He told me he was embarrassed of me while I was pregnant!



  • lifesigns64
    No matter why you are thinking of staying don't. No matter what obstacles there might be...financial..worrying about what ifs.. feeling scared.... afraid to be alone...that there may be nonone who will love you...Get these thoughtsvout of your head.

    EVERYTHING will be okay if you at least move out and tskecsome time. IN TIME you will be better than today. You..the kids should be treated so much better.......give yourself some space and time...but don't stay like this.
  • ebonyb202
    ebonyb202 Posts: 42 Member
    this breaks my heart
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    if you stay with him it will be child abuse and because you are allowing your kids to be around that then you are just as guilty as he is, think of your kids and get out.
  • 1kerriberri
    He is nothing but a big bully. If your children were older and in relationships like this, I can GUARANTEE 100% you would be telling them to get out of what is quite obviously an extremely septic situation. Get out and save yourself and you children from this NASTY man.
  • wildcat808
    wildcat808 Posts: 140 Member
    what an *kitten*! no one deserves to be talked down to like that. work on loving yourself and you will realize that you are far better than him!! it may be hard at first and it will not be easy! however, when you love yourself, no one can bring you down. not even him.
  • Ascolti_la_musica
    Ascolti_la_musica Posts: 676 Member
    This has nothing at all to do with your weight, or your body, or even, really, your choice of partner. This has everything to do with your own mentality.

    When you fall in love with a guy like this, it's understandable that you think he's oh-so-fantastic. The first few times he insults you, you brush it off as a bad day, and try to make him happy. You make little changes for Mr. Fantastic. Then he insults you some more, and you start to believe it. This is clearly the point you have reached. You somehow believe that your Mr. Fantastic is right, and you are a fat, ugly, PoS. WRONG!

    You do not know how wrong you are, and you won't fingure it out until long after he is in your rearview mirror. Whatever your reason for staying, consider this: You now have two children that are learning from this guy. Two children that he will also train to believe they are less than their true worth. Two children who, if you stay with this guy, will grow up to be victims just like you.

    Don't be his victim. Don't let your children be his victims. GTFO. Now.

    Worry about your health once you take care of this infinitely more critical detail of your life.
  • MrDonivan
    MrDonivan Posts: 19 Member
    You have a child with him, you can't get rid of him - ever. But you can control how often he is able to make you feel "less of a person". Decide to put yourself first, he already has put himself before you, something that will most likely never change and its very seldom an *kitten* becomes a Knight in Shining armor. He has served his purpose, move along. Being alone isnt as bad as being with a person that makes you feel less than human.

    Seek counseling for self esteem, confidance, lose the weight, become a sexy hot soccer mom, and when he comes to pick the kid up for visitations, dress like you OWN IT, then ignore him. Cut him lose, and Find yourself!!!
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    I grew up in abussive home and to say it damaged me is an understatement, I have battled drug addiction, over eating, self estem issues, obessidy,and my ability to trust people. Please think about your kids and what they will go through if you decide to stay.
    If you decide to put up with the abuse that is your choice but your kids have say.
  • Nissi51
    Nissi51 Posts: 381 Member
    Is this for real???
  • dragoness_leclerq
    You are just the type of woman selfish, insensitive, egotistical men like him prey on because you're easy targets. Your previous failed relationship combined with your stubborn refusal to even contemplate leaving him all indicate a deeply insecure woman.

    I do not know him so I won't bad mouth him further but suffice it to say from what you've already said, he doesn't treat you very well. His comments about your weight are most assuredly NOT coming from a good place as there are far kinder, gentler ways of saying he wants you to lose weight without calling you an embarrassment and telling your the cruel things his family are saying behind your back.

    I'll tell you what's going to happen. If you're lucky and determined, you'll lose the weight, get down to your goal and he'll somehow still find fault with you. He'll probably leave, or worse, cheat and you'll be a broken (yet thinner) mess.

    Do you really want your children to grow up in a verbally abusive environment? Think of the kinds of lessons you'll be teaching them?

    No, the pain will still be there. I've lost nearly 60lbs since the fall and the hurtful comments people made have still stuck with me. I can't even comprehend a compliment, let alone accept that they might be true. You'll be miserable and his words will always remain in the back of your mind.
  • dragoness_leclerq
    Once upon a time, a man I seeing made fun of my weight when I was already at a seriously low spot in my life. I haven't seen him in forever but, if I did I'd probably set him on fire... :explode: ... You don't get over **** like that.


