
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Last night I slept in the guest room with Sasha and Bernie and Jake shared the king size bed with Brandy so he could keep an eye on her.....she was still groggy this morning....she went out for a few minutes first thing but wasn't interested in going on the long walk so Sasha and I walked for two hours together.....then I showered and went to line dance class

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I am so in favor of caring for our dogs’ teeth but I’m like you and hate that they have to be put to sleep to do it…….your training sounds awesome and challenging

    :flowerforyou: we had baked chicken breast, cole slaw, and spinach for lunch, then i worked on the income tax for awhile before walking the dogs one at a time.....until Brandy's mouth feels better i don't want to put the gentle leader on her and I can't walk both dogs together without the their wearing the gentle leaders.

    :flowerforyou: a friend came over this afternoon and we went for a 40 minute walk and solved many of life's problems:laugh:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • LdyPsych
    LdyPsych Posts: 79 Member
    I'm new to the group - hiya!

    I have done really well with my goals - working out consistently 6 day/wk eating under goal (only slightly usually). January was hellish since despite staying on the straight and narrow for so many months I lost a mere 1 lb. in Jan. I knew/guessed why (upping weights, body recalibrating)but it was still rough. Feb is being kinder, but the loss is 1lb weekly vs the previous 1.25 (but I am really glad for it, don't get me wrong).

    For Feb...
    - Continue to let myself have small breaks for fun foods (I am a bit too good at times for lasting control)
    - Try new fruits and veggies (really liked th spaghetti squash last month!)
    - Work on reducing sodium
  • karlajotj
    karlajotj Posts: 46 Member
    I've only been with this group for a few days, but so far am really enjoying it! Everyone has so much to share and really support one another. I won't be checking in too much for the next 8 days as I'm off to Colorado tomorrow for a get away Vacation! My husband is in Orlando on business and he'll join me in Colorado on Sunday. So, I get a whole day without my husband, kids, dogs, cat...no one!! I am so okay with that!!! We're both looking forward to having a good time together. There is a fitness center at the hotel, huge benefit! Everyone keep eating healthy, working out, you're all doing great!! I'll check in when I can.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    DeeDee - I swear, if Vince ever knew half of what he was eating, he'd never eat again! For years (yes, years) I've been making these tofu manicotti, I just accidentally-on-purpose neglected to tell Vince they were tofu manicotti, I just called them manicotti. He's eaten them. Right now I have some brownies made for him and I used prune puree in place of the oil, never told him, he and Jessica have been eating them up....lol The inventor of the garlic press deserves a nobel peace, as does the inventor of the food processor. One time I made a chocolate zucchini bread and I accidentally left the zucchini in the food processor too long so it got really ground up, you couldn't see it in the bread. I asked Vince to try "the chocolate bread". He ate the whole thing! Now if he knew that there was zucchini in it -- forget it. So I just had a slip of the mind, you know how age gets us....lol We just got Lexi's teeth cleaned. She needed to have one pulled. But she's fine now.

    boohoo - I was planning to use the Stairmaster since I hadn't for a few weeks waiting for my achilles to heal. Well, I figured I'd give it a try today, so I went to the Y where it was AND IT WAS GONE! Seems it broke and it won't be back. Boo hoo. I suggested putting it in the branch that is used the least so that it would last longer but I was told it was going to stay there "so that more members can use it". Not like they can't drive to where it is. Oh well. So I tried some HIIT on the AMT but only did that for 30 minutes, didn't want to put too much stress on the ankle. Then I did another 30 minutes on the AMT doing resistance intervals. Tomorrow I'll do yoga and then stay at the Y to do part of my CPR recert where I do the compressions in front of the guy. I already took the test online. I really don't understand it. Last time I took it I needed to do rescue breathing and compressions -- but this was a lifeguarding class. The time before I only need to do the compressions. So why this time was I being quizzed about the rescue breathing? On my way home I'll probably stop at this one food store. Then I need to be at the church to serve and then Jessica wants to go out to dinner (hmmm...I bet she isn't planning on paying....lol)

    Lin in IA - glad you're missing the storm. Anyway, get rid of those pants! Speaking from experience here. I had a pair of exercise pants that I really liked, I hemmed them twice. Finally, it got to the point where they were falling down on me. Gave them to the Salvation Army. It did feel good that they were falling down, tho

    Linda - so sorry about your son's best friend's Mom.

