
  • mommyrocks5
    mommyrocks5 Posts: 49 Member
    I agree that you arent eating enough. You are working out hard...you need to fuel your body. It probably thinks that you are starving! Don't get pissed, just keep at it, eat enough, drink lots of water...and your hard work WILL pay off! Hang in there.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    2 weeks is not enough to judge. I can easily gain a few pounds by eating a lot of salt or being a little backed up.
  • joycebug
    joycebug Posts: 309
    Rome wasn't built in a day, dude.

    True that...
  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member
    Eat your calorie allowance, even if you do it as a weekly target and go over and under on some days. If you are working out, your body needs fuel. Also, a couple of pounds is likely to be water; if you are working your muscles they will cling on to water whilst they recover. Keep going :flowerforyou:
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    Umm... you just joined the gym 2 weeks ago. Let's have a little patience, shall we. And you need to eat more, as others have said. Giant deficits aren't better than small deficits. Set your goals to 1 pound a week-- or less. It's much more realistic.
  • s50s
    s50s Posts: 138 Member
    1. Eat more
    2. Give it more than 2 weeks.


    1000x this..

  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member
    You need to eat more if you're working out hard on a daily basis.. And give it some time.
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    Have you considered that you're holding onto water to heal your muscles? I'm sure it's not real weight gain. Sometimes when we go hard our muscles need to heal and they hold onto fluids. :) Hang in there. Try adding a protein high snack after working out to up the calories and healing process. Chocolate milk is an easy way.
  • Queen_of_3
    Queen_of_3 Posts: 1 Member
    Thanks for posting this. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I have been having the same issues, and for the life of me I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I'm so frustrated! I do know that muscle weighs more than fat, and you are likely building muscle. But at some point the fat is supposed to come off, right?!
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    how is your sait intake? If its more then 2500mg per day you could be retaining water
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,314 Member
    Eat More.®
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I always hated it when people would tell me this, but it's the truth..... Be patient, stick with it, the weight will come off. Tada! :)
  • Stacimfit
    Stacimfit Posts: 298 Member
    I heard It gets worse before it gets better.. Next weigh in you'll have lost weight :) positive
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Would you rather be

    A) pissed off


    B) Pissed on
  • joycebug
    joycebug Posts: 309
    I know better than to be so impatient, but we're doing a "biggest loser-style" contest at work and everyone has lost weight but me. It's just frustrating because from listening to what they're all doing, I'm working 10x harder. It just sucked to be the one with the weight gain at weigh-in...
  • joycebug
    joycebug Posts: 309
    Would you rather be

    A) pissed off


    B) Pissed on

    Um yeah...no golden showers for me!!
  • UnoDrea3732
    UnoDrea3732 Posts: 342 Member
    You're not eating enough so therefore when you do eat enough your body is holding onto it because it was in starvation mode. Eat more (eat clean of course) and keep working out. Also, try drinking half your body weight in water.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    so it's been about three weeks... jeez, i wonder what happens to women every 28 days? maybe it's that????
  • Rocnut
    Rocnut Posts: 19
    I stopped reading after you said "two weeks"
  • bamakid43
    bamakid43 Posts: 15 Member
    Be Patient!!!!: