You know you're getting fat when ________ ?



  • Fiesty1006
    Fiesty1006 Posts: 95 Member
    When you always use the wheelchair accessible bathroom stall... even though you're not in a wheelchair because the idea of going into a regular bathroom stall makes you feel claustrophobic... and like you simply won't be able to fit comfortably for those few moments....
  • You have to go to the larger size section of the shop
  • kaztaz55
    kaztaz55 Posts: 11 Member
    For men:

    When you go over a speed bump and your man boobs jiggle.
  • When your pants get shorter and you know they didn't shrink.

    I swore I wasn't crazy!!
  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    When you don't want to be photographed

    When looking in the mirror makes you want to cry
  • justgowithit17
    justgowithit17 Posts: 1,392 Member
    the vs showtime lacie panty that is "one size fits all" is tight on you! ugh, i don't even wear it anymore and i even bought some crappy lotion just to get it! :grumble:
  • When your fat jeans get too tight, When getting out of the car becomes a painful task, when getting into the car sucks too because the steering wheel pushes into your stomach....Ugh so glad those days are over!!

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  • kwilliams386
    kwilliams386 Posts: 156 Member
    Or when your pants DO work....of all places!

    yup.. 3 pairs in 4 months... all JEANS.. the first 2 pairs I blamed on being "too old," the third.. I just cried..
  • This one made me laugh hard ...
    For men:

    When you go over a speed bump and your man boobs jiggle.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • misalillstead
    misalillstead Posts: 407 Member
    When your stretchy work scrubs don't fit anymore... :(
  • when you're the person taking up most of the room in the backseat with two other people..
  • rustyguy
    rustyguy Posts: 51 Member
    "When you break your chair at work"

    Been there, done that. It was just the most horrible day.
  • When shaving your legs turns into yoga.

    THIS :tongue:
  • taciturnity
    taciturnity Posts: 69 Member
    When instead of thinking about what you will do that night, you think about what you'll have for dinner.

    When you're worried about playing your kinect bc the downstairs neighbors might think you're moving furniture.

    When you scramble to be in the back of group pictures.
  • When all your pants start ripping in the crotch
  • When I have to hold my breath so I can tie my shoe.

    When I have to rock to get off the couch.

    When I see a cute blouse that doesn't come in my size.

    Want me to keep em coming?!?!?!?!?
  • loria508
    loria508 Posts: 41 Member
    Soooo true!
  • When you give yourself stomach ache cos your pants are two tight! So end up back in your pjs half way through the day!

    My motivation to lose weight - to fit on the roller coaster in June for my 30th! :drinker:
  • When your pants get shorter and you know they didn't shrink.


    100% AGREE! That's the worst

    THIS is literally happening to me TODAY. One of my fav pair of go to black pants suddenly seem like floods on me...TFG I am back on a program again :blushing:
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    you know you're getting fat when you cant look down and see your feet.