

  • AllisonMO
    AllisonMO Posts: 68 Member
    Good afternoon, ladies!

    How inspiring it is to hear how everyone has done so well with her goals with a few missteps, inspite of some serious life challenges. Prayers for everyone with health issues with family members, and may those dealing with the oil cleanup receive not only physical and financial help but wisdom for the future and help from the weather.

    And it is wonderful to know we are a global group, too. Will be in Hungary next month on a lower Danube cruise ending in Istanbul and then in Greece for a Journeys of Paul tour, so hearing from others in other lands is especially exciting...will probably be asking for food tips!

    I have stayed on target and am three pounds from my 24 May goal, but the closer success comes, I am considering lowering my goal for June, but it will be hard to stay on plan while traveling.
  • rfsahae
    rfsahae Posts: 68 Member
    Barbiecat :flowerforyou: Thanks for managing this conversation, and our diverse group. I agree with you, we can do this together!

    Rebel - Here's to a wonderful MAY! :flowerforyou:

    Calliana - Always room for one more. Welcome. :smile:

    Debbie - So wonderful that you are helping with the cleanup (and burning calories, let's see, does the exercise logger have "Coastal Cleanup" as a category?) It's a major disaster for that area, but with hundreds or thousands of locals helping it could be a unifying force for neighbors 100 miles in every direction. :flowerforyou:

    Jeanne - Half of what you weighed a year ago, OMG! You are an inspiration. :smile:

    Mimi - 36 pounds is enough to really feel the results. You had a great April, I forecast a great May. :flowerforyou:

    Terrill - It's the journey and the lifestyle, for sure. And the exercise. Exercise makes a world of difference. Best of luck looking good in those photos. :smile:

    Amalia - It seems harder to me to be losing KGs but you are doing well. Best of luck in May. :flowerforyou:

    Michele - Pumpkin in chocolate sounds like a good combo... and belly dancing sounds like fun. :blushing: I wonder if when you are done you have a sore belly? Let me know!

    Fabulous - Welcome. Yes, exercise is the key (I keep reminding myself)

    CanRoadRunner - Welcome, this is a good group. My company used to have a dragon boat, haven't heard that term in years. Good luck. :smile:

    Allison - Welcome. Traveling, me too. But resolute! (I hope) :drinker:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: As of my one pound lost today, I am no longer "technically" obese. BMI is now 29.9. Woooooooo Hooooooo :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    May will be challenging, travel and eating out, but could still be wonderful with exercise and good choices. I'm keeping my same goal, 7 more pounds by June 19.
    Best to all of you!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Just a quick note... please pray for everyone involved in the clean-up efforts of the oil spill... I live on the coast of Alabama and have personally volunteered to help with the clean up of our beaches and help save our wildlife.

    This is a MAJOR DISASTER for the coastal areas.. it has already started with the canceling of summer vacations, the charter boat captains are getting calls every hour to cancel trips that have been planned since last year... the fishermen and oyster reefs are already suffering... not to mention the birds, and other wildlife that make this area home...

    .My husband and I are headed to the beach Sunday for training classes on how to handle the wildlife that will be effected... It takes 2 people in protective gear to clean 1 bird... The oil is very toxic and the smell is horrendous.

    I know there are a lot of pet lovers on here.. can you imagine this happening to one of your furry loved ones?

    Thank you for your prayers:heart:

    We will do all we can from here to help. I admire you and your hubby for going to help. This will is probably the biggest ever oil spill.


    PS: Thanks Barbie for the link to the new thread. I forgot it was the 1rst.
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    My goals for May are:

    1. finish the 17.4 k bike-a-thon on May 8th.
    2. stop eating at 8:00 p.m.
    3. drink less alcohol
    4. do some sort of exercise every day for at least 30 minutes, surely I can find time for that!!!
    5. Lose 8 pounds - 2 per week is doable. (hopefully)

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I think with all of the yard work that I have to do I am going for a workout record today. (Of course, it helps when the riding mower breaks down the day before you have invited a group over for a picnic, and your yard is nearly 1 1/2 acres.) So far I have logged 200 minutes, 1828 calories burned, and I am still going strong. I have downed 64 oz. of water. I'm in for a 15 minute break before starting again, and I just informed my husband (who unfortunately hurt his back last night trying to fix the lawn tractor) that we are going out to eat tonight, and I am ordering whatever I want! Everyone have a great May Day!
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Just a quick in and out. I'm not sure what I have lost this month, I will weigh tomorrow.

