Join me in a round of P90X beginning 4/26/10



  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Today is my first official day! I did chest & back & I'm feeling it already!! My bicep is feeling a bit sore from the reverse grip pullups (if that's what you want to call my lame attempt). I agree that those dive bombers are crazy!! I did okay my first set but by the second set it was really hard to keep my form. I know that the strength & form will come! I'm looking forward to Plyo tomorrow!

    It's nice that you guys are a few days ahead of me - kinda lets more know what's in store!

    Keep at it everyone!!
  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    I hope your mom is doing better!

    Thanks Jill, she is still in the hospital. She has pancreatitis of "unknown origin". We're hoping its a one time problem and not a tumor. She had to be transferred to York, which is over an hour from home so I have just been staying there, last night was the first time I came home since she was transferred. She will probably be there another week if things go well, I will keep you updated.

  • SkinnyJess
    SkinnyJess Posts: 123 Member
    Well I actually started on Saturday of last week so today is my day of rest...if you wanna call it that! Today is housework day so I have been running around the house like crazy! :laugh: I am very proud to say that I have finished my first week though and I am excited to weigh in on Monday and see what the difference is. I have never done anything so intense but I am sticking with this and I am anxious to see what I will look like in July! :happy:

    Keep up all the great work everyone!

    Jessica :flowerforyou:
  • ilovehkn
    ilovehkn Posts: 57
    Tonight is Plyo, I am getting myself pumped way early, so I will be ready for it!! Chest and Back was hard last night, not to mention I barely clung on during Ab Ripper! Keep pushing guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • annalisa85
    Today was Kenpo for me. My form isn't very good on some of the moves but hopefully that will improve over time. Hope everyone has a great workout today. Happy Friday!!
  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    I have shoulders and arms today. The "glamorous" workout. One of my favorites!
  • docjoe
    docjoe Posts: 65 Member
    Argh this has been a frustrating week, gave a lecture on Wednesday night that went waaay later than I planned, on call last night and kept getting paged right in the middle of legs. Now I'm at a meeting in Orlando and planned to at least go for a run but fitness room closed 15 minutes before I arrived! Grrrrr...

    Well getting up for a run in the morning. I need to get back to morning workouts instead of evening so life won't get in the way so much......
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,744 Member
    I'm going to have to get up early to get my workout in tomorrow (Kenpo X). Our niece is getting married at 11 a.m., so we need to leave the house around 9:30. Working back from there, to be safe, I figure I need to be up at 6. On a Saturday. Yay me! Oh well, it's not like the dogs let me sleep longer than that usually anyway. :-)
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    my butt hurts today, but in a good way. Made doing kempo X harder. Hope everyone has a good work out today.
  • dmdinfla
    dmdinfla Posts: 19 Member
    Aching today....Legs & Back was pretty hard on my knees and low back, and my 2 year old grandson jumped on my side while doing the side crunches in the Ab ripper on Wednesday. (I guess I now know that I can't add 35 pounds to side crunches...:noway: ) Is Kenpo going to totally push me off the cliff today? I'm doing my P90x workouts in the afternoons now...I switched my beach boot camp workouts to mornings (8am) since it's getting pretty hot here already. (Clearwater, FL) We still have our windows open and after legs & back at 5 pm I was sopping! It was @ 87 degrees. We only had about a month of spring this year...and almost three weeks of it were COVERED in pollen!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,744 Member
    Sorry your knees are hurting. I think I would pass on the extra 35 pounds for crunches too! :tongue:

    I don't think Kenpo X will push you off the cliff. To me, it's one of the least difficult workouts and just plain feels good. The hardest part, in my opinion, is the warmup. After that, I pretty much cruise.

    On that note, I'd better go do it. Bye!
  • rezolute
    rezolute Posts: 2
    Hey all, wanted to say Hi - haven't read through the entire thread yet, but slowly working on it! New to the MFP forums and trying to integrate ;).

    Started a round of P90X a few weeks before the 26th myself, so off timing a little bit! Good job everybody for choosing such a challenging program! And for reaching out to help motivate those around you!
  • NYGoddess77
    NYGoddess77 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi Everyone, I'm starting my 2nd round of P90X on monday 5/3/10. I did the Lean and struggeled with the nutrition plan...( i basically did not follow it to a T ) I still ate clean. This time I'll be doing the classic. I have 30-35 lbs of body fat to lose and was wondering how do you input your caloric needs on fitness pal to balance out with the P90X program. If you let fitness pal do it for tells me I should eat 1200 cals a day...I know I'm suppose to eat 22000 a day according to P90X ( level 2 ) can anyone help me out here?
    I've been stressing out to because my dad was recently diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,744 Member
    Welcome to Rezolute and NYGoddess77.

