

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Let`s have a great day!!
  • jktwork2
    jktwork2 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new and I just started my weight lost program. I hope to be healthier and stronger each and every day!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Linda C: You are full of good ideas. I love this quote, “See you all lighter.”:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Jacky in Cherry Hill: Congratulations on a very good, wonderful, self-confident day. You deserve to feel good.:bigsmile:

    Cris: You join by posting, so you’re in! Welcome. :flowerforyou:

    jktwork2: You’ve chosen sensible goals. Good luck for success. Persistence is the key because this has to be a lifestyle change for success to be permanent. Log your calories, water, and exercise! :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile:

    I just peeked at the weather channel and see that it is snowing in Boston. I hope all of you east coasters are able to snuggle in and watch the snow without experiencing any form of disaster. You’ve had more than your share already.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :drinker: Wonderful what a good night sleep will do for the soul and body. Feeling pretty good so far, so maybe this bug is going nowhere. Looks like a sunny day coming up, so will get out for a walk.

    I had a horrible 'eating.tons.of.food.day' yesterday. Although not bad foods, just way over my calories. Finally got around to logging it. :blushing: :blushing:

    This morning started off with an omelet, and will cook up the spaghetti squash for lunch. Then later lil grandson is coming to visit, while his mommy and daddy have an appointment. It's already putting a smile on my face.

    Have a great day, my vitamin F friends!

    from sunny but currently freezing Vancouver Island, BC
  • KNAMsMum
    Hi everyone,
    We're having a snowy day here in Toronto and I have shovelled our driveway twice now. That is a great way to burn some calories!!! I don't think we will have nearly as much snow as the NE US so good luck to all of you!
    My school called a snow day so here I am with the luxury of time and I can actually read some posts and respond!

    @Dear linddavis: I am so sorry to hear about your son's friend's Mom. It is a huge blow and the ripple effects are widespread. It certainly can cause one to pause ... I send peaceful thoughts to everyone involved.

    @from Jackie in Cherry Hill "I would encourage everyone to take a few minutes in some small way to pamper yourself, even if it's only to exfoliate your face and put a nice moisturizer on it. Took me a long time to recognize for you and your loved ones' sakes, you have to put yourself first at times."
    This is still huge for me sometimes and it bears repeating!!! Thanks for the reminder, Jackie. I am going to have a nice epsom salt bath and do some stretching to loosen up my snow shovelling muscles. Funny how when you are thirty you can do all sorts of physical activity with nary a problem and then in your fifties you have to stretch everytime you do a new activity so that you can actually get out of bed the next morning!

    Wishing you all a great day - and if it isn't so great, don't panic there is always tomorrow!

    Sara in snowy southern Ontario , Canada
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Hello all, I've got a request: can you kind ladies message me with your recommendation for a digital scale please? This will be my "reward" for hitting my first 'mini-goal' of 10 pounds lost (next week's weigh-in on really old analog scale). Any input is very appreciated.

    Hope everyone stays warm/dry/safe today and through the weekend.

    Brooke from Colorado
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hello all, I've got a request: can you kind ladies message me with your recommendation for a digital scale please? This will be my "reward" for hitting my first 'mini-goal' of 10 pounds lost (next week's weigh-in on really old analog scale). Any input is very appreciated.

    Brooke from Colorado

    We bought the EatSmart Pro Digital Kitchen Scale, from Amazon. I went to the Amazon site and read reviews. This one had excellent reviews and good customer support. We're happy with it. I have no idea how to message anyone, so I'm posting here.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Hello all, I've got a request: can you kind ladies message me with your recommendation for a digital scale please? This will be my "reward" for hitting my first 'mini-goal' of 10 pounds lost (next week's weigh-in on really old analog scale). Any input is very appreciated.

    Brooke from Colorado

    We bought the EatSmart Pro Digital Kitchen Scale, from Amazon. I went to the Amazon site and read reviews. This one had excellent reviews and good customer support. We're happy with it. I have no idea how to message anyone, so I'm posting here.

    Thanks for that, I'll make a note. I guess I should have clarified, though - I'm actually in the market for a full-body scale to track my weight loss progress. Again, thanks for your reply!
  • 12774
    12774 Posts: 1,416 Member
    Did not exercise today. Getting prepared for the oncoming blizzard.Hope to chalk up some calories with shovelling snow later this evening.If there is little accumulation , then I will have to go on the dreaded treadmill. Tomorrow is my wkly weigh-in and I am keeping my fingers crossed. Consumed all my snacks and more for the day already.Have a great weekend everyone!
  • redjch
    redjch Posts: 18
    Hi to all!
    I'm Judy from NC, I work in the local schools as a child nutrition manager. I'm 51 and have 2 children (22 and 18).

