Do you feel like the weight will cure your "ugliness" ?



  • Ain't all well built people automatically classified as hot? So I guess yes!
  • agent99oz
    agent99oz Posts: 185 Member
    Head takes a long time to catch up to the body...losing weight will not change your opinion of will still be you but smaller with the same mindset
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 775 Member
    I think I will be hot but damn it, I am cute now and when I try, I can be darn right pretty ;)
  • Here's to "high hopes"
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i know from my experience, im on both ends of the spectrum... i FEEL ugly, but according to other people, im not ugly... so... i dont get it... i would go to a bar with friends, to my kids's schools, or even to target...even when i was 246 pounds, i got attention... my husband cant seem to keep his hands off me, and tell me how cute i am... but i look in the mirror, and i just want to cry... so... i have no idea what type of mental illness this would be considered...

    i know one thing... if i was a man, i wouldnt be attracted to me! lol
  • you are beautiful ! you shouldn't feel so down......congrats on losing that weight, keep it up ! being fit should be more about your health first before esthetics .... and a healthier you will definitely make a better you, no matter if you truly feel it....we all feel periods of ugliness, trust me...but you have to realize that you have control over how you feel and to some degree how you look...stop the negativity and love yourself ! =)
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I had a terrible self image when I began this journey. Fortunately for me, though, as I have achieved each pound of loss I have achieved a little bump in self esteem. 70 pounds later and I feel amazing - like I have truly accomplished something all my own, that I can fully accept the credit (with God's help). No one can make me do it - I did it and I still work on it and I can do it. part of my trouble before was I didn't believe I COULD do it - now I have proven to myself that I certainly can and this journey has mproved my self image immensely.

    So, in answer to your question, No, I do not still feel ugly. In fact, I feel like I have super powers and look and feel amazing. I hope you get there too!

    Yup, this is exactly me as well.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
  • nornas42
    nornas42 Posts: 73 Member
    Whether 110 or my current 230, I've never felt ugly. I may be less attractive than I used to be due to the amount of fat on my body, but ugly? No. Never.

    I've always focused on the parts of me I've liked - pretty eyes, nice hair, good smile, nice feet, etc. There are parts I don't like, but that's me. It doesn't me someone else won't like them... my fiance LOVES my body just as it is. He's excited for what it may look like smaller, but he thinks I'm attractive. His attraction certainly helped build my confidence.

    There are very, VERY few people in this world that I would consider ugly.... ugly means you don't do things like: wash your face, take care of your teeth/hair/skin, etc and you normally have an attitude tot match it.

    Try to find some beauty in you, I'm sure its there!
  • pikachuFL
    pikachuFL Posts: 75 Member
    I used to feel that way back in high school. I was sure that the reason I wasn't popular was my weight so I thought when I got to my goal weight, people would talk to me, I'd have lots of friends, and a boyfriend. Unfortunately, when I got to my goal weight, nothing changed. I was still invisible. That shocked and hurt me so much, I ended up gaining the weight back.

    At least I learned the hard way that being thin won't solve all your problems and being overweight is not the cause of all your problems.

    So losing weight will cure those ugly rolls of fat on your back, under your arms, on your legs, under your chin, etc., but it won't make your crooked nose straight, change your hair from flat to wavy, or close the gap in your teeth. And it won't cure any personality issues or social hang-ups you have.
  • toshi89
    toshi89 Posts: 101 Member
    no losing weight will not make me feel better. i already feel like i'm an attractive person but i'd like to be healthy and more physical.


    I'm, sorry, but if your main goal of losing weight is to feel better b/c you are more attractive, it won't work(on different levels)

    Examples 1; You love the way you look, but you feel unhealthy & tubby, so you want to lose weight to be more attractive in ways, but also to be healthy and fit(love you body) it can work for you.

    Example 2; You think you are an ugly person. You think your fat, unattractive, and sloppy, so you lose weight. You will still think you are unattractive and sloppy, maybe even fat. Your self esteem is a mental thing, and is something you (& maybe a therapist) should work on.

    This is how some people end up with ED b/c they have very low self esteem no matter what they do. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, but you have to find the beauty in you.
  • CongoClark81
    CongoClark81 Posts: 95 Member
    Not at all
    I can still see the potential of what could be hidden under all my fat and I want it back
    But it will definitely cure the self confidence.
  • CongoClark81
    CongoClark81 Posts: 95 Member
    Great Answer nornas42! My thoughts exactly!
  • I always think I look nice which is kind of a burned. It makes eating a cupcake or a piece of cake okay because I’m still “cute” even though I am fat.

    Same, 100% the same.
  • Racquel1
    Racquel1 Posts: 93 Member
    I feel like nothing will :(
  • I don't know if it will cure my ugliness but I do feel I will be a better me if I lose weight. Healthier and able to do the things I want.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    My attitude about myself is changing slowly.:flowerforyou:

    I still feel pudgy and gross some days, but honestly I feel stronger and happier now that I'm moving more. I'm believing that the things I can't do I WILL be able to do in time, it's just a matter of "when" (no longer a matter of "if"). :smile:

    I'm still overweight. I still weigh 10 lbs more than I did before I became pregnant with my daughter, and I felt rather huge before my daughter was conceived. That said, I feel prettier now! I am proud of my work-in-progress body because I have worked HARD for it these last few months. Even if I'm NOWHERE near where I'm headed, I'm still going in the right direction. :wink: I even wore a bathing suit without shame the other week in public. You have no idea how big of a deal that was for me!

    Also, I've had to look over old pictures for a few reality checks -- when I was 95 lbs (bad idea, btw), I still had a second chin. I don't think that will EVER go away, as much as I would like it to. I also still had a round face and bigger upper arms. I think some weight lifting may take care of the upper arm, but my chin and my face will probably be more or less the same. So I've decided that is not worth my attention. Truly life is too short to feel ugly over something unchangeable!
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
  • n0ob
    n0ob Posts: 2,390 Member

    If not weightloss then what then?
  • HollyHobbitToes
    HollyHobbitToes Posts: 131 Member
    Although I don't really care what others think of me....I have 2 beautiful children and a man that loves me wether I am 150 lbs or 500 lbs....he thinks I'm beautiful and makes me feel beautiful....but, my self esteem plummets when I am overweight....I don't know just does...I knows tons of overweight ladies who are bright, bubbly, fun, beautiful and love themselves wholeheartedly no matter what size they are....I'm just not that person....I don't like the way my face looks when I am fat....I just don't...I think I'm prettier when I am thin....I guess because I've been thin and fat so I have a different perspective....maybe I wouldn't feel the same if I'd always been fat or always been thin....

    Everyone is different...and no matter how you look on the outside, it is who you are on the inside that is important....I have both attractive and not so attractive friends....fat and thin....I don't care how they could be crosseyed for all I care! Some people just don't believe that there are people out there that look beyond those little things....God made you look the way you are for a is up to you how you deal with it....

    We judge ourselves so much more than others judge us....but your beauty comes from within....end of story....