
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Any cat lovers in our group?

    My husband and the cat are fighting (sounds funny, but it is not). I have cats because I can't put a stray out in the cold, not because I want them. Not sure how to get the cat to change his behavior. I know hubby won't change his!

    Please send me a PM (private message) if a cat lover or cat person.

    Otherwise I am doing OK this week. Just taking one day at a time and planning my food better.

    Happy Hump Day to everyone that lives where it is Wednesday right now!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all,

    Not lost or lonely, just busy and using my early morning "me time" to study Spanish in prep for our trip to Granada in March. Too fun!

    This is bonspiel weekend for me - that means a lot of curling and a lot of fun, beginning tomorrow at 7 pm. Whoo Haw as they would say in Calgary.

    Best wishes to all - plan what you eat & eat what you plan!

    Nancy in beautiful South East British Columbia
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Long time coming. I have been sick and just not feeling like it. but---

    As promised. Pictures of the one year old birthday girl and the boys.

    editing. too big.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Posting pix take 2

    As promised. Pictures of the one year old birthday girl.

    Christmas dress for 1 year picture

    Just looking sweet


    Birthday party togs.


    Pictures of my beloved boys.

    They really love each other

    Faces only a mother could love

    Much love,
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • joeandcarmen
    joeandcarmen Posts: 20 Member
    70 Pounds! Thats impressive. What do the Walnuts do to help you lose weight? Just curious. Just starting, AGAIN. Anything to encourage me and keep me on the right track will be appreciated. Carmen
  • Bump to finish when have more time :)
  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    How did February get ahead of me?? Good to see the posts. I will be back very soon!!
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    Welcome! I'm also 5' 2" and trying to figure out if realistically I can get to under 120 lbs. So I've set my goal for 50 lbs. increments. Planning at least two year to accomplish where I need to go. I wish you good food thoughts of fitness and health. It works....well at least for me. again welcome to MFP
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Beautiful day in TX today. Played bridge then came home and hit golf balls. Took a long walk and feel like I had an excellent day. NSV - had key lime pie for dessert at the bridge party and I brought mine home to DH! Yesterday when I was dressing for golf, my slacks were so big I had to go to my "other closet" and find a smaller size. I was so shocked!
    Liz - I agree, you need to see a dr about your check pains. So many women think it's heartburn and it could be the heart.
    Lori - so glad Caleb is getting better and may be home soon. That is so stressful for the parents and grandparents.
    Renny - what a beautiful 1 year old. Bet she is the princess of the house. Dogs are cute too!
    LindaC - hope things went well for you at TOPS.
    I agree that this web site is so helpful to all of us who are on the journey of a life style change. I'm so glad I found you all and appreciate you all.:love:

    Sue in TXFebruary Goals:
    1. Get 5 f/v a day
    2. Check portion sizes to be sure they are accurate. No more “that’s about a ½ c.”
    3. Up exercise to 45 min 5 x a week.
    Ok that’s all for today. Happy February Vit F friends.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Robin,love the pics.
    Had a nice time with my knitting group.Brought home 2 large bags of yarn,think I`ll be busy awhile.
    Hope everyone had a great day!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    rinnefun - welcome. You've come to a wonderful group

    katla - just for your knowledge, I originally started taking the fosamax for the osteoporosis then I took actonel. Both of these are once/week, you take them before you have breakfast with something like 8oz of water. The difference between these and reclast is that when you take these medications, they need to go thru the stomach and then go into the blood system. Reclast goes directly into the blood system.

    Cheryl - it wasn't my friend that petted Barbaro, it was my daughter Jessica! New Bolton is some center.

    Linda Sundance - no, I haven't been in touch with Dixie. I, too, wonder how she is

    DeeDee - you can bet we'll get together in March! I'm so looking forward to it. You know, the first winter we were down here it snowed one night. The next morning I went out, got the paper, you could still see the grass thru the snow and it wasn't continuing to snow. Well, that day Vince had a MD appt, so he brushed off his car and off he went. He was the only person at the office!!!!! Fortunately, the MD was there but not any other patients or the receptionist! It's truly amazing to me how everyone buys bread and milk like they're going to be snowed in for days and days. The last time it was PREDICTED to snow, Lynette (she grew up around here) had a friend of hers drive her to work (a whole couple of miles) because -- get this -- "he has 4 wheel drive"

    LinC - I like Nature's Own 100% whole Wheat bread. It's only 50 calories/slice. Good thoughts for a successful weigh in at TOPS tonight for you. That's so neat that the biggest loser gets fruit

    Lori H - if I walked into the NICU and saw them putting a tube down my baby's throat, I would have lost it completely too. So sorry about your dog and glad Caleb is doing better

    Vince just found out that his license expired in Dec. I honestly don't understand it, he and I got them at the same time, yet mine doesn't expire until 2015.

