Black Team week ? -- Pollyanna Challenge



  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Hello friends!

    Having a wonderful weekend with amazing weather; too bad it's Sunday and it has to end. I hate Sundays for that -so depressing to think about another work week . :cry: Anyhow, had a fabulous 11 mile run yesterday morning and ran some errands --also enjoyed my splurge of some fabulous ice cream. Today, I did some things around the house while BF was playing basketball...just came in from Wine in the Woods with another couple we are friends with. Great company, great wines, great time. Even made a super healthy lunch choice, so I was pretty impressed with myself. Gotta admit, I really did kind of want the crab dip in the bread bowl.

    Glad everyone is doing to all.

    P.S. I have still not seen The Blind Side; we'll get to it one day!

    Shaunte we will be running a half marathon at the same time...Oct 16 2010...Do you remember last year when we were both so scared??? I am so loving life just about right now!! Just got done shopping 23 dollars saved with coupons..yay me!! Well off to lay down making the kids sausage and cheese crossaints for breakfast in the morning,and then making my lunch....then heading to bed!! 3 am came early and 340 am comes just as early!!

    Good night my wonderful fantastic black team friends!!

    I know! And now, we're both all, "Oh, I ran 10+ miles yesterday..." like it was no big deal. How awesome is that???
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hello friends!

    Having a wonderful weekend with amazing weather; too bad it's Sunday and it has to end. I hate Sundays for that -so depressing to think about another work week . :cry: Anyhow, had a fabulous 11 mile run yesterday morning and ran some errands --also enjoyed my splurge of some fabulous ice cream. Today, I did some things around the house while BF was playing basketball...just came in from Wine in the Woods with another couple we are friends with. Great company, great wines, great time. Even made a super healthy lunch choice, so I was pretty impressed with myself. Gotta admit, I really did kind of want the crab dip in the bread bowl.

    Glad everyone is doing to all.

    P.S. I have still not seen The Blind Side; we'll get to it one day!

    Shaunte we will be running a half marathon at the same time...Oct 16 2010...Do you remember last year when we were both so scared??? I am so loving life just about right now!! Just got done shopping 23 dollars saved with coupons..yay me!! Well off to lay down making the kids sausage and cheese crossaints for breakfast in the morning,and then making my lunch....then heading to bed!! 3 am came early and 340 am comes just as early!!

    Good night my wonderful fantastic black team friends!!

    I know! And now, we're both all, "Oh, I ran 10+ miles yesterday..." like it was no big deal. How awesome is that???

    :heart: :heart: pretty freaking awesome if you ask me!!!:smokin:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Marla- thanks for the words of encouragement. I HATE, HATE, HATE the fact that I am not 100% in control all the time. It drives me crazy. I know how to do this, it's not that I can't do it. I have now been over my 'ok range' for 2 weeks and I gotta truly pull it back. Last week was disappointing to me because the numbers on the scale didn't drop as fact as I expected. Silly me. I know how it works and I also know not to get on every day, but I do. :ohwell:

    Yes, fun with my husband equals food. For him, it means stuff as much beef (which I don't feed him) in as he can. We are not good for one another in that aspect, I say Dairy Queen, he pulls into the joint! I wish if I said Dairy Queen he thumped me. :laugh:

    Thanks to you guys for understanding and listening when I feel the need to b!tch and moan about it. I still think back to the beginning when the pounds were melting and I was losing so fast and steady and I kept thinking 'This is easy'. Puh! Yeah, right! What planet was I from?

    Hubs leaves in 2 weeks, he'll be in Montgomery the entire month of June, but home on weekends. I've got to wrap my head around that, plan accordingly and not let the weekends blow my whole week of hard work. Maybe you are onto someting Marla, maybe I should just get back to acceptable range and hang there til he leaves in August. What's a few more months? I've been hanging there since he got home last May........
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hello friends!

    Having a wonderful weekend with amazing weather; too bad it's Sunday and it has to end. I hate Sundays for that -so depressing to think about another work week . :cry: Anyhow, had a fabulous 11 mile run yesterday morning and ran some errands --also enjoyed my splurge of some fabulous ice cream. Today, I did some things around the house while BF was playing basketball...just came in from Wine in the Woods with another couple we are friends with. Great company, great wines, great time. Even made a super healthy lunch choice, so I was pretty impressed with myself. Gotta admit, I really did kind of want the crab dip in the bread bowl.

