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  • grammiejul
    grammiejul Posts: 68 Member
    what a sanctimonious post, ugh. if someone wants to open their diary and solicit advice, then they will do it; you aren't the diary police.

  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    I prefer to eat fresh produce and home cooked food I hate processed food. That is my choice but do not judge what others eat. ......

    Probably to avoid people like you!!!! Not being horrible but you come across as very condascending and judgemental :huh: That's not the kind of advice I want whilst I'm so obese.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Because the internet is scary and creepy and if someone knows what I had for breakfast three Tuesdays ago they might use that knowledge to steal my soul!!!!!111eleventeen
  • I have said it a personnel choice I asked the question. This is a forum not sure why the insults but hey i can cope with that . I do feel sad that people feel the need to insult others.

    You do realize that your original post is basically calling people liars/dishonest for NOT having an open diary, right?
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    Personally, I just don't want advice unless I ask for it. Maybe that sounds harsh, but this is my journey and I don't need criticism for my choices. Since I've lost 50 pounds from my highest weight, I don't feel I need it; all it does is irritate or demotivate me.

    And I truly don't see how hiding my diary is not "being honest with myself". I weigh my food and track every bite, so how am I not being honest with myself? Do I eat 100% clean? No, not on your life. But I try to make realistic choices based on what I can afford and what I like, and I stick with in my calorie goals. Since I'm the only one who see it anyway, I'm the one I AM being honest with.

    And since I'm not posting threads about "why can't I lose!?!?!", I don't see how it's anyone's business but mine. I know perfectly well how I gained my weight, I don't need it pointed out to me.
  • serenapitala
    serenapitala Posts: 441 Member
    Different things work for different people. Feedback is great for some people. For others, hearing a bunch of criticism is frustrating and makes them want to give up. I know when I'm too low on protein or too high on carbs, I don't need someone else lecturing me (which some people do). If I have a question about something, I'll open up my diaries for responses.

    BTW Since April 2012, I've lost over 50 lbs and four pants sizes. I've increased my stamina and vastly improved my eating. All without diary critics.
  • Baileys83
    Baileys83 Posts: 152 Member
    Because my diary is far from perfect and I don't need judging by it. I don't eat 264 grains of brown rice for dinner or 17 different unpronounceable fruit and veg a day.... it's for ME to see and make changes, not others to criticise and make me feel like a failure
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    As long as we're saying things that "might seem harsh," you'll forgive me if I don't take advice from someone who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're." You may think I suck because my food diary's private, but I think that a grown man spelling things phonetically is a worse crime -- I guess we all have our things that drive us nuts.

    +1 I don't take advice from people who can't write properly. It indicates to me either a lack of education, a lack of intelligence or both.

    As for your question, I value my privacy. I'm honest with myself; that's all that's necessary.

    Those remarks are $tupid and ignorant. Not everyone has English as their first language. I know I don't.
  • NatalieHassett
    NatalieHassett Posts: 26 Member
    What an interesting debate! Who would have thought that someone's choice to show/hide their food diary would lead this far?!

    From my perspective...I use MFP to log the calories I consume, my weight/measurements and exercise workouts. It is a tool that allows me to control the number of calories I have per day. I had never thought to make my food diary public because I quite honestly thought no-one would be interested in it! I'm certainly not interested in going through the public ones available on here! :smile:

    This post has really opened my eyes, I'm shocked that people lecture other people about what they eat. My personal view is that it is up to the individual to make their food diary public except in cases where they have asked for some advice. It would make sense for them to put some context around why they may be struggling but again, completely up to them. No-one should be made to feel judged by others!

