

  • aekimz23
    aekimz23 Posts: 112 Member
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    As long as we're saying things that "might seem harsh," you'll forgive me if I don't take advice from someone who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're." You may think I suck because my food diary's private, but I think that a grown man spelling things phonetically is a worse crime -- I guess we all have our things that drive us nuts.

    +1 I don't take advice from people who can't write properly. It indicates to me either a lack of education, a lack of intelligence or both.

    As for your question, I value my privacy. I'm honest with myself; that's all that's necessary.

    And as we all know, those who aren't as well-educated or intellectual are actually sub-human. Third World countries should be severed ties with immediately, only given dictionaries and thesauruses to fend for themselves. Only when they can recite the entireties of these books with ease, shall we bring these formerly ignorant countries back into communication with us "proper" humans.

    I am not talking about 3rd world countries. I am talking about the OP who has enough food to eat and access to the internet!

    if u want peeple to teak you seriosly then learn to right good

    You were actually talking about anybody you deem less educated and intellectual, anybody who can't write properly. Third World countries was just ONE example, this wasn't about having food and access to the internet. Those who have learning disabilities have those two priviledges also, but they may not be able to write up to your standards.

    LOL. How about I tell YOU what I was talking about rather than the other way around. Oh wait, I already did. :bigsmile:

    Hmm, well then maybe you should post it while using your awesome grammatical skills to make it say what you ACTUALLY meant instead of what you wanted it to mean?

    The reason I took offense enough to ever respond in the first place is because you're flatly judging everybody who doesn't write properly and up to your standards as less educated and less intelligent. That's an ignornant judgment, and it deals with more people than the OP.

    I'M done responding here, I'm sure that I'll get flamed plenty for this, I don't care.
  • Jim1960
    Jim1960 Posts: 194
    I open mine to my MFP friends and highly prefer that all my MFP friends open theirs to at least their friends. The reason why is because I want to provide encouragement to my MFP friends and have a hard time doing that for people who have a closed diary. When I see "XXX has completed their log and are below their calorie goal". I don't know what their goals are, I don't know whether they made good or bad food decisions. How can I say "good job" if I don't know they did a good job? I try to figure out what their real goals are and give them specific "good job drinking that water" kind of thing; if I know they've had a hard time getting in the water they want to drink. The generic "Good job" just falls flat when it's based on virtually no information. Same is true for "XXX completed their log" - but without the "below calorie goal". That day might not be so bad at all. They may have made excellent food choices. How am I to know and give them positive feedback?
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I have no problem being honest with myself. I log everything religiously. I just don't care to have my eating habits scrutinized and picked over. I find it the interwebz equivalent of being [istared[/i] at while I'm eating.

    And too often, when someone says anything about diets,esp promoting clean eating it pretty much invites all the nasty people to eye-rape their diary and crucify them for the ONE soda they had two weeks ago. It's ridiculous. My diary keeps me accountable for ME, and everyone else can go [insert preferred expletive here] themselves.
  • Jaramys
    You look like you got some good muscle mass. Any advice on my diet?
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    I keep mine private so I can use the notes section to write my opinions of all the people on my friends list. wait.gif
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I made mine only view able to my friends after getting into arguments from some people on here about how it's bad to only eat 1-2x a day. That I should be eating 4-6 small meals a day. Oh and that eating after midnight is really bad for me and I will never lose weight unless I stop @ midnight, or even better, at 7pm. I work nights. I don't have a typical eating schedule like the day walkers do. For me sleep is priority #1. I plan my day/night ahead and if I know I will be busy, I will sometimes eat all my allowed calories in 1 meal so I can get my sleep.
  • Jim1960
    Jim1960 Posts: 194
    I made mine only view able to my friends after getting into arguments from some people on here about how it's bad to only eat 1-2x a day. That I should be eating 4-6 small meals a day. Oh and that eating after midnight is really bad for me and I will never lose weight unless I stop @ midnight, or even better, at 7pm. I work nights. I don't have a typical eating schedule like the day walkers do. For me sleep is priority #1. I plan my day/night ahead and if I know I will be busy, I will sometimes eat all my allowed calories in 1 meal so I can get my sleep.

