breakfast...the most unhealthiest meal of the day..



  • Surisaddai
    Surisaddai Posts: 142 Member
    When I was 60 lbs heavier I never used to eat breakfast. I have been eating breakfast every day for the past year and a half and I am down 60 lbs. I have to respectfully disagree as well.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I call B.S. , i eat breakfast everyday and have had amazing results . I actually ate more food in the last year than i would have if i didnt change my ways . It was a matter of quality over quantity, and exercise. The theory of In versus out still remains. In the end though , do what feels right for you.

    Your results are not due to you eating at 6 am. They are a result of consistency of caloric restriction and exercising.

    But the point is, it doesn't actually matter whether you eat breakfast or not, so someone trying to bash the concept of "breakfast" as in, a meal consisting of certain "breakfast" foods (cereal, yogurt, toast, fruit, eggs, etc) before noon, is essentially saying "Look at me, my choices are working for me personally so they MUST be what everyone else should do." And that comes off looking arrogant and ignorant.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    When I was 60 lbs heavier I never used to eat breakfast. I have been eating breakfast every day for the past year and a half and I am down 60 lbs. I have to respectfully disagree as well.

    Again, its not magically due to eating breakfast. Its because you got serious about tracking how much you eat so you were actually conscious of what your intake was.
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    I think it's best (for me) to eat breakfast. But I usually have something thats not high in calories or a bunch of junk. But to each his own.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    I call B.S. , i eat breakfast everyday and have had amazing results . I actually ate more food in the last year than i would have if i didnt change my ways . It was a matter of quality over quantity, and exercise. The theory of In versus out still remains. In the end though , do what feels right for you.

    Your results are not due to you eating at 6 am. They are a result of consistency of caloric restriction and exercising.

    But the point is, it doesn't actually matter whether you eat breakfast or not, so someone trying to bash the concept of "breakfast" as in, a meal consisting of certain "breakfast" foods (cereal, yogurt, toast, fruit, eggs, etc) before noon, is essentially saying "Look at me, my choices are working for me personally so they MUST be what everyone else should do." And that comes off looking arrogant and ignorant.

    I'm not agreeing with the fact that breakfast makes you fat. Personally I follow IF... but i know people who still have great success with 6-7 meals a day as well. It is personal preference overall. However, i do have a problem with that fact that there are people out there who consider it being a total necessity, just like i have a problem with people who think it is a necessity to eat 6-7 meals a day to get lean.

    The obesity epedemic is due to a bunch of lazy people who don't get up and move around and consume too many calories. For all of those saying "I eat breakfast and I'm not fat". You also EXERCISE and are active. For those who are obese, skipping breakfast probably would be a great idea considering they're going to just sit there and shove food down their throat anyway.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Check my food diary and tell me my brekkies aren't (mostly) healthy. It's all about choices, baby.

    Except weekends. They often include bacon.
    While the spread of information is always awesome, I think the approach is too abrasive to be considered helpful...It's almost like "hey you idiots! you eat breakfast and i dont so that makes me smarter/better!"

    this pretty much sums up my method is superior...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    correlation =/= causation

    Yeah...I feel dumber having read this post. Absolutely stupid. This is just like if I were to say that eating breakfast combats obesity since I eat breakfast daily and have lost 6% BF in 5 months. correlation =/= causation. F'ing stupid.
  • mfoy94
    mfoy94 Posts: 228 Member
    Repeating "everyone says breakfast is the healthiest meal..." isnt very credible. Who is everyone? I have never heard that. I have heard its the "most important" meal of the day, but healthy is subjective based on WHAT they are eating. Are you trolling or just stupid?
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    this is ridiculous.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    correlation =/= causation

    Yeah...I feel dumber having read this post. Absolutely stupid. This is just like if I were to say that eating breakfast combats obesity since I eat breakfast daily and have lost 6% BF in 5 months. correlation =/= causation. F'ing stupid.

    I am glad to have contributed to the continuing ignorance of the nation...

    mission accomplished!
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member

    this pretty much sums up my method is superior...

    Yep, we know how you feel about it. You have a fun time trying to convince the whole world you're better than them. Have a nice day.
  • panicintheattic
    panicintheattic Posts: 102 Member
    Personally, if I don't eat anything in the morning, I get extremely sick and close to passing out once I'm at work and moving. And I can't say I've ever heard that breakfast is "the healthiest meal of the day". I've heard the most important, and they usually tell you that while you're in school and taking a bunch of tests and lessons that require concentration.

