, I know what I should do - just can't ever seem to stay on a weight loss program & lose all the weight I should. I will lose 40 or 50 lbs., I will derail & gain it all back plus 10 more. Anyway, when I went back to the Dr.this week, I had lost 7 lbs. in 2 weeks. I know a lot of this is the fluids I've retained, but it still made me feel good. I was shocked though when I started tracking my food - I had not been eating enough calories!! The first few days I would be 200 - 300 calories short of the 1320 that MFP set me at. Then I would get a warning on the bottom of my diary that I was going to put my body in to starvation mode. The last 2 days have been better, but I can't believe how full I feel. I've always thought I should feel hungry in order to lose weight. I had better cut this off now, but I sure would appreciate any words of encouragement anyone has to share.

    You got this, and we're right here with you!

    @rachael - I'd like to get down to 133/size 8. That's my lowest weight known to man (college days) including birth. I was 140 at birth :laugh: Right now I'm 251 ish. Like Skinny said (i think she said) I fluctuate a little depending on hormones etc, but I always hang around a number and I keep track of the lows and stick with that one as long as the next few times I weigh myself the low number keeps popping up.

    Got my salad in the fridge, just have to remember to take it to work!!

    That's the new container I got at Walgreens for like 8 bucks and a dollar fifty coupon was inside. Great idea eh?
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    I couldn’t check-in last night (going to be hard on Tues/Thurs), and I’m behind 2 pages. I’m pretty good about checking in, that almost never happens! :laugh:

    I think it’s a great idea to break up walks throughout the day – anything that gets us moving is good. It’s also good for giving your brain a break. I typically don’t take a lunch break and eat at my desk, but I take several (8-10) 5 to 10-minute walks throughout the day. It helps that I have to go to our main suite (in another building) often for meetings, water, bathroom breaks, and to check my mail. Unless you’re doing a 10-minute “power walk,” I don’t see how the caloric burn can be the same though. I would wear a HRM or a Fitbit to see how many calories are being burned during those 10-minutes just so you aren’t overestimating calories burned during exercise. I wear a Fitbit so I let it do the job during the day and then I put my HRM on when I go to the gym.

    @Lin~I think I’ve got the salad covered – that’s my lunch every day! :bigsmile:
    @Vicki~When you’re tired, that carby comfort food will get you every time!
    @Robin~Despite all of your pitfalls you faced in 2012, I think a 9# gain is remarkable. You’re doing great!
    @Helen~Welcome back, glad to see you!
    @Susan~Thanks for the bra info, I may need to check those out.
    Another restless's now after midnight and downpouring and can't sleep. When this happened before I would snack and then go back to bed... I have to repeat to myself "I will enjoy food and NOT let it control me". Ugh, 6 am comes fast when you can't sleep.
    Anyone have new healthy remedies for not sleeping that might help?

    Btw- keep up the great work EVERYONE!!!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!

    ~$99 does seem like a lot to spend, but I can attest that the Fitbit is a great investment. If you have the money, think of it as an investment in yourself for better health. If you are thinking about the Fitbit, take a look at their website – they have a new wristband coming out in the Spring and it’s the same price as the Fitbit One. There could still be some Ultra’s out there on eBay or Amazon – also there is a Zip ($60) but it doesn’t measure as much as the One or the Flex that is coming out.

    Wish I had ideas for you for sleep, but I’m a terrible sleeper (average 5 hours a night). You could try melatonin or Sleepytime teas before bed. I tried everything under the "moon" to help with my sleep until I finally had to talk to my doctor about it and was diagnosed with a sleep disorder, so I take sleeping pills now to help me cycle through the sleep stages. It helps some, but I still don't get near enough.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Got my salad in the fridge, just have to remember to take it to work!!

    That's the new container I got at Walgreens for like 8 bucks and a dollar fifty coupon was inside. Great idea eh?

    This looks cool!
  • harribeau2012
    harribeau2012 Posts: 644 Member
    Hello MFPs I was just reading some of these posts..

    question; what is "Bump"?

    thanks , liz:drinker:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Hello MFPs I was just reading some of these posts..

    question; what is "Bump"?

    thanks , liz:drinker:

    BUMP = Bring Up My Post. Its a placesaver, so you can easily find where you left off.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    @jumpy - I like that thought - how much farther are you going to go before doing something about it. I have to remember that. Maybe put it on a post it and stick it all over my house, LOL.

    Running tonight - well, not so much running as walking with some quick bursts of speed for short periods of time, but so far, I haven't had my recurring butt pain so starting slow and doing yoga poses that specifically stretch that area afterward seem to be doing the trick so far. I find myself looking forward to my running days - that must be a good thing.
  • rachael726
    rachael726 Posts: 202 Member
    @ jumpy- I hear ya about the weight fluctuation, which is why I stopped weighing myself everyday. I do it twice a week now, once on Monday morning and Thursdays. The pedometer I got at Walmart is called Sportline. It's a little blue one. I have it on today at work and I'm not crazy about it because it keeps falling off my pants. The clip on it sucks LOL, but it'll do for now.

    @kah- I definitely agree with what you said. I am looking at everything I'm doing now as a major investment in being around a long time on this earth. I thought about buying the One, but Linder told me they have the wristband coming out in the spring. I looked at their site last night and I really think its so cool!! I thought about preordering it. I usually sleep pretty good most nights, but when I cant sleep (average 4-5 hours), it ends up happening for like a week straight, then all of a sudden I crash and burn. I have found that I sleep better when I work out at nighttime. I will have to pick up some herbal teas for sleepytime. I just have the regular Lipton tea bags right now.

    Wednesday Wishes~~~~I have so many!

    1. I wish that someone else could lose ALL this weight for me and I just get the benefits of it.

    2. I wish that I could quit my job and just open my own bakery. I'm so tired of working for someone else and my cupcakes are REALLY good.

    3. I wish that it were easier being a single parent to 2 kids.

    4. I wish that I would win the lottery and have no more financial worries.

    5. I wish that I never let myself get THIS big.

    Ahhhh, a girl can dream lol. I'm really tired today. I hate rain- makes it so much worse. Positive news- I have a workout tonight that I can't wait to do!

  • kvandeest
    kvandeest Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome! I am a newbie to this site also, but not to weight loss. I also have the frustration of not walking on my own for 4 months due to a foot surgery. Every little step is a delight even though it's not pain free. I am determined to lose the weight this time though exercise is tough. I think the pool is a great idea. Hang in there and good luck.
  • trumpkat80
    trumpkat80 Posts: 42 Member
    amazing weight loss! Way to go!