30 Day Shred (May 15th - June 15th) Support Group



  • lolyno
    lolyno Posts: 43 Member
    Hi All, I've SHREDDED!!!!
    D1 L1 completed woohoo I was tired and though maybe I do it tomorrow but nope got it done yeah and 15 mins of Zumba to boot anyhooo off to bed nite
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    Day 6 complete...seriously considering giving level 2 a try tomorrow but not certain! We shall see in the morning I guess!

    Night night all!
  • Unicornlover
    Unicornlover Posts: 101 Member
    I just bought the video on Friday (14th)...but haven't even unwrapped the DVD yet! I must admit that Jillian does scare me...LOL

    I would love to join your group--this could be the motivation I need. Thanks!
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Level 1 Day 2 complete. I still love it and my calves are looser than yesterday. Still sweating buckets and looking forward to getting my HRM in the mail so I can check how much I'm burning.
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    I just bought the video on Friday (14th)...but haven't even unwrapped the DVD yet! I must admit that Jillian does scare me...LOL

    I would love to join your group--this could be the motivation I need. Thanks!

    hi there! Welcome to this group...it will help you work through the shred and let you know how other people managed during different areas of the shred!

    Go on....unwrap that dvd and give it a go!....you'll feel great afterwards, i promise! :flowerforyou:
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Day 6 complete...seriously considering giving level 2 a try tomorrow but not certain! We shall see in the morning I guess!

    Night night all!

    Hiya, I'm on day 4 today and thankfully, when I woke up this morning...my soreness had dissapeared :happy:

    I'm thinking about stepping it up to level 2 (the only thing I am finding difficult, is the man push ups) I don't think I'll perfect those in 10 days :ohwell: so i'm going to take a similar path as you...another 2 days on level 1 and then try to tackle level 2. I'm currently using 4lb weights and it's not going too badly.

    Let me know how you found level 2...it might give me the confidence to move on earlier...but Jillian is sooooo right...you can feel your body becoming resistant and managing the cardio far better after a few days on the shred!
  • KathleenAGarrity
    KathleenAGarrity Posts: 25 Member
    I am about to go into day 3 of my 30 DS - I have never been so sore in my life!
    I am really hoping that this is what its going to take for me to finally loose some weight after months of dieting and excercising with no results!
  • lolyno
    lolyno Posts: 43 Member
    Good Morning!!!
    Here are my measurements and my weight etc..

    Waist: 36 1/4
    Hips: 40
    Thighs: 27
    Bust: 37 1/2
    Chest: 35
    Upper Arms: 13
    Lower Arms: 9 1/4
    Calves: 16 1/4

    Starting Weight (SW) 195
    Current Weight (CW) 190
    Last Weight (LW) 191.5
    Weight Loss (WL) 5lbs
    Goal Weight (GW) 145
    Mini Goal this week eat within my calories and do Shred everyday!!!

    Happy Tuesday and Happy Shredding!!!!!!! :wink:
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I took a rest day yesterday then started level 2 today after 6 days of level 1. I don't know if there's supposed to be 1 rest day built in per week, but I think it's pretty crucial to any program.

    I like level 2 - save for maybe the plank - jumping jacks. They feel awkward. Level 2 has a more P90X-ish feel to it, IMO.

    It's somewhat hard to switch weights between the various moves. For any rows, I need 8-10 lbs, but the more static moves I need 5. I'll have to be quick, I guess.

    Chair squats with a V-raise...ouchhhhhh.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I did Day 5, Level 1 yesterday, and I'm thinking I'll be staying on Level 1 for the full 10 days. I'm still not finding the cardio easy by any means, but I can keep up with Natalie on all but the push ups. I wasn't able to keep my legs up for the full minute of bicycles crunches either. There is still room for improvement, altho I have moved up to 5lb weights for most of the exercises. I still use 2 for the anterior raises... the 5lb weights are just too much there. I also realized that I definitely need to eat more protein with my lunch. My light salad yesterday wasn't enough food at all and I ended up feeling woozy by the end of the 30DS and I had no energy for my second Wii workout immediately after it. I'm also gonna give my new sneakers a test run on the elliptical today. I think I laced them too tight last night, they were hurting my arches and shins. They were really pricy so I want to make sure there is no pain at all when I wear them, otherwise I'll return them.
  • capturethemoments3
    I just finished day 7 of level 1 and Jillian is right, it gets easier! I am going to move onto level 2 on Monday which will mean I spent 10 days on level 1 (Weekends I do other exercises, not shred). I was happy that today I kept up with Natalie on everything except for one set of the pushups. But I did do 1 set the "right" way!! I can tell I am getting results, I am just not sure how much. I forgot to measure when I started :(. But last week I saw a 2lb weight loss and I am hoping for the same this week when I weigh in on Friday.

    Anyone out there who is hesitant of the Shred, don't be it is well worth your 20 minutes!
  • jtapp9
    jtapp9 Posts: 59 Member
    Hi all!

    I just bought the dvd yesterday and did a half hearted L1D1 workout. Mainly wanted to see what it was all about. My shins are incredibly sore from doing a 5K over the weekend so I found the butt kicks and jump roping hard.