    In addition, if you're going around saying that most of us eat waffles and french toast and hashbrowns and sausage and bacon for breakfast...ain't nobody got time for that!! My breakfast is usually a banana, an english muffin with peanut butter, and some greek yogurt or cottage cheese. Sure some people don't have time and grab donuts and coffee, but that's not everyone, and that's almost certainly not everyone that's using this site.

    If you can function without eating breakfast that's great for you. Personally, I can't. But I know plenty of people that can, and that doesn't make them any more or less healthy. My boyfriend doesn't eat for sometimes about six hours after waking up. He's not fat by any means, but he eats TERRIBLY. I love him but I'm certain I will live at least five to ten years longer than him haha. So, really, it has nothing to do with what time you eat but WHAT you're eating.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Repeating "everyone says breakfast is the healthiest meal..." isnt very credible. Who is everyone? I have never heard that. I have heard its the "most important" meal of the day, but healthy is subjective based on WHAT they are eating. Are you trolling or just stupid?

    easy on the insults now..lets not get personal ...we are all still friends right...?? I am sorry to have attached the good and wholesome name of breakfast. Please continue to gorge yourselves first thing in the AM....
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    Correlation does not imply causation. Stay in your calorie levels and eat at times that work for you. I have eaten breakfast my whole life. I'd be shaky by 9:00 if I didn't. Other people have different needs from me. So what?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    And the meat? Ham, bacon, sausage....high in sodium, high in fat, high in calories. Breakfast tends to be a lose lose situation for Americans who seem to think that breakfast consists of two or three of these elements!

    hold on there budy don't you start criticizing my bacon - dems fighting words....

    And in additional some of this info is just plain not true. Yes these meats are high in sodium and nitrites so that is a reason ot limit them. There is nothing wrong with fats in moderation and within daily targets. They are not high in calories. That is a myth. 2 slices of cooked bacon is 83 calories with 6 grams of protien. A decent size slice of breakfast ham is 60 calories and 10 grams of protein. Doesn't look high cal to me.

    and just don't eat it first thing in the morning..because that is just plain wrong!

    Why, exactly, is having two regular slices of bacon, one scrambled egg (easy on the butter for the pan, and no salt added), and two pieces of 100% whole wheat toast "wrong" to have first thing in the morning, if you're hungry and that's what you want for a high-protein filling breakfast? Why would it be better to eat said food in the afternoon? Give me scientific reasoning to back this up, then we'll talk. Right now you're just throwing out your opinion, which doesn't hold a candle to much. If YOU don't want to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast, fine, YOU don't have to!

    why is it right to eat first thing in the morning? Where is YOUR scientific reasoning? You just like to wake up and eat first thing in the morning so you feel better, so this is YOUR opinion...

    I'm not the one saying that breakfast will make you fat, dear. I don't really give a damn what, or when, or whether people choose to eat breakfast. Because one meal out of the day does NOT mean you're going to put on or lose weight. It's based on your caloric deficit for the ENTIRE day based on your exercise and activity level. So you could eat breakfast and be healthy, or not and be healthy. You're the one trying (and failing) to get people to agree with your misguided logic.

    Edit: And in case you missed it, I never eat bacon and eggs for breakfast, and rarely even toast. I have a half cup of granola, a 6 oz lowfat yogurt, and maybe a piece of fruit, and coffee. That is neither unhealthy nor excessive. I am obese, but it has nothing to do with me eating breakfast or not.

    if the thread pissed you off so much then maybe you should not have commented on it??? bahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I call B.S. , i eat breakfast everyday and have had amazing results . I actually ate more food in the last year than i would have if i didnt change my ways . It was a matter of quality over quantity, and exercise. The theory of In versus out still remains. In the end though , do what feels right for you.

    Your results are not due to you eating at 6 am. They are a result of consistency of caloric restriction and exercising.

    But the point is, it doesn't actually matter whether you eat breakfast or not, so someone trying to bash the concept of "breakfast" as in, a meal consisting of certain "breakfast" foods (cereal, yogurt, toast, fruit, eggs, etc) before noon, is essentially saying "Look at me, my choices are working for me personally so they MUST be what everyone else should do." And that comes off looking arrogant and ignorant.

    I'm not agreeing with the fact that breakfast makes you fat. Personally I follow IF... but i know people who still have great success with 6-7 meals a day as well. It is personal preference overall. However, i do have a problem with that fact that there are people out there who consider it being a total necessity, just like i have a problem with people who think it is a necessity to eat 6-7 meals a day to get lean.

    The obesity epedemic is due to a bunch of lazy people who don't get up and move around and consume too many calories. For all of those saying "I eat breakfast and I'm not fat". You also EXERCISE and are active. For those who are obese, skipping breakfast probably would be a great idea considering they're going to just sit there and shove food down their throat anyway.