    I just began MFP about a week ago at the urging of a co-worker and so far I love it! I have about 20 lbs. to lose and the food counter here makes it easy to keep track of all the things I eat and exercise I get (it keeps me accountable)!
    Good old pre-menopause has made my body change drastically in the past 9 months and I want my old body back!! I have lost 1.5 lbs in the past week (yeah!!) and want to keep the ball rolling.
    Guess it's time to walk my Lab, Maggie! She's gazing out the door and sneaking a peek at her leash, then looking at me with her big brown eyes. She could stand to lose a few lbs since she was spayed last summer. The walking might help both of us, but she'll never lose weight if she doesn't stay out of the cats' food!! LOL It must be like potato chips or chocolate to her; as soon as I feed the cats, she makes a mad dash for their bowl!
    Have a wonderful Friday!
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    Hi to all!
    I'm Judy from NC, I work in the local schools as a child nutrition manager. I'm 51 and have 2 children (22 and 18).

    Good old pre-menopause has made my body change drastically in the past 9 months and I want my old body back!! I have lost 1.5 lbs in the past week (yeah!!) and want to keep the ball rolling.

    LOL - oh yeah, can I ever relate!!!! Four years ago at 47 I quit smoking and went from size 8 to 18 in NINE MONTHS - arghhh. It's (almost) all in my belly too - yuck! But since joining MFP five weeks ago I've lost 9 lbs. which has me on track to lose in nine months that which I gained and I WILL DO IT!!!

    Welcome Judy,

    Brooke from Colorado (who also wants her old body back :wink: )
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Happy Friday. Hope everyone on the east coast is safe. We were hit with over 6" of snow yesterday and driving was slow and treacherous. Today is beautiful white wonderland outside.

    :heart: Jackie thanks for the reminder to pamper ourselves - great idea!

    :wink: Brookehe we have the Healthometer scale. It can keep track of 4 different people. It will track your weight, tell you how much you have left to lose, give you BMI, % water and some other stuff I don't pay attention to.

    Once again the scale didn't move but my jeans are loser so I'm happy. I've been doing lots of DVD's with weights and I'm hoping that I'm putting on some muscle boosting my metabolism.

    Have a great day. Jodios
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    bump for later:drinker:
  • rsward
    rsward Posts: 45
    bump :love:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: New fruit / veggie challenge is up for tomorrow for those who wish to participate. So stock up on produce and I'll see you there!! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/885878-fruit-veggie-1-day-challenge-saturday-feb-9-2013

    Renny - who took a vacation day today - yay me :bigsmile:
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • lhalket
    lhalket Posts: 75 Member
    Hello everyone - I've been in this group for a while but kept forgetting to check it as I learn the ins/outs of the site. :tongue:

    Trying to get better as I need the motivation and support to kick this weight loss into gear. Had an injury earlier this week, but things are on the mend and was able to at least walk today.

    I'm looking for additional friends for support, so please feel free to add me.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    I really don't have a lot of time right now, I have a friend coming for dinner, he's really brave:laugh: :tongue: !

    Lin:smile: Yes, I got Champion at Target. Several shirts and a pair of pants, I've worn one of the shirts and I love it, the pants I haven't worn yet because they're thinner than the ones I got at the sports store, and it's so cold right now I need the thicker ones. Everything fit except the jacket and it's too big, I got an x-large and should have gotten the large, hopefully I'll be returning that tomorrow. The prices were really good too! Check them out, you don't want to be tripping over baggy pants!!!!

    Lucy:smile: I signed up for a 5K at a sports store, it cost me 100.00 and you get 10 weeks of training, twice a week. We are going from walk/run to all run, they swear they can whip me into shape and have me running by April....we'll see:laugh: . Right now I'm doing walk, run, walk,walk,walk, run:embarassed: , and then we get a good workout with sit-ups, push ups etc. etc....it's fun but also a lot of work! And on these cold windy mornings, sometimes I wonder what was I thinking:tongue: !

    Ack....it's 7pm, I've got 30 minutes to make a salad....eeek!

