Social Policing of "did you get your flu shot?" Yay or nay?



  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I've never signed anything. Half the time I was never even asked if I wanted the shot, they just made me get it. So i don't think that's completely true. JS.

    They were being lax
    Maybe assuming you knew the risks and consenting because you pulled up your sleeve

    I apologize
    I amend my statement
    By federal law, a vaccine information sheet must be given prior to immunization
    Not all states require a signed consent
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I will not get them anymore, as everytime I did, I got sick. The past few years I haven't got them, and I haven't gotten sick. I refuse to let my little one get them either. Talk crap if you will, her health is in my best interest, and the first time she got one, she got horribly sick.

    Definitely a personal choice. I am starting to see why the OP dreads answering this
    ^ yes exactly and imagine if people are asking you not even about your own choices but those of OTHERS. geesh!
  • ksizzle911
    ksizzle911 Posts: 130 Member
    I absolutely do not believe in getting flu shots. And it should be left up to each person to make their own decision regarding doing so. If a parent decides to not have their children immunized, that's their right.
  • ChelseaYepThatsMe
    I've never signed anything. Half the time I was never even asked if I wanted the shot, they just made me get it. So i don't think that's completely true. JS.

    They were being lax
    Maybe assuming you knew the risks and consenting because you pulled up your sleeve

    I apologize
    I amend my statement
    By federal law, a vaccine information sheet must be given prior to immunization
    Not all states require a signed consent

    Never got one of those either, EVER.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Didn't take long for the vaccines cause autism crowd to show up. :tongue:

    That settles it, I'm out.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Didn't take long for the vaccines cause autism crowd to show up. :tongue:

    That settles it, I'm out.

    At least you were wearing your seatbelt
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    so what's a good answer when people are getting nosy? I asked on another post and someone said stfu, but I can't go around saying that to p.t.a. moms?

    How about, it's none of your business? Or...just say yes or no..and if someone starts ranting just walk away. And yes, you can do this to PTA moms and to anyone else for that matter.

    I wish this were possible, but unfortunately there are "political" ramifications when you are perceived as rude, even if the other person were rude to begin with.

    ^yes this. especially when they approach you with a "we're in this together" vibe and talking about someone else. I hate being pitted against anyone generally but especially about something so personal. i wanna be switzerland on this topic but i know them bringing it up means it means a lot to them.

    Just be vague or pretend your phone is

    LOVE IT! THIS ONE! :love:
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    It's an unfortunate controversial topic. I'm personally against them. People get them & get sick. I don't get them & don't. That's good enough for me. I'm not telling someone what to shoot up into their body so no one should tell me what to shoot up into mine.

    As far as the whole, "You may be ok but you're putting other people in danger" bs - How about everyone wash their hands, cover their mouths when they cough & sneeze, & stop coming into school or work sick before they demand people get shot up with junk?
  • Gallowmere1984
    Gallowmere1984 Posts: 6,626 Member
    It's an unfortunate controversial topic. I'm personally against them. People get them & get sick. I don't get them & don't. That's good enough for me. I'm not telling someone what to shoot up into their body so no one should tell me what to shoot up into mine.

    As far as the whole, "You may be ok but you're putting other people in danger" bs - How about everyone wash their hands, cover their mouths when they cough & sneeze, & stop coming into school or work sick before they demand people get shot up with junk?

    Miss school or work? This is utterly unacceptable. The machine must churn forth. Your desires be damned!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I'll admit that this is the first year I got the flu shot. I was quite allergic to egg whites when I was younger. Many vaccines, including the current flu shot, is incubated in eggs and has the potential to cause a deadly allergic reaction to people with egg allergies. Since I haven't had any allergic reaction to eggs in many years and confirmed with an allergy test that I no longer have an allergic response to eggs, I went ahead and got the vaccine. The pharmacists (I had it done at my local pharmacy) had me wait around for twenty minutes after the shot to be sure I didn't have a reaction. Fortunately, all went well. But my point is that there are people with allergies that simply can't get the regular flu shot. I understand that an egg-free version is being tested. I don't know if or when it will be available.

