

  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    I didn't see a thread for March yet so I think I may have made it under the wire. It sounds like most everyone is having a pretty good day today...me too. Jillian Michaels kicked my butt this morning and I had a good business trip (although when I was done I found my car had a flat tire - but even getting it fixed 100 miles from home turned out to be a breeze). I'm doing pretty good on my calories for the day so can probably treat myself to the banana bread I made yesterday. Life truly is good!

    retiree - welcome!:bigsmile:
    Janice - you are moving and that is what is important. The more you move the easier it gets. Here's wishing we are hearing all about your ski trip next winter:happy:
    Kate - what a relief on you DH's Dr. appt. Congrats on the gowns: a great deal and smaller sizes...very nice :flowerforyou:
    Nancy - have a great trip:glasses:
    Fatandfifty3 - you need to change your name/handle! Losing weight at the rate you are you'll be skinnyandfiftysomething soon:flowerforyou:
    Linda - also congrats on the weight loss:smile:
    Karen - sounds like you have a great plan of action:wink:
    Janie - love the ode:bigsmile:
    exermom - ice cream for breakfast...you're a wild women. Safe travels:glasses:
    Rori - you make me want to schedule a massage...I think that has just become my next milestone reward:laugh:
    Sue - YEAH!!!! congrats on the weight loss:flowerforyou:
    Liz - glad to hear everyone is on the mend:smile:
    Eileen - Happy b-day:drinker:

    Well got to go start dinner. Everyone have a great evening and looking forward to seeing everyones goals for March (which has to be a better month than February has been!). Jodios
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good evening, ladies – I’m just going to jump in and try to catch up with everyone from this set. Life has been so crazy lately.

    JaneM – congrats on getting to the gym! You’ll get that weight back off by doing that.

    Lin, that’s a lot of snow. PA just didn’t get a lot this year, but we’ve had a ton of rain so we’re not in a draught at least. Have fun shoveling!

    Kate, you’ll get back on the “good” side of the wall soon :smile:. In the meantime, congratulations on size 16! That’s wonderful – two whole sizes down from last year. I hope you have fun when you wear the new gowns. Just remember, it’s not the chocolate that’s getting you, it’s how much. Scale it back and your scales will scale back too :laugh:.

    BJ in SWO, I hope you’re feeling better. It’s been a terrible cold/flu year this year. Flyers lol.

    Karen, glad the surgery went well and you’re recovering. Don’t push yourself too hard – you can really set back your recovery. Be gentle.

    Janie, your poem is hilarious!

    Hi, Michele – I hope you had a wonderful time in FL. Your breakfast actually sounds a lot like what I have for snacks each day – and I can see needing to clean out the fridge, so it’s a good way to go. Lots of protein there!

    Lori H, rather crazy weather there, isn’t it? I hope you have good weather for the drives. Have a wonderful time in Vegas!

    Rori, the moon is always lovely in CO. I miss those clear skies. A massage – so jealous! *goes to look up the phone number of the nearest spa* :smile:

    Sue in TX, that’s a terrific weight loss! Congrats.

    Barbie, I’m right there with you. I hope Jake’s replacement defib unit works out.

    Liz – glad to hear everyone is getting better. Your scale seems to be behaving too :laugh:.

    Eileen - happy birthday!

    Grandmallie, I love popcorn and have it just about every day. I finally looked it up to see if it has any nutritional value and discovered it actually has a lot! The airpopped is great – 3 cups is only 100 calories. Enjoy away!

    Beth, congrats on remembering that water bottle. Almost every day when I find myself wanting to eat right after I just ate it’s because I forgot to drink water. Happens all the time.

    Nancy, your bulbs are blooming already? I just saw yesterday that my daffodils are up but not anywhere near blooming – and we’ve mostly had rain (well, and really cold weather) all winter. Have a wonderful time on your trip!

    LucyT – I hope that chocolate was tasty – heck, what am I saying, of course it was! I have to admit I would swipe two pieces of the kids’ valentine’s candy, but I would stop after that. Binging does get better!