    My challenge for this month will be to lose 6 pounds, drink all my 8 glasses of water and NOT eat just because I'm tired and fuzzy headed from allergy season meds. :sick: :yawn:

    I've been fighting the urge to eat all afternoon to pick myself up. I have just barely avoided it but it has been a great temptation. :grumble:

    Now I'm off the computer and going to do something to try to wake myself up and quit thinking about food!

    Here's to our success this month. Swim suit season is looming.....

    Ok, :embarassed: even though I knew better, I posted this on the April thread. Fortunately, it took it and I could copy it here.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,
    I am doing good with food again today. heather and emma and I went to town and they stopped to get ice cream and I got none. Yah old me is back.
    Debbie thank you for mentioning the oil spill. thanks a bunch for volunteering. I am in South Lousiana as you know and it is unbelievable what this is doing. I have been thinking a lot about this and it is so real and close to home that you dont realize how many people this affects. First and foremost I feel for the 11 familes who lost their loved ones in this disaster. They have kind of taken a back seat for now. but now lawsuits have been filed, people are talking about what this could do to the coasts, the fishing, and the long term effects. My husband actually works for one of the companies involved. Not BP but one of others. Someone in a blog said BP should pay and if they are found to be at fault, yes they should. However right now we have no idea who was at fault. I have been talking to hubby long distance and he has given me so many ways this could have happened. It is HORRIBLE, and very unfornunate. the oilfield is a very dangerous place. Someone has to be held accountable and these 11 familes have to be taken care of and I pray that will happen. We just have to be very careful because I have been doing some serious thinking and it trickles down to so many people. Not the big shots but the little people. If these companies go under thousands and thousands of regular people like you and I will not only lose their jobs but also their pensions. BP has a huge building about 10 minutes from my house and they employ lots of people. Since this incident there have been people there around the clock, hopefully trying to do the best thing. Homeland security is there, as well as representatives from goverenment and the other companies involved. I am not trying to make excuses for anyone. This needs to fixed and made so that it never happens again. My husband could very well have been on that rig when this happened. I am so sorry to have been so long winded. I guess what I am asking is for you to look at the big picture not just the big bad company.
    I hope you all have a great day and good weight losses.
    Vicki M
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Hi everyone

    Well the sun didn’t last long and it has rained all afternoon. :frown: I rang my uncle and he said he was up and about again, so I did a bit of weeding in the garden before I went to see him. I’m still a bit worried about him though, he said he was okay but I don’t think he’s been eating much, but he said he didn’t need a doctor, he thinks it’s just a bug. I’ll see how he is tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: Amalia I need to look at the quality of my food too so I can train myself to eat healthy food and not fill up on empty carbs. At the moment though I’m still getting into the habit of (trying) to stay within my calorie allowance.
    :flowerforyou: Michele/ Exermom where do you find your energy for all the exercising you do.
    :flowerforyou: Welcome FabulousFifty, canroadrunner dmdinfla you’ll get plenty of support here.
    :flowerforyou: Jackie you are right it really gives you a boost when the scales show a loss. I was so pleased this morning when I’d lost half a pound. This is the lowest I’ve been for many years too I’m now 10st 9lbs. Hope your mum ate the scotch broth you made her.
    :flowerforyou: Donna56 you are like a lot of us, we must drink more water
    :flowerforyou: Laurel sorry you don’t get support from your family you should, but at least you have your MFP family to help you along the way.
    :flowerforyou: Robin the stones have gone yey life can now get back to normal for you and your hubby. Lovely picture by the way.
    :flowerforyou: AlisonMO you have almost reached your target I’m sure you will be able to do it.
    :flowerforyou: Randy well done on the weight loss and for lowering your BMI - (I’m sure my BMI is about 29.9 too I know when I had it taken at work last year, I was bordering on obese I think it was 31.something.)
    :flowerforyou: Mary I hope you enjoyed your meal out, after all that hard work you certainly deserved anything you wanted.
    :flowerforyou: Faye sorry you are suffering and feeling all fuzzy headed.
    :flowerforyou: Vicki I’m glad your husband is ok

    My son and DIL came over with my grandson tonight only had a few biscuits/cookies to give to him as I'm trying not to have too many of them in the house :smile: I managed to find him a bit of ice cream too so he was happy.

