5"3 girls calling for your weight loss stories!



  • cechapman10
    cechapman10 Posts: 39 Member
    5'3.5" currently around 178. I'd love to just just back to 150 or less.
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    5'2.5, started out at 170, currently 130 ish.
    I don't have a set "goal weight" in mind. I want to get ripped, jacked, etc, and muscle weighs so much more than fat.

    <--- my profile picture is a size comparison between my swim suit from spring 2011 and fall 2012.
  • eyeshuh
    eyeshuh Posts: 333
    I am 5'3" and I started out I think around 180 at my heaviest. I had stopped weighing myself at that point. I started MFP a little under 160 and I am now down to 124! My goal is 120, but I might drop 5 more depending on how I feel. I have a pretty teeny frame. You should be able to see my profile pics with weight progress.

    Remember ladies, just because you are little doesn't mean you have to stop eating to lose weight!


    EDIT: Well, I mean, all together. Obviously you have to eat less, just not at a ridiculous deficit! OK, I'm going to stop typing now and just request you click the link. LOL
  • sfmommy
    sfmommy Posts: 15 Member
  • datsirk
    datsirk Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'3" and I was always a bigger girl in high school. Finally through college, I lost some weight and now am around 144. My goal weight is 130-132 pounds. I've been a religious gym goer for 14 years but my weight doesn't seem to budge. Any pointers would be welcome and feel free to add me! :)
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" and very small boned. I started out last year at 134 (had been 144 a few years earlier, lost 20 pounds and then gained 10 back). I got down to my goal weight of 100 in November (and before anybody starts about how I'm underweight, I still had fat on my belly and did NOT look anorexic!) I have since gained 5 pounds by not going to the gym as much (my cat was sick and died, the holidays came, I've been sick, etc.) so I'm looking forward to getting back to it 5 days/week and really working on my strength training to reduce my BF% (from 33% to 18%, but now at 20%)

    I am a vegetarian, try to keep my calories at 1200 and eat at least half (if not all) of my exercise calories back. I aim for <100 g. carbs and >100 g. protein daily, but it doesn't always happen.

    I had been doing isolation lifts, but after meeting with my friend (who is a personal trainer) I started incorporating functional exercises/lifts, in addition to cardio (I love cardio!) I've been wanting to learn how to deadlift properly (I've done it at home with the barbells I've got here) so i'm thinking of asking my trainer to show me.

    Sorry...I use parentheses a lot :laugh:
  • melancholyjen
    melancholyjen Posts: 28 Member
    sw: 154
    gw: 125
    ugw: 120

    i love to run and do jillian michaels. i know i need to do more strength training, so hopefully this year i'll incorporate more boot-camp or crossfit type workouts. feel free to add me.
  • Fat2Fit145
    Fat2Fit145 Posts: 385 Member
    5'3.5" currently around 178. I'd love to just just back to 150 or less.

    We have similar goals and weight!
  • Krecob
    Krecob Posts: 86 Member
    Ahh ladies you give me soo much hope, if you could share more details with me or let me know if im doing anything wrong I would appreciate it! Started on January 20th run/walk 2-3 miles a day 6 daysand yesterday i started the 30DS. I hope to get to the point where I can do both in a day however doing one is exhausting right now. I am 5'2" 140 lbs and my goal is 115-120 by summer time. Ive been watching what I eat now ranging from 1200-1500 calories a day! Please add me motivation is key!
  • bootsandfros
    bootsandfros Posts: 81 Member
    i'm 5'2 and just started my journey. i weigh 185 now and my goal is 130. anybody who wants to add me please feel free! i will not try to sell you anything and i'd appreciate the same in return :) just positivity and motivation.
    What do you mean a zig zag diet? Awesome job by the way!!!!!!!!!

    i was wondering the same thing. what do you mean and why do you do it? thanks to anyone who answers.
  • MarieKG77
    MarieKG77 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow, thanks for sharing. Very inspiring. I'm 36 and started my journey a few months ago at 223 lbs. I'm now down to 192 and seeing your story really makes me believe that it is possible.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I just happened to catch this - first off thank you for all your nice comments.

    By "zig zag", I mean different calorie consumption per day...for instance on a rest day or a day I just did something light I would eat, for example, 1450 calories. Then on heavy weight lifting days, I would eat 1700. I still to this day follow this in some manner. I am trying to continue building muscle so one day a week I eat well over maintenance (like 2000 or more) and on the other days I base my calorie allotment by my activity and hunger levels.

    The reason behind this is very simple math - calories in vs calories out. I made sure to eat enough calories to support my activity but also keep a calorie deficit to lose weight (at that time). It is always an ongoing thing as well - I will most likely always follow some sort of pattern like this to keep an ideal weight/fitness level.
  • fitnesstam
    fitnesstam Posts: 9 Member
    Holy cow, that is one of the most amazing transformations I have seen! Would you mind sharing your cardio/weight training routine? Is that without surgery?
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I'm 5'3" and was 175 in the delivery room, so I probably went home weighing 155. Took 18 months until after he was born but I got down to 105 pounds. The last 5 months of those 18 months were the crucial turning point months for me. I tracked religiously, ate a zig zag type diet, exercised at least 6 days a week.

