any new 1200 calorie gals want to be friends



  • mas1989
    mas1989 Posts: 13 Member
    You can add me. I am new to this - only on day 4 of keeping up with it, but trying to stay at 1200 and exercise 5-6 days a week. I gained 15 lbs around when I turned 40 and can't seem to lose them.
  • lnjoyw
    lnjoyw Posts: 25 Member
    Hello ladies! Started eating healthy right after Christmas and have lost 14 pounds! Started MFP about a week ago. I have tried tons of diet programs but this is my first time counting calories! I'm loving that it requires me to limit the amount I eat because on Weight Watchers, Atkins, I had a hard time breaking my binging habits. Need support and workout/ recipe suggestions. Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • aynhagenbarth
    aynhagenbarth Posts: 75 Member
    You ladies can add me too! I am pretty committed and looking for others who are the same! I love to encourage others and be encouraged!
  • 18pounds
    18pounds Posts: 1 Member
    Hello ladies, i am wanting to shed about 20 pounds. Currently doing Bikram yoga 4 times a week & planning to get on a 1200 cal diet. Food is my biggest weakness, so am looking for some encouragement , success stories and to encourage all of you out there with my progress (fingers crossed).
  • lorika55
    lorika55 Posts: 24 Member
    started at the beginning of January. Going under 1200, lost 4 pounds but somehow gained them back ..tracking is helpful. I know my issue is my limited mobility. I have had numerous knee surgeries as well as a challenging knee replacement. Will keep at it but feeling frustrated.
  • I am not exercising at all.....I hate to and I'm so out of ship. I have a pretty new treadmill and recumbent bike but never use them. My mindset now it to start exercising as soon as I'm under 200lbs. I've tried so many diets; nutrasystem; Jenny Craig; Weight Watchers; Liquid Diet at Baptist Hospital; Sugar Busters and Atkins, over the last 12 years. After every diet I go back to my same old weight and add 10 lbs.

    My doctors are making me lose it now for health reasons.
  • Yes! Add me to your conversations!
    My goal is to lose 15+ pounds and have just started ZUMBA 3 x a week. IT IS VERY HARD FOR A 56 YEAR OLD, but I do love it!
  • ZUMBA works...but it is hard for older folks like me (56)!

    I really love it, but it is hard to keep up with the class "younguns" average age probably 27 years old...LOL
  • kludwig87
    kludwig87 Posts: 8 Member
    1200 is my daily goal!
  • smgasch
    smgasch Posts: 14 Member
    I do 1200 or less too. Still trying to find the magic between exercise and intake that I loose consistently. anyone is free to add me!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I'm 1300 calorie set by a dietician. I'll be your friend! I am not a cook at all and do eat some processed food so if that bothers you I will understand if you don't want to be firends.
  • syrklc
    syrklc Posts: 172 Member
    sure, always looking for new friends with similar goals.
  • j4m8
    j4m8 Posts: 32
    1200 calorie gal in need of like-minded ladies! It's rough doing this alone!
  • Hi I just joined today.Im going on a vacation in 5 weeks and need to get some pounds off. Iam to 1200 a day and I hope this helps me loose alittle before I go.
  • velvettsky
    velvettsky Posts: 3 Member
    me too, my daily goal is 1200 but i rarely use them all. im a vegan so i can get a lot of food in for less cals.
  • I'm in 1200 cal group too! Been plugging away at this faithfully since September 2012. I have lost 22 pounds. And yes, being older doesn't help much ~ over 40. Stay positive... It is working... Slow and steady wins the race!!!
  • natascha212
    natascha212 Posts: 10 Member
    you can add me , i only eat 1200 or less it made me lose about 4 inches in a week :)
  • Hi. *waves* 1200 (ish) here too.
  • Serendipityunt
    Serendipityunt Posts: 120 Member
    I am not a girl but I am a huge proponent of eating as few calories as possible to get fat loss over with ASAP. Up until today I was eating 900/day.

    Trolling? Cause that's not healthy, not should be encouraged.