    Well I've missed my goal of getting to bed before 11:30 tonight :laugh: so many posts to read and reply to, apologies if I have missed anyone :drinker:

    Here's to a healthy calorie losing May :bigsmile:

    Viv :smile:
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110

    I'm so grateful and happy to be beginning a new month with this fabulous group of motivated and supportive women. I feel blessed to have found mfp and all of you!:flowerforyou: Thanks for being so welcoming with your friendship and support.

    I'll be away until May 26, and it's a little challenging keeping track and finding time to log in every day. That said, I'm going to do it come he-- or high water! I DON'T want to let you or myself down and then come up with excuses why I slipped up. This is much too important to me. All of you have proved to me that we can do it! Together!!

    I've managed to lose 6 pounds since joining and that is such an accomplishment.

    My goals for May are to lose 5 pounds and up my water intake. I feel like the middleman between me and the bathroom. Constantly going, but I'm sure that will ease up. It better or I'll never leave the house again:drinker: :sad:

    My love in friendship to all of my comrades in determination. Let's have a happy and productive May. HUGS:wink:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Jackie - it isn't a belly dance class. I have a belly dance DVD. I used to take a belly dance class. One of the things that really impressed me was the comraderie among all the women. Also, regardless of their size, every woman was comfortable in her body. And let me tell you, we had some BIG BIG women. Yet, they wore those skimpy tops and had their belly flowing out. They didn't have a problem at all with their body image.

    Donna - if you go to your home page on MFP, then hit the tab "Goals", it'll take you to a page where your goals are listed but there is a box at the bottom that says "change goals". Click on that. Then you will be able to change your fiber goals.

    Welcome back canroadrunner

    dmdinfl - how do you determine your body fat?

    Debbie - You really warm my heart what you are doing for those poor animals. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Tried a new yoga class today "yoga with a Groove". To me, it's not really what I think of when I think of yoga. Yoga makes me think of peace, relaxation, stretching. I just didn't find loud music to be very soothing. Honestly, I probably won't go back again. Wish they'd have a warm yoga class on Sat. morning. Then again, the parking where the studio is is horrendous. But on the bright side, it's also near the farmer's market. But I don't think I'll be doing that class any more.

    Viv - what I do instead of not having cookies in the house that I'll be tempted by, I try to buy cookies that I don't like. Like dh loves the Peanut Butter patties (GS), I don't. So I buy them for him. He'll eat Doritos, I don't like them. So that's what kind of chips we have in the house.

    Right now I feel uncomfortably full. I probably shouldn't have had that flax along with a bit of applesauce for dessert. I had some tuna fish for lunch, and that really filled me up. Then I had some cereal for dinner. The flax and applesauce was probably just a little too much. Well, I only went over my calories today by 67, so I don't consider that real bad. I still can't seem to get up protein up, tho. I had egg whites for breakfast, tuna for lunch, and Kashi cereal (high protein) for dinner. Guess I just gotta keep trying.....


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's wonderful to see so many posts today, especially since Saturday is usually a slow day......Thank you for all your kind words...when I started MFP in February 2009 this thread was already here.....it had been started by a woman named Esther and I fell in love with the group from the very start....I learned a lot about healthy eating and exercise but even more important than that, I had a group of friends who never lost interest in my endless recitations of what I ate and how I exercised, when I had a question, there was always someone there with an answer. Even with a loving husband and good friends, I needed the love and support of this thread. I could log on day or night and find some new story from one of you.....how cool that we live in so many time zones.

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: on the subject of drinking water, I didn't drink much at all when I started. I rarely felt thirsty and was more concerned about not finding a rest room than I was about the potential of dehydration. When I found out I had to drink a lot of water, I treated it like a prescription from the doctor and drank it dutifully whether I wanted to or not. Someone on this thread suggested keeping water on the kitchen counter or on your desk at work......that's when I figured out that room temperature water went down more easily than ice water. Later, someone suggested keeping a piece of paper and a pencil near the water so I could make a tally mark for each eight ounce glass.......I still do that. Later I made a rule for myself that I couldn't log onto MFP without first drinking eight ounces of water.....maybe my "tricks" won't work for you, but if you keep reading on this thread, you'll learn something that works for you.