    My only personal example to bring to the table is my ex, who at her heaviest weight was over 400 pounds. She wouldn't eat the entire day, then would pig out on an enormous dinner, usually fast food, and go to bed an hour or two later, or stay up half the night snacking. The only reason I advocate eating breakfast is because I do think it's better to spread your calories out over the course of the day rather than to eat a ton for one meal and starve yourself for hours after waking. All my ex would think about all day was how hungry she was, but when I tried to get her to pack lunches and eat breakfast she insisted she didn't have time or proper ingredients. People will make excuses for their poor habits, but that does not mean that the bar should be set based on poor habits of others. The notion of "breakfast" is as healthy or unhealthy as you care to make it, and also as necessary or unnecessary as you care to make it. But for people who are active early in the day, I think it's beneficial assuming you choose foods that will fuel your body rather than make you crave junk the rest of the day.
  • mfoy94
    mfoy94 Posts: 228 Member
    Repeating "everyone says breakfast is the healthiest meal..." isnt very credible. Who is everyone? I have never heard that. I have heard its the "most important" meal of the day, but healthy is subjective based on WHAT they are eating. Are you trolling or just stupid?

    easy on the insults now..lets not get personal ...we are all still friends right...?? I am sorry to have attached the good and wholesome name of breakfast. Please continue to gorge yourselves first thing in the AM....

    Actually I dont "gorge" myself first thing in the morning. But way to make assumptions! Each person is different and pounding around screaming "I am right" like youre doing right now is laughable. Get off your high horse and do something productive.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    And the meat? Ham, bacon, sausage....high in sodium, high in fat, high in calories. Breakfast tends to be a lose lose situation for Americans who seem to think that breakfast consists of two or three of these elements!

    hold on there budy don't you start criticizing my bacon - dems fighting words....

    And in additional some of this info is just plain not true. Yes these meats are high in sodium and nitrites so that is a reason ot limit them. There is nothing wrong with fats in moderation and within daily targets. They are not high in calories. That is a myth. 2 slices of cooked bacon is 83 calories with 6 grams of protien. A decent size slice of breakfast ham is 60 calories and 10 grams of protein. Doesn't look high cal to me.

    and just don't eat it first thing in the morning..because that is just plain wrong!

    Why, exactly, is having two regular slices of bacon, one scrambled egg (easy on the butter for the pan, and no salt added), and two pieces of 100% whole wheat toast "wrong" to have first thing in the morning, if you're hungry and that's what you want for a high-protein filling breakfast? Why would it be better to eat said food in the afternoon? Give me scientific reasoning to back this up, then we'll talk. Right now you're just throwing out your opinion, which doesn't hold a candle to much. If YOU don't want to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast, fine, YOU don't have to!

    why is it right to eat first thing in the morning? Where is YOUR scientific reasoning? You just like to wake up and eat first thing in the morning so you feel better, so this is YOUR opinion...

    I'm not the one saying that breakfast will make you fat, dear. I don't really give a damn what, or when, or whether people choose to eat breakfast. Because one meal out of the day does NOT mean you're going to put on or lose weight. It's based on your caloric deficit for the ENTIRE day based on your exercise and activity level. So you could eat breakfast and be healthy, or not and be healthy. You're the one trying (and failing) to get people to agree with your misguided logic.

    Edit: And in case you missed it, I never eat bacon and eggs for breakfast, and rarely even toast. I have a half cup of granola, a 6 oz lowfat yogurt, and maybe a piece of fruit, and coffee. That is neither unhealthy nor excessive. I am obese, but it has nothing to do with me eating breakfast or not.

    if the thread pissed you off so much then maybe you should not have commented on it??? bahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

    Actually, the title was the only part that made me mildly "pissed", because of the hideous grammar. Your post has neither changed my opinion, given me new information, or garnered an emotional response worthy of noting. You mistake my capital letters used for emphasis as implying anger or irritation.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Repeating "everyone says breakfast is the healthiest meal..." isnt very credible. Who is everyone? I have never heard that. I have heard its the "most important" meal of the day, but healthy is subjective based on WHAT they are eating. Are you trolling or just stupid?

    easy on the insults now..lets not get personal ...we are all still friends right...?? I am sorry to have attached the good and wholesome name of breakfast. Please continue to gorge yourselves first thing in the AM....

    Actually I dont "gorge" myself first thing in the morning. But way to make assumptions! Each person is different and pounding around screaming "I am right" like youre doing right now is laughable. Get off your high horse and do something productive.

  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    forty four percent of us eat breakfast, yet 2/3's of americans are obese.
    Every two people who eat breakfast cause three people to become fat. Sounds legit.