    Glad everyone is doing to all.

    P.S. I have still not seen The Blind Side; we'll get to it one day!

    Shaunte we will be running a half marathon at the same time...Oct 16 2010...Do you remember last year when we were both so scared??? I am so loving life just about right now!! Just got done shopping 23 dollars saved with coupons..yay me!! Well off to lay down making the kids sausage and cheese crossaints for breakfast in the morning,and then making my lunch....then heading to bed!! 3 am came early and 340 am comes just as early!!

    Good night my wonderful fantastic black team friends!!

    I know! And now, we're both all, "Oh, I ran 10+ miles yesterday..." like it was no big deal. How awesome is that???

    :heart: :heart: pretty freaking awesome if you ask me!!!:smokin:

    I agree-- you both inspire me-- I've wanted to be in the half marathon club ever since you completed your first-- I love this team, and the "gosh, lemme try that" camaraderie-- love it, love it, love it--

    You raise me up, people.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Marla- thanks for the words of encouragement. I HATE, HATE, HATE the fact that I am not 100% in control all the time. It drives me crazy. I know how to do this, it's not that I can't do it. I have now been over my 'ok range' for 2 weeks and I gotta truly pull it back. Last week was disappointing to me because the numbers on the scale didn't drop as fact as I expected. Silly me. I know how it works and I also know not to get on every day, but I do. :ohwell:

    Yes, fun with my husband equals food. For him, it means stuff as much beef (which I don't feed him) in as he can. We are not good for one another in that aspect, I say Dairy Queen, he pulls into the joint! I wish if I said Dairy Queen he thumped me. :laugh:

    Thanks to you guys for understanding and listening when I feel the need to b!tch and moan about it. I still think back to the beginning when the pounds were melting and I was losing so fast and steady and I kept thinking 'This is easy'. Puh! Yeah, right! What planet was I from?

    Hubs leaves in 2 weeks, he'll be in Montgomery the entire month of June, but home on weekends. I've got to wrap my head around that, plan accordingly and not let the weekends blow my whole week of hard work. Maybe you are onto someting Marla, maybe I should just get back to acceptable range and hang there til he leaves in August. What's a few more months? I've been hanging there since he got home last May........

    Well, I know, Lori-- I remember you fretting when he was due home about just exactly what happened-- that you'd be drawn into food too much. Old habits die hard, right?

    Some people are our eating triggers-- we know that. I haven't been to my mother's home in moons-- but in the past, after marriage, I swear every time I'd get within 100 miles of her home on my way to visit, I'd get the nibbles. And I'd eat everything in sight when I was there-- of course, she was all too willing to feed me.

    Recognizing the triggers doesn't necessarily mean, obviously, that we'll have immediate control around them or the situations-- but, it is definitely a step. You know the old adage-- "admitting the problem is the first step."

    I hope you stopped after the Dairy Queen, though-- or was it the cheese and crackers-- or I'ma fly down there and kick your keester.

    Hugs and hugs and hugs my friend-- now cut the crap. :wink:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    I stopped after Dairy Queen. I popped a few grapes, that was it, even they made me feel like barfing.

    My family is a food trigger too. Not even sure why. I swear I will remain strong, show them how far I've come, how healthy I eat all the time, it never happens. I guess because eating with my family is what I do. Same with hubs, a night 'out' for us to do our own thing will always include food.

    I wish I could bottle the way I feel when I am being so good and treating my body so well, then bottle how horrid I felt earlier and when the need arises take a quick feel from each side. If only it were that easy. It's sort of like having a baby, once it's over you forget it, sure you know it hurt, but you don't remember the pain. I WANT to remember the pain of how crappy I felt.

    Thanks again Marla. It's awesome to have people looking out for you.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I stopped after Dairy Queen. I popped a few grapes, that was it, even they made me feel like barfing.

    My family is a food trigger too. Not even sure why. I swear I will remain strong, show them how far I've come, how healthy I eat all the time, it never happens. I guess because eating with my family is what I do. Same with hubs, a night 'out' for us to do our own thing will always include food.

    I wish I could bottle the way I feel when I am being so good and treating my body so well, then bottle how horrid I felt earlier and when the need arises take a quick feel from each side. If only it were that easy. It's sort of like having a baby, once it's over you forget it, sure you know it hurt, but you don't remember the pain. I WANT to remember the pain of how crappy I felt.