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, the world is a better place because of people like you who jump up to volunteer in times of need.....thank you :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: It took me a long time and a lot of trial and error to rid my house of tempting food----the last tempting food I had to get rid of was Kashi Go Lean cereal because I kept finding myself mindlessly eating it out of the box :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to everyone who is new........you are starting an amazing adventure with this new group of friends
    :heart: :heart: hugs:heart: Barbie
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    I really did not have specific goals for April and really did not do very well. I changed my goals to reflect them for May. This past week I have been eating right and I plan to continue to do that and to add exercise. I have not weighed in a while. I may weigh tomorrow so that I can know where I am. I would like to be a size smaller by my birthday on May 26th. thank you ladies for being here for me. I could never have done it without you. I have 2 girls Emma and Rhea sleeping over since Paw Paw is away. They are watching Tinkerbell so i will close now to spend some time with them. Have a good Sunday.
    Vicki M
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Good evening all. I am sharing what is called a "Responsibility Contract". Someone wrote this during her journey to a healthy lifestyle. She knew that her emotions had a powerful impact on her eating habits. Feel free to adapt for yourself.

    :flowerforyou: "I am willing to take responsibility for my emotions in all situations, and take the time to learn from them. I realize that I am not responsible for other people's feelings, but do my best to be kind to them.

    I know that I can handle my emotions and will do my best in each and every moment to be aware of them. When I catch myself feeling angry, or blaming people, I will take the time to become aware of what I am feeling in that moment and uncover the reason for my feeling this way.

    I will step back from a situation and deal with my emotions in a positive way and only return when I feel calm about the situation. I am becoming more and more responsible for my emotions each and every day." :flowerforyou:

    Being responsible for my own emotions is one of the keys to successful healthy living.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: Rebel :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So just a quick post. I just had a wonderful dinner with my husband:love: and even with splurging for our anniversary I only came in 26 calories over for the day. We had a cocktail, wine, craba and artichoke dip , a salad, wonderful bread and seared ahi. we even had vanilla icecream on the house for our anniversary. It was wonderful and I didn't feel guilty at all. It was a wonderful meal. I hope you all have a great evening.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    I can't believe it is May 1st already. :noway: What happened to April? And I am sitting here in WOOL SOCKS on the first of May :noway: because it got so cool this afternoon.

    Last night, one of the weathermen on our local tv stations was asked why he wasn't predicting 70 degree days with sunshine, and he replied, "You know that commercial with the "easy button?" .... Well, my "easy button" is broken!!" :noway: :laugh: :laugh:

    Today, I was getting a coffee and saw a fellow wearing a Staples shirt. When I opened the door, a breeze blew in and he commented on the cold, so I told him what the weatherman had said. The young man said "We can deliver another one!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Had a busy day today and Friday. Last night I helped friends deal with some computer problems, and in return, I had a grilled salmon dinner with a great salad, and garlic sourdough boule, not to mention fresh steamed asparagus. We had a sugar free lemon loaf covered with blueberries and a little Redi Whip. The calorie count for the day would have been better if I had only had ONE glass of Merlot instead of THREE!!:laugh: :laugh: But, life is for living..:ohwell: Fortunately, I had lots of exercise calories available from moving boxes and furniture.

    One of the things we did was start talking about the differences between cats and dogs. My friends recently acquired a very friendly orange tabby cat named "Charlie." He checked my out quite thoroughly, and apparently decided it was not a violation of the "cat code" to accept petting from someone who smelled like a certain trio of little doggies. Once he got all the attention he required, he sat with his back to me, and my host commented on how, if he (the cat, that is:bigsmile: ) were a dog, I wouldn't be able to get rid of him.:bigsmile:

    By this time I was starting that third glass of Merlot, so I had a sudden "insight"--Dogs are like toddlers--wanting your undivided attention at all times, will follow you to every room, sit on your lap the minute you sit down. Cats, on the other hand, are like most teenagers--sullen and unresponsive--unless THEY WANT something!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: My host and hostess thought his comment showed great philosophical insight,:noway: but they were both on their second vodkas, so maybe ya had to BE there!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Today, I got a later start than I had planned. It seems that 3 glasses of Merlot leaves me feeling...well..like I had three glasses of Merlot!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Anyway, I didn't stay in bed too long, since I got a call from a neighbor alerting me that we have a sinkhole on the common area of our condo property, next to the creek. It is fairly small, so far. I measured it this morning so I can check it on Sunday to see if it is any bigger. We managed to find some scrap lumber and cover it so no person or critter can fall in.