    Today I will go at it as a full on workout!
  • OpenHeaven
    OpenHeaven Posts: 275 Member
    Day 7 complete thank the Lord!! LOL!! I was originally going to ramp it up and do all of level 2 today but then I woke up so tired and REALLY wanted to try to get some man pushups in before going on to level 2 so I started out with level 1 again today, did 2 circuits of level one and decided to finish off with the last circuit of level 2. I loved it because it really challenged me at the end and yet didn't make me keel over and stop LOL!!!!! Jillian was like, "OK, lets start off our last bit of cardio with a little something we call plank jacks!" I was like what in the heck is a plank jack!??????!! Oh I found out soon enough!! LOL They were fun and I kept up with the awesome Natalie the whole time so YAY!!! I think I may do the same tomorrow, or maybe do all of level one and a circuit of level 2?????

    Ms_Natalie - I don't know that it is right or wrong but it only takes a few extra seconds to switch levels and get to a circuit - give it a try!! I loved it.

    Oh and my favorite moment of level 2 - the very end of the cardio when Jillian says, "I want you to feel like you are going to die!!" Nice Jillian, REAL NICE!!! LOL I love it! Keep pushing guys and girls, we are going to OWN THIS!!!!!
  • Unicornlover
    Unicornlover Posts: 101 Member
    Today was my first day to try the 30 Day Shred. I managed to get through Level 1 and Level 2...barely! Couldn't pay me to try Level 3!!! Since I'm new to this video, am I supposed to do all 3 levels every day, stay at one level for a while and then move up, or what? Thanks!!! I hope I'm not too sore in the morning.
  • kristi223
    kristi223 Posts: 78 Member
    OK, L1D5 is complete. I have struggled with the bicycle crunches at the end since I started doing this video, and I was surprised at how much easier they seemed today(not that they were EASY by any means). So, I know that I am definitely getting stronger, even if I can't actually SEE my progress. I will be starting Level 2 tomorrow and even though I know I am physically ready...I must admit that I am definitely intimated by this next level! I hope everyone is having a great day!!!
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Today was my first day to try the 30 Day Shred. I managed to get through Level 1 and Level 2...barely! Couldn't pay me to try Level 3!!! Since I'm new to this video, am I supposed to do all 3 levels every day, stay at one level for a while and then move up, or what? Thanks!!! I hope I'm not too sore in the morning.

    Hi there, I think it is generally agreed that you do ONE level each day. It is best to start off at level 1 and only attempt level 2 when you feel you have acomplished the moves in level one and feel ready to move on. Some people do level 1 for 10 days, level 20 for 10 days and then level 3 for the final 10 days...however, use the dvd in relation to how your body is feeling. I am on level 1, Day 5 tomorrow and am thinking about moving up to level 2 on thursday.

    Go you....for doing 2 levels in one go! woohooo! You may find yourself a little sore tomorrow but don't worry...everyone experiences that! Some people continue with their fitness regime (exercise will actually help ease soreness temporarily) and others decide to have a rest day

    Good Luck with the Shred and any other questions, feel free to post them here or on the blog (under Ms_Natalie) :flowerforyou:
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    OK, L1D5 is complete. I have struggled with the bicycle crunches at the end since I started doing this video, and I was surprised at how much easier they seemed today(not that they were EASY by any means). So, I know that I am definitely getting stronger, even if I can't actually SEE my progress. I will be starting Level 2 tomorrow and even though I know I am physically ready...I must admit that I am definitely intimated by this next level! I hope everyone is having a great day!!!

    Hiya...i'm not too bad with the bicycle crunches (they are still pretty hard) but I find the anterior raises with the side lunge/squat things absolutely horrendous..I'm currently using 4lbs weights and these are fine throughout the workout...apart from that particular move. I might have to swap to another size weight to try and get through those tomorrow. Looks like i'll be moving to level 2 a day after you so message here and let me know how you get on. I watched it earlier while necking some nice cool water and it looks okay...not too intimidating, i think. Although there is one move where you have to walk on all fours into a push up and then back again...finishing by touching your toes and standing up....that one puffed me out just watching it....

    Exciting...but definately a little intimidating :flowerforyou:

    You can do it!!! :wink:
  • calicowgirl0582
    Okay, so I just ordered the video and will start as soon as it arrives.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I had to take a day off from the Shred today. I was stuck at work til almost 6 and then I went to my office gym to do the elliptical for 45 minutes. I got home starving and last time I tried to do the Shred on too little food, it was a badd idea. I'll pick it up again tomorrow for Day 6 of Level 1. I'll hopefully be on Level 2 by the beginning of next week. Until then, Level 1 can continue to kick my butt... hehe
  • kukla63
    kukla63 Posts: 4
    After reading all your posts, I called Target and they have one in stock. I was thinking of buying the 3 pack that has 2 different workouts as well. Does anyone have the set?
    I will buy it tomorrow and start it on Thursday. I recently lost a lot of weight but got sloppy since the holidays and put back 10 pounds. Looking forward to the challenge.