Calling all HAPPILY married people for 20+ years...



  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    YES!!! 23 years and going strong! Actually stronger than ever! We've had our ups and downs. Getting married so young was challenging then having a child with autism put some added stress. We are best friends and I can't imagine my life without him. :heart: :love:
  • Very happily married to a wonderful man for 26 years! Cannot imagine not having him to share this life journey.
  • LindaLou1397
    LindaLou1397 Posts: 69 Member
    44 years and the secret is to not bail out at the first bump in the road. Every couple is not happily married forever. There are always good times and bad. If you stick together even though things aren't the best, it usually does get better.
  • arthurrichard
    arthurrichard Posts: 51 Member
    Very happily married since 1980. There will always be peaks and valleys, of course. That's just normal, isn't it?
  • We'll be married 7 years in April. He may be a pain in my butt sometimes, but I love him dearly. :love:
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    Yay! Trying to get healthy so that we can enjoy another 20+ years together! We own a small business and are together 24/7, it is still not enough. Love my hubby!
  • BAFilek
    BAFilek Posts: 139 Member
    23 years and two kids later, we can't wait until the youngest leaves for college in August so we can do whatever we want at any time (if you know what I mean!)
  • We hit the 20 year mark in October. Two weeks ago she told me she had an appointment with a divorce lawyer. She just signed a lease on her own apartment and is moving out March 1st.

    :cry: Sorry to hear that.
  • chelsifina
    chelsifina Posts: 346 Member
    Me and my lovely guy will have been together for 14 years this year, and I swear I still feel like we just met. Each year we're together we are more in love than the last, and I can't believe how lucky I am to have met him. He's my best friend and my soild rock. We have two young children and, while having kids is awesome, I am looking forward to a time when we can spend more time together. :) I am heartened to know that there actually are other couples out there who enjoy one another as much as we do!
  • housemamma
    housemamma Posts: 30 Member
    Will celebrate 23 years this year. My husband is overweight and hates exercise, but when I look at him I still see the 23 year old man I married. I love him no matter what his size. :heart:
  • cardinal56
    cardinal56 Posts: 10 Member
    32 years on 8-1-2013. Just keeps getting better!!:love:
  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    Happily married for 23 years in August - yeap -peaks and valleys for us too!
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    Just celebrated 12 years and together for just over 13 with my best friend and soul-mate. We are the male/female versions of each other with just enough differences to make it never boring, but always interesting. We laugh everyday and love grows with each giggle.

    Great topic Davey! Nice to see a happy topic, gives us a reason to get healthy so we can be around to add up those big happy together numbers. :happy:
  • fergipup
    fergipup Posts: 6 Member
    Just celebrated 35th anniversary in November! Peaks & valleys, but all worth it at the end of the day!
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    45 yrs to the same incredible guy
  • sugs14
    sugs14 Posts: 17 Member
    Married 28 years yesterday, been together nearly 40 OMG, (would have got less for murder lol) , we have our ups and downs , but we're still together even with each others faults but the good times def outweigh the bad, two fantastic kids and a gorgeous grandson what more could I want,
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Married for 20 years now. We have surpassed most in our family. I agree there are good and bad times you just have to choose to get through the hard times.

    When the going gets tough I look at all the reasons he is perfect for me. All the other stuff doesn't really matter.
  • bethira
    bethira Posts: 132 Member
    My best friend and I will be married 23 years in September. After all this time we're still besties. We enjoy hanging together and because we keep our own separate interests (he loves cars and four-wheeling, I love books, exercise and anything super-hero related) we always have stuff to talk about.

    Great thread. I love seeing so many happy people!
  • jayess51
    jayess51 Posts: 2 Member
    to KatyLou1022

    It's sad to lose a partner but you had 43 good (I hope) years. Memories are a wonderful thing! I dread losing mine! We are 44 years in April. J x
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    23 years. He'll do:). He makes me laugh every day. We know each other inside out, we grew and changed together. We have been very compatible parents which isn't all that common. He farts in bed. Ops. Sorry, just +.
    He has the same body he had when he was 19 years old! Love him! We're like a couple of old ducks. Together through thick and thin. Lately I've been challenging to live with. Every now and then he says "I should just put you out of your misery". Or "ok , it's time to trade you in!" Love him. And I think he's going to keep me anyway:)