    Thanks again Marla. It's awesome to have people looking out for you.

    I got your back, Lori. :smooched:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Projects completed this week--

    * Painted the girls' room.
    * Purchased flower pots for front yard and deck, and planted flowers in those AND in the planters on the deck rail.
    * Painted the mailbox post.
    * Will plant flowers around mailbox in the morrow, after second coat of paint.
    * Hung decorative mirror in dining room that I've been asking somebody to do for almost three years.
    * Moved glider swing thingie onto the deck.
    * Swept all the crud gathered along the gutter by our curb in front of our house. Everybody else has clean gutters...why not us?

    The mirror and the glider are the two that I think will really stick in my husband's craw-- well, I think they all might-- but I'll have to sweet talk him-- "inexpensive projects, hon-- I know you're too busy-- the kids and I had a lot of fun-- " blah, blah, blah--

    Fingers crossed.

    Way proud of this week!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Lori- My thoughts go out to you..I have been in the same place...Now I am ate a different place that I need the light switch to pop on..the one that says Tamara, you burnt over 1200 more...I have never been able to wrap my brain around that...Hopefully it was come soon...I am completely satified at eating 1200-1300 calories...But when I burn 1200 I know I nned to eat more...until that day comes I will just keep trucking along at what I am doing...

    Marla- So amazing on all the little project...

    Shaunte- Yes People at work are like your a running machine..I said yep, I enjoy it so much!!

    Ate my french toast and now I am drinking my coffee fixin to head out...Hope everyone has a great day..I am training at work today..Yippee more money on my paycheck!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    *drool* Tamara, every time you say French toast, it just kills me... :laugh: however, I'm envisioning it loaded with butter and dripping with syrup.

    Off to work early this morning. Typed into the wee hours and back at it. My projects around the house cost me dearly in the way of typing time.

    Busy day on tap.

    Oh yeah-- lost another water weight pound. :noway: Finally. And I have more. I've had the poofs around the midsection for months inexplicably-- so, COME ONNNNNNN water.

    Need to get typing-- later!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Just had to pop back in to see my ticker.:love::love: :love:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    *drool* Tamara, every time you say French toast, it just kills me... :laugh: however, I'm envisioning it loaded with butter and dripping with syrup.

    Marla- you are sorta right...spray butter and 1/8 cup sugar free syrup...yummy I dream of it everynight before I go to bed...well my fabulous friends off to work..750 calories burned this morning!!!
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member

    I wish I could bottle the way I feel when I am being so good and treating my body so well, then bottle how horrid I felt earlier and when the need arises take a quick feel from each side. If only it were that easy. It's sort of like having a baby, once it's over you forget it, sure you know it hurt, but you don't remember the pain. I WANT to remember the pain of how crappy I felt.

    Lori - this is sooooooooooooo true! I thought you were reading my mind when I read this post
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,099 Member
    Marla - way to go on the water weight :drinker: , and good luck at the doctors today. Your list of projects is brill, I hope that you don't get into too much trouble :wink:

    Tamara - hope you enjoyed your french toast and you are an inspiration

    Lori - I liked your description of the weight loss journey likening it to children growing - very good. Sorry that you had a bad weekend, but today is a new day etc etc etc :wink:

    Jeannie - the workouts on the beach sound devine :happy:

    Andrew - I hope that you had a good ride on your bike

    To everyone else, I hope that you had a good weekend

    I am thankful today that my tummy has settled and that I have so far managed to walk to school and 15 minutes on the bike.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Perspective is a wonderful thing--

    I just had some breakfast-- peanut butter and jelly on whole wheat bread (peanut butter and jelly has been my first love since I was a kid) and 5 almond, pecan and cashew clusters by "True North." To. Die. For.


    After logging it, I check and see I have 1,037 calories left for the day.

    When we first began folks, I'd think, "Ack! Only 1,000 calories left for the whole day!!!!"

    Today, I look at it and go, "Cool, I still have 1,000 calories left," knowing I'll still be eating F-I-N-E.

    I love how our minds change along the way.

    Just wanted to pop in to blurb.

    Typing almost done-- later.
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Hi all, I have been MIA for awhile. I have not been making very good food choices but have been going to the gym 4 days a week. I am up 8lbs. from a month ago and I am beyond frustrated.

