Over 200 Club New Year New Me Part 21



  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    WOW Mari, that is exciting!!! I am really proud of you. I do not know what aqua boot camp but I bet it is in the water lol!!!!!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Dont know whats wrong with me but I am about to go on a eating spree....i keep having flashes of mcdonalds floating through my head...

    i am not in excercise mode at all and i feel like going home for a nap is my best bet right now

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Dont know whats wrong with me but I am about to go on a eating spree....i keep having flashes of mcdonalds floating through my head...

    i am not in excercise mode at all and i feel like going home for a nap is my best bet right now


    Whatever you have, I have! I went to On The Border for lunch. I stuck with fajitas but dang..I just ate like a 600 calorie lunch. Now I'm even more tired. Now I HAVE to go to the gym but I don't wanna! Maybe it's not a bad idea to take a week off and "recover". Hell I don't know at this point!
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    Don't know about the rest of you but I am in the poop mood of not wanting to exercise or do anything.I did exercise though for 45 minutes but it felt so much like a chore.I really want to meet my Birthday goal and be out of the 200's.My weekend sodium splurge didn't help me any because my weight is up 5 pounds.I think most of that is my muscle retaining water because I have been working them non stop and I haven't been drinking enough water either.So I am going to drink drink drink this week to get my body back in wack and I am not going to do what I did this time last year and stop exercising and eat whatever I want.This is my year to lose this CRAPPY WEIGHT!!! I am doing it too.I guess with summer right around the corner you just don't feel like killing yourself everyday with exercise because its so pretty you just want to soak up the sun.So I have been trying to do other things like house work and gardening to add as exercise so I don't feel like I am killing myself with cardio and sort of tricking myself into thinking I am taking a day off of exercise.But I really do need to get in some more water because I do think thats why my weight is back up because I feel bloated as well and my muscles are screaming.What do you gals think?Is it possible I could be retaining 4- 5 pounds of water this week.My weight Friday was 216 Monday 223 Tuesday 222 and today 220.I know I didn't eat enough food to gain that much weight.I would love some input on this and if its happened to you what did you do to make it go back down.No worries here because I know it will go back down just like some ideas.Thanks
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Ann, I have at one point retained 11 pounds of water. Why I know this is I lost 11 pounds in one week after feeling extremely bloated. Don't worry you can do this chuggalug that water!! As for being lazy I already posted mowing my lawn and doing all this exercise so I have to do it. But it is 11:43 here on the west coast and I am still in my nightgown.:laugh: :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Don't know about the rest of you but I am in the poop mood of not wanting to exercise or do anything.I did exercise though for 45 minutes but it felt so much like a chore.I really want to meet my Birthday goal and be out of the 200's.My weekend sodium splurge didn't help me any because my weight is up 5 pounds.I think most of that is my muscle retaining water because I have been working them non stop and I haven't been drinking enough water either.So I am going to drink drink drink this week to get my body back in wack and I am not going to do what I did this time last year and stop exercising and eat whatever I want.This is my year to lose this CRAPPY WEIGHT!!! I am doing it too.I guess with summer right around the corner you just don't feel like killing yourself everyday with exercise because its so pretty you just want to soak up the sun.So I have been trying to do other things like house work and gardening to add as exercise so I don't feel like I am killing myself with cardio and sort of tricking myself into thinking I am taking a day off of exercise.But I really do need to get in some more water because I do think thats why my weight is back up because I feel bloated as well and my muscles are screaming.What do you gals think?Is it possible I could be retaining 4- 5 pounds of water this week.My weight Friday was 216 Monday 223 Tuesday 222 and today 220.I know I didn't eat enough food to gain that much weight.I would love some input on this and if its happened to you what did you do to make it go back down.No worries here because I know it will go back down just like some ideas.Thanks

    I "gained" 6 pounds when I went on my trip at the begining of the month. It took me about a week to lose it but it came off.I just went right back into my old routine and it finally fell back off.
  • awestfall
    awestfall Posts: 1,774 Member
    thanks gals I am sticking to my guns and drinking tons of water from now on and exercising even when i don't wanna
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Hi all! I skimmed through all the posts I missed the last week ... I'm kind of glad to see that a lot of us are having challenges with attitude right now (misery loves company?) .. because I sure am in a funk! I think I logged my calories on MFP one day out of the last 10 or so? I'm still working out ... but just my minimum amount (I am proud that my minimum amount of regularly scheduled workouts is now 220 minutes a week ... that is way better than where I was a year a go at 60 minutes a week). I've been chipping an dipping it almost every day (I know, I know Cris ... why oh why do I even buy it! I don't know!). It's been a really busy couple of weeks at work -but I don't think that is really why. Just feeling a bit out of control lately, and a bit down in the dumps off and on. But obviously I want to get back in control because I'm HERE!