    Totally true!
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    Why are you with this *kitten*?

    Why can't you leave? Pack up your stuff, grab your children and go. As long as you don't leave the area you are fine.

    Why do you want to stay? Why do you want to change yourself for someone who is like that? Why do you want to put up with that and teach your children this kind of a relationship and abuse is ok?

    Get out... don't look back.. just leave.

    ^^^ This. I totally don't understand why you've already resigned yourself to living this way for the rest of your life. I haven't read all of the comments, but I won't apologize if I'm reiterating what others have said, because the truth is - you need to hear it repeatedly, from multiple people. Maybe then (and I hope so) - it will sink in.

    To be blunt (because I don't know any other way to be), he's an *kitten*. Any man who says and does the things that this man is doing/saying to you is not worth your time. He is an immature little boy who gets off on having control over women. It is up to YOU to not let him control you. You CAN get out. You CAN leave. You CAN make a better life for yourself and your children. This man is bad news. Trust me. Things will only get worse if you stay.

    You need to believe in the fact that you are a beautiful woman and that you and your children deserve better. Staying in an abusive relationship is unhealthy not only for you, but especially for the kids. Please rethink your decision.
  • sanalupe
    sanalupe Posts: 47 Member
    Oh, sweety, I am so sorry you are hurting. Just listen to those who wrote here about abuse, this might be just the beginning. My ex use to say I was fat, that I had no boobs, ugly feet and so on. When I tried to leave him, he tried to hit me with his car, stalked me, threatened me and even hit me. I went through hell until my father "had a word" with him, but 8 years later found me on Facebook and I had to delete my account. There was no way for me to have a baby with that man, I would've been in danger.
    Do you see where I am going with this? Believe me, the beauty is not in the extra pounds, to be beautiful you should be warm at heart. And I sense your heart is very warm.
    You can add me as friend for support and message me when you need someone to talk to.
  • Foozie95932
    Foozie95932 Posts: 1 Member
    As you lose the weight you will gain confidence. You will start to see yourself in a whole new light. Take care of you right now and in the end you will come to the conclusion that you really are too good for him. You may be able to try and turn a blind eye now but in time it will eat away at you. You will never forgive him and what he has done. A relationship like this is toxic and not only does it affect you but your children. Do you really want to teach your son that it is ok to treat women like this? Forever is a really long time. Do you see yourself on twin scooters side by side holding hands riding into the sunset because that is who your "forever" should be. I wish you the best of luck! Take care of you and the rest will fall into place.
  • Brianna72994
    It's not very smart of you to stay with someone like this. Take your baby and your 3 year old and get out of there.

    If your children are around to witness this verbal abuse, they may grow up to think it's normal and possibly do it to their future spouses. You wouldn't want that would you? It's not a healthy home for you or the babies
  • EjaneK11
    EjaneK11 Posts: 209 Member
    You need to live a better life for yourself. You can't have your children grow up in that type of household.
  • jojojo909090
    jojojo909090 Posts: 205 Member
    I'm so sorry you are going through this. But, you are fooling yourself if you think there is hope for this relationship. Kick him to the gutter where he belongs. And focus that attention on yourself and your children.

    This. Sorry to say :(
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    losing weight will not solve that problem with him........... you need to do it for all the right reasons.
    im sorry that has happned to you.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    Lose weight the right way and do not do a full on juice.

    However, if you want to lose the weight than do it. He is just a jack *kitten* to you. You deserve better.

    Run out of this situation. Do not stay in a situation that is abuse. Isn't good for you, nor the children. He doesn't deserve to be the father.
  • missjanetleigh
    missjanetleigh Posts: 149 Member
    I'm very sorry that your going through this, and I agree with the others about him.

    PLEASE keep in mind what your children are going to see as normal with your relationship. I grew up in a messed up family and then married an abusive ahole it didn't stop until I finally put my foot down and said no more.

    My ex could be your husbands twin!

    Don't put yourself through this, the weight will not stay off when you are doing it under these conditions, it's not healthy psychically or emotionally.
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