

  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    1. Not everyone here started out "fat." I'm 160 pounds and just looking to lose some weight to get closer to a healthier BMI.

    2. Not everyone wants advice on their food. You can count calories and figure out basic nutrition without having other users comment on every little thing you put in your mouth.

    3. New question: Why do you CARE if people keep their diaries private? It's really none of your business.

    and this :)
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I locked mine down for friends only to see. Why? Because I started a fun topic on another board, and everything was going along really well, people were responding right and left, and WHAMMO! Someone came on and started telling me everything I was doing wrong with my eating. Somehow, a question about food quirks became a lecture on all the crap and processed foods I was eating, and maybe I should go see a nutritionist. I eat well 99% of the time, yet this person looked at one day where I chose to eat some potato chips, and all this person had to say was how horrible an eater I am.

    I locked it to friends only immediately after that.
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    As explained on my profile, my diary is hidden because I work odd shifts, and I have enough trouble working out when to eat during them without explaining it to other people. During a 12 hour shift as a nurse when the ward is short staffed, I might plan healthy meals, but only be able to grab something when I get 5 minutes (sometimes not even that). I can go for 10 hours or more without being able to eat at work, not through choice, through the fact that I can't just leave the ward for a snack/a meal when there's a crisis situation, and when I do eat it might have to be something I grab from the kitchen. I've gone 12 hours on 2 slices of bread that I managed to eat in the 2 minutes something wasn't happening, after a stressful I day I really don't want to be explaining why that was my lunch to someone. (Before anyone says it, I can go with good intentions to take a healthy thing to eat on the go, but when you're so hectic you have to take whatever is on the ward and can't even get to the staff room, you take what you can.)

    Yeah, we're all here for the same thing, but we all do it in different ways. The food diary judgement on here is really starting to annoy me. Live and let live, and try being supportive, not critical. You don't know what goes on in some peoples lives, and maybe like me they really can't be bothered to explain it!
  • DamnImASexyBitch
    DamnImASexyBitch Posts: 740 Member
    I am not sure why people hide there food diary as advice can help and lets be honest if your fat and overweight like i was you need to be honest with yourself.

    This might seem harsh but come on people I found being honest with myself one of the biggest steps. I use to lie how fat I was to people and myself.

    If they are logging, then chances are they are being honest with themself. It's no one's business what someone else eats, how they exercise, ect.
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    I locked mine down for friends only to see. Why? Because I started a fun topic on another board, and everything was going along really well, people were responding right and left, and WHAMMO! Someone came on and started telling me everything I was doing wrong with my eating. Somehow, a question about food quirks became a lecture on all the crap and processed foods I was eating, and maybe I should go see a nutritionist. I eat well 99% of the time, yet this person looked at one day where I chose to eat some potato chips, and all this person had to say was how horrible an eater I am.

    I locked it to friends only immediately after that.

    I saw that topic, and remember thinking that someone had gone a little bit mad on you! Lol.
  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    I locked mine down for friends only to see. Why? Because I started a fun topic on another board, and everything was going along really well, people were responding right and left, and WHAMMO! Someone came on and started telling me everything I was doing wrong with my eating. Somehow, a question about food quirks became a lecture on all the crap and processed foods I was eating, and maybe I should go see a nutritionist. I eat well 99% of the time, yet this person looked at one day where I chose to eat some potato chips, and all this person had to say was how horrible an eater I am.

    I locked it to friends only immediately after that.

    some people on here are obsessed lol :O)
  • Roni_M
    Roni_M Posts: 717 Member
    I have to say very surprised at peoples reactions and even an attack on my grammar which is funny as someone who is supposed to suffer from dyslexia or so I am told. This has never caused me an issue .

    Of course its up to the individual and I respect that as an individual choice. I do however feel that if you have lost alot of weight or found something that works for you why not share it ?

    This is after all an online community, I was actually amazed at how easy it is. I have done the gyms in the past and always played sport. However it was what was going in that was wrong. I was kidding myself that I was fat and fit when really I was just a fat bloke thinking I was fit.

    Just because something works for me doesn't mean it will work for others.

    My diary is private because sometimes I eat... Dare I say it... PROCESSED FOODS! I know... The horror of it!! But in my defense I have low blood pressure (to the point of lightheaded spells) and my cardiologist recommended I not cut my sodium. So what I eat would not necessarily benefit someone else. Processed foods taste good and is the easiest way to keep my sodium up. I also eat lots of "healthy food" but people seem to only focus on the things you are doing "wrong".

    I had it open briefly and got a recipe in my inbox for some kind of green spinach and flax seed protein smoothie thing with a note explaining all the things wrong with what I was eating. So I set it back to private. It's easier than telling people to mind their own business constantly.
  • hughtwalker
    hughtwalker Posts: 2,213 Member
    Will someone please, please PLEASE define what they mean by "Processed Food"?