    Patti from NY - welcome!

    Took a yoga class, left early because someone was in one of the dressing rooms at the Y. I find that if I get there early enough, I can just spread my things out,. It's a girls/family locker room and very few people go in there, which means I can get changed faster. The only thing is that they don't have a suitspinner in there so I just carry it into the women's locker room where there is one. Only today it was out of order (boo). Tomorrow I'll do a DVD called LaLoFit (weights). Then I'm supposed to volunteer at the green room. I was going to ask Lynette if she wanted to go out to lunch, but Vince needs me to drive him to the DMV. I know that if I were in his position, I wouldn't be happy if he chose having lunch over helping me, so I'll take him. Boy, this is going to be interesting!!!!

    jb - I wrote down the nerd workout, not sure when I'll try it, but it's definitely on the agenda.

    Laura in CO - yea the scale moved for you! The Wii says mine moved, only in the opposite direction!

    You know, last night at Mexican Train some people brought desserts and I really couldn't have cared less for them. Oh, there have been times when I've looked at the desserts but not had any. This time it was different -- I just didn't care for any. This is a good thing. It's amazing how many people really want desserts

    Judy - tell me more about the TRX that you got. Sounds very interesting. I, too, look for things that I can use when traveling (not that we do a whole lot of traveling)

    Jane in CO - glad you're safe!

    Jeannie - cat lover??? We have 4! My daughter gave me a magnet for my car that says "one cat away from being the crazy cat woman". A friend looked at it, then look at me and said "honey, that ship has already sailed"

    Nancy in SEBC - do you have some CD's that you're learning Spanish from? If so, which ones are they?

    Robin - sorry you aren't feeling well. Beautiful pics. Thanks so much for sharing

    Did yoga then the deep water class. Came home and we trimmed the nails on 3 of the cats and gave them their Revolution, then off to senior bowling, came home and made dinner, then Newcomer bowling. Tomorrow is my day to volunteer at the Green Room

    Sue in TX - wtg girl on bringing home the pie! And those slacks -- wow!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC

    Feb goal - increase protein
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    70 Pounds! Thats impressive. What do the Walnuts do to help you lose weight? Just curious. Just starting, AGAIN. Anything to encourage me and keep me on the right track will be appreciated. Carmen

    Welcome, Carmen, I hope you'll come back often and become part of the family......walnuts aren't about weight loss, they are about Omega 3's rather than taking supplements........my goal to put them in my shake every morning is to be sure I have a serving without eating them by the handful which has been a problem for me....nuts are one of the foods that are a problem for me because I can't eat them in moderation.....I've had to ban a lot of foods from my house because I have no control.

    :flowerforyou: today Jake and I drove together to the health department to get whooping cough immunizations...the doctor made a good case for them at my visit on Monday and then said that Medicare won't pay for them but the health department will do them for only $12.00 instead of the $75.00 that they cost at the doctor.....we finished our "date" by going to Costco having a few small "snacks' and buying only what was on our list.......I still managed to do 30 minutes of work on the income tax (how do you eat an elephant??????one bite at a time----the same is true for the income tax.)

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: tomorrow morning Brandy goes for her dental cleaning so no food for her after 8 PM...I'm going to feel rotten in the morning not giving either dog any food before we go for our walk.

    :flowerforyou: in honor of the doctor's recommendation to gain a few pounds, I bought a half gallon of chocolate almond milk for my breakfast shake...that's about as far as I'll go :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where winter continues
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Darn - today I've been logging for over 6 months (183 days!!!). I meant to remember that today was the day. On to my second half a year!!:drinker:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Here's the link to the Nerd Fitness routine on youtube. It's actually Beginner Body Weight Circuit Workout. And I noticed tonight that I'm not doing the full amount of squats or jumping jacks! Wimped out and did 10 of everything. :laugh: Enjoy!


    :smile: jb who WILL increase reps :blushing:
  • Bump...no time to write tonight. Must get to bed, G'nite all.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Darn - today I've been logging for over 6 months (183 days!!!). I meant to remember that today was the day. On to my second half a year!!:drinker:

    Happy Half-Year anniversary!

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Day 2 of training today, just as my body recovers from being sore...:ohwell: ! I did make it to Target yesterday and found some really nice workout wear, at much better prices than the sports store, and they don`t hug me quite as tight either..Yay!!!! Today we only do one mile and finish up the hour with squats, pushups, sit ups, etc. etc., ouch...my body feels it already:laugh: .

