You Can Go To The Melting Pot!



  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    Wow, there is a lot of bitter people on this thread. I don't go to chai resteraunts on a regular basis, but let people enjoy it if they go. Unless if you are eating celery every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner then you have no right to tell others what to eat. I'm sure every now and then you go out to a taco bell or eat a burger.

    Of course! I would never tell someone else what to do! That was not the point.

    For burgers I enjoy Met Burger Bar (so tasty) and instead of Taco Bell I prefer Chipotle since they support small family farms. So yes, of course I enjoy tasty treats.

    Really? All I have read from you in this thread is telling people what to do....
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 354 Member
    My thoughts...

    If I'm going to the melting pot means I'm celebrating something and therefore would probably just have a hiatus unmanaged meal and enjoy!

    Yep. And for $150 I prefer to go to a local restaurant where I know that the meat and seafood is not crap.

    So, you do that.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    That's just not true. I can go to Ruth's Chris and get a beautiful meal and that's a chain. All chains are not created equally.
    We get it ONESNAP.. You HATE The Melting Pot... I think the OP was only trying to tell us of a little bit of a healthier way we could eat at that particular restaurant for the people who may actually eat there. I myself have never been, but have always wanted to go. Of course it would be only for a special occasion as the price does seem a little steep.

    BUT there is no reason you should continue BASHING people for their opinions or for them trying to give people information that could help them in their journey.. We get that you only like FARM raised animals and FRESH seafood... you dont have to keep trying to beat it into anyones head that has commented on this post... MOVE ALONG!!!

    The thing that OneSnap is trying to convey is that these chain restaurants are NOT healthy no matter what. I don't care if they have a 500 calorie menu or whatever.

    Food from chain restaurants is NOT healthy for us no matter what they try to market it as.

    *kitten* marketed as flowers is still *kitten*.

    Ruth Chris is still *kitten* in disguise.

    Really? You call CORN fed beef a beautiful meal???????????? Anything corn fed is FACTORY farmed, NO THANKS. GROSS

    You have never had grass fed steaks before have you? Obviously not.

    Grass fed steaks have inferior marbling, so if you are going to pay top dollar for a steak, you'd want a well marbled one dry aged one, not a crappy grass fed one
  • _Witsy_
    _Witsy_ Posts: 609 Member

    That the problem in this country will all the smart alleck attitudes and snarkiness.

    You NEVER care and you all are allowing these companies and corporations to destroy our local farmers and the national (actually world wide) food supply.

    For those of you that don't care about being sustainable, there will be one day in the near future when you will have wished you cared more.

    What exactly is snarky about that comment? This is not school. The subject that repeatedly got tossed in people's faces was NOT what the thread was meant for. The thread was hijacked with personal agenda (and don't get me wrong, it's great that the other poster is passionate about it but...this wasn't the correct platform for that discussion).

    For what it is worth...I eat what I can afford...whether it's store bought, farm grown blah blah blah.

    I'm hardly sick either.

    And I'm overweight cuz I ate WAY TOO MUCH in the past....healthy food and fast food.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member

    Farm to table is BS, terribly unhealthy

    Keep your tinfoil hat wrapped tight

    Unhealthy how? I did not miss a day of work for a sick day last year and I've never been overweight.

    How is eating from farm-to-table unhealthy?

    Read what I quoted, someone stated no food from a chain restaurant is healthy, therefore that farm to table chain must serve unhealthy food

    There are NO farm to table chain restaurants. Your just being ignorant to start an argument as usual and I ignore you and your ignorant comments.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    Ruth Chris is still *kitten* in disguise.

    Really? You call CORN fed beef a beautiful meal???????????? Anything corn fed is FACTORY farmed, NO THANKS. GROSS

    You have never had grass fed steaks before have you? Obviously not.

    We call it Happy Meat in my house. :) And yes, I agree with you on Ruth's Chris. Did not want to be called rude, or disrespectful so I waited for someone else to point the corn fed situation. Corn fed cows and grain fed cows have to be fed antibiotics because their bodies cannot digest grain diets. If you feed a cow grass you have delicious butter (Ireland as one example only uses grass fed dairy--have you tried their butter?).
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    i thought this post was about going to melting pot didnt know know it was you can go to melting pot......but if you do you are destroying america and will force everyone to die within the next 6 months and will have to spend 700 dollars for not fresh seafood and onesnap will physically fight you if you do............wonder what would happened if i went to red lobster.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member

    Farm to table is BS, terribly unhealthy

    Keep your tinfoil hat wrapped tight

    Unhealthy how? I did not miss a day of work for a sick day last year and I've never been overweight.

    How is eating from farm-to-table unhealthy?

    I'm 100 pounds over weight and have never called into work because I've been sick (6 years). WTF does that have to do with anything?
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    i was promised fondue.

    all i found was poo flinging.

    stop being idiots. :angry:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    Farm to table is BS, terribly unhealthy

    Keep your tinfoil hat wrapped tight

    Unhealthy how? I did not miss a day of work for a sick day last year and I've never been overweight.

    How is eating from farm-to-table unhealthy?

    Read what I quoted, someone stated no food from a chain restaurant is healthy, therefore that farm to table chain must serve unhealthy food

    There are NO farm to table chain restaurants. Your just being ignorant to start an argument as usual and I ignore you and your ignorant comments.

    Click the link, and calling someone ignorant?