    NYG, first of all, I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I understand that stress. I lost my dad last summer. He is my inspiration to be as healthy as I can be. On the nutrition plan, I struggled with that too. When I did the program before, it also had me at Level 2. That was WAY too much food. Now I'm 26-27 pounds lighter, and if I used the nutrition guide, it would have me at Level 1. What I'm doing this time is using MFP. I set my weight loss to 1/2 pound a week and I eat all my exercise calories. I average about 1,800 calories a day. I would think you would need at least that much – maybe even a couple hundred more. Play with it and see what feels right. Hope that helps.

    I was right. Kenpo X felt great this morning, and just like it always used to be, the warmup was the hardest part for me.

    Happy May Day!
  • annalisa85
    annalisa85 Posts: 41
    Ugh, today was rough. I had legs and back and ab ripper. I'm looking forward to finishing off the week with Stretch! Hope everyone has had a great workout today.
  • MegKacz
    MegKacz Posts: 57
    Nice job everyone! The support in this thread is soo helpful!

    NYGoddess77- So sorry to hear about your Dad. Welcome to the group, I applaud you for keeping up with your health during this difficult time. I think it will definitely help you through it.

    The toughest part of Kenpo for me is the coordination. Good thing no one is watching me. Today I went for a run. Looking forward to yoga tomorrow =). It's finals week. Which means crazy long study hours, lack of sleep, and crappy moods. Yucky. Hopefully yoga will help me relax and focus. I'm graduating on May 14th- very excited!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):):)

    What do you all aim for in terms of protein and carbs? What are your "goals" or percentages for carbs, protein, and fat set at? I'm curious because I feel like I'm not getting enough protein in and I KNOW I'm getting more than enough carbs in (aka....too many). I'd like to shed some of this extra body fat that's hanging around! I know my muscles are hiding under there somewhere!
  • kiksuyapi
    kiksuyapi Posts: 7
    P90X is crazy! Crazy good, that is :)

    My arms and shoulders are STILL sore from Chest & Back on Wednesday. I skipped Plyo on Thursday because I got into a minor car accident but I did go for a 30 minute run/walk instead. Friday Shoulders & Arms was awesome but I took it sort of light since my arms were already so sore. Yoga yesterday was HARD. I really enjoyed parts of it but only made it through about 45 minutes. 90 minutes is a long time committment to make on a very busy Saturday. Next week I'll try to make it through the whole thing. Time to go push play on Legs & Back!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,744 Member
    I've played around with eating more protein and cutting carbs, but I discovered I feel best and lose fat the fastest by eating a fairly large amount of complex carbs.

    I have my settings at 50 carbs/25 protein/25 fat. I also set my fiber at 25 grams, but I usually get at least 30. My calories are about 1,800/day.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,744 Member
    P90X is crazy! Crazy good, that is :)

    My arms and shoulders are STILL sore from Chest & Back on Wednesday. I skipped Plyo on Thursday because I got into a minor car accident but I did go for a 30 minute run/walk instead. Friday Shoulders & Arms was awesome but I took it sort of light since my arms were already so sore. Yoga yesterday was HARD. I really enjoyed parts of it but only made it through about 45 minutes. 90 minutes is a long time committment to make on a very busy Saturday. Next week I'll try to make it through the whole thing. Time to go push play on Legs & Back!
    Looks like we were posting at the same time. :smile:

    One thing to keep in mind about the yoga is that the first 45 minutes is much harder than the second 45 minutes, so it's worth it to do the whole 90!

    I still am not fully recovered from last Tuesday's Plyo. Like a dope, I went and did it without shoes. I prefer working out barefoot, but I don't recommend that for Plyo. I'll definitely be wearing my Adidas next time!
  • kiksuyapi
    kiksuyapi Posts: 7
    Should I expect to be able to lose 15lbs or so over the next 90 days of this program? I'm concerned because I've heard stories about women not losing anything and just winding up with nice muscles under their layers of fat. I'm considering swapping out some of the strength workouts for additional cardio (running, biking) in the Classic program (hubby doesn't want to do Lean). Is that a decent idea?