    I managed to get the rest of the odds and ends moved from my parents' storage unit, and consolidated into the other one I rented that we are going to combine my stuff and theirs in. Unfortunately, I am NOT done:grumble: I still have to go through all my stuff this next month and get it consolidated into the other unit. I found about 6 boxes of old Sunset Magazines. My mom subscribed to Sunset from the early 50's up to about 1993, and I thought I had already recycled all the ones that remained, but these were from the mid-fifties up to 1970 and beyond.

    I hated the thought of just tossing them, but there is no market for them ( I checked). As one fell open to an add for a late fifties car, I suddenly figured out a solution. I called the Memory Care unit of the senior living complex where my parents live, and found they would be delighted to use some of them, and they would share the rest with someone in the activities department that works with residents not in memory care. I delivered all the magazines there today, and before I even got out of the building, some of the ladies were eyeballing them with great interest.

    I couldn't resist holding back a few of them and taking them to my mother. There were two magazines that were older than I am, and we both got a kick out of that. I didn't have time to look at them in depth but will later.

    After all those exercise calories, I went to a birthday party at the home where I grew up. The couple that purchased it are good friends of a good friend of mine. Their son, and his mother have birthdays at the beginning of May, so it was a good excuse for a party. I ate too much chili and cheese dip with tortilla chips, and also had a piece of brownie cake with ice cream, and a couple of snicker doodles jumped on my plate too:noway: :laugh: There were also veggies and salad. It was not the most healthful of meals, but very good, and tomorrow is another day.:flowerforyou:

    I was supposed to visit with a friend after the afternoon party, but I was so tired, I came home. The doggies and I are spending quality time--they with their snores and an occasional snack, and me with the computer. I also watched a movie that I didn't even know existed, the story of "The Singing Nun"--remember the song "Dominique" that came out in the mid-sixties?

    Well, this post is long enough. I will do some personal responses in a separate one.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Welcome to the thread. I read your profile. We are here to support and encourage you. You CAN do this!!!

    Debbie (LifeAfter50)--
    My thoughts are with you and your hubby in your efforts to help with the coastal cleanup. I can't even imagine what an unpleasant environment you will be working in. Thank you for doing something that those of us on the other side of the country can't. I hope you will keep us posted on your efforts, if you have an opportunity to get online.

    Jeannie (LJCannon)--
    Congrats on your weight loss and your time in the race.:drinker: :drinker:

    Howdy, keep up the good work.

    Welcome to the thread. There are 9 weeks until your daughter's wedding. I don't know that you could lose 20 lbs. in that time. 2 lbs. a week on an average would get you 18. (despite another poster whose math doesn't match the number of weeks until July 4th--Sorry Michelle :flowerforyou: ) EXERCISE,--lots of cardio to burn calories. Eating healthy and drinking lots of water. Doing strength training exercise will help you build muscle and firm up so that you will lose INCHES, which will, in turn, help you LOOK like you lost more than you did. Good luck!!

    Good luck fighting against those trigger foods. As we know, they are dynamite.

    Glad you met your goals, or pretty close to it. Hope your uncle is ok.

    I agree with you. I have never heard of a "thank you" dinner where the people being thanked are charged for the privilege. Hope you have a great visit with your son--sounds like a much better use of time to me!!:flowerforyou:

    Hope you enjoyed your retreat. I am planning my own "retreat" from anything resembling work tomorrow!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Congrats on your loss. The broth sounds yummy. As for BP, if it is determined their was negligence, let us hope they do pay off in a more timely fashion than Exxon did for the mess they created in Alaska with the Valdez spill. It took YEARS for them to ante up and pay the piper. The sad thing is a friend of mine told me there was a safety precaution available for the underground valves that would have added another $500,000 to the cost of the platform, and it is a requirement for drilling in European locales but not in US, and to save money, since it wasn't a requirement, it wasn't done. Assuming this is true, I bet they wish now they had spent the half a mil...

