Things that p*ss you off.



  • browneyedbeaute
    browneyedbeaute Posts: 172 Member
    People who leave their machines at the gym and expect to get it back when they return...
  • thatfitgaal
    People who are like 'OMG I exercised today why haven't I lost weight'


  • Wolf_
    Wolf_ Posts: 442
    People who are like 'OMG I exercised today why haven't I lost weight'


    Tween acronyms for anything, ever.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member

    On the topic of hair color, it can reflect personality traits. Not necessarily the clichéd version like blondes are stupid or anything like that but there have been studies on the subject.

    Again, just generalizations...

    A survey has shown that blondes divorce more often, being always surrounded by proposals and attention. They get married earlier as well than other women.

    None of this applies to me. I am 32, never been married, never been surrounded by proposals and attention and believe in marriage for life.


    They may seem impressionable and easy but in reality, they have the strongest consciousness, a great memory, large lexical knowledge and they are even good at mathematics! Beside these, they have a great humor.

    Some of this is correct for me but I have THE worst memory and am just ok at mathematics unless they count finance at which I rock.

    And I couldn't help but notice this on the black hair part...

    While blondes are hasty

    I am anything but hasty. LOL As with any generalization or stereotypes, take it with a grain of salt. I like to read these types of things. It is like horoscopes, hit and miss.
  • jrocnrun
    Im pissed at lucky women who were "Blessed" with amazing genetics that allow them to eat whatever they want, whenever they want, have kids, and not work out and still look like they did at17. I HATE that. lol
  • JULIEdance
    JULIEdance Posts: 139 Member
    Results of the recent presidential elections in my country. Regardless of education, politic views etc, this man is extremely rude and vulgar and isn´t competent to represent the state decently. Everyone knows it, but... who cares about manners anyway, right?
  • grammysboy
    grammysboy Posts: 151 Member

    What really pisses me off is not being able to post one of these stupid gifs!!!
  • fallbrawl
    -People who lie
    - People who act like they are better then anyone eles
    - People who forget what they are saying in the middle of a sentence
    - People who think that just because i have a truck that means i will deliver stuff for them.
    -People who only talk to me when they want something.
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    When my cat starts meowing and scratching at my carpet at 5 a.m. because he wants a pre-breakfast snack.
  • Nurseblondy
    People who judge someone by their hair color or either ignorant or jealous. Most likely both. I don't have time for people like that in my life.

    My pet peeves are
    1. People who do not use their blinker
    2. People who drive slow in the fast lane
    3. People who smell
    4. Rude people
    5.People who abuse/ do not treat their animals like family.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member
    What's something thats upset you lately that you'd like to vent about?

    A family member who makes promises and then chooses to skip on them instead.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    "New Year Resolution People" at the gym. Okay, don't get me wrong, I think its great that people want to lose weight and get fit but every January the gym gets so packed I lose my mind. I am sick and tired of waiting for machines and having to walk around new people talking in the middle foot traffic paths or sitting on machines while talking and so on and so on. What about the regular gym people who have dedicated years to their fitness and who have showed up everyday? They are now having to accommodate the new people who act like they own the gym and don't know anything about gym etiquette. Like "Back off people, its rude to sit by a machine and wait while I am still using it". I've got to the point where I am starting to be snappy towards them, I called a guy a douche the other day. hahahaha I am a very nice person, I am even known as "the ambassador" of my gym and it is literally written on my gym log in screen as "the ambassador" under the nickname...haha. I talk to everyone, I go up to random people and make friends all the time but I am sooo sick of rude people. I have little toleration for people who mess with my friends or have no consideration for others.

    End rant***
    That felt good haha <3
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    People that use their g--d--- cell phones in the library. Finals week is next week, you t**t. Be considerate. And don't get all pissy when I tell you to STFU.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    "New Year Resolution People" at the gym. Okay, don't get me wrong, I think its great that people want to lose weight and get fit but every January the gym gets so packed I lose my mind. I am sick and tired of waiting for machines and having to walk around new people talking in the middle foot traffic paths or sitting on machines while talking and so on and so on. What about the regular gym people who have dedicated years to their fitness and who have showed up everyday? They are now having to accommodate the new people who act like they own the gym and don't know anything about gym etiquette. Like "Back off people, its rude to sit by a machine and wait while I am still using it". I've got to the point where I am starting to be snappy towards them, I called a guy a douche the other day. hahahaha I am a very nice person, I am even known as "the ambassador" of my gym and it is literally written on my gym log in screen as "the ambassador" under the nickname...haha. I talk to everyone, I go up to random people and make friends all the time but I am sooo sick of rude people. I have little toleration for people who mess with my friends or have no consideration for others.