    SO this really underscores the point that it is an incredibly personal and complex choice. Then I feel all in all better armed to face those busybodies now THANKs all of you, let's agree to disagree and go make more nonsense on other more fun posts, yes?:drinker: :smokin: PARTY ON CROWD!
  • Justforme104
    Justforme104 Posts: 75 Member
    Right or wrong, you can't stop people for asking, but simply stating that's personal or none of your business should be effective. :)
  • LaNena01
    LaNena01 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi. Just wanted to share that my daughter got her flu shot 9/5/12 and was paralyzed from the waist down 9/7/12. We were living in the hospital for 31 days. During her stay she was on steroid treatments for 5 days, plasmapheresis for 5 days, ivig for 5 days, 2 small doses of chemo, 5 more days of steroids. She also had 3 MRI'S, 2 lumbar punctures, and a ton of blood work. My daughter can no longer urinate on her own. She needs to be cathed every 4 hours around the clock and must drink miralax to soften her stools so it can just slip out. She is only 2. Her neurologist says her paralysis is permanent because the inflammation in her spine ate away her spinal cord leaving it as thin as a hair line.. So, I'm not telling anyone not to get it, but please read up and be sure that you are ok with the consequences that may come from getting a vaccine such as a flu shot or any other vaccine. I would hate for someone else to have to go through all the pain and suffering that we are going through. much love
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Hi. Just wanted to share that my daughter got her flu shot 9/5/12 and was paralyzed from the waist down 9/7/12. We were living in the hospital for 31 days. During her stay she was on steroid treatments for 5 days, plasmapheresis for 5 days, ivig for 5 days, 2 small doses of chemo, 5 more days of steroids. She also had 3 MRI'S, 2 lumbar punctures, and a ton of blood work. My daughter can no longer urinate on her own. She needs to be cathed every 4 hours around the clock and must drink miralax to soften her stools so it can just slip out. She is only 2. Her neurologist says her paralysis is permanent because the inflammation in her spine ate away her spinal cord leaving it as thin as a hair line.. So, I'm not telling anyone not to get it, but please read up and be sure that you are ok with the consequences that may come from getting a vaccine such as a flu shot or any other vaccine. I would hate for someone else to have to go through all the pain and suffering that we are going through. much love

    I'm sorry
  • lunnay
    lunnay Posts: 66 Member
    In Europe we recommend vaccination of the elderly and the very young against the flu. Teenagers, young adults, and adults can get vaccinated (free), but it's a personal decision - I haven't had a vaccine like that, and I don't know anyone 10-60 who has had one.

    Edit to add, we are all very good with our non-optional vaccines, and we don't have higher rates of autism or anything. Complications from vaccines occur, but they don't cause autism here!
  • shunyata13
    shunyata13 Posts: 71 Member
    I did get the flu shot once because my family dr layed a guilt trip on me since I am a massage therapist. I never had any issues with it but will never get one again if I can avoid it. I do take elderberry extract that does get rid of the flu. For me, my body does better on herbal products than it does on medicines. My body treats the meds as a bacteria that needs to be attacked rather than allowing it to do its thing to get rid of whatever is going on in my body.

    We even had a neighbor that got the flu shot years ago and he went deaf. We thought it was caused from the type of work he did but years later he was talking to everyone on the street. It turned out he was able to get an implant that allowed him to hear again. When he told us about the flu shot and how it caused his deafness I just don't want to take the chance with my body.

    Friends have gotten the flu after getting the shot so for me it also wasn't worth getting it.

    I do want to mention that in our state the hospitals have required as condition of employment that all employees need to get the flu shot. If you refuse to get the shot you are not fired as far as I know but one volunteer won't be able to go to the hospital until May, when flu season is over.

    I did have surgery a few months ago and when I go to the hospital for any bloodwork or tests I am required to wear a face mask so as not to transfer any germs to anyone. The odd part is that you need to walk into the hospital 10 - 30 feet to get the mask and by then you have breathed any germs into their air and it is busy travelling all over the space by the end of the day. When you leave the hospital they have a place to throw out the masks (in the hospital air space) so I don't see how this can help anyone since my germs have been busy contaminating the air at that point.

    The good thing with the masks is that if I want to turn to a life of crime I have a nice collection of masks to use. I can even color them in if I want to get fancy with them!
  • katsuii
    I have never gotten a flu shot and I never will.

    Just a personal choice and I haven't gotten the flu yet ;)
  • squirrelythegreat
    squirrelythegreat Posts: 158 Member
    No, and I haven't had the flu in 10 years or more. I've never had the flu shot. Never will get one if I can help it. Many people I know who do get them still get the flu.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I'm not asking who's wrong or right about getting the shot, just about whether it's right to ASK someone if they got it. for some reason HIPPAA or something like that comes to mind but since I'm a terrible "on the spot" responder, I'm just left dumb each time someone brings it up?

    I think it's wrong to ask people questions like these. It means possibly putting someone on the spot in terms of discussing a private medical issue that they're not comfortable discussing with you. In the UK, free flu vaccines are given to people who are at high risk categories, and anyone who's not has to pay for a flu shot (unless there's some reason why the NHS decides to advise everyone to get it and give it free to everyone). So finances come into it too (and in other countries presumably there are similar issues regarding what insurance companies will or won't cover).

    I'd put this question in the same category as "when are you two going to start having babies?" and "why aren't you breastfeeding your baby?" - these kinds of things are sometimes no more than a personal choice however frequently they're not, and the answers in some cases will involve issues that people are not comfortable sharing with anyone other than close friends and family members. Plus the fact that it's none of anyone else's business.

    That's my opinion on all questions where the answer could be "I have a medical condition....." or some other highly personal thing.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    I get the flu shot every year through work.

    I do not have a problem with those who decline the shot - they obviously have reasons.

    The benefits of the vaccine outweigh the disadvantages for high risk populations.