    I see your food diary now has you tracking fiber, but you still have another category space available in your diary. You can track up to 6. I recommend you add "fat" as another option to track.To change your food diary, when you are in the "food" tab, choose "settings" and add fat to your settings. To change the amount of fiber as your daily allowance, I see that Michelle posted above me how to do this, so I am editing to eliminate duplicate info. You can also use the same process if you want to change the amount of sodium or cholesterol. All three of those numbers are static--they will stay the same regardless of how many calories you have available for the day. Protein, Carbs, Fat, are all a percentage of calories so they will change based upon your number of calories available for the day.

    As far as the dog eating your breakfast, maybe a little seasoning and some cheese will help your eggs be more palatable.

    Welcome Fabfifty!!

    Thanks for the pretty May basket. I was so busy today that I forgot to remember it was "Mayday." What sort of farming do you do? Growing crops or raising animals?

    Sorry about the water problem in your exercise area. I would imagine you would prefer to have a contractor put in a pool rather than "mother nature.":wink::wink:

    Welcome to the thread. We will be glad to support you in your new beginnings. You know what they say, "if we can send one man to the moon, why can't we send them all?" :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I am just kidding, but I have found that sometimes thinking that thought will keep you sane.:wink:

    I will face the music with my weigh in on Monday and look at goals for May.
    I haven't caught up with everyone, but it is late and I am ready to crash. Happy Sunday.

  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Just checking in. Cloudy day in May in IL. But definitely not dreary! I must share my good new...broke through a stubborn plateau today! The scale Gods were smiling at me this morning. I am down 2 more pounds. I am savouring the moment as I know my body and I will be at this weight for a while. Off to get ready for church, then a play with my sis and neice. Hopefully will sneak some exercise in this evening.

    rjadams: Happy Anniversary! You did well and enjoyed a fabulous dinner. Good for you! We have enjoyed your sweet pictures on your profile. They are lovely!

    Renny: Love the contract with self. I can adapt that for water drinking, taking time for me, and being disciplined enough to exercise. Thanks for sharing.

    Barbie: I kept a tallie of my water drinking yesterday. Thanks for the tip. With that paper right by the sink I was more diligent about getting it in. Thanks so much!

    Have a blessed day all! :heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Just a quick hello, I will catch up with everyone later. So Today is officially the first wedding anniversary. So we are going to the Mariners game. Yay! We go every year once or twice. One year we went 12 times. this year will be different tho. No polish sausage, no candy, no peanuts and only one beer. I am taking some carrots and a protein bar. Boy I really have changed. Anyway I hope you all have a great day.

    PLAY BALL!!!!!!!!!!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Happy May to everyone!

    Didn't have time to get here yesterday because it was my Saturday to work and then, of course, I got stuff done around the house and yard with my family. I was SO tired after that just the thought of using a computer sounded like too much work!:noway:

    Welcome to Terrill, LJCannon, Callianna, Donna56, FabulousFifty, canroadrunner and dmdinfla! (I hope I didn't miss anyone!) :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: This is a great group of women to be involved with!

    I did okay on my April goals--except for the walk in the evenings. The weather hasn't been very nice and I find myself VERY tired in the evening so what I have done--and plan on continuing to do--is to add an extra cardio workout to my morning routine. It's surprising how much more time I have now that I'm not going outside to smoke a cigarette! (copied from my last April post!:laugh: )

    Debbie--it makes me want to cry to see the devastation caused by the oil spill--and it sounds like its going to get much, much worse! Thank you for helping--I wish there was more I could do but we will be donating to the cleanup and relief causes.

    Robin--so glad your DH is feeling better. Enjoy the game. (Maybe you will be the reason they win today? One can hope!) I love your picture. You should keep it up--it makes me happy to look at it!

    Jackie--I love Scotch broth but could never find a good recipe for it--would you be willing to share yours?

    Michelle--I have a youtube playlist with belly dance workouts on it. It is so much fun to do! In fact, I think I'll do that when I finish posting here! It will be a nice break from the more 'utilitarian' workouts i usually do!

    Barb (weaklink)--You are SO right! Cats are EXACTLY like teenagers! AND if they don't get what they want, when they want it, they have the loudest ways of letting you know, too! (Just like teens! Well, like my girls as teens, anyway!:laugh: )

    Well, I'd better get moving. Hope to get back later. Have a wonderful Sunday, all!
  • remolding
    remolding Posts: 25 Member
    I have never responded to this group before, so my prayers to all who will be helping with this disaster. I love the beaches and I love animals.God Bless all of you who are doing this.:heart: