Things you never knew that when found out made you feel dumb



  • Luthien007
    Luthien007 Posts: 281 Member
    That "TOM" wasn't just some creepy dude . . .

  • Flossie1981
    Flossie1981 Posts: 160 Member
    When I was a kid my dad told me flamingos were pink because they eat baked beans, I thought this was true until I was in my late teens!!
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member
    That New Zealand is NOT in the Netherlands and is down by Australia.

    There is a region in the Netherlands called Zeeland, though...

    There is also a Zealand (also: Seeland) in Denmark
  • Simplicity
    Simplicity Posts: 383 Member

    NSV=non scale victory (eg wearing a smaller size pant, etc.)

    I always thought people were saying "old wise tails" not "old wive's tails". Only discovered that when I was about 25 :tongue:

    hey thanks for that. i ended up googling it just in case i was saying the wrong thing.
  • Geeky_Girl
    Geeky_Girl Posts: 239 Member
    Well, going back through forum posts and realizing I've spelled things incorrectly! Oops! :embarassed:
  • orangesmartie
    orangesmartie Posts: 1,870 Member
    I just learned today that chik-fil-a is pronounced chick-fillet and chick-fill-ah.

    Hopefully as I'm in the UK and we don't have that chain here, i can be forgiven :D