Why should I go VEGAN??



  • viktorijandz
    viktorijandz Posts: 72 Member
    I really enjoyed the reading of this topic. So many different opinions. :} I agree with the statement that every person has his own right to decide what to eat. Can you imagine all people in the world as being vegetarians/vegans? How much land we would then need to grow enough crops to feed the population? That's why vegetarians/vegans create sort of balance for meat-eaters. Anyway, if a person is okey with eating meat, it's fine. If he prefers vegetarian/vegan diet, it's even better from my viewpoint because it will be three years on March since I became vegetarian. To be honest, I'm sure that it was the best decision I made. :} Personally I know four vegetarian people and they all are healthy, fit and happy. As for veganism, I would like to swith into vegan diet later in my life although I would find it pretty difficult I suppose because I really like milk and honey. ^^ Anyway, I think I don't have enough knowledge about vegan diet and that's what makes everything more complicated.

    As for reasons for going vegan, you should have your own, not ask them here. :} Everything depends on your priorities - whether there are animal rights or health issues.I believe that it's possible to be completely healthy while eating vegan. It might be more challanging of course but still possible. :}
  • fuzzieme
    fuzzieme Posts: 454 Member
    I could live without meat - indeed I did for a while when particularly broke and don't large servings nor daily now - but not without cheese or fish. Many vegan alternatives to meat/ fish/ eggs/ dairy are processed rubbish with lengthy ingredients lists and the diet NEEDS to be supplemented and/ or fortified, which is against my food ethos.

    Hi! I'm not disagreeing with you exactly, my food ethos is the same as yours, I'm vegan and haven't taken a supplement since I was 15 - I thought you had to supplement, at that time, my vegetarian diet and took supplements for the first three years. I forgot one one day and almost fainted. That made me angry, I knew I was depending on the supplements then. I woke up, got smart and now over a decade later I get everything I need with no supplements.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    ... Can you imagine all people in the world as being vegetarians/vegans? How much land we would then need to grow enough crops to feed the population? ......

    head! desk! head! desk!

    Because, obviously, we don't grow crops to feed cows that we later kill to eat????

    Ok. I'm really leaving this thread before I give myself a concussion.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Not taking the bait.

    Glad I stayed out of most of it. Everyone so angry in here..lmao.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member

    I just saw your edit with the 240lb guy. that 240lb guy you edited in is fat and at 6'1" and only 240 non-lean...He is not big. He wouldn't even place top 10 in a local show assuming he dieted down.

    Sorry. Just being realistic. There are a few vegan bodybuilders out there, but they have to up their doses to compensate...doses which are already sky-high.. So there goes the whole health thing

    I am also being realistic that with proper discipline, it can be done. I don't even know what "doses" you are talking about. Are you talking about steroids? In which case, you aren't even talking about anything natural in which case all of my interest has been lost. Might as well get these:


    hate to break it to you, but that first guy you linked to me was on more than a few steroids. There aint any natural IFBB pros...not even in his day.

    and if you don't even know what I meant by "doses"...then really our knowledge of what can and can't be done in terms of bodybuilding and muscular development is not even on the same level. No offense meant.

    Of course not. We just have wildly different views about what constitutes being worthy of praise.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    ...but the meat and dairy industries are no longer what they used to be.

    Haven't read through the entire thread yet. HOWEVER, the meat and dairy industries are a lot better today than "what they used to be." Factory farming has its faults, and if you're super worried about it, buy meat from a local farmer. But read The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, and you will see why we are so much better off now than we were a century ago.

    And I eat meat because I like it.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Not taking the bait.

    Glad I stayed out of most of it. Everyone so angry in here..lmao.

    I'm not angry :) I'm mediterranean. People confuse the two all the time :)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Not taking the bait.

    Glad I stayed out of most of it. Everyone so angry in here..lmao.

    I'm not angry :) I'm mediterranean. People confuse the two all the time :)

    :laugh: what do you mean stop yelling? we're just talking!
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Not taking the bait.

    Glad I stayed out of most of it. Everyone so angry in here..lmao.

    I'm not angry :) I'm mediterranean. People confuse the two all the time :)

    :laugh: what do you mean stop yelling? we're just talking!

  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    I get where you're coming from and I've thought about it myself.

    But those vegan substitutes are so processed, I'd rather eat chicken.
    Can the average person pronounce all of the ingredients in those fake meat crumbles or the fake cheese?
    Some of the additives are pretty bad...

    Thats why you don't eat processed foods vegan or not. Saying you'd rather eat chicken b/c some vegan substitutes are so processed is like saying - That **** has a lot of chemicals in it - so I rather eat this that has even MORE chemicals in it!

    If you eat organic chicken, I take that back!

    You do make a great point- ALL DIETS, including vegan can be unhealthy if you don't eat right.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I get where you're coming from and I've thought about it myself.

    But those vegan substitutes are so processed, I'd rather eat chicken.
    Can the average person pronounce all of the ingredients in those fake meat crumbles or the fake cheese?
    Some of the additives are pretty bad...

    Agree with this, I would rather find a balance and get my meat and dairy free range, organic, or from somewhere that is reputable, and eat plenty of foods found on a vegan diet as well, excepting the over processed substitutes. Thus, I eat fish, a little meat, dairy, plenty of vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds along with a very small amount of grain, and it works just fine for me.
  • I want to save animals from a unrespectful life + death. If you know how animals are killed, it breaks my heart. I try to only eat fish & bio/organic meat which is threated well. & also things such as eggs and milk are produced in awful situations... I feel like I save lives by this.
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I'm mostly vegan except for the occasional fish and chicken/turkey breast. That is because I can't eat dairy, red meats, beans and eggs due to a bizarre digestive disorder. I don't eat any of that fake, processed wannabe meat crap. I eat real food. I don't miss meat, but I miss cheese. :cry:
  • Because animals will thank you and plants will fear you, and you will become scary to all plants worldwide. Plants will know you as the herbivore of dooooooooooom.
  • StevenDial
    StevenDial Posts: 25 Member
    I just started eating vegan on 1/1/13 for my health after watching Forks Over Knifes. I did not make this change in my diet for animal rights or anything like that. That being said, everyone talking about humane open pasture beef, I found this "article" (intended as satire) very....funny/sad/interesting. http://www.theonion.com/articles/we-raise-all-our-beef-humanely-on-open-pasture-and,30983/
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    ...Can you imagine all people in the world as being vegetarians/vegans? How much land we would then need to grow enough crops to feed the population? That's why vegetarians/vegans create sort of balance for meat-eaters...

    :noway: I'm speechless.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    if ur going to go vegan it had better be for environmental or political reasons... because if you think you are going to be "healthier" or "look better" you are just fooling yourself.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    if ur going to go vegan it had better be for environmental or political reasons... because if you think you are going to be "healthier" or "look better" you are just fooling yourself.

    QFT, speaking from experience.

    ETA: i'm a total liar. I didn't leave this thread. I'm avoiding what i *should* be doing today.
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    if ur going to go vegan it had better be for environmental or political reasons... because if you think you are going to be "healthier" or "look better" you are just fooling yourself.

    QFT, speaking from experience.

    ETA: i'm a total liar. I didn't leave this thread. I'm avoiding what i *should* be doing today.

    Get to work, lady!
    <- avoiding studying AND cleaning
  • RobynLB
    RobynLB Posts: 617 Member
    I don't like meat. Never have. But I make myself eat it now because I realize I am healthier eating it than not eating it. I was a vegan for about 15 years and I started getting sick around year 5 or 6 and it just got worse from there.