    Well, exercised, went to Sam's club to get some crab legs for dinner, then came home to give Loki his med, went shopping (found a pair of pants I like also got a sweater that I think I'll return, I'm not real thrilled with it) and then to the Healthy Cooking Demo, came home & had conference call with our financial planner, then went to the vet with Jessica, home to make crab for dinner, then Jess wanted to go to Bed Bath & Beyond and I needed to go to WalMart for a few things. Now I'm home, getting my daily vitamin F. At the cooking demo he made these snickerdoodles and one of the ingredients (replacing some of the oil) was -- get this -- white beans pureed. You really couldn't taste the beans.

    LinC - I tell you, raw cookie/cake/brownie/etc. dough is my ultimate downfall. And it really doesn't help much that Vince likes to have something sweet for dessert so I need to make him cakes or fudge or something. I do try to log if I have the tastes.

    tammy - you are so so right... a trip to the hairdresser is definitely a necessity of life. I so wish I could find a good nutritionist, maybe I'll talk to the guy who does the cooking demos and see if he can recommend someone. I'm trying to be as good as possible, but that stupid Wii is still saying "that's overweight"

    Lucy in DE - initially using weights may not burn as many calories, but you will burn fewer but for a longer period of time so in the end you'll burn as many as if you were doing aerobic activities. Good for you doing weight training! We all need aerobic, weight training, and good nutrition. That's the formula for success

    Cris - welcome to a great forum. Check in often and you won't be able to stay away before long (trust me, I know)

    jktwork - welcome! Glad you're here

    Sara in Ontario - I hear ya about how you have to stretch just to be able to get out of bed the next day. One of the reasons the Newcomers bowling is only every other week is so that we have time to recover....lol But you know what? The senior league bowls every week, and I'm constantly amazed at some of the people on that league. They're MUCH older than I am, but boy are they active!

    12774 - tomorrow is my weekly weigh in, also. I'm hoping to at least stay the same.

    Brooke from CO - with your determination -- I KNOW you'll do it!

    ihalket - welcome! Glad you're better now. Keep coming here and ask any question you may have. Remember "the only dumb question is the question that isn't asked"

    Meg - how wonderful of you to volunteer to babysit!

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening

    Michele in NC
  • gennyturner
    gennyturner Posts: 25 Member
    I LOVE this post, I'm 50+. Makes me remember the reasons I continue to stay healthy. Thank you
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to save my place.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Just a quick drive thru tonight as I need to get to bed. I have been too busy to check on you all until now. However, I just finished reading all of the posts, and have thought of you all. Made a yummy spaghetti sauce tonight from a Weight Watcher's Basic Tomato Sauce recipe, and added a lot of sauted zucchini.
    I am taking tomorrow off from logging to go visit my mother, so may not see you until Sunday. Have a great weekend!
    Mary in Kansas, where we are praying that we might get a little bit of rain tomorrow
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Lori H:smile: That recipe sounds so good! I`ve copied it and hope to make it soon! I love getting new recipes, I`m not much of a cook and every new recipe helps! thanks for sharing!

    Jackie:smile: It`s always good to make time for ourselves, I tend to forget to pamper myself sometimes:frown:! Glad you have GREAT hair, it`s amazing what a boost we get with a great hair day!!!!

    Michele:smile: You sneaky girl:laugh: , getting Vince to eat those veggies!

    Karla:smile: Hope you have a wonderful vacation!!!

    Well I need to get running, yes really running.....homework for today is to run/walk a mile on our own, need to get to the track before it gets too crowded. Tomorrow is rest day...YAY!!!!

    Hope everyone has a spectacular Saturday!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in chilly but sunny NC (once again I forgot this)
  • LdyPsych
    LdyPsych Posts: 79 Member
    Brooke - I love my new scale, wasn't pricey either (like my last one). Plus, it looks really cool (clear) and you can stand anywhere on it (my last expensive one you had to place your feet exactly, too exactly). It's an Eat Smart Scale. ESBS-01 (I had searched for recommendations and in the end this was a great choice). Got it at Amazon. Easy peasy :smile:
  • :flowerforyou: Thanks for your encouragement, I am going to have to write down names and towns to get to know you all.
    My son's friend has always called me Mama D... so altho I can never ever replace his Mom I am so glad he feels close to me.

