it's 2013, why are women playing mother to their husbands?



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    To each their own. If my husband didn't cook but took care of other things, I wouldn't mind.

    However, I find it hard to believe that anyone "can't" cook. It is a basic life skill. I can understand not being great at it or not liking it, but seriously...the internet exists. Anyone who can read can follow a recipe.

    In this century, not being able to cook is actually *VERY* common. (Unless you consider it cooking to open a can, pour into a bowl, and turn on the microwave. If that's the case, then my husband can cook. :laugh:)
  • I found this post very offensive. I allow my wife to pick what she'll be cooking for me, almost 1/2 the time. I give her three warnings for any mistakes she makes before I deduct from her allowance. When we go out in public, I give her two, sometimes even three options to pick from before she dresses. When she's not feeling well, I let her off from her chores for up to 24 hours (granted she has a doctor's note).

    The OP makes no sense to me, either her home lacks the structure I have put into my home or she doesn't have a reasonable husband like myself.

    Reason #143,234 why I love my wife, she laughed until she cried when she read this post. In truth, we each play to our strengths to make us a better team. For me, I'm more likely to cook, do yard work, kill bugs, take care of our pets and whatever, she is more likely to wash the dishes, handle the finances, scream at bugs and whatever. We don't keep score, but I know we both feel better when we can watch out for the other and know the other is watching out for us.

    Shame on the readers for knowing I was joking, being amused and not offended.
  • sofahogger
    sofahogger Posts: 10 Member
    Anyone can cook if they want to. But some don't want to.

    I don't like mowing the lawn, so I don't. But I could if i wanted to or had to.

    (I also don't like working full-time - so I cook to compensate).
  • Silver_Star
    Silver_Star Posts: 1,351 Member
    I want a husband to cook for and to coddle.
    Thank you very much please and thank you much very.

  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    This is why I dislike feminists. If you ladies want to fix the cars, take out the garbage and do all the other "traditional man" roles while your husband does the cooking and cleaning... that's your decision. But you don't have the right to call marriages where the couple enjoy traditional roles a mother/child relationship. There is absolutely nothing child like about my husband.

    If someone has told you that is what feminism is about, they're lying to you. It's about having an equal role in society. So not a total role reversal.

    Rumour has it I'm a bit of a feminist, but one of my best friends is an active, goes to meetings, goes to protests kind of feminist. And do you know what? She does a lot of the cooking. She can also take out rubbish (really? That's a man job? I never knew that) and do other traditionally masculine things. Feminism isn't about telling others what to do, or swapping gender roles, it's about BOTH genders having the right to equal choices. And that includes who cooks.

    Edit: Yeah, going to meetings makes you a feminist :tongue:

    you give me lady wood. just so ya know.

    Why thank you :wink:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I found this post very offensive. I allow my wife to pick what she'll be cooking for me, almost 1/2 the time. I give her three warnings for any mistakes she makes before I deduct from her allowance. When we go out in public, I give her two, sometimes even three options to pick from before she dresses. When she's not feeling well, I let her off from her chores for up to 24 hours (granted she has a doctor's note).

    The OP makes no sense to me, either her home lacks the structure I have put into my home or she doesn't have a reasonable husband like myself.

    Well aren't you just a peach. :flowerforyou:

    For the record, my husband is the far better cook. I'm proficient and there's a few things I'm even good at, but I mostly just wing it unless I have a recipe that I'm following to the letter. I usually aim for "edible." His meals are always yummy.
  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    Sexist posts only get locked if it is sexist toward women, right? Just checkin'?
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    My husband is an awesome guy and works like 60 hours a week. I love him & like to do nice things for him, like make him dinner. We have differnet tastes and different nutritional needs (I have Chron's disease which brings with it multiple dietary restrictions). Plus, it's my business if I make him dinner, I even hand him his plate of food & get him seconds if he wants it. He appreciates it and thanks me for it everyday. I suggest you focus more on yourself than on what other people are doing. I don't know if you're married or not, but marriage isn't a battle to see who wins, it's about showing each other how you care. I show him I care by cooking, cleaning, laundry, that kind of stuff. He shows me he cares by keeping a roof over my head & 2 cars in the driveway. He's sat with me in the hospital nearly all night even though he has to be at work in the morning, so if he wants pasta and I don't then who gives a *kitten* If I make him dinner?!
    This sounds like me! Love it!!
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    not to point out the obvious but a grown woman dipped in manic panic using the words Morgue and Babe in her name is ranting about men not acting mature. I'll just set this down right here for you to all stew over for a bit


    But maybe she is an undertaker? A hot undertaker?

    Shinji and the Suicide girl FTW! (NSFW if you go looking...)
  • IntoTheSky
    IntoTheSky Posts: 390 Member
    my personal opinion is that yes famnily should eat what is madde for them just out of pure respect! however,im very much a i think the wife should take care of her hubby and chidren by preparing meals.if shes able.