    If I peel a banana is THAT processing?

    How about peeling (sweet) potatoes?

    Lighten up, please.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Because when I think about other people looking at it, I feel tempted to lie about it. It is a place where I want to be scrupulously honest with myself. What I'm doing is working fine. I don't feel I need advice. I do feel I need to log honestly and scrupulously.

    Different people are different. I want my diary private.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Will someone please, please PLEASE define what they mean by "Processed Food"?

    If I peel a banana is THAT processing?

    How about peeling (sweet) potatoes?

    Lighten up, please.

    Processed food, for me, is food that I buy, usually in a box, that has been significantly altered nutritionally before I start to cook it.

    So a cake mix is more processed than bleached all purpose flour (pretty good food) is more processed than unbleached white flour than whole wheat flour than unground wheat.

    All of them are just made from wheat, but they do get processed differently and have different nutritional components.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    I flit between having diary open and closed, usually I close it when I've had a really bad few days and imagine someone might notice. Then when I've had a good day or two I reopen it and hope no one noticed. I'd like to think I make better choices if I'm accountable, unfortunately the reality is rather than resist choices due to being 'observed', I just close the diary and do it anyway. Defeats the purpose!
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Will someone please, please PLEASE define what they mean by "Processed Food"?

    If I peel a banana is THAT processing?

    How about peeling (sweet) potatoes?

    Lighten up, please.

    Chewing your food is processing, SAY NO TO CHEWING.

    Wait, even digestion is processing, awwww rubbish, I guess I'll just look at food from now on.
  • peter236uk
    peter236uk Posts: 140 Member
    Its funny as no one has ever made a negative comment about what I eat or drink . If they did then I am cool with that also if its in a positive manner.
    I have to say very surprised at peoples reactions and even an attack on my grammar which is funny as someone who is supposed to suffer from dyslexia or so I am told. This has never caused me an issue .

    Of course its up to the individual and I respect that as an individual choice. I do however feel that if you have lost alot of weight or found something that works for you why not share it ?

    This is after all an online community, I was actually amazed at how easy it is. I have done the gyms in the past and always played sport. However it was what was going in that was wrong. I was kidding myself that I was fat and fit when really I was just a fat bloke thinking I was fit.

    Just because something works for me doesn't mean it will work for others.

    My diary is private because sometimes I eat... Dare I say it... PROCESSED FOODS! I know... The horror of it!! But in my defense I have low blood pressure (to the point of lightheaded spells) and my cardiologist recommended I not cut my sodium. So what I eat would not necessarily benefit someone else. Processed foods taste good and is the easiest way to keep my sodium up. I also eat lots of "healthy food" but people seem to only focus on the things you are doing "wrong".

    I had it open briefly and got a recipe in my inbox for some kind of green spinach and flax seed protein smoothie thing with a note explaining all the things wrong with what I was eating. So I set it back to private. It's easier than telling people to mind their own business constantly.
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    This might be just me, but I prefer to have friends with public / friends only diaries. It shows that they're not ashamed of themselves.

    Wow....remind me not to friend you.
  • harleigh67
    wow I never noticed anyone could see your personal note!
  • GreenEydGemini
    Quite frankly, it's nobody's business what I eat. If I don't go over my calorie goal then it's all good. People shouldn't be that nosey about what I'm eating anyway. Worry about your own diary and I'll worry about mine.

    Be well and good luck with your weight loss.
  • rmchapman4
    rmchapman4 Posts: 152 Member
    I understand why people hide their dairies. SOME people on MFP are self-righteous and judgmental! PERIOD!!!!
  • peter236uk
    peter236uk Posts: 140 Member
    We all eat some processed food however I prefer to eat fresh veg that is local if possible and meat from my local butcher. He can tell me what part of the beast it is and where it comes from. That is my choice others can put inside them what they like but I prefer to know where and how my food is produced for many reasons. I will try and eat as much locally and fresh produce as possible this help local business also reduced carbon foot print makes me feel good !!

    If I was to eat packaged food then I have no idea how this is produced other than the label. This very issue was in the press recently in UK after Tesco Beef Burgers were found to contain horse meat.

    If you wish to eat horse then that's fine however I prefer to know what I eat.

    Example my main meal tonight.
    Pork Chops from local school farm less than 2 miles from my home
    Potatoes grown by myself
    Cabbage local farm shop 1 mile
    Carrots 1 local farm shop
  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    Quite frankly, it's nobody's business what I eat. If I don't go over my calorie goal then it's all good. People shouldn't be that nosey about what I'm eating anyway. Worry about your own diary and I'll worry about mine.

    Be well and good luck with your weight loss.

    loving this one :O)
  • peter236uk
    peter236uk Posts: 140 Member
    I never judge other its all an individual choice