    JaneH – I take it you’re not too glad about the snow? I’m just glad it held off until after my sister got out of CO. I wish I had seen the pics – I bet it was so much fun.

    Jackie in CH – lol at the “running to her refrigerator.” I’m sure they’re not that judgmental – they’ve probably been there at one time or another. Enjoy your new shoes!

    Cheryl, it must have been a chocolate day. Good luck with the scale! I’ll tell you my story with it in a minute.

    Laura, my mom met the guy the play/movie is based on – he spoke to their credit group about how he was able to do what he did. Crazy life, that. The movie was really good. I hope you enjoy the play. 40 years – wow! Congratulations to you and your DH (early).

    Linda in NO – congratulations on that loss – that’s terrific!

    Lentigogirl – or all three . . . :laugh:.

    Brooke from CO – congratulations on your NSV!

    Katla, ouch on falling down the stairs! I hope you’re not in too much pain. Yes, yoga will hopefully help.

    Jodios, your life sounds blessed – or at least your day :smile:.

    Yay! I caught up – minus the last 250 or so posts in the first batch lol. Anyway, I finished up my 60 days of Combat today – and even at the very end the muscles around my back rib cage are sore. I’ve been working out the past few weeks on my kickboxing bag – I think each time I hit a little harder and may have over-done it yesterday.

    Grand total was a loss of 8lbs (although a few of them were left-over from the gain over the holidays) and about 7 inches lost – more, probably, but essentially an inch everywhere. My weight loss has stalled – I’m pretty close to where I need to be – and I’m solidly in size 8s now. It’s the first time in years and years that I actually keep my pants in the dryer until they’re very dry so they can shrink a little. It’s a good feeling. I would still like to lose a little more, but I’m not really stressing about it.

    I hope everyone has a lovely evening – M.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy thurs.Can`t beleive it.Feb is almost over.
    Hubby got results back from the blood tests.His cholesterol and thyroid are up.She retested the tsh.
    She says sometimes the cholesteral goes up when the thyroid does,but he has to watch his diet.
    Didn`t get very promising news on the lawsuit I have pending.Could use prayers.
    Have a good one.
  • swilson133
    I just love reading all your posts! Please send me your link for March.
  • Flossy1956
    Just found out about this website, first from one of my younger co-workers and again today from my doctor. I've been working out 3 x per week (cardio and weight machines), and have been a bit discouraged that the flab isn't coming off. Janie, your Ode to Dr. Seuss made me smile - how perfect! I'm not going to be discouraged that the number on the scale is staying the same. I've started today to track my calories, etc. here and can already see where I've been going wrong . . perhaps too many double-doubles!!

    So, just saying Hello and looking forward to the community support . . .

    Happy Friday tomorrow and have a great weekend!!

  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Still barking and hacking, headaching and fatigued so no exercise for me yet!! Wish it would all clear up soon.
    Bumping in so I can find March later:smile:
  • brookrd1
    brookrd1 Posts: 34 Member
    :flowerforyou: cool post Thanks
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy Thursday and the end of February! Finally spring is closer.

    Welcome retiree2006 – come back and chat with us often. It would be helpful if you’d tell us your name and location (if you feel comfortable doing that).

    Lin in Iowa – glad your snow event is over. Wishing you sunshine for today.

    Kate – it’s like reading a novel when you post. Thanks for your stories. You really should write a book about you and your husbands journey with his illness. So glad the appointment gave you good news. I can relate as DH had kidney cancer and it is so hard to wait to get results of the scans. Do you have a special event to go to and wear your new size 16 gowns?

    Karen – that was nice of you DH to move the weight bench upstairs for you. Congrats of the 2 lbs gone forever! Try chair yoga I’ve heard it will give you a workout.

    Jane – love the ode to Dr Seuss. Sounds exactly like the issues I have.

    Michele – safe travels home. I would never laugh at ice cream for breakfast! Green peas maybe but not ice cream.

    Lori H – enjoy your time in Vegas seeing your family.