    Littlespy: Happy belated Birthday sounds like you had a nice bday. Hopefully many more to come.

    cogirl: that episode with your son sounds scary, I have heard of other people having similar things happen and never having them really explained ... I hope he is fine now

    Awestfall: I love the challenge.. I have been trying to unclench my teeth (really ... I think I walk around with my teeth clenched half the time), and really relax on occassion. I've been turning off the radio and tv more often and just enjoying the 'silence' (or as much silence as there can be in the city)

    Momma: my 9 year old is still a struggle when we walk because he has to look at everything ... at least if I just keep walking I don't have to worry about him catching up. What I sometimes do is challenge him to run ahead ... run to the next tree or lightpost ... and that way he is always ahead of me and I can keep walking fast.

    Lildeb: So sorry about your daughter, it's got to be hard. I wonder if she is feeling a bit stressed to 'not fail', and it's just too hard? Congrats to you on how much you are going to your gym!

    I've mentioned before that we own some land on the river and we decided to sell it - partly because we weren't 100% happy with the location, and we weren't using it as much as we had hoped, and we are planning to buy the farmily farmhouse from my Aunt's Estate. About a year ago before we decided to sell - we had an issue with our neighbors there ... we put an RV on the property for the summer, hoping it would give us incentive to use the land more ... and our neighbors complained that they were going to be building a large home and didn't want an eyesore like a 'camper and picnic tables' next door. Now it isn't that I don't see there point of view at all ... but they were extremely arrogant and condescending about it - and threatened us with legal action of some sort because they were trying to claim we were breaking a 'no mobile home' clause in the title. I spoke with a lawyer and the zoning adminstrator to make sure we weren't doing anything wrong (and we weren't) ... and we kept the camper on our land all last summer - but we ended up only staying there 3 times. I do think it's possible we would have stayed more often had we not been mad at the neighbors ... but probably not. In the fall my Aunt passed away, and this winter we made the decision to sell the land. Of course real estate isn't selling very quickly right now ... particularly in that area it seems. When we bought the land I had hoped that waterfront property would be 'less risky' ... but it doesn't seem like that is the case. I don't know how long it is going to take to sell. So we plan to use the property until it does sell, we sold the RV (although I kind of wanted to keep it to spite our neighbors ... but that didn't really make sense - so I had to try to forget my feelings about them). We do still have a dock, pontoon and the dreaded picnic tables there. My husband has been there a few times this spring getting the pontoon out of storage and the dock in the water ... I went there for the first time on Memorial day - and was very sad, mad, irritated - you name it at our neighbors. They built what looks like a 7500-10000 sq foot Mc Mansion on their 2.5 acre property. They stripped almost every mature tree down and all vegetation (I'm assuming they will be seeding or sodding eventually). When we bought the property we were 'out in the woods' and that is what we wanted the land for - to get away. Well now our view is a monstrocity of a house. I'm sure it would be quite beautiful on a high end property in the city ... and it might be sour grapes on my part but I think it looks ridiculous out in the woods, and on the river. As far as I'm concerned it ruined our use of our property. And it makes our 1 acre of land look kind of tiny and lopsided because we lost most of our trees on that side of our land, so only trees are on one side. Their brother lives on the other side of us in a big home (3500 sq ft) ... which looks nice on his 1 acre - but we are dwarfed by the new McMansion. I don't think I'm going to be able to enjoy going there this summer, I was just too angry on Monday. And of course they landscaped a few feet onto our property and moved their temporary lot lines onto our property as well ... my husband doesn't want to say anything yet - says they will probably 'correct' it when they are done landscaping. I doubt it - they seem like people who will always impose on other people. They complained when we accidentally put our dock in the water about a half foot in front of their property the summer before they had even started building anything and the lot line wasn't marked. Anyhow ... everyone hope and pray for us that our land will sell soon ... what a waste if I can't enjoy it anymore because of those people. AND I would really like to get my Aunt's farmhouse purchased and settled.
    Sorry for rambling on .... and thanks for listening/reading.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Well there you go! Julie recommended it! :laugh: My memory is awful! Note to self...do not bend over and let 'er all hang out...or down...:laugh:

    :laugh: Yeah, I was chugging along thinking "oh yeah, no loose skin. Skin, you're awesome!" And then last week sometime I was on all fours doing something (not that!) and I looked down and was utterly horrified! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    LMAO:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    LMAO too! Girls, you ain't seen sag until you've seen mine! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • madgoth
    madgoth Posts: 60
    That is so great! I like the idea of PE. That is how I stayed at 97 all through high school. We had PE every day. I ate everything I wanted to.

    I am back online now, hoping to get it in gear and start doing things how I am supposed to.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    lstpaul, your "neighbors" (if you want to call them that) sound very rude and out to cause trouble. I think there are some people who are just not happy unless they are having some sort of conflict. Maybe your husband is right about waiting, but I sure would make sure they got off my land especially if you are trying to sell it. I will be praying that your land will sell and sell soon.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Polar F6 HRM deal alert (thanks to another MFPer)!