  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member
    I am gonna go get me some factory steak, inject some hormones in it and swallow it whole with a big bag of doritoes *I mean meth* just to test your theory. Seriously, if you don't like it, cool. But, you are not really gonna change anyones mind here....... Your ideals are special to you and a handful of other people. But, having someone say the same thing over and over and over and over causes fewer people to take it seriously. Just chill. I will spend MY $150 there and enjoy every bite, no matter your opinion.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member

    That the problem in this country will all the smart alleck attitudes and snarkiness.

    You NEVER care and you all are allowing these companies and corporations to destroy our local farmers and the national (actually world wide) food supply.

    For those of you that don't care about being sustainable, there will be one day in the near future when you will have wished you cared more.

    What exactly is snarky about that comment? This is not school. The subject that repeatedly got tossed in people's faces was NOT what the thread was meant for. The thread was hijacked with personal agenda (and don't get me wrong, it's great that the other poster is passionate about it but...this wasn't the correct platform for that discussion).

    For what it is worth...I eat what I can afford...whether it's store bought, farm grown blah blah blah.

    I'm hardly sick either.

    And I'm overweight cuz I ate WAY TOO MUCH in the past....healthy food and fast food.

    What is the correct platform?

    How about we all sit down and watch Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution and talk about what delicious foods the kids in Los Angeles County were feed in school. I there a correct platform? Do you think it would be better if we all watched Biggest Loser together and had a chat after.

    I'm confused.

    We're here to lead a healthy life and lose some weight (or maintain).

    Are we not here to have an educated discussion about food/health/nutrition. If you have a better forum please share. I mean, the Jamie Oliver page on Google Plus is more than welcome for you to suggest ideas how to help our nation's kids eat better in school...............
  • koshkasmum
    koshkasmum Posts: 276 Member
    Well, Mr. Onesnap, you are obviously holier than I - not to mention being what's right with America. You are a consumer saint. Whereas I, poor unenlightened sap that I am, am destined to descend into the depths of GM, agrobusiness dominated, mass produced consumer Hell - and take the whole rest of the world with me.

    You sir, are arrogant, insulting and remarkably irritating. You have consistently shown nothing but disrespect for others expressing an opinion on this thread. I am distressed to hear that you teach - because someone with so little respect for others seems to me to be ill suited for teaching.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I'm so glad I know to take all those biased documentaries people watch with a huge grain of salt. Listen to them and they'll have you believing unless you've kissed the farmer on the mouth nothing you eat is ok for you.


    ps Our food supply is MORE sustainable now because it's designed to feed a larger population. What isn't being mentioned is if we were to attempt to feed everyone organic, locally grown food we'd need one thing to happen. We'd need millions of people to die. There simply wouldn't be enough food.

    But y'all go ahead. When the windmill knocks you back straighten your hat and try again!
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    I am gonna go get me some factory steak, inject some hormones in it and swallow it whole with a big bag of doritoes *I mean meth* just to test your theory. Seriously, if you don't like it, cool. But, you are not really gonna change anyones mind here....... Your ideals are special to you and a handful of other people. But, having someone say the same thing over and over and over and over causes fewer people to take it seriously. Just chill. I will spend MY $150 there and enjoy every bite, no matter your opinion.

    I would not expect any less.

    You clearly missed my point.

    I already know 99% of America eats factory farmed meat.

    I'm not looking to change anyone.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Well, Mr. Onesnap, you are obviously holier than I - not to mention being what's right with America. You are a consumer saint. Whereas I, poor unenlightened sap that I am, am destined to descend into the depths of GM, agrobusiness dominated, mass produced consumer Hell - and take the whole rest of the world with me.

    You sir, are arrogant, insulting and remarkably irritating. You have consistently shown nothing but disrespect for others expressing an opinion on this thread. I am distressed to hear that you teach - because someone with so little respect for others seems to me to be ill suited for teaching.

    I happen to be a Mrs.

    Again, I did not intend to come off as arrogant.
  • blinker86
    blinker86 Posts: 104 Member
    Despite all the other comments, I definitely appreciate the info! I have always loved going to The Melting Pot and have been there many times. I recently tried my own fondue at home, but I must say that I would prefer splurging and visiting the restaurant because I don't have to do all the prep work, and the atmosphere is always great. I will definitely be checking this out! :smile:
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I think the important piece to take away from this thread is that I would much prefer to make fondue at home than go to Melting Pot.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member

    Farm to table is BS, terribly unhealthy

    Keep your tinfoil hat wrapped tight

    Unhealthy how? I did not miss a day of work for a sick day last year and I've never been overweight.

    How is eating from farm-to-table unhealthy?

    Read what I quoted, someone stated no food from a chain restaurant is healthy, therefore that farm to table chain must serve unhealthy food

    There are NO farm to table chain restaurants. Your just being ignorant to start an argument as usual and I ignore you and your ignorant comments.

    Sorry, this was all I envisioned when I read this.

  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I am gonna go get me some factory steak, inject some hormones in it and swallow it whole with a big bag of doritoes *I mean meth* just to test your theory. Seriously, if you don't like it, cool. But, you are not really gonna change anyones mind here....... Your ideals are special to you and a handful of other people. But, having someone say the same thing over and over and over and over causes fewer people to take it seriously. Just chill. I will spend MY $150 there and enjoy every bite, no matter your opinion.

    I'm not looking to change anyone.

    Um, really? Because you keep going off about "educating" everyone. That kind of makes it seem like you're trying to change something....
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