    I will try to get back on task here, back to movin' and groovin'. Thinking about everybody out East... hope you are all safe.

    will be back later ~ Linda in Chicago:glasses:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    Good morning, lovelies!

    Despite fruits, veggies, mat work, dance class, logging and staying within calorie max all week, up and down the same pound, no progress.:grumble:

    Haven't yet logged yesterday but there was no dance class, mat work or lunchwalk and there WAS beer and ice cream.:bigsmile:
    Result? Down 1.5 lb to the least I've been this year. :laugh: We'll see what happens on ticker update day Monday.

    Yes, I know that laziness, beer and ice cream are NOT the answer,:noway: that the prior days' results just finally showed up, :ohwell: but had to share. :wink:

    Way behind reading posts, don't know when I'll catch up.
    Sending warm affection, encouragement and gratitude to you all!


    Barbara, the SW Idaho AHMOD of the healthier waist in 2013.

    2013: Focus on the important stuff
    Januaryand February: Log, move and listen!
  • WOW!!! I only visit you ladies once a week and so can only get through the most recent 2 or 3 pages and as always such great advice and encouragement. Your friendship not only helps the ones you are writing to but also those of us reading the post get a lot out of it as well... so again thanks for all the great post!

    Thanks to all who told me to get up and move! I did light exercise last week and I 'do' feel a little energy... not as tired as I have been. Also lost 2.5 lbs as a bonus. So great advice ladies..
    Thanks to all who took the time to encourage me!!

    I don't usually write to anyone but here 3 short blurbs;

    @ Karlajotj Where did you vacation in Colorado? My family has a condo in Frisco which is close to Keystone, Breckenridge and Copper. We LOVE Colorado!!! Hope you had a great vacation.

    @ Barbiecat I am so sorry for Brandy. I hope her mouth heals quickly and she feels better soon!

    @ Megblair1 I always enjoy your blogs, always filled with such positive words for so many women. You and your daughter are so kind to babysit 9 kiddos!! That is such an awesome thing you two are doing!
  • I thought I'd pop in for a moment before I got started on my list of things to do...DH got our carrots out of the garden and I need to get them ready to store in our cellar. I have a beef/vegetable stoup started for supper, it is going to be yummy...no recipe, just throw the leftover stuff in the frig together and call it stoup.

    I hope everyone has a GREAT!!! day. I will try to check back in later in the day.

    Mary in TN:happy: javascript:add_smiley('happy','post_body')
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Quick check in before I head to the gym! Woohoo... Finally figured out for the cardio part... I love to watch tv, get lost in a movie or something... but I hate the commercials... my daughter said, "why don't you watch netflix?" So, done. Started watching that new show House of Cards while I'm on the elliptical ( 30-40 min)... I'm totally hooked... but here's the catch. I can only watch the show when I'm at the gym... so I can't wait to go back! haha! Great way to fool myself, huh? Too bad I can't watch it while I'm doing the strength training.... sure I can figure something out! haha

    I've read through most of your posts.... so much! so much!

    Barbie... so sorry about Brandy's teeth... hope she's doing better. I know all about that teeth cleaning. With my next dog I will incorporate teeth brushing... My little schnauzer started having seizures after her teeth cleaning... that was two years ago and she still has them now. The vet said, that just happens some times... right.

    At the moment, I'm glad to have sunshine and no snow... Have bunches of work to do.

    Have a happy day everyone! :flowerforyou:

    Tammy in Va Beach
  • Good morning everyone....wanted to check in before going shopping with my sister. Congrats to everyone who lost weight! I've been pretty bad this past couple of weeks with posting so my February goal is to get out of this funk and start being faithful to posting my foods again and exercising (which has been on/off again also). Oncologist is keeping me on Arimidex 5 more years..UGH..unfortunately I have one of the side effects - joint pain...was so hoping to be thru with it.

    DeeDee - how great to be taking back a jacket because it's too large!

    Barbie - hope Brandy is up and walking with you soon

    Meg - babysitting 9 kids?!? You are a saint!

    Have a wonderful Saturday everyone

    Colleen IL
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Hello, all!

    It's been a busy three days at the VA with Dad. Yesterday, our 1 hour appointment turned into 9 hours, as he had some other problems he hadn't mentioned to me and we ended up in the ER department there. I was a bit frustrated, as I had to cancel my afternoon meeting (which they had nicely changed to Friday for me, since we had to be at the VA on Thursday), but my father has to be the priority. My parents did so much for me while I was growing up that I think it's only right that I should take care of them now. Being in the "sandwich generation" is difficult, though, as I'm sure most of your know from your own experiences.