    $54.88 - no shipping if you pick it up in-store
    The F4s are on sale, too for $10 less.

    I got the last pink F6 in stock in my city. :tongue:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    lstpaul - that really sucks about your river neighbors. What rude people. I encourage you to try and have fun there despite them. Have camping sleep overs! Play loud music! OK, I am a smartass so don't listen to me. :tongue:
    momma - I love that you and your hubby have a great relationship and that you both carry the load for the other when it's time. Makes me wish I was married again! :heart: Um, no. Scratch that. Makes me wish I had a hubby like yours the first time around! :laugh: There, better.
    Jess & Cris - I am right there with you - pool, sun, beer. I used to teach water aerobics back in the day (yes, I used to be a size 8 and taught land and water aerobics - unbelievable), so I plan to work out in the pool as much as possible this summer. But then again, a beer by the pool sounds pretty darn nice... :ohwell:
    Mari - I love the idea of the PE classes!
    madgoth - welcome back! We missed you!

    check in:
    :glasses: everything is good - I am on vacation! :glasses:
    cals: under a bit
    water: working on 96
    exercise: bike, arms, PT, squats
    proud: I did all my laundry and cleaned the kitchen! And I wasn't that badly out of breath! :bigsmile:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Polar F6 HRM deal alert (thanks to another MFPer)!

    $54.88 - no shipping if you pick it up in-store
    The F4s are on sale, too for $10 less.

    I got the last pink F6 in stock in my city. :tongue:

    This makes me want to have 2!! :laugh: I have the F7!

    lstpaul-So sorry to hear about your awful neighbors! I agree they sound like they are out purely to cause problems! I hope your land sells soon! Way for them to spoil an awesome get away.

    Mari-Glad to see you are back. PE Classes sounds like fun!

    madgoth-Welcome back!!

    blue-You always make me giggle with your posts!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Thanks Blue, was not always sure we made the right choice. We met-he played hockey and I thought he was hot- we dated a few times- and then had a baby who was born pretty sick at birth - all in the first year!!!!! Yeah, pretty quick!!! We laugh now but back then we were on a whirl wind. Thankfully, we truly fell in love.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    wow busy girls today :smile: first time i have been on all day.

    I went and worked out at lunch...i think i got my exercise mojo back...i felt much more energized today.. I got on the scale before i went and i was back down to friday weight ..hope it sticks pluse a little more off by friday..we will see

    SOrry i was breezing through the posts...What was this cream that julie recommended for the skin?? I know i will tons and tons of loose skin..i need anything i can to help with firming it up.

    hubby is going to my water class tonight :smile:

    He has soo many cals i told him he needs to eat, he went to spin class this mroning + the water aerobics class tonight...

    well back to work before i havfe to go get the girls.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    First step. I'm in my gym clothes at work ready to go striaght to the gym. Please pray I find some butt kicking motivation to really push myself!
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    jess: congrats on making it to the gym! I changed into my workout clothing but i didn't do anything. I want go downstairs and workout on eitherthe treadmill or elliptical. hubby kept callling me to see where did i go. I can't hide from nobody. Note to self, I need to do my workout first thing in the morning because i kept pushing it too much out of the way and not i can't even do it. But glad you went.

    Momma: I enjoy reading you post about you loving marriage. Hopefully, many, many more years to come.

    litdeb: how's your daughter today?

    I forgot what else to say...oh well., sorry if I didn't mention you but I am always thinking of you gals.:heart:

    check in
    calories: under, that is good. I have been over for a long time
    exercise: nope, nothing
    water: not quite enough
    proud: I checked in...not sure what i am proud of anymore..

    good nite girls.

    check back tomorrow!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Checking in

    Calories: 1489
    Water: 16 glasses
    Exercise: w8d2 of c25k, 15 minutes on elliptical and 10 on stair master thingy
    Calorie Burn: 622! YES!!
    Proud: I forced myself to go to the gym and to do my c25k and it felt GREAT! I hope I found my mojo!!

    I'm exhausted. Going to go park my butt and watch a movie!
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    OH MY! My new desk is just outside the CIO's office. There will be no surfing for me!

    I LOVE :heart: LOVE :heart: LOVE:heart: LOVE:heart:LOVE :heart:LOVE :heart: my new job! OMG it's wonderful! I get lots of stuff to do, lots of new things to learn, I can actually HELP the organization get things done and it's MEANINGFUL!

    Checking in:
    Calories - over by a glass of red wine (worth it!)
    Water - not quite - still figuring out the new stuff like where is the water cooler?
    Exercise - took the stairs - which means "no" :ohwell:

    Proud - I made good choices, and we're making yogurt again so YUM!

    I did read all the posts and I love you all bunches and bunches! I'll try to get more time Friday...