breakfast...the most unhealthiest meal of the day..



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    When you skip breakfast you're more likely to pig out later in the day. Dumb theory. Moving on.

    I don't have any problem later in the largest meal is post work out and I am good to go ...

    Plenty of IF'ers have no problem with this ..

    so your statement is wrong on numerous levels.

    Too lazy to continue any argument that starts with "the most unhealthiest".
    translation - you have no clue what i am talking about....
  • baptiste565
    baptiste565 Posts: 590 Member
    most people eat breakfast and most people have credit card debt, so eating breakfast causes u to have bad credit. so to solve the national debt obama just has to skip breakfast. lol

    holy **** call congress we just solved the debt problem?

    If we cut breakfast by 50% we will cut the national debt by 50% too....brilliant!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    most people eat breakfast and most people have credit card debt, so eating breakfast causes u to have bad credit. so to solve the national debt obama just has to skip breakfast. lol

    holy **** call congress we just solved the debt problem?

    If we cut breakfast by 50% we will cut the national debt by 50% too....brilliant!
    what can I say, I am a freaking comedian! LOL Glad you appreciate it my friend...
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    You want to see some hilarious correlation?
    In adults, smoking, infrequent exercise, low education level, male sex, higher BMI, and more frequent alcohol use were associated with breakfast skipping.

    Of course there's this:
    Fifty-two moderately obese adult women were stratified according to their baseline breakfast-eating habits and randomly assigned a weight-loss program. The no-breakfast group ate two meals per day and the breakfast group ate three meals per day. The energy content of the two weight-loss programs was identical. After the 12-wk treatment, baseline breakfast eaters lost 8.9 kg in the no-breakfast treatment and 6.2 kg in the breakfast treatment. Baseline breakfast skippers lost 7.7 kg in the breakfast treatment and 6.0 kg in the no-breakfast treatment. This treatment-by-strata-by-time interaction effect (P less than 0.06) suggests that those who had to make the most substantial changes in eating habits to comply with the program achieved better results. Analyses of behavioral data suggested that eating breakfast helped reduce dietary fat and minimize impulsive snacking and therefore may be an important part of a weight-reduction program.

    So if you normally eat breakfast, skipping breakfast will help you lose weight. If you normally skip breakfast, eating breakfast will help you lose more weight.

    Of course, then there is this study:
    In contrast, skipping breakfast was associated with increased prevalence of obesity (odds ratio = 4.5, 95% confidence interval: 1.57, 12.90), as was greater frequency of eating breakfast or dinner away from home.

    Since I practice intermittent fasting, my "breakfast" is usually around 2pm because I feel better having not eaten first thing in the morning and I don't think it impacts my weight loss. I have read articles by doctors who say that breakfast can be good but can also be one of the easiest ways to cut excess calories out of your day (if you can continue to make good decisions about food) if you are trying to lose weight. I think it all depends on each person.

    One of the studies I quoted shows that people who usually eat breakfast lost more weight not eating breakfast and people who don't usually eat breakfast lost more weight by eating breakfast. Their diets were identical in calories and macros. Only the timing was different. Like I said, it depends on the person.

    Saying breakfast causes obesity is pretty silly though. I think there is more evidence to the contrary than there is supporting that statement.
  • Peanutbutterx
    i never eat breakfast, i normally just have coffee for breakfast.. and then wait to eat until lunch. whenever i do eat breakfast like if someone cooks so i feel bad and have to eat it - i always gain weight when i weigh myself the next day.. plus im not even hungry until like 12:00 anyway.. agree with you 100%!
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I dont think obesity and eating breakfast are directly linked - as in stop eating breakfast and you wont be fat - obviously eating 5 burgers for breakfast is not a good idea - but something sensible like 2 pieces of wholemeal toast with low fat topping or fruit and yogurt or bowl of non sugared cereal is fine.

    Not eating breakfast does lead to concentration lags during the morning and for some people mid morning binges.

    People like diabetics on medication must eat breakfast to avoid hypos.

    I dont think your theory is very sound.

    why not? Everyone says that breakfast is the most "healthiest meal" of the day. But most of the people eating breakfast are obese. You know who is selling that breakfast is the healthiest meal line...the companies that are selling you breakfast - Kellogg's, quaker, etc OF COURSE they want you to think breakfast is healthy so you will keep buying their crap....