    This really made me contemplate opening mine up all the way in the hope that some of the fanatics comment on mine. I sometimes like having fun with telemarketers too. It could be fun debating with some of the fanatics. Or better yet, find fanatics in opposite camps and hook them up; then watch. It could be a real hoot.
  • apocalypsepwnie
    Mine is available to my friends only. I have an online stalker so I do not need them having access to that.
    I have my diary open to my friends for 3 reasons
    1) Why not? I'm sharing this with them and most people I know IRL. I've never had unsolicited remarks, if I did they would get deleted.
    2) A few people I've inspired to get healthy I've added on MFP. They want to see what I'm eating as an example of what they can be doing. It can be hard when you don't know where to go. I also have yum meals so people can use them for themselves.
    3) To show I'm not bull****ting. Who would put that much effort into their diary if they are eating crap? Some days I have 30+ single entries of food.

    People have their own reasons.
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    Because you're a private person?
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member

    The reason I took offense enough to ever respond in the first place is because you're flatly judging everybody who doesn't write properly and up to your standards as less educated and less intelligent. That's an ignornant judgment, and it deals with more people than the OP.

    Why would you take offense? My comment was directed at the OP. :huh: Also, you've misquoted me. I never said 'and'. I said 'either...or both'. BIG difference. Before you get all :mad: over someone's post, please read it more carefully...but not too carefully. :tongue:
  • helengohlke
    helengohlke Posts: 23 Member
    My diary is open as far as I know. No bad comments from anybody and I have come to realize that there is no such thing as privacy. Plus, I like to share everything. Even the bad stuff. I guess I am just not ashamed of what I eat or what I do. I am human. It is seeing the daily struggles of others that bonds us all. At least, I think so!
  • cassabirdy
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    As long as we're saying things that "might seem harsh," you'll forgive me if I don't take advice from someone who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're." You may think I suck because my food diary's private, but I think that a grown man spelling things phonetically is a worse crime -- I guess we all have our things that drive us nuts.

    +1 I don't take advice from people who can't write properly. It indicates to me either a lack of education, a lack of intelligence or both.

    As for your question, I value my privacy. I'm honest with myself; that's all that's necessary.

    And as we all know, those who aren't as well-educated or intellectual are actually sub-human. Third World countries should be severed ties with immediately, only given dictionaries and thesauruses to fend for themselves. Only when they can recite the entireties of these books with ease, shall we bring these formerly ignorant countries back into communication with us "proper" humans.

    I am not talking about 3rd world countries. I am talking about the OP who has enough food to eat and access to the internet!

    if u want peeple to teak you seriosly then learn to right good

    You were actually talking about anybody you deem less educated and intellectual, anybody who can't write properly. Third World countries was just ONE example, this wasn't about having food and access to the internet. Those who have learning disabilities have those two priviledges also, but they may not be able to write up to your standards.

    LOL. How about I tell YOU what I was talking about rather than the other way around. Oh wait, I already did. :bigsmile:

    Hmm, well then maybe you should post it while using your awesome grammatical skills to make it say what you ACTUALLY meant instead of what you wanted it to mean?

    The reason I took offense enough to ever respond in the first place is because you're flatly judging everybody who doesn't write properly and up to your standards as less educated and less intelligent. That's an ignornant judgment, and it deals with more people than the OP.

    I'M done responding here, I'm sure that I'll get flamed plenty for this, I don't care.

    I agree it sounds harsh! As for the original poster's query.... I don't think his aim was to inflame mfp members trigger fingers and send them off onto a nasty,reply, rampage. He was genuinely concerned and confused as to other people's alternative approach to weight loss. Why he couldn't get polite, thought out responses is beyond me!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    :laugh: I am actually burning calories laughing at this thread. Oops there goes another 50 cal. :laugh:

    really this thread is funnier than your purple tux? that's what's got me in "stitches" bright magenta ones.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    As long as we're saying things that "might seem harsh," you'll forgive me if I don't take advice from someone who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're." You may think I suck because my food diary's private, but I think that a grown man spelling things phonetically is a worse crime -- I guess we all have our things that drive us nuts.

    +1 I don't take advice from people who can't write properly. It indicates to me either a lack of education, a lack of intelligence or both.

    As for your question, I value my privacy. I'm honest with myself; that's all that's necessary.

    And as we all know, those who aren't as well-educated or intellectual are actually sub-human. Third World countries should be severed ties with immediately, only given dictionaries and thesauruses to fend for themselves. Only when they can recite the entireties of these books with ease, shall we bring these formerly ignorant countries back into communication with us "proper" humans.