    End rant***
    That felt good haha <3

    1.) Why don't you just ask for the machine instead of worrying about someone giving you a "look"?

    2.) Maybe YOU should quit being a b!tch to people and help some of the new people out. You MIGHT just change someone's life. Wouldn't you rather be remembered as the "person that got me going" then "I'm never going back to the gym because the regulars think they run the place" person?

    Get over yourself and help people, not feed the a**hole train.
  • Wolf_
    Wolf_ Posts: 442
    I long to touch your bacon.
  • When my child is sick and I keep her home from child care I still have to pay $79 so not only do I lose a day pay for not going to work but still have to pay them for the privilge of keeping her spot.

    My 12 year old waiting until the morning school returns from 5 weeks holiday to tell me she needs her dress hemmed.

    My sister in law thinking I'm going to drive her around town all day when they already have my car because theirs broke.

    Having to drive my husband to work at 5:30am as I need his car for the day because he lent mine to his idiot brother.

    My idiot husband refusing to watch his children because he needs sleep for work so I can't go to the gym until the baby is asleep around 10pm so I dont get to the gym until 10:30 and home around midnight and still have to drive him to work.

    My idiot husband breathing really p1sses me off
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    "New Year Resolution People" at the gym. Okay, don't get me wrong, I think its great that people want to lose weight and get fit but every January the gym gets so packed I lose my mind. I am sick and tired of waiting for machines and having to walk around new people talking in the middle foot traffic paths or sitting on machines while talking and so on and so on. What about the regular gym people who have dedicated years to their fitness and who have showed up everyday? They are now having to accommodate the new people who act like they own the gym and don't know anything about gym etiquette. Like "Back off people, its rude to sit by a machine and wait while I am still using it". I've got to the point where I am starting to be snappy towards them, I called a guy a douche the other day. hahahaha I am a very nice person, I am even known as "the ambassador" of my gym and it is literally written on my gym log in screen as "the ambassador" under the nickname...haha. I talk to everyone, I go up to random people and make friends all the time but I am sooo sick of rude people. I have little toleration for people who mess with my friends or have no consideration for others.

    End rant***
    That felt good haha <3

    1.) Why don't you just ask for the machine instead of worrying about someone giving you a "look"?

    2.) Maybe YOU should quit being a b!tch to people and help some of the new people out. You MIGHT just change someone's life. Wouldn't you rather be remembered as the "person that got me going" then "I'm never going back to the gym because the regulars think they run the place" person?

    Get over yourself and help people, not feed the a**hole train.

    Wow, name calling is so mature and classy of you. Thanks! :laugh:

    I don't know if you've been to a gym or not but asking for a machine when someone is in the middle of doing something is really bad gym etiquette. I even told you that a few people did that to me and it is super rude and against the rules of the gym where I go.
    I DID defend myself when a guy was super rude to me waiting for the machine I was on. I wasn't on it long, less than 2 minutes but he decided to be pretty aggressive and talk to me like well, a douche. So I called him one. Of course I am not going sit back and let people walk all over me and trust me, he deserved it. People were giving him super dirty looks because of what he did and nodding to me in approvement.
    As far as me being well, you know, a B!tch. Well, the thing is 99% of the time I am not. Actually a lot of people view me as a super friendly person who goes up to random strangers and makes friend all the time. The thing is, I am not talking about ALL the new people but the ones who have no idea how to conduct themselves and are inconsiderate of others. That's when I get mad. Yes, I am a regular, Yes, I am part of the gym family there and Yes, I am extremely proud of that. I have earned my stripes if you will. I am not better than others but I also has respected the equipment, staff and all the other members. These are my friends and family, do not mess with them.

    So yes, I might have vented a little more than I should have but what they heck, this is a website and I felt like it. Even if classy little people like you are judgmental. Go eat bacon, you might be nicer next time.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Senior Drivers
    Prius Drivers
    Handicap Drivers

    The senior handicaped driver int he prius doing 25 in a 45 during traffic yesterday.

    I hate traffic, is what I mean.
  • Wolf_
    Wolf_ Posts: 442
    A chronic lack of poon.