    Nobody says it's the 'healthiest' meal of the day. It is said to be the 'most important' meal of the day. That's an enormous difference. After fasting from late evening until morning, usually around 8,9, or 10 is time for the body and brain to have fuel. That's important. Now, some people don't like eating breakfast. That's their own thing. But eating a healthy breakfast is not going to cause obesity.

    Lots of people eat breakfast. Lots of people are fat. Therefore breakfast causes fat. ...There's some logic missing.

    again wrong....eating breakfast has nothing to do with metabolism...

    Brain function. The brain needs sleep, and a steady supply of oxygen and fuel in order to function properly.

    Obviously many people do just fine without breakfast right away in the morning. But many people feel weak and shaky and lethargic without morning food. Fine either way. What works for you, works for you.

    Your assertation that eating a healthy breakfast soon after waking is what *causes* obesity is nonsensical.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I just love bacon. I don't limit it to morning.

    I also like (hm-mmmph).. I don't limit that to morning either.

    Totally off-topic, but today is National Margarita Day- Happy Tequila-ing my friends.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I just love bacon. I don't limit it to morning.

    I also like (hm-mmmph).. I don't limit that to morning either.

    Totally off-topic, but today is National Margarita Day- Happy Tequila-ing my friends.

    do you hm-mmmph with bacon too????
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    i never eat breakfast, i normally just have coffee for breakfast.. and then wait to eat until lunch. whenever i do eat breakfast like if someone cooks so i feel bad and have to eat it - i always gain weight when i weigh myself the next day.. plus im not even hungry until like 12:00 anyway.. agree with you 100%!

    this is exactly what I am talking about ...real life example of the ills of breakfast!
  • kbeckley11
    kbeckley11 Posts: 203 Member
    I dont think obesity and eating breakfast are directly linked - as in stop eating breakfast and you wont be fat - obviously eating 5 burgers for breakfast is not a good idea - but something sensible like 2 pieces of wholemeal toast with low fat topping or fruit and yogurt or bowl of non sugared cereal is fine.

    Not eating breakfast does lead to concentration lags during the morning and for some people mid morning binges.

    People like diabetics on medication must eat breakfast to avoid hypos.

    I dont think your theory is very sound.

    why not? Everyone says that breakfast is the most "healthiest meal" of the day. But most of the people eating breakfast are obese. You know who is selling that breakfast is the healthiest meal line...the companies that are selling you breakfast - Kellogg's, quaker, etc OF COURSE they want you to think breakfast is healthy so you will keep buying their crap....

    Ok, first, you said in original post that breakfast is the "most important" meal, now you are saying it is called the "healthiest." Which one is it? They don't mean the same thing.
    Second, you say that 2/3 population are obese, and 44 percent eat breakfast. So that is 66% for obese and 44% for breakfast, guaranteeing ONLY that 10% of the obese population eats breakfast. The other 56% of obese people may or may not be part of the population that eat breakfast. Therefore you can not say that most of the people eating breakfast are obese.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I just love bacon. I don't limit it to morning.

    I also like (hm-mmmph).. I don't limit that to morning either.

    Totally off-topic, but today is National Margarita Day- Happy Tequila-ing my friends.

    do you hm-mmmph with bacon too????

    Not simultaneously... too greasy.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I dont think obesity and eating breakfast are directly linked - as in stop eating breakfast and you wont be fat - obviously eating 5 burgers for breakfast is not a good idea - but something sensible like 2 pieces of wholemeal toast with low fat topping or fruit and yogurt or bowl of non sugared cereal is fine.

    Not eating breakfast does lead to concentration lags during the morning and for some people mid morning binges.

    People like diabetics on medication must eat breakfast to avoid hypos.

    I dont think your theory is very sound.

    why not? Everyone says that breakfast is the most "healthiest meal" of the day. But most of the people eating breakfast are obese. You know who is selling that breakfast is the healthiest meal line...the companies that are selling you breakfast - Kellogg's, quaker, etc OF COURSE they want you to think breakfast is healthy so you will keep buying their crap....