    I am not talking about 3rd world countries. I am talking about the OP who has enough food to eat and access to the internet!

    if u want peeple to teak you seriosly then learn to right good

    You were actually talking about anybody you deem less educated and intellectual, anybody who can't write properly. Third World countries was just ONE example, this wasn't about having food and access to the internet. Those who have learning disabilities have those two priviledges also, but they may not be able to write up to your standards.

    LOL. How about I tell YOU what I was talking about rather than the other way around. Oh wait, I already did. :bigsmile:

    ^ this scares me. didn't even read it all, just the whole length of it and skimming...scary.
  • KazSmith68
    I have mine set to just friends can see. I don't mind sharing it, but I also don't want to show it to everyone in the world.

    I agree totally, but when people criticize they get deleted, I'm only wanting supportive friends not picky ones :angry:
  • MooMooooo
    MooMooooo Posts: 306 Member
    My friends can see mine, but if they feel the need to write negative comments to me about it I just delete them. Cya Stupid.

    I don't need the negs.

    Same reason I don't make it public - everyone has an opinion and opinions are free and that's pretty much exactly what they're worth.
  • Shellsmiley
    Shellsmiley Posts: 323 Member
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    Sounds like having your diary opened for accountability reasons worked - that was YOUR WAY of being honest with yourself. NOT EVERYONE IS LIKE YOU - and if you are FAT (which yes, lots of us are) doesn't mean we aren't honest with ourselves, we just handle things differently.

    Some people do not want feedback from others. This is not the same thing as "not being honest with yourself" in all cases.

    I will give you one example: I have a friend with an eating disorder. She does not like to be ridiculed by people who truly do not understand her battles. Locking her food diary prevents this.

    I'm sharing this with you for context. You may need accountability or commentary. Other people may not, and that's not a bad thing.

    ^^^^ I agree with what he says but also - have/had my own reasons. ^^^^

    I have an Eating disorder and HATE when people make rude comments about things like "you shouldn't eat that" blah blah blah - yes, I know I shouldn't be eating AS MUCH OF that, but I did. I can't change the past. At the time (when I first joined MFP) I wasn't sure if I was comfortable of letting how many ever people read what I ate for that day BEFORE they understood my situation. I've had enough problems with my own family making snide remarks, I didn't want random people to either.

    NOW, I have my diary open ONLY to my friends (because now we have bonded and I am comfortable with them knowing) because I've weaved out the jerks that like to MAKE rude comments. I like to get feedback from my MFP friends because it helps me - or IDEAS for recipes or something to make or to switch up.

    But sometimes, when I am feeling down and out, I like to hide my diary, because then instead of feeling like I need to impress my MFP family or feel like I've failed my teammates in my biggest loser challenge - it helps keep me accountable for ME! And THAT is the ONLY reason why I chose to do what I WANT with MY DIARY.

    You having YOUR diary opened for everyone on MFP has helped you out. I've lost 53 lbs because I MANAGED my diary (and other things) the way I needed to per scenario. Don't like it, I don't care.

    We all have our own opinions, but bashing people for not having their diaries open is such a waste of time, and obviously you are the one who is insecure about something Sir. Do what works for YOU ONLY, and DO NOT criticize others for how they handle themselves and their diaries or anything else for that matter.
  • shandi_b
    shandi_b Posts: 153 Member
    When I send friend requests to people I let them know that I have a closed diary and the reasons why - that why they can choose not to accept my friend request if that is a deal breaker for them. (When people friend me and ask - I tell them politely my reasons)
    The reasons why I have a closed diary is:
    1. I write personal health related tracking notes in my diary that are just that "personal"
    2. I don't want to open myself up for comments negative or otherwise about my food choices, if this was to happen I would find myself "cheating" and not recording everything just to "please" the masses. The only one I am accountable to for my food choices is myself.
    3. What I am doing this time around is working for me. While I am on a roll I would like to keep it that way.
    4. If and when I think I need advice on my food I know that I do have the option of opening up my diary to my friends for advice or go and see a dietitian and take my iPad in and let her view the diary!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    It's my tracking tool, it's nobody else's business what I consume.

    Besides, there are a lot of weird judgemental people on the Internet.

    A fact this thread seems to back up very well ...
  • ismiseciara
    ismiseciara Posts: 211 Member

    It's my tracking tool, it's nobody else's business what I consume.

    Besides, there are a lot of weird judgemental people on the Internet.

    A fact this thread seems to back up very well ...

    AMEN :)