What do you 'hate' about being fat?



  • I am trying to loose weight for health reasons and to teach my son about discipline when it comes to food. I was diagnosed with MS about 3 years ago and have steadily been putting on weight and losing some mobility. I guess that would be what I don't like about being fat. Hopefully if I drop about 30 pounds I can get around better.
  • Hi I reallly try to focus on whats great when you lose some weight! And use this as "pay off" for the hard work.

    Eg for me peoples comments make me feel good emotionally . I have more choice in clothing its fun shopping . I feel healthy and more energised this makes me motivate and inspire others around me.

    I write these positives down every day in a note book by my bed to motivate me and keep me on track. . Then a write baby steps of what things I can do daily to point me towards this pay off.
    EG. drink less coffee - eat no chocolate for 3 days - reduce red meat this week - walk for 1 hr every day.

    I review these things daily and re write them daily if not achievable and make them achievable by baby steps eg. Dont eat chocolate today if a week is to hard then increase it - on make sat a chocolate day and set a limit of volume in my note book .

    As I believe that the eating behaviours are purely cognitive behaviours and it takes 9 weeks to change a behaviour by creating a new pathway. Saying "what makes me feel fat " for me I think I cut and paste the word "FAT" into my brain computer and I just keep unconciously repeating "Im fat " and I think it just makes me eat more.

    Ive tired every diet in the past and lost and gained - Im now 120 days into My Fitness Pal and 8.8kgs lighter. 10kgs to go.I will never go back as I feel to good with these tips I have just shared and created new pathways in my brain . I use more little things and Im happy to share more to those interested.
  • good for you great work! Doesnt it feel great.
  • you can do it just start focussing on the pay offs that you get when you start losing and start thinking about the one tiny thing you can do today to start the ball rolling! BABY STEPS at the start.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I hated feeling always "weighed down." When I was younger and fitter, I felt so much lighter and more nimble.

    I miss that feeling a lot.
  • liittlesparrow
    liittlesparrow Posts: 209 Member
    Being uncomfortable around skinny pretty girls, because I'm bigger than them.
    Worrying about sweating in the summer because I feel like I look like a fat pig.
    Not having confidence.
    Wondering if I'm the fattest person in the room, and then actually looking around judging if I am or not.

    I could go on. Haha.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    When I was larger I hated that people wouldn't make eye contact with me. It was so lonely.
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    Backfat, Pictures, No clothing options, Stretchmarks, Being tired 24/7, Not travelling (or attending other events) out of fear i'll have to wear a bathing suit :(
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    stretch marks. Its depressing to think that even if...when i lose this weight they will still be there.

    also no energy. which is kinda crazy when i consider how much more "energy" i consume? create? then everyone i know.
    ( i know why junk food leaves you with little energy, i still just find it a bit flabbergasting)
  • jencole057
    jencole057 Posts: 4 Member
    1. (and most important) My lack of energy. I used to do so much and now I feel the need to sit down alot.
    2. My health and what this will do to me in the long run. Both of my parents are morbidly obese and have been and they can barely walk across a room. (it terrifies me that I let myself go the way I have)
    3. The examples I am setting for my son by making allowances for me to sit often because I have no energy and the nutrition he is going to think is ok if I don't show him how to eat healthy.
    4. The way I look in the mirror and how that makes me feel everyday.
  • bandedsandi
    bandedsandi Posts: 122 Member
    That my husband (now my ex) had an affair with a sexy, thin little thing, and then left me because he said my fat body disgusts him and that no man would ever be able to find me attractive, or love me because of it. Turned out he was right about that...

    So, I'm pretty much without ANY confidence at all, hating EVERYTHING about my gross, fat body, avoiding photos, feeling judged by every man - or woman - I meet, wearing mostly black - to try to disappear in the crowd, and then feel guilty about my self-hatred, 'coz I'm so healthy, and should be thankful for that...

    Pretty messed-up, I know!

    And hating that too... LoL!
  • Kadesha72
    Kadesha72 Posts: 109 Member
    For the guy who says Boobies are good::: (I messed up the "quote" thing and now I can't fix it... sorry)

    Speaking as one who has recently had the boobs cut WAY back, I can say for US boobs are not always good and not always our friends!!! LOL. My husband would disagree of course... but he wasn't the one hauling around the extra 10 lbs, or the daily headaches, the weekly trips to the chiro, not being able to breathe... oh I could keep going, but you get the idea!!! Ittie Bitties are good too!!!
  • What I hate the most is the people that try to tell me that I look fine and don't need to lose weight as if their opinion is what matters most to me!
  • Kadesha72
    Kadesha72 Posts: 109 Member
    For all the reasons listed... I wanna tie my shoes leaning forward and breathe at the same time. I wanna have pictures of myself that don't make me cringe.

    .....I want to get back those sexual positions that I've lost because my belly is in the way!!! (that may be TMI, but you asked!!! LOL)
  • bwcrouch
    bwcrouch Posts: 105 Member
    Having boobs !!! I hate them I never had them and I am more than ready to see them go lol

    I feel the same way ... lol
  • nataliedrake3
    nataliedrake3 Posts: 23 Member
    I hate that i have to spend twice as much on clothing than my smaller counterparts. Not only has it cost me more to feed myself ( this is how I got fat), but then I have to spend all this money on cloths. I am so over it and working hard to change my habits. I can't wait to walk in to a non-fat store and buy a pair of jeans off the rack!!
  • mdoljansky
    mdoljansky Posts: 35 Member
  • I hate that i can't wear victoria secret outfits like the girls on tv, and i hate my fat neck, its in every picture i take.
  • xxtaliaxx
    xxtaliaxx Posts: 123
    What I hate is that I can't be comfortable in wearing anything slimming or tight so show off a figure that has pudge. I haven't worn a bathing suit in YEARS!! And I lived in Florida my whole life and now I live in Hawaii. Two beach states. And I haven't worn a bathing suit? It's just not right. I want to be comfortable in my body, and to do that, I want to lose weight. Thats the main thing I hate. And thinking that part of me being the size I am that i won't really find anyone who finds me attractive. Although my ex thought my body was fine and loved everything about it, I want to be comfortable with myself.
  • Careygirl1968
    Careygirl1968 Posts: 58 Member
    Bingo wings?? I have never heard that term, but I have them too! Love it!

    For me, I hate gargantuan boobs, and always feeling like I am the heaviest person in the room, even sometimes when I am not. Oh, and the bingo wings. Hate the bingo wings.

    -Lack of stylish clothes (not many choices, and they all kind of suck)

    -Wondering if I'll fit in that chair

    -Can't ride most roller coasters

    -No short-sleeve shirts. I have bingo wings, so I cover them with 3/4-length or full-length sleeves. Short sleeves always show the bulge, and I find myself tugging them down.