    Have a wonderful night every one! Welcome to all the newbies!

    DeeDee in windy and very chilly NC
  • Kauaiartist
    Kauaiartist Posts: 86 Member
    For LynDavis:
    Totally understandable why it would hit you hard to lose your son's best friend's mother to cancer - that's very close to home. Good that you can use exercise as therapy - it's the best for the mind, body and soul. Blessings sent out to your son's friend and family and all of those like yourself who are affected by the sad and very premature loss from a difficult illness.
    Aloha Pumehana (that's like an Aloha on steroids!) :flowerforyou:

    Thank you everyone for your posts - appreciate the supportive group here. Trying to drink more water - guess filling up a container with the minimum amount I should drink daily is a good idea - any other tips in that regard appreciated.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Hi to everyone on this great Friday.Just a note to save my place. Played golf today and had a great time. After that I finished trimming my roses back as they are trying to bud out.
    Hope everyone on the East Coast is safe and warm.
    Sue in TX
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi my dear friends. TGIF!!! Today my graduate student taught class and I got to evaluate her. She did a nice job and the best part is…she grades today’s quizzes! LOL. :happy: Gives me a break. I got to leave work early today and get the grocery shopping done, but I am really behind at the office. I’m behind here too with the books, so this weekend I have to work my be-hind off!

    Last night I spent a long time on the phone with a lady who just got back from Ukraine with a daughter, who is 7. She and her hubby also adopted a15 year old, but he changed his mind and they had to take him back to the orphanage after the adoption was final.:sad: It was a total nightmare with the police called on them, possible threats against the older kid by the orphanage personnel…and on and on. Poor thing is totally heartbroken:brokenheart: that they had to leave their new son, and totally conflicted on how to be happy with their daughter when they are grieving so. The daughter is causing all sorts of problems, probably because she is frustrated at not being able to communicate, so tomorrow all four of us are going to have dinner with them and meet them for the first time. Our opthamologist goes to church with them and asked if he could give them our phone number. When we adopted many people offered to babysit for free just so we could have a break, so we volunteered ourselves and DD#1 as free babysitters, even if it includes babysitting all 9 (yes 9!) kids. That made her cry even more…she says they never go out because babysitters are so expensive. This will also help DD#1 I think by giving her something positive to do.

    Katla: I will take your advice and take it easy most of this weekend!:wink:

    Lin: 106 pounds!!!!! I don’t know if I have ever noticed that before. Wow what an accomplishment!

    Mary Ding a ling :smile: : I love the handbells. At Christmas we have a handbell choir at church. I bet you have fun

    KittPitt: just keep coming back and chatting with us!

    DebA: those sinus infections are horrible, aren’t they? Are you getting tons of snow now?

    Renny: hope you had a great night’s sleep!

    Barbie: hope Brandi is recovered from the dental care

    Liz: I think we all need a vacation! It’s hard to feel happy about a job that is so exhausting even though in this economy we are all very grateful to have one!

    Michele: can I send you an order for bread also? :bigsmile: The good news about cataract surgery is that is it simple and fast, and recovery is smooth usually.

    DeeDee: I have a vision of you being bossed around by some kind of army Sargent or something! “You WILL exercise!” It reminds me of an old Monty Python skit…’marching around the square with Sargent major’:laugh:

    Jo: great job with the weight loss. There are research studies that show that simply drinking ½ ounces of water for every pound you weigh will lead to weight loss so drink up!

    Linddavis: so sorry about your loss! :flowerforyou:

    LinC: Yes, ma’am. I’ll take better care of myself from now on.

    Tammy: I’ll be interested in hearing about what the nutritionist said

    Jackie: wow you really did pamper yourself. I bet you do feel great! Good for you! Are you going to get much snow?

    Cris come back and chat with us often!

    Jb: fiddling around! I so wish I had a weekend where I could do that, but maybe I should spend some time, because LinC told me to take it easy!!! I hear photos calling my name!

    Lori: that recipe sounds pretty good!

    12774: where do you live? Sounds like the whole eastern coast is going to be hit. Stay safe and warm!

    Well I know I have missed some of you. If you are in the storm’s path, stay safe and warm and enjoy the imposed “snow days”…stay home and sleep in! Then get your exercise in. I would love to be snowed in for a day or two. Take care everyone Hoping to be back on track tomorrow. Meg from cold but dry Omaha