    On a more lighter note, I was reading a post the other day about a woman who was eating her limit of 1700 calories but still feeling hungry. One of the people who replied to her had taken a peek at her food diary to discover that her diet consisted of takeaways on a daily basis so no wonder she was hungry! She was staying within her limit but saving all of the calories for one indulgent take away meal...I'd be hungry if I was only eating one meal a day...even if it was gigantic and from McDonalds...
  • Mine is private because I don't need any comments regarding my food diary. I lost 30 lbs and then gained some weight over the holidays. I have reset everything so I can 'start over'. What works for me may not work for others, and what works for others may not work for me. I'm a very private person.
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I shop, cook, eat, and track food in order to achieve my own goals. Not anyone else's. So far, I seem to be doing quite well, so I don't need opinions or input from strangers on those things. In the event that I did, I'd certainly consider sharing my food logs with all the terribly concerned people out there.
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    As long as we're saying things that "might seem harsh," you'll forgive me if I don't take advice from someone who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're." You may think I suck because my food diary's private, but I think that a grown man spelling things phonetically is a worse crime -- I guess we all have our things that drive us nuts.

    +1 I don't take advice from people who can't write properly. It indicates to me either a lack of education, a lack of intelligence or both.

    As for your question, I value my privacy. I'm honest with myself; that's all that's necessary.

    And as we all know, those who aren't as well-educated or intellectual are actually sub-human. Third World countries should be severed ties with immediately, only given dictionaries and thesauruses to fend for themselves. Only when they can recite the entireties of these books with ease, shall we bring these formerly ignorant countries back into communication with us "proper" humans.

    excuse me but did you just called people of third world countries ignorant?

    looks like someone doesn't understand sarcasm here.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    You asked for honesty, heres the honesty.

    I don't want weight loss advice from fat people. It's my diary. I don't want unsolicited advice about weight loss from every kid on the internet.

    Also, are you creeping up on peoples diaries randomly? Because that alone is a pretty good reason to close your diary.

    PS. People can hide their diaries so that its not public but only their friends can see it

    YES! my friends can see my diary, i have no problem with it... i dont need to keep it open for strangers to be creepin on it. why, so i can have vegans tell me to stop eating animals, and no carbers telling me too much bread, and pro anas telling me i shouldnt go over 600 cals a day, and so on? no thanks, the friends i have on mfp have somewhat similar goals as i do, and im happy with them being able to view my diary, and thats it.
  • MeDoula
    MeDoula Posts: 233 Member
    Mine is closed because I don't need judgement and unsolicited advice regarding my food choices. When I need input, I'll ask for it.
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    Some people do not want feedback from others. This is not the same thing as "not being honest with yourself" in all cases.

    I will give you one example: I have a friend with an eating disorder. She does not like to be ridiculed by people who truly do not understand her battles. Locking her food diary prevents this.

    I'm sharing this with you for context. You may need accountability or commentary. Other people may not, and that's not a bad thing.

    Pretty much this. I debated a lot before sharing mine. I tried to get healthier and lose weight many times before this and a lot of the reasons I failed were psychological- Basically my problem isn't underestimating the severity of the things I do, but overestimating them. I assume that if I screw up at one meal on one day that it's because I'm a failure and I'm no good at anything I try and I suck and I should just give up right now because I'm just going to embarrass myself.

    Being honest with yourself is different than being honest with total strangers who only know what you ate this week and don't know anything else about you.
  • I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    As long as we're saying things that "might seem harsh," you'll forgive me if I don't take advice from someone who doesn't know the difference between "your" and "you're." You may think I suck because my food diary's private, but I think that a grown man spelling things phonetically is a worse crime -- I guess we all have our things that drive us nuts.

  • jillybeanpuff
    jillybeanpuff Posts: 144 Member
    I keep mine closed because I write things in the notes section that I don't think anyone should know or want to know. Its a personal choice, just let it be :)
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    Because I can!
  • Aviva92
    Aviva92 Posts: 2,333 Member
    I thought it was only fair to open it up to friends only since I can view most of their diaries and my profile is kind of empty otherwise. I would not open it up to the entire forum though in order to invite scrutiny if I'm disagreeing with someone in a thread. Seems like it would just give haters ammunition in those cases.

    I like reading others diaries in order to get ideas of what to eat.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I'm pregnant and it is hard enough to be adding weight right now, even for a good reason and having to add more to my diet to stay healthy. I don't want commentary right now on what I should/shouldn't eat and how much. I might make it public again sometime after birth.