Makeup in the gym. Where do you stand?



  • FionaAnne22
    FionaAnne22 Posts: 178 Member
    I would wear makeup at the gym but I sweat too much and it would just run all over my face, but I do wear it normally :)
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    lol do whatever u wanna do , i go to gym in slippers sometimes . dont care what ppl think ... im there to TRAIN

    I immediately pictured you lifting in pink bunny slippers.
  • gym_king_carlie
    gym_king_carlie Posts: 528 Member
    I dont see why people have a problem with it, If it makes a gal feel more confident than so be it, I have hair product on at the gym, not because it makes me look good or anything, just because I feel better having it on, its exacly the same scenerio, I bet a lot of guys have hair product on at the gym and we dont get roasted for it...
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    lol do whatever u wanna do , i go to gym in slippers sometimes . dont care what ppl think ... im there to TRAIN

    I immediately pictured you lifting in pink bunny slippers.
    cute isnt it ;)
  • RosscoBoscko
    RosscoBoscko Posts: 632 Member
    Have no problem with ladies wearing/or not wearing make up in the gym, all I get wound up with is the ones that go there just to pose and have no intention of actually doing anything beneficial to break a sweat. They come in pristine, walk on a treadmill or cross trainer so slow that it has no effect and leave in exactly the same state.

    Everyone should be free to look how they want to (within reason!) as long as they actually make use of the gym for the cost you are paying for it, which am pretty sure any gym goers here on mfp do. Otherwise its just blocking a machine someone else could be using.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Have no problem with ladies wearing/or not wearing make up in the gym, all I get wound up with is the ones that go there just to pose and have no intention of actually doing anything beneficial to break a sweat. They come in pristine, walk on a treadmill or cross trainer so slow that it has no effect and leave in exactly the same state.

    Everyone should be free to look how they want to (within reason!) as long as they actually make use of the gym for the cost you are paying for it, which am pretty sure any gym goers here on mfp do. Otherwise its just blocking a machine someone else could be using.

  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    I don't, because I sweat like a beast, and it would just run everywhere! I know people get uptight about it on here, but I'm not bothered. When I'm at the gym I'm not looking at other people, I'm focusing on pushing myself. (I have found that I push myself harder when I can see the free weight section though... everyone is entitled to check out the men lifting I think, keeps me motivated :wink: )
  • chervil6
    chervil6 Posts: 236 Member
    if anyone wants to wear makeup at the gym its their right , no one elses
    i personaly wear mascara and so what :)
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    lol do whatever u wanna do , i go to gym in slippers sometimes . dont care what ppl think ... im there to TRAIN

    pajama pants and sandals here haha
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    lol do whatever u wanna do , i go to gym in slippers sometimes . dont care what ppl think ... im there to TRAIN

    pajama pants and sandals here haha
    like a boss
  • teneh
    teneh Posts: 39
    I wear makeup to the gym because I wear it everywhere, I know for sure I wouldn't work as hard as I do in the Gym without it! lol
  • NatsukoG
    NatsukoG Posts: 104
    I never take my make-up off before going to the gym as I'm usually there straight after work and rushing to beat traffic etc to get to a spin class on time. I only wear eye make up and that pretty much stays put no matter how horrendously sweaty I get. I might re-think if I ever wore pressed powder or something like that.

    I don't put make up on if I'm going to the gym first thing in the morning before work but wouldn't judge anyone that does. No harm in wanting to look good, after all isn't that why most of us go to the gym?
  • Irish_Eyes81
    Irish_Eyes81 Posts: 808 Member
    I dont for the simple fact that I workout at home and usually only wear make up when leaving the house. The only reason I can see for being against it is sweating it off or if it causes you to break out....other than what you want. If you're working hard at the gym others will see that and not your make up ;)
  • Farah_akbar
    Farah_akbar Posts: 1,692 Member
    This is some funny **** I go the gym in the morin and after noon in the morin there is one girl who's had hair all dolled up but on the other had she is walking on the tread mill ok that's not hat bad. No doubt I wear make up my self at work hours then go to the gym I take my time taking my liner so on and so on there are a few lady's who wear make that inc liner lip stick when do there work out hey sweat like a lil monkey but don't care if he liner goes on there face but then on the other hand there a some damn sexy guys tooo but don't for get sometimes us girl do try picking up guys up at he gym
  • louey_19
    louey_19 Posts: 3 Member
    Generally I think Most people wouldn't even be able to tell you what you were wearing. Think do you watch other people or are you in the zone trying to push for that little extra effort.
    I think in the last two years that i have been going to the gym the one day I noticed a girl wearing eye makeup i was more impressed because just coming out of a high intensity class i was amazed she didn't look like Panda!
  • louey_19
    louey_19 Posts: 3 Member
    Generally I think Most people wouldn't even be able to tell you what you were wearing. Think do you watch other people or are you in the zone trying to push for that little extra effort.
    I think in the last two years that i have been going to the gym the one day I noticed a girl wearing eye makeup i was more impressed because just coming out of a high intensity class i was amazed she didn't look like Panda!
  • GypsySoul_74
    GypsySoul_74 Posts: 152 Member
    mascara ALWAYS, blush/bronzer usually (without it I look like walking death), full face if I'm coming from somewhere (or going to somewhere--less preferable, obviously) that I need to look more put-together. as long as it's not running down anyone's face, I say do what makes you feel good, expresses your personality & gives you confidence!!
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    For me, no. But I very rarely wear makeup to begin with.

    I don't think women NEED makeup the way some do, in order to look pretty. But if it makes them feel more confident, have at it.
    It really doesn't affect me.
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    I go to the gym in make up and not in make up. If I go to the gym at the end of the day (after I've been out or to work) then I'll have make up still on from that. I just leave it on - I wouldn't go to the trouble of taking it off and I like having my eye make up on - I think it opens up my eyes more. I'm not trying to attract anyone at the gym but its good to feel good about yourself! If I'm going to the gym first thing in the morning then I wouldn't bother putting make up specifically to go there. So really it depends on what else has gone on in my day!
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Wait, this is something people care about?

    I wear makeup every day. I do my workouts at home, but if I went to the gym I can't imagine I'd stop to take off my makeup before I went.