    Ok, first, you said in original post that breakfast is the "most important" meal, now you are saying it is called the "healthiest." Which one is it? They don't mean the same thing.
    Second, you say that 2/3 population are obese, and 44 percent eat breakfast. So that is 66% for obese and 44% for breakfast, guaranteeing ONLY that 10% of the obese population eats breakfast. The other 56% of obese people may or may not be part of the population that eat breakfast. Therefore you can not say that most of the people eating breakfast are obese.

    Either your semantics or your statistical analyses are off...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I dont think obesity and eating breakfast are directly linked - as in stop eating breakfast and you wont be fat - obviously eating 5 burgers for breakfast is not a good idea - but something sensible like 2 pieces of wholemeal toast with low fat topping or fruit and yogurt or bowl of non sugared cereal is fine.

    Not eating breakfast does lead to concentration lags during the morning and for some people mid morning binges.

    People like diabetics on medication must eat breakfast to avoid hypos.

    I dont think your theory is very sound.

    why not? Everyone says that breakfast is the most "healthiest meal" of the day. But most of the people eating breakfast are obese. You know who is selling that breakfast is the healthiest meal line...the companies that are selling you breakfast - Kellogg's, quaker, etc OF COURSE they want you to think breakfast is healthy so you will keep buying their crap....

    Ok, first, you said in original post that breakfast is the "most important" meal, now you are saying it is called the "healthiest." Which one is it? They don't mean the same thing.
    Second, you say that 2/3 population are obese, and 44 percent eat breakfast. So that is 66% for obese and 44% for breakfast, guaranteeing ONLY that 10% of the obese population eats breakfast. The other 56% of obese people may or may not be part of the population that eat breakfast. Therefore you can not say that most of the people eating breakfast are obese.

    what what what..??? I never said breakfast was the healthiest..i said all the breakfast companies are selling you that line of garbage so that you keep buying all their products...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I just love bacon. I don't limit it to morning.

    I also like (hm-mmmph).. I don't limit that to morning either.

    Totally off-topic, but today is National Margarita Day- Happy Tequila-ing my friends.

    do you hm-mmmph with bacon too????

    Not simultaneously... too greasy.

    I thought mm-hmpphhh and greasy went together.....
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    Here's a study that supports eating only one meal per day.
    Results:Subjects who completed the study maintained their body weight within 2 kg of their initial weight throughout the 6-mo period. There were no significant effects of meal frequency on heart rate, body temperature, or most of the blood variables measured. However, when consuming 1 meal/d, subjects had a significant increase in hunger; a significant modification of body composition, including reductions in fat mass; significant increases in blood pressure and in total, LDL-, and HDL-cholesterol concentrations; and a significant decrease in concentrations of cortisol.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    the romans and ancient greeks did not eat breakfast and they were all lean mean fighting machines...which just proves my theory is backed by a historical analysis of ancient cultures and their regimes...
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,901 Member
    It is all about healthy choices. I eat a small breakfast every morning. Keeps me from binging later.
  • kbeckley11
    kbeckley11 Posts: 203 Member
    How does this make sense. Less than half the people in the US eat breakfast yet you are blaming breakfast for people being obese. So if 80% of people eat dinner then it must be dinners fault that people are obese. Lets cut dinner out then. Would go more towards your logic.

    i am not blaming breakfast..I just quoted the stats...

    Everyone says that breakfast is the most healthiest meal of the day. yet 2/3 of those eating breakfast are obese..I find this interesting...why is breakfast so "healthy" yet the people eating it are obese???

    Please, please stop saying "most healthiest." It is a redundant statement. The word healthiest already means "most healthy," so there is no need to add an extra most in there. It's like nails on a chalkboard. Please and thank you. :flowerforyou:

    really? This is grammar class bad, I guess the two vodkas I had are impeding my typing...rolling eyes

    stay on topic people..!

    So, breakfast: bad, vodka: good. Got it.

    vodka is always superior to breakfast

    If we can't agree on the math, at least we can agree on the liquor! Cheers!
  • cdgabbert
    cdgabbert Posts: 55 Member
    For years upon years I haven't ate breakfast and I never lost weight - can't blame it for gaining either... I've been eating breakfast now for about a month and while I am NOT losing really, I am NOT gaining either - but I do feel better through out the day and feel more energized in the mornings...