    I have just under 2 months to get my *kitten* back down to 170. My new routine is:

    Mon, Wed, Fri 8-9 am TRX
    Tues- thurs 10-11 Fitness Fusion
    Thurs cardio scult right after Fitness Fusion
    then Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri Spinning ( that is after the 2 weeks that it is cancelled)

    Food plan is to cut out bread rice and pasta. and most bad for you sugars.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hi all, I have been MIA for awhile. I have not been making very good food choices but have been going to the gym 4 days a week. I am up 8lbs. from a month ago and I am beyond frustrated.

    I have just under 2 months to get my *kitten* back down to 170. My new routine is:

    Mon, Wed, Fri 8-9 am TRX
    Tues- thurs 10-11 Fitness Fusion
    Thurs cardio scult right after Fitness Fusion
    then Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri Spinning ( that is after the 2 weeks that it is cancelled)

    Food plan is to cut out bread rice and pasta. and most bad for you sugars.

    Sam-- coming here for accountability is key-- glad you came back.

    Yay for the gym-- but you know without good food choices, all the exercise in the world will only make us fit fat chicks. (believe me, I know this from experience-- had a gym membership once-- thought since I exercised I could eat freely-- duhhh-- went faithfully, gained weight and went up in body fat)

    So-- you can do this! Look how far you've come-- as Tamara said-- we're all better than we started.

    Remember-- you want to be the skinny sister-in-law-- get her in gear, woman!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Remember-- you want to be the skinny sister-in-law-- get her in gear, woman!

    Thanks Marla!!

    I will never be the skinny sister in law but I WILL be the fit sister in law. I am back. I can feel it. I am also thinking about getting certified to become a spin instructor!!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,957 Member
    I am thankful that I was able to start and finish a project on my own on Saturday. I have a TERRIBLE time finishing what I start. I had 3 add'l perennials to plant, as well as remove sod, lay weed blocking paper and mulch. And, I wanted to get it done before the rain came on Saturday night. DH was fixing our front door and the doors to our shed so he wasn't able to help. I wanted to quit after I my first shovel full. But, I didn't. I got the sod removed and man was I sore and tired and sweaty. Then had to get the Preen, weedblocker and mulch from the store. But, I am so proud that I did it all by myself.

    Once that was done, I helped DH move dirt and sod from planting two trees. Man, it was heavy work but a nice workout after a lovely 5K that morning. :)

    My downfall was ordering pizza at 8:45 at night for dinner. I had two slices at 9:15 and not nearly enough water. It dawned on me that I'd had probably less than 30 oz of water all day and that was with the 5K that morning.

    Anywho.....I finished a project I started.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,770 Member
    Sam- bring it girl. When are you going home? We are about on the same schedule for traveling again. We are headed to PA the 2nd week in July. If nothing else, I just want off the few I've put on recently, I'll take that and be happy with it.

    Kati- glad you finished your project, trust me, many times I've wanted to stop after my first shovel, or swipe with the paint brush or whatever it is I was doing, but if you keep going it gets better..... well, but at least you start to see progress and that drives it home!

    I got on the scale. Frightening, but no worse than last Monday. So all in all, I worked out, burned 4600 calories last week, which covered my weekend fiasco. :ohwell: Leave me chalk it up to another lesson learned. I have more tally marks on my lesson learned wall than I care to count. How many times can you learn the same lesson anyway? :wink:

    DS had an appointment this AM, messed with my gym time, but I still went and burned 1000 calories. I refused to leave until I did. It took 1 hour and 45 minutes. You guys that always say "Wow, I never burn 1,000"- it's just cause you gotta do it long enough, not that we do anything special. It sort of dawned on me that the reason I hadn't been burning those 1,000 calories for the past few weeks was because I wasn't putting that much time into it daily. Truly, almost 2 hours a day of exercise isn't feasible for everybody or feasible every day in my life either. If I'm working it pretty good, I burn roughly 10 calories a minute, so it's purely time on task!

    Marla said earlier it's a lot about the food we put in our body. Agreed. I have some pretty good muscles in my arms, shoulders and chest, they would be so much more visible minus that layer of fat on top of them. The only way to get rid of it is to lean down and the true way to do that is through diet and cardio.

    On the bright side, I was at the gym at a different time, late morning toward lunch time, all the college muscle bound barely legals were there showing off their muscles. It gave me something to look at during cardio. :bigsmile:
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