    After that, I have spent the last few years reshaping my body through weight training. I reduced 95% of the cellulite on the back of my legs, have excellent muscle tone on my arms, and am in the best shape of my life at 35 years old. YOU CAN DO IT!

    Pregnant (175 pounds):


    Less than a year after having my 2nd (probably 130 here)


    After losing all the weight (105 pounds here) but no weight training yet:


    Now (112 pounds, added muscle and dropped body fat through weight training):



    Is this a joke?!?! you look f****** FANTASTIC!!!!! you inspire me. If I am so lucky as to have children one day I hope that I can look like this afterwards. Seriously. Amazing.
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    WOW. you look great! You make me wanna start weight training. lol
    I'm 5'3" and was 175 in the delivery room, so I probably went home weighing 155. Took 18 months until after he was born but I got down to 105 pounds. The last 5 months of those 18 months were the crucial turning point months for me. I tracked religiously, ate a zig zag type diet, exercised at least 6 days a week.

    After that, I have spent the last few years reshaping my body through weight training. I reduced 95% of the cellulite on the back of my legs, have excellent muscle tone on my arms, and am in the best shape of my life at 35 years old. YOU CAN DO IT!

    Pregnant (175 pounds):


    Less than a year after having my 2nd (probably 130 here):


    After losing all the weight (105 pounds here) but no weight training yet:


    Now (112 pounds, added muscle and dropped body fat through weight training):


  • Yaya1976
    Yaya1976 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm closer to 5'4. I started at almost 155 lbs. I'm currently at 137 lbs. Goal weight is 125 lbs or less :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Holy cow, that is one of the most amazing transformations I have seen! Would you mind sharing your cardio/weight training routine? Is that without surgery?

    Thanks. My current routine is on my profile, though I change it every 6-10 weeks. By surgery, you mean ??? I did get my boobs fixed after having kids and breastfeeding for 2 years but that had nothing to do with weight loss, I did all of that the old fashioned way. :wink:
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Hi, I'm 5' 4" and 54 years old and below is my story.

    I've battled my weight for most of my life which leads to being hard on myself with my body image.
    I guess you could call me a yo-yo dieter; I'd try different diets, lose, gain, etc. About 22 years ago I joined a gym worked out with weights, did aerobics and got into pretty good shape. At the health club I met the man of my dreams and as the story goes I fell madly in love, had babies and got fat! I'm a tennis nut and play 3 to 4 times a week but still wasn't losing weight. In 2009 I saw a picture of myself (I'll post it) I couldn't believe how big I had gotten, I'm 5' 4" and my largest weight was over 187lbs. I joined WW and lost about 50 lbs and felt pretty good but still not happy with my body image.

    My hubby has been tall and slender all of his life but as with age your metabolism slows and he put on a little weight so he put his game face on, got disciplined and lost it. He had told me about P90X and said he wanted to do it so he could get that "6 pack" while he was still young. I'm not sure if he asked me or I said I wanted to try it but, I am so happy I did! P90X is extreme but you get results!

    When I met my hubby and later on got big, I used to joke that I was lucky because I met him when I was in the best shape of my life. I could never get below 130 lbs and now with P90X I'm at 127! It's funny I'm still adjusting to the body image thing but I'm very happy with my results "The program works!"

    I've started another program about a month ago, Chalean Extreme and really enjoy it. Check out the Beachbody website for several programs that could help you reach your goals. Best of luck to all!

    New Year's Eve 2010


    Before Twist

    After Twist

    Before Front

    After Front

    Before Back

    After Back
  • intotennis
    intotennis Posts: 183 Member
    Holy cow, that is one of the most amazing transformations I have seen! Would you mind sharing your cardio/weight training routine? Is that without surgery?

    Thanks. My current routine is on my profile, though I change it every 6-10 weeks. By surgery, you mean ??? I did get my boobs fixed after having kids and breastfeeding for 2 years but that had nothing to do with weight loss, I did all of that the old fashioned way. :wink:

    Amazing results! I had to laugh because I wasn't sure what the "pregnancy belly" picture was at first. Impressive job!
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    I am 5'3'' on a good day. I started my weight loss journey in may of 2011 by joining MFP and Nutrisystem. Nutrisystem was obviously not a sustainable solution. I started at 309 lbs. This was my highest recorded weight. After about 4 months I could not continue with that program. I tried several other diets, but just didn't know how to make healthier choice. It was impossible to get my head around it. I was a carb junky for sure. In feb. 2012 my husband suggested we look into weight loss surgery if that was something I wanted. So I did. It was the best choice for me. I had surgery in May of 2012 and have since lost 115 lbs having started at 304lbs. My exercise routine didn't start until October 2012 and I am now registered for my 1st 5K. I played Tennis with my son who is #1 varsity player at his school and loved it.

    My goal is 150ish.
    For me I don't know what a good weight is. Ive always been chunky... 150 in high school when everyone else is 110 is chunky. Right now I want to start working on toning more. I will always fight loose skin to some extent, but would like to really be more fit. I am now 189. Weight loss has slowed way down. I am trying to eat more calories, so I can justify the kind of work out I want to do.

    TMI im sure. lol

    March 2012- Hiking with my son on vacation.-304


    December 2012 about 206 lbs. or so


    I am now 17 lbs lighter then the pic above.
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