ChaLEAN Extreme



  • crking
    crking Posts: 175
    For me, the first circuit of lean made me feel like I never lifted weights before! lol In the Lean phase every workout is incorporating both lower, upper,and your core so you are really putting your strength to the test. Plus the reps aren't 8 anymore like they are in the Push phase..they are back to 12. I've heard that people get their best results in the Lean phase. I just hope to lose more inches & tone up!
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Ok, feeling guilty. This week I haven't done any CLE. I'm supposed to be doing the third week of the Lean phase. Only 2 weeks left of the program and I just burned out. Now, in all fairness to myself, I will be running a half marathon this coming Sunday and had been feeling so sore and stiff from the CLE workouts that I went back to doing Bikram "hot" yoga 3 times this week to work out the soreness. It has definitely helped and I'm glad I did it, but I feel guilty about not doing CLE! My plan is to give myself this break and after the half marathon get back to CLE and finish the last 2 weeks. Guess I just needed to share and vent my guilt :-) Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Ok just started Push Phase 1 last night~! Holy cow!!!! I am feeling it today! I love it though! looking forward to this month! :bigsmile:
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    so i get to do the burn intervals today again and am super excited - i like these so much mroe than the straight weight lifting but am determined to stick with it - i want to lean muscle definition!!!

    Tomorrow is burn 3 again - can't beleive i am already almost 2 weeks in - not loving it i have to say since i am much more of a cardio girl with using light wieghts/sculpting for my strength training (high rep, low weight) - the slowness just about kills me...

    but... i am trying to keep my eye on the prize - I don't own a scale (i would become WAY too fixated on the number) and haven't taken measurements either - bad i know - but i am just going by how my clothes fit and the difference in muscle definition i can see -

    it's great to hear all of your results too!!
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Ok, feeling guilty. This week I haven't done any CLE. I'm supposed to be doing the third week of the Lean phase. Only 2 weeks left of the program and I just burned out. Now, in all fairness to myself, I will be running a half marathon this coming Sunday and had been feeling so sore and stiff from the CLE workouts that I went back to doing Bikram "hot" yoga 3 times this week to work out the soreness. It has definitely helped and I'm glad I did it, but I feel guilty about not doing CLE! My plan is to give myself this break and after the half marathon get back to CLE and finish the last 2 weeks. Guess I just needed to share and vent my guilt :-) Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

    Risa, don't you feel one bit guilty girl!! You're running a half marathon on Sunday!! I've been doing a lot more running as well, and I haven't been as strict with my Lean for Life routine. So, don't you worry!! I have no doubts that you'll be back to getting your strength training in after your run!! I think as your training for a major run like that, its a smart idea not to get too "heavy" into doing CLE. I'm excited for you!! Good luck in your run and let us know how it goes!!
  • sam4sure
    sam4sure Posts: 67
    I agree with those of you who say the lean phase push ups are a struggle. I can do them but I cannot do all the reps...I cannot do slow ones too well and one handed with weight in the other is super hard. Any good tips to improve with the pushups (my wrists are still kinda weak which I know can hinder a good pushup). I know doing the knees is better if I can't complete them on my toes in proper form but I'm anxious to perfect them the 'real' girl way! hehe.
  • mosse33
    mosse33 Posts: 69 Member
  • StephanieCanene
    I just purchased this program and am waiting for it to come in the mail so I can start it immediately. I was just what results other individuals have had!? I am afraid of bulking up and not losing and becoming toned. I would love to be more lean, toned, and lose maybe 10 pounds in that 90 day period of time. Any thoughts or results?
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    It's physiologically impossible for gurls to bulk up so I wouldn't worry about it at all. This program only has you lifting days a week so I think you will be just fine.

    Remember, the more muscle you have the more calories you burn just sitting there doing nothing. TOTALLY worth it to me!!