  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    my personal opinion is that yes famnily should eat what is madde for them just out of pure respect! however,im very much a i think the wife should take care of her hubby and chidren by preparing meals.if shes able.


    OMFG I'm laughing so hard at my desk that my co-workers think I've finally lost all sanity.
  • Melanie_xox
    Melanie_xox Posts: 28 Member
    Omg same thing!!!! the peanut butter and toast would win.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Come on question is why aren't they???

    I cooked dinner tonight & just got done folding 2 loads of laundry........:grumble:

    Just like you should :drinker: :drinker: :laugh:

    Now go clean the bathroom. :laugh:

    Or at least put in a new roll of toilet paper when it's empty-I'd be good with that.

    I am the one that is bad about doing that in our husband is always getting aggravated with me because I forgot to replace the roll.
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    I'm not married, however if I was, yes I'd probably make the meal and would rather share the task b/c I don't always like to cook.

    I think it should be who gets home first haha

    I do have a daughter and we don't usually eat the same meals. Some nights my dinner is a protein shake - like last night.
    She had chicken & broccoli at the table while I worked out in the living room and then I had my shake.

    She likes soup - all kinds. So if I want chicken and she wants soup - I make two different meals. There isn't really junk food in my house anyways because it's just the two of us

    Dinner is very relaxed lol

    edit to add:
    If I was married and didn't HAVE to work full time, I wouldn't. I've missed out on a lot of time with my daughter that I can never get back. I would have preferred staying home with her, but I couldn't. If I married someday and didn't have to work full time, I wouldn't and yes I'd rather take care of the meals and house keeping but won't turn down help. However, I hate yard work so I'd rather he do that. If that makes me old fashioned so be it.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 846 Member
    This is why I dislike feminists. If you ladies want to fix the cars, take out the garbage and do all the other "traditional man" roles while your husband does the cooking and cleaning... that's your decision. But you don't have the right to call marriages where the couple enjoy traditional roles a mother/child relationship. There is absolutely nothing child like about my husband.

    You have no idea what feminism is do you?

    Do you believe you & other women have the right to vote?

    Do you drive a car?

    Do you think you & other women have the right to an education?

    Do you believe you & other women have the right to chose your role in life, whether you work or not, whether you marry or not, whether you can own property in your own name or not, whether you can take out a personal loan without requiring permission from a male relative?

    If you answer yes to any of these basic human rights then you are, in fact a feminist.
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    Last time my dearly beloved tried to boil water, he started a fire. I'd prefer he not try again.


    My husband gets into the kitchen and the resulting disaster is worse than to do the cooking myself.
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    This is why I dislike feminists. If you ladies want to fix the cars, take out the garbage and do all the other "traditional man" roles while your husband does the cooking and cleaning... that's your decision. But you don't have the right to call marriages where the couple enjoy traditional roles a mother/child relationship. There is absolutely nothing child like about my husband.

    You have no idea what feminism is do you?

    Do you believe you & other women have the right to vote?

    Do you drive a car?

    Do you think you & other women have the right to an education?

    Do you believe you & other women have the right to chose your role in life, whether you work or not, whether you marry or not, whether you can own property in your own name or not, whether you can take out a personal loan without requiring permission from a male relative?

    If you answer yes to any of these basic human rights then you are, in fact a feminist.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one annoyed by the person insulting feminists when they don't know what one is.

    And don't be silly, of course we can't make those choices. IT'S NOT TRADITION. God, how dare you put your opinions on me :wink: Now, excuse me while I go and do the typically masculine task, carrying a bag of rubbish to a bin.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    My boyfriend can't cook very well. I love to cook, and I love cooking for him, so I make dinner when I get home every night. I get home before he does, and I like that he has a hot meal waiting for him instead of his usual habit of stopping to get fast food.

    He can do car repairs, but I'm not very good at it. He doesn't hold it against me. He likes fixing my car.

    I don't see the big freaking deal. We have balance, and that leads to a happy relationship. We aren't forcing each other to do those things. We do them because we love each other. Balance = happy couples.

    If you aren't happy with having to cook all the time, then speak the hell up. If this doesn't affect you one bit because you aren't living with someone, then simmer down.
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    Pshh. I'm Samoan. That's a whole culture of people/ethnic group wherein the men do the cooking. Besides enjoying it, I'm proud of it.
  • My dad was in the army and could fry eggs and open canned soups. when my mom was in the hospital having number 6, we had mushroom soup and rice everyday! lol!!! we loved it!

    I know how to cook.. I don't do it as well as my mom or sisters, but it's not a priority. My future husband cooks very well and enjoys it. I told him I'll prep all the veggies and he can put it all together!

    My kids eat simply. pasta, rice, meat, ... spaghetti, lasagna,... as long as they are healthy I'm well with it all. :)