Post something that you did "right" today



  • Lavon_G
    Lavon_G Posts: 26 Member
    I burned a few extra calories tonight to cancel out the Pringles I ate today!
  • Ultragirl2374
    Ultragirl2374 Posts: 390 Member
    Went to a work conference today. There's always lots of pastries and muffins. I only took one tiny muffin and an apple. At lunch I skipped the dinner rolls and ate only half my dessert (it was an apple torte, couldn't resist a taste!) . I also passed on the afternoon refreshments and sodas. And I walked to it from the train station rather than taking the subway!
  • AliceRabbit13
    AliceRabbit13 Posts: 138 Member
    Did not eat the chocolate cookies someone brought in to work :P

    Great thread!
  • fatfrost
    fatfrost Posts: 365 Member
    drank lots of water
  • mdepko
    mdepko Posts: 283 Member
    796 calories burned in 1 hr and 45 mins using Wii Fit Plus
    Drank my water
    And will be under my calorie total for the day
  • I really, really didn't want to, but I went for my one hour personal training session. It was so awesome that I decided to run for an hour afterwards:-)
  • VeeBethTris
    VeeBethTris Posts: 301 Member
    My son was home from school due to ice and spent the day with him watching movies. Now the Y is closed and can't work out but I don't regret it. Days like this are priceless :) I might just make this my skip day instead of Sunday as a rest day. I can always hit the treadmill if I choose to.
  • Allowed myself to listen to my body and NOT work out. My mind has been going crazy since I started working out that I was a bad, terrible person if I didn't make it to the gym. My body is worn out & exhausted and I finally have allowed myself to take the evening off. Stayed under my calorie & drank plenty of water.

    Now watching some TV before bed and will be back at it tomorrow. :)
  • Was my boss's birthday today, they had multiple different kinds of cakes and sweets from a local bakery that is MY FAVORITE! But I said no :) I felt so proud....good moment.
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    I have had a terrible week, and I've been really stressed. I used to turn to food and I would binge eat. Tonight I came home from work and I walked on the treadmill for 40 minutes even thought I'm tired and I have to work tomorrow. Tomorrow after work I am going to the gym to blast some serious calories :happy:
  • squirrelythegreat
    squirrelythegreat Posts: 158 Member
    8 hours of sleep :)
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member

    1. All 4 kids (3 diff schools) plus neighbor's 2 kids to school ON TIME (this is freaking amazing!).

    2. Went to lift alone even though my friend couldn't go due to injury, I was struggling to get out the door on time to drive to schools, I didn't feel like it, had to drag my entire bathroom with me in order to take a shower and look presentable for subsequent dance lessons I had to teach, and in the end, squatted 155 lbs.

    3. Actually returned sugar-free hazelnut coffee syrup I accidentally bought instead of losing receipt, giving up and wasting money.

    4. AWESOME 90 minutes of Argentine Tango with new partner -- such a good connection; woot!

    5. Remembered to pay floor rent at dance studio ON TIME!

    6. Cooked fab eggs and veggies for lunch.

    7. Baked 8 dozen homemade-from-scratch gluten-free coconut peanut butter cookies in an hour for a boy scout dinner tonight, while simultaneously eating delicious lunch. Only ate 2 cookies.

    8. Picked up shift 1 kids ON TIME from school.

    9. PIcked up shift 2 kid ON TIME from school!

    10. Got kids to piano lesson ON TIME!

    11. Got 2 HOT dresses and a skirt for tango, Kate Spade sunglasses, plus 2 stretch velvet dresses (big, shapeless, but these were on the $1 rack--bought just for the fabric--will cut up and make skirts) at the consignment store next to music store while kids did piano lessons.

    12. PIcked up shift 3 kid from school ON TIME!

    13. Still have over 800 cals available for said boy scout dinner tonight.
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    Bought Girl Scout cookies for my Dad and didnt eat a single one!
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    Measured my foods...including my avocado and half and half for my coffee.
  • bsee58
    bsee58 Posts: 2 Member
    I did 20 minutes on the elliptical and 10 minutes on my stationary bike.
  • tb221
    tb221 Posts: 54 Member
    I called off work because I was sick. I felt bad about it, but really needed the day to take care of me. I feel much better now. :)
  • Had a salad for lunch for the 3rd time this week and made sure to add beans/chicken for the extra protein. No cute muffins or sweet treats either.

    Pretty big since I was at a conference and there are so many temptations.
  • madrose0715
    madrose0715 Posts: 463 Member
    Big one: I am PMS'ng right now...chocolate and salt are my stand bys. For the first time, I think ever - I intentionally bought a dark chocolate fruit and nut bar as well as President's Choice, reduced fat, kettle salt and vinegar chips. I measured and weighed and tracked. And enjoyed!
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    I managed to go down an extra inch when doing my push ups today!! I can't even do one, but working on it!!!
  • Cinabean
    Cinabean Posts: 44 Member
    I thought today was going to be a loss b/c I didn't sleep well last night and opted to not work out before getting my youngest up for school. Well...after the youngest got on his bus, I actually ended up doing 40 min of Just Dance Intense level, 10 min of cardio abs, and another 10 min of yoga abs. I was a little late getting to work (well, I work from home but you get the point), but it helped set the tone to a much better tune for the rest of my day.

    OH!!! And went thru the Wendy's drivethru to get hubby and youngest a bacon burger. I got the chicken cobb salad, no dressing. Big accomplishment, though a very LOOOOONG drive home, smelling those burgers and fries. lol