    Risa, I would definitely hold off on the last 2 weeks til after you're done with the marathon. I'm doing C25K and my legs feel like lead sometimes after the workouts. I can't even begin to think about doing what you're doing. I'll stick with my 3 miles. :)
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Thanks guys! I really needed some confirmation that I wasn't being a slacker LOL! I really mean it. It helps to check in and get another take on things. I'm looking forward to my run this Sunday. I'll be sure to let ya know how it goes. It's supposed to be in the 80's! Weird weather around here lately...

    Ice Princess - your 3 miles are awesome. Keep it up!

    And I wholeheartedly agree....CLE will not make you bulk up! It will make you lean and compact!
  • stormywxs
    stormywxs Posts: 254 Member
    Hi all. I'm new to Chalean just start ed 3 days ago. i did P90x but have to admit it was a bit out of my league. At 60 and only in fair shape the pullups killed me even with assistance. I felt like I was cheating by skipping exercises or not doing them right. So far I'm keeping up with Chalean. In fact, I'm enjoying it. I think this will be a perfect springboard to get me in shape to take on more riggorious programs like P90X.

    However, I'm not dissin Chalean as a softer kinder gentler program. I have high hopes that it will transform me. I've recruited several buddies on beachbody that have had great results. Now it is up to me if it is going to be. I'm also hoping for some support and advice from all of you? Thanks for listening and for inviting me to your group. I'll check in again next week.
  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    Hi Extremers!
    Its great to have some new faces in the group! So glad you found us!

    Stormy- I know what you mean about ChaLean Extreme being different than P90x. I agree, Chalene isn't some soft chica-- she is definitely hardcore. P90X and CE have significantly different styles. Both are good programs. CE seems to be much easier on the joints, but it still is quite the intense workout!! My husband does the workouts with me, and he loves the program!!

    As far as for women, as Chalene says in the workouts, its pretty much impossible for us bulk up because we lack the amount of testosterone. The results I've seen have been inches lost, pounds lost, muscle gained, and sexy toned legs & arms! Yippee! I was always scared to lift weights before this program. I've always been a cardio girl, but I trust Chalene Johnson and when she said that women don't bulk up, I believed her and gave it a go for myself! And its given me some amazing results! If you follow the program (3 lifting days a week), you will see some fabulous results! As well as adding in cardio, whether its the cardio on Chalene's schedule/dvds, or your own cardio workouts. And eat healthy!! :)

    For my husband, he also has lost inches and pounds, but he's also gained a lot of muscle. He looks amazing!! (Just gotta brag about him).

    However, don't be disappointed at first. Both my husband and I initially gained some weight. It typically happens when you start a new workout program, specifically weight lifting. But, once your body has more muscle it will burn SOOO much more fat! My body fat % has dropped significantly. And my metabolism has sky-rocketed!! Its a great feeling. You'll love the program!

    If you have any questions...this group is great at giving advice and answers. We're all at different stages of the program, so you'll definitely get some great feedback/advice. Have fun!!!
  • crking
    crking Posts: 175
    Just did Lean Circuit 2...once again, another killer! I'm shaking, couldn't even hold up my glass to get water!! Can't wait to see the end results :glasses:
  • sam4sure
    sam4sure Posts: 67
    Just did Lean Circuit 2...once again, another killer! I'm shaking, couldn't even hold up my glass to get water!! Can't wait to see the end results :glasses:
    I just did that one yesterday...and my shoulders hurt today...but good workout! Shoulders seem to be a weaker muscle on a lot of people.
  • coachreyes
    coachreyes Posts: 504 Member
    i just completed week 1. i loved the burn intervals. i found it difficult to do the ab burner and even recharge afterwards so i will need to adjust my schedule a little.

    i am not sure how i feel about burn 1. i have a powerlifting background and am used to working my chest more. i added some more bicep work after burn 2 but felt the shoulder workout was very good in burn 3.
  • crking
    crking Posts: 175
    Waking up today, after lean circuit shoulders are also very sore! Chalene is right when she says its the weakest part. I haven't been this sore since the first week of burn! Can't wait to do Burn intervals and Abs today!
  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    WEEK 2 in the books
  • afeinberg
    afeinberg Posts: 93 Member
    WEEK 2 in the books
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    Awesome Allison!!!