    Rori – can just imagine the full moon on the Colorado mountains. I miss that and the sunsets.

    Barbie – I was beginning to wonder where you were. Glad you are ok and hope life is getting back to normal for you. Glad you got your results from the blood work and have a plan. Best wishes for Jake’s surgery next week.

    Barb in AZ – say with the logging it will definitely help on this journey.

    Liz - sending happy thoughts to you and your scale!

    Eileen – Happy birthday. 65 is just a number and the real measure is how healthy are you and how do you feel. Must say you look wonderful!

    DeeDee – I always think of your little icons drinking water and it reminds me to get with it.

    Beth – you’ve taken the first two steps, took your water bottle to work and drank ½ of what you need. As you increase that amount you’ll find that you crave water. Seriously, no joke!!!

    Nsncy – we are also seeing the first sign of spring flowers and the crab apple trees are blooming. Hope they don’t freeze! I bet you’ll enjoy the warm weather in Nicaragua.

    Brooke – cute ticker let’s watch you go!

    Lucy – WTG getting back on track. I know you can do this!

    Judy in S Cal- 100 burpees! That is awesome!

    Jackie = I bet the staff of the shoe store said, looks like a runner coming in here to buy shoes. Keep on trecking.

    While I was working on this post DH came in and said let’s go get a hamburger so off I went. Made a great Cooking Light Asparagus Soup and a salad for dinner and all is good.

    Sue in TX

    February Goals:
    1. Get 5 f/v a day
    2. Check portion sizes to be sure they are accurate. No more “that’s about a ½ c.”
    3 Exercise 45 min 5 x a week, looks like a runner coming in here to buy shoes. Keep on trecking.

    While I was working on this post DH came in and said let’s go get a hamburger so off I went. Made a great Cooking Light Asparagus Soup and a salad for dinner and all is good.

    Sue in TX

    February Goals:
    1. Get 5 f/v a day
    2. Check portion sizes to be sure they are accurate. No more “that’s about a ½ c.”
    3 Exercise 45 min 5 x a week. is awesome!

    Jackie = I bet the staff of the shoe store said, looks like a runner coming in here to buy shoes. Keep on trecking.

    While I was working on this post DH came in and said let’s go get a hamburger so off I went. Made a great Cooking Light Asparagus Soup and a salad for dinner and all is good.

    Sue in TX

    February Goals:
    1. Get 5 f/v a day
    2. Check portion sizes to be sure they are accurate. No more “that’s about a ½ c.”
    3 Exercise 45 min 5 x a week.
    Happy Thursday and the end of February! Finally spring is closer.

    Welcome retiree2006 – come back and chat with us often. It would be helpful if you’d tell us your name and location (if you feel comfortable doing that).

    Lin in Iowa – glad your snow event is over. Wishing you sunshine for today.

    Kate – it’s like reading a novel when you post. Thanks for your stories. You really should write a book about you and your husbands journey with his illness. So glad the appointment gave you good news. I can relate as DH had kidney cancer and it is so hard to wait to get results of the scans. Do you have a special event to go to and wear your new size 16 gowns?

    Karen – that was nice of you DH to move the weight bench upstairs for you. Congrats of the 2 lbs gone forever! Try chair yoga I’ve heard it will give you a workout.

    Jane – love the ode to Dr Seuss. Sounds exactly like the issues I have.

    Michele – safe travels home. I would never laugh at ice cream for breakfast! Green peas maybe but not ice cream.

    Lori H – enjoy your time in Vegas seeing your family.

    Rori – can just imagine the full moon on the Colorado mountains. I miss that and the sunsets.

    Barbie – I was beginning to wonder where you were. Glad you are ok and hope life is getting back to normal for you. Glad you got your results from the blood work and have a plan. Best wishes for Jake’s surgery next week.

    Barb in AZ – say with the logging it will definitely help on this journey.

    Liz - sending happy thoughts to you and your scale!

    Eileen – Happy birthday. 65 is just a number and the real measure is how healthy are you and how do you feel. Must say you look wonderful!