    Lori H:smile: So sorry to hear about your fur baby:sad: :brokenheart:! Good to hear the sweet little guy is doing better and gets to come home soon! I`m sure I would have totally freaked out about the feeding tube too!

    Barbie:smile: Your date with Jake sounds wonderful, well except for the vaccination, I know they are neccessary, but not always pleasant! Good for both of you getting it!

    Chery:smile: Happy 6 months in, time goes by pretty fast! I think I`m close to 265 days, only 100 days to a year:tongue: , sure would like to see my scale go in the right direction for a change too!

    Jb:smile: 10 of everything is better than none at all!!! Keep going!!!

    Need to get myself ready and get the sweet doggie out for a walk before I head out to train! Hope everyone has a wonderful day today! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in chilly NC
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hope your shoulder and arm reconnect and feel better today.
    I hurt my arm and shoulder in a blueberry fall way back in Aug. and it's still painful.

    Can't get rid of husband. So guess if the cat is a stray you have to find it a home.

    Get over the bug quick you have a new job coming.
    Maybe the dogs only a face a mom could love.
    Those babies are adorable.

    Baggy pants yea

    License more than likely just a mistake. They happen.
    How you doing with upping the protein.

    Getting told to gain weight did you ever in your life time think that would happen.

    Congrats on your six months.

    Don't you just love all the exercise you find on utube you can do something different every day.

    Well I lost at tops last night but only .2 i'm sitting at 200 lbs. How stupid is that. I just can't get under. Well it will be my Valentine's day present to see under 200. That will be the best gift to myself. I will have a good week. Might even skip the visit to my brother's on Sunday. See he bakes bread every Sunday been doing it for years. Usually soup and fresh bread. Last week Lasagna and fresh bread. And if you show up for 3 pm it's coming out of the oven. Hard to say no to.

    So this weeks goals move more i'm being a little lax in the exercise department. Eat properly not doing it right not hungry during the day then pig out at night food just isn't spread out right. Need to get a handle on that.

    So we start one day at a time. Today is day 1 of this week. Let's see how many good ones I can string.

    Linda C In a very very cold Northern Ontario.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Darn - today I've been logging for over 6 months (183 days!!!). I meant to remember that today was the day. On to my second half a year!!:drinker:

    Happy Half-Year anniversary!

    Katla in NW Oregon

    Thanks for the inspiration!
    Brooke from Colorado
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Hi everyone! Been a couple of days since I really had time to read all the posts, but am getting caught up and love to hear about everyone's journey. I substituted for two days... fun but exhausting! : ) I used to be a High School French teacher, so elementary subbing is a different world... My perspective has changed immensely. Those teachers work so hard!

    Full day of cleaning, and getting ready for a meeting here at the house tonight... DH volunteered us to Chair a Golf Tournament for our church. He thought it was just a golf tournament... then we realized that they wanted us to raise money. A lot of it. Aargh. It's a huge weight on my shoulders... and since I'm a procrastinator I spend way too much time worrying about it instead of just doing it! We have a good team though... tournament is in April... 21/2 months to go. Woo hoo

    lin ---I can't agree with you more... as frustrated as we may get, every day is a new one.... " So we start one day at a time. Today is day 1 of this week. Let's see how many good ones I can string. " Thanks for the reminder!

    nerd workout http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qvhHhDNjtxM

    wessecg -- Congratulations on 6 months of logging and better health! Hope I can keep it up for that long consistently. I've always been the one to lose the weight ( in a month or two!) and then ever so slowly put it back on. Ha! Now I think, I'm doing the opposite! I'm taking it off every so slowly but have the potential to put it ALL back on (in a month or two!) I'll have to stay vigilant... if I ever get it off that is!

    barbie Enjoy your Chocolate Almond Milk.... I discovered Vanilla Almond Milk ( not the unsweetened) and was sold on it... then I realized there's an unsweetened version that I switched to....

    lynn0713 -- I love your pic in front of the Eiffel Tower.... one of my favorite places on this planet... Paris.

    Patti -- Welcome! I keep telling myself, it's not a diet, it's not a diet.... It's a lifestyle, a lifestyle! Good luck, you'll love this thread.

    JB--- My scale loves the 158 mark. I don't know why my body thinks I should stay there. I don't! I love your plan for your day! I have a similar plan... so why am I still here at the computer? haha! Have a great one!

    Storms are coming tomorrow... Out to enjoy the day. Keep smiling everyone!:flowerforyou:

    Tammy in Va Beach