Afterlife: Is There Life After Death?



  • Adina81
    Adina81 Posts: 252 Member
    I definitely think there is some kind of spiritual plane that we go to when we are done with these 'physical forms'
  • tigerblood78
    tigerblood78 Posts: 417 Member
    We are all just zeros and ones in a computer simulation.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    When we die we become fabulous and nutritious maggot food.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    When we die we become fabulous and nutritious maggot food.
    lmfao this
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    no one knows. no one living has been dead for more than a few minutes and the brain does things just before the body dies to make the mind hallucinate, so no one living knows whether there is life after death.
  • akmett
    akmett Posts: 75 Member
    I know with all my heart that our life is just the "blink of an eye" and that we will spend eternity either in heaven or hell. I LOVE nature - when I look around and see the delicate balance of life it's hard for me to understand how all of that could be chance. There has to be a creator. I put my trust in the Bible. Others believe we were created by some other god and use another book, but the Bible is different b/c it's the only religion where we each can have a personal relationship with God. I feel Him and draw on His strengh every day. My Dad should have died 3 years ago (his medical records say "Miraculous recovery" in red - the Drs can't explain why he is still with us (and without brain damage) but through it all I just knew he would be okay...I don't know how I would have gotten throuh that without that hope. Anyway...the Bible tells us we will one day all meet our creator and I know we will.
  • tigerblood78
    tigerblood78 Posts: 417 Member
    I know with all my heart that our life is just the "blink of an eye" and that we will spend eternity either in heaven or hell. I LOVE nature - when I look around and see the delicate balance of life it's hard for me to understand how all of that could be chance. There has to be a creator. I put my trust in the Bible. Others believe we were created by some other god and use another book, but the Bible is different b/c it's the only religion where we each can have a personal relationship with God. I feel Him and draw on His strengh every day. My Dad should have died 3 years ago (his medical records say "Miraculous recovery" in red - the Drs can't explain why he is still with us (and without brain damage) but through it all I just knew he would be okay...I don't know how I would have gotten throuh that without that hope. Anyway...the Bible tells us we will one day all meet our creator and I know we will.

    Not trying to argue here...but please explain why God decided your dad was worth his trouble but all the kids at Sandy Hook weren''t.
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    Well...the King James Version of the Christian Bible says that "the dead are not conscious..." and that's in Ecclesiastes Chapter 9 Verse 5... Also in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 7 the Bible mentions death: "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." ... I, personally, believe that all energy is only borrowed...and that one day we must give it back...Just live a good life...your soul (or conscious) knows what is good and matter which God is the one God if you are a good person it shouldn't matter which religion you are right? :( These are my personal questions/thoughts to answer your question...I don't know the answer...but... I'm going to find out one day...
  • terriblyn
    terriblyn Posts: 107 Member
    Not an afterlife in its traditional sense. More like going "home"!

    Life on earth is just a flash in a pan, that is why we should not take it too serious and have fun with it :-)


    I TOTALLY get what you mean and ABSOLUTELY agree!!
    We're but a miniscule blip in the time line of the ever expanding universe...we should savor every moment we get to live on this physical plane of existence.
  • jamie610811
    jamie610811 Posts: 1,735 Member
    Still no
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    Christianity was used by wealthy men to maintain power and control over others. Women were considered to be lower than cattle in the eyes of "God"..... and it's still used to exert power and control over ordinary people who need faith to make it through periods of heartache, loss, trials and tribulations....

    Everything is accidental, nothing is certain.....except death.
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    More importantly for all of us, is there life before death?

  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    Christianity was used by wealthy men to maintain power and control over others. Women were considered to be lower than cattle in the eyes of "God"..... and it's still used to exert power and control over ordinary people who need faith to make it through periods of heartache, loss, trials and tribulations....

    Everything is accidental, nothing is certain.....except death.

    I've almost finished reading the entire Bible and I haven't seen mention ANYWHERE in the Bible that God considers women to be lower than cattle...where do people like you come up this this crap?! ...Read it before you cast judgement on something you obviously know nothing about...
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Christianity was used by wealthy men to maintain power and control over others. Women were considered to be lower than cattle in the eyes of "God"..... and it's still used to exert power and control over ordinary people who need faith to make it through periods of heartache, loss, trials and tribulations....

    Everything is accidental, nothing is certain.....except death.

    I've almost finished reading the entire Bible and I haven't seen mention ANYWHERE in the Bible that God considers women to be lower than cattle...where do people like you come up this this crap?! ...Read it before you cast judgement on something you obviously know nothing about...
    It says men control over women (Genesis).
    Or that a woman who is raped should marry the rapist.
    Or that if a woman had premarital sex she should be stoned to death (but men can do whatever they want).
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    Christianity was used by wealthy men to maintain power and control over others. Women were considered to be lower than cattle in the eyes of "God"..... and it's still used to exert power and control over ordinary people who need faith to make it through periods of heartache, loss, trials and tribulations....