    DeeDee – I always think of your little icons drinking water and it reminds me to get with it.

    Beth – you’ve taken the first two steps, took your water bottle to work and drank ½ of what you need. As you increase that amount you’ll find that you crave water. Seriously, no joke!!!

    Nsncy – we are also seeing the first sign of spring flowers and the crab apple trees are blooming. Hope they don’t freeze! I bet you’ll enjoy the warm weather in Nicaragua.

    Brooke – cute ticker let’s watch you go!

    Lucy – WTG getting back on track. I know you can do this!

    Judy in S Cal- 100 burpees! That is awesome!

    Jackie = I bet the staff of the shoe store said, looks like a runner coming in here to buy shoes. Keep on trecking.

    While I was working on this post DH came in and said let’s go get a hamburger so off I went. Made a great Cooking Light Asparagus Soup and a salad for dinner and all is good.

    Sue in TX

    February Goals:
    1. Get 5 f/v a day
    2. Check portion sizes to be sure they are accurate. No more “that’s about a ½ c.”
    3 Exercise 45 min 5 x a week, looks like a runner coming in here to buy shoes. Keep on trecking.

    While I was working on this post DH came in and said let’s go get a hamburger so off I went. Made a great Cooking Light Asparagus Soup and a salad for dinner and all is good.

    Sue in TX

    February Goals:
    1. Get 5 f/v a day
    2. Check portion sizes to be sure they are accurate. No more “that’s about a ½ c.”
    3 Exercise 45 min 5 x a week. is awesome!

    Jackie = I bet the staff of the shoe store said, looks like a runner coming in here to buy shoes. Keep on trecking.

    While I was working on this post DH came in and said let’s go get a hamburger so off I went. Made a great Cooking Light Asparagus Soup and a salad for dinner and all is good.

    Sue in TX

    February Goals:
    1. Get 5 f/v a day
    2. Check portion sizes to be sure they are accurate. No more “that’s about a ½ c.”
    3 Exercise 45 min 5 x a week.
    Happy Thursday and the end of February! Finally spring is closer.

    Welcome retiree2006 – come back and chat with us often. It would be helpful if you’d tell us your name and location (if you feel comfortable doing that).

    Lin in Iowa – glad your snow event is over. Wishing you sunshine for today.

    Kate – it’s like reading a novel when you post. Thanks for your stories. You really should write a book about you and your husbands journey with his illness. So glad the appointment gave you good news. I can relate as DH had kidney cancer and it is so hard to wait to get results of the scans. Do you have a special event to go to and wear your new size 16 gowns?

    Karen – that was nice of you DH to move the weight bench upstairs for you. Congrats of the 2 lbs gone forever! Try chair yoga I’ve heard it will give you a workout.

    Jane – love the ode to Dr Seuss. Sounds exactly like the issues I have.

    Michele – safe travels home. I would never laugh at ice cream for breakfast! Green peas maybe but not ice cream.

    Lori H – enjoy your time in Vegas seeing your family.

    Rori – can just imagine the full moon on the Colorado mountains. I miss that and the sunsets.

    Barbie – I was beginning to wonder where you were. Glad you are ok and hope life is getting back to normal for you. Glad you got your results from the blood work and have a plan. Best wishes for Jake’s surgery next week.

    Barb in AZ – say with the logging it will definitely help on this journey.

    Liz - sending happy thoughts to you and your scale!

    Eileen – Happy birthday. 65 is just a number and the real measure is how healthy are you and how do you feel. Must say you look wonderful!

    DeeDee – I always think of your little icons drinking water and it reminds me to get with it.

    Beth – you’ve taken the first two steps, took your water bottle to work and drank ½ of what you need. As you increase that amount you’ll find that you crave water. Seriously, no joke!!!

    Nsncy – we are also seeing the first sign of spring flowers and the crab apple trees are blooming. Hope they don’t freeze! I bet you’ll enjoy the warm weather in Nicaragua.

    Brooke – cute ticker let’s watch you go!

    Lucy – WTG getting back on track. I know you can do this!