    Mary – Great story about the CD player! Thanks for sharing. It took me a while to discover the “random” mode, as well. :blushing:

    Meg – I’m sorry you’re having a few “off” weeks. That’s okay, as long as it doesn’t morph into having a few “off” months! Since things are overwhelming right now, why don’t you start with just one? Maybe just trying to get your water in. Then, when things feel a little better, add another component back in. You WILL get back on track! (I have confidence in you). I know that you’ve given the new adoptive parents some great support. I’m always so impressed with your parenting ideas.

    Liz – I hope you have a truly relaxing weekend to make up for this past week at work! :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee – So glad you’re enjoying your training, despite the weather. Just think what amazing condition you’re going to be in!

    Linddavis – I’m sorry about the loss of your son’s friend’s mom. Cancer is such an awful plague. I think that when people of our age pass, it makes us consider our own mortality, and that’s a hard thing to face.

    Jackie – I’ll bet you look amazing! You’re right, we all need pampering sometimes, and we usually need to be the one to do it for ourselves. By the way, I really appreciated the time that you took to tell me more about green juicing/smoothies. It was so thoughtful of you! I'm sorry not to have said this sooner. :smile:

    JB – I’m sorry your scale is being difficult (maybe they’ve all gotten together and gone on strike??), but getting to the track is indeed something to be proud of!

    Michele – I love the way that you sneak healthy things into your baking!

    Tammy – Great idea to only watch the show while you’re exercising… that’s one good way to get to the gym!

    Jane in Colorado
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon all,

    I decided that I wanted to do some strength training as my upper body strength is about nothing, so I did some interval exercises with 5 pound weights for about 15 minutes yesterday. Only a short 15 minutes, but boy was I sore this morning! I can't believe I am so out of shape! When did that happen?:sad: My arms and chest are sore, and my back doesn't feel so great either. Even so, I made myself do my 30 minutes on the Treadmill this morning, and that went fine. I was feeling pretty good, and saw the mailman from the window, so I decided to get the mail. We didn't get much snow here in Delaware, and although it was quite windy all night, the sun is shining today. So I started out the door and fell right on my butt!:embarassed: I didn't realize there was a big patch of ice on the walkway. Now EVERYTHING hurts! So I'm taking it easy for the rest of the day......maybe a heating pad might help?

    Loved reading all the posts, but going to lie down for awhile......:frown:

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: This morning was TC10K training clinic week 4 - yay for me. I definitely did not feel like going, after a rotten night sleep and waking up with an irritable bladder, but so glad I went :flowerforyou: 10 more weeks to go and the 10K is April 28th. Go, Renny, Go!!

    It is amazing what determination can do. Just putting one foot in front of the other, not feeling like doing it, but doing it. The trainer said that she noticed I was keeping such a good pace. Hah, that was true, as I was too tired to divert into anything other than keeping going, girlfriend :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Dreary day here today but no snow like the NE! Need some Vit F to perk me up. I'm packing to go to DS's to help with the kids while he and DDIL are in Thailand. Taking some of my exercise DVD's, my hand weights and swing trainer. They have a treadmill and rowing machine so there are no excuses for not exercising. I think I'll check out what's in the fridges and then go buy some healthy things I need.

    Lucy so sorry you had that fall. Take some time to recover. Heating pad might feel good but you'll need a big one for all the places you hurt.:sad:
    Jane - sorry your VA visit turned into an all day affair. You are a good daughter to take care of your Dad's medical needs and I know he appreciates all you do for him.:flowerforyou:
    Michele - when I read about all the good things you make I get hungry for "something". Don't know what but something. LOL
    Meg - it was great of you to offer to babysit for the stressed out mother. Your daughter will be a big help to the younger girl.
    Lori - hope Caleb got to come home today. Being a grandma is the best.
    Tammy - like your DD's idea of watching the program at the gym..I've decided no afternoon snack until at least 32 oz of water have been consumed. Usually do pretty good with that.

    Sue in TX
    February Goals: :flowerforyou:
    1. Get 5 f/v a day
    2. Check portion sizes to be sure they are accurate. No more “that’s about a ½ c.”
    3 Exercise 45 min 5 x a week.