    Everything is accidental, nothing is certain.....except death.

    I've almost finished reading the entire Bible and I haven't seen mention ANYWHERE in the Bible that God considers women to be lower than cattle...where do people like you come up this this crap?! ...Read it before you cast judgement on something you obviously know nothing about...
    They were talking about how women were treated at that time. They didn't mean passages in the Bible. Maybe you should practice what you preach before posting.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    As a pk, I used to be adamant that there is a life after death. Then, I developed my own life view and now I'm not so sure. If someone finds out for sure (with concrete proof), please let me know.

    Just out of curiosity, what would you consider concrete proof? There have been many accounts of people technically dying and then being resuscitated who claim to have seen heaven, hell, dead family members, bright light, God, etc.; but society writes it off as a delusion that is not to be trusted. So if the word of someone who has experienced it is not concrete proof, what is?
    I doubt God will let anyone bring back a heavenly donut (the taste is to die for and it has no calories).:laugh:

    Yes, and many of the positive experiences have been reported by children. They have seen "dead" great-grandparents and siblings who have never been seen by the children in this life (nor have they been told about them). Scientists readily admit (if they are honest) that the more they investigate in this universe, the less certain they are of anything. From the "spooky forces at a distance" of quantum entanglement to the absolutely fascinating (and quite obviously designed) living systems, "The heavens are telling the glory of God..." Here is a link to a site that speaks to the issue of the "scientific illiteracy of dogmatic atheists".

    But so much in science is political these days, that often truth is suppressed. Here is a link to an intriguing discussion of "Einsteinian gangsters" in the physics establishment at some major universities.

    Finally, for me, the most convincing evidence that God is there, is the fact that Israel exists, and that the Jewish people exist. Against very great odds, the Jewish people survive and prosper. The miracles that happened in forming the modern state of Israel cannot be denied.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Recent opinions on quantum entanglement could offer the remote scientific possibility of what we consider an everlasting soul.

    I put no faith in a book written and rewritten by man, and frankly full of horrific things. You can't pick and choose the parts you believe, that's not how it works. It's the word of God.

    I don't fault your faith, it's your life and all.
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    Christianity was used by wealthy men to maintain power and control over others. Women were considered to be lower than cattle in the eyes of "God"..... and it's still used to exert power and control over ordinary people who need faith to make it through periods of heartache, loss, trials and tribulations....

    Everything is accidental, nothing is certain.....except death.

    I've almost finished reading the entire Bible and I haven't seen mention ANYWHERE in the Bible that God considers women to be lower than cattle...where do people like you come up this this crap?! ...Read it before you cast judgement on something you obviously know nothing about...
    It says men control over women (Genesis).
    Or that a woman who is raped should marry the rapist.
    Or that if a woman had premarital sex she should be stoned to death (but men can do whatever they want).

    Exactly. Women are property....with no freedom or rights...and if you understand what you're reading, it's all through there....I'm too busy to make this stuff up....
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Nope. you get a dirt nap and then you're worm food. I think the concept of an afterlife is just a crutch for people who are afraid of death being an absolute end.

    But why would anyone be afraid of "nothing"? No, I think it is much more likely that a human would be instinctively afraid of "something" that was wild and uncontrollable--like God. "The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom..." :smile:
  • akmett
    akmett Posts: 75 Member
    I know with all my heart that our life is just the "blink of an eye" and that we will spend eternity either in heaven or hell. I LOVE nature - when I look around and see the delicate balance of life it's hard for me to understand how all of that could be chance. There has to be a creator. I put my trust in the Bible. Others believe we were created by some other god and use another book, but the Bible is different b/c it's the only religion where we each can have a personal relationship with God. I feel Him and draw on His strengh every day. My Dad should have died 3 years ago (his medical records say "Miraculous recovery" in red - the Drs can't explain why he is still with us (and without brain damage) but through it all I just knew he would be okay...I don't know how I would have gotten throuh that without that hope. Anyway...the Bible tells us we will one day all meet our creator and I know we will.

    Not trying to argue here...but please explain why God decided your dad was worth his trouble but all the kids at Sandy Hook weren''t.

    My heart breaks for the families at Sandy Hook. That's a good question, but you aren't going to like my answer...I don't know. God is the only one who is all knowing. I CAN tell you that he gave us all our own free will - we aren't robots - and sometimes the poor decsion of one person will forever change the lives of others. I can also tell you that he loves those children very much (as he does my father and you) and those children are in a wonderful place now, free from pain and suffering.
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