    Judy in S Cal- 100 burpees! That is awesome!

    Jackie = I bet the staff of the shoe store said, looks like a runner coming in here to buy shoes. Keep on trecking.

    While I was working on this post DH came in and said let’s go get a hamburger so off I went. Made a great Cooking Light Asparagus Soup and a salad for dinner and all is good.

    Sue in TX

    February Goals:
    1. Get 5 f/v a day
    2. Check portion sizes to be sure they are accurate. No more “that’s about a ½ c.”
    3 Exercise 45 min 5 x a week, looks like a runner coming in here to buy shoes. Keep on trecking.

    While I was working on this post DH came in and said let’s go get a hamburger so off I went. Made a great Cooking Light Asparagus Soup and a salad for dinner and all is good.

    Sue in TX

    February Goals:
    1. Get 5 f/v a day
    2. Check portion sizes to be sure they are accurate. No more “that’s about a ½ c.”
    3 Exercise 45 min 5 x a week. is awesome!

    Jackie = I bet the staff of the shoe store said, looks like a runner coming in here to buy shoes. Keep on trecking.

    While I was working on this post DH came in and said let’s go get a hamburger so off I went. Made a great Cooking Light Asparagus Soup and a salad for dinner and all is good.

    Sue in TX

    February Goals:
    1. Get 5 f/v a day
    2. Check portion sizes to be sure they are accurate. No more “that’s about a ½ c.”
    3 Exercise 45 min 5 x a week.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    I'm so sorry about the screw up on my post. Can't imagine what happened.:grumble:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Sounds like most are having a good last day of February. And tomorrow is March and the first day of spring is only 20 days away. Janie I love your ode to Dr. Seuss. It made me laugh! No bell practice tonight and DH is at a Masonic gathering so I am having a nice quiet evening with the cat and dog. Everyone take care. Sue in SD
  • dogwalk
    dogwalk Posts: 57 Member
    love it !:laugh:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    I'm so sorry about the screw up on my post. Can't imagine what happened.:grumble:

    That's grand - I felt like I had 3 "atta-girls" in one post. Awesome!!!!!! :wink:

    THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker:
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Wow, just checking in because tomorrow is March 1 and I want to get caught up with all of you over the weekend.
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    We are the chattiest bunch of women .......:laugh: If I miss more that a day checking up of the message board.......I'm lost:sad:
    Hope ya'll had a great day. I'm from New England originally so "ya'll" is just something I picked up along my life path. :bigsmile:

    Going on cruise late March with my honeybun. So looking forward to the Bahamas........sun, sand, salad :laugh: :drinker: :drinker:
    Good night ladies.

  • eveadams721
    eveadams721 Posts: 28 Member
    Ok, so since November 20th I'm only down a big 5 llbs and am SICK of doing nothing about it...I'm StUCK folks..can't seem to find the 'real motivation to see the real difference'...I could use either a kick in the pants or some something...any tricks or tips to get me back on the path?
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile: if you're looking for motivation, support, friendship, a kick in the pants to get back on track, or new ideas, please join us on the new thread for March.

    here is the link:


    :heart: Barbie
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    There got caught up from where I left yesterday.

    Let's hope the meeting isn't to boring. I've fell asleep in boring meetings before. Embarassing.

    Nice to see you have a way of moving more and exercising.

    Great on the pants now get rid of them.

    Good exercise. Do you really want to give up all those minutes of exercise.
    For what a few cadbury chocolate think about it.

    Good for you for getting back so quick after a bad fall.

    Enjoy the banana bread but only if you can stop at one slice.

    You may not be stalled. Just the body saying look i'm where I want to be.

    So MFP has to be a great place if doctors are using it for there patients.

    Take care of #1

    March pretty much our last month of winter and I won't be sorry. It's been a long one.
    With Easter being so close spring might come fast. Can only hope. lol.

    Sounds like your planning a fun holiday.

    It's still a loss. Just pick up and get with it. Much easier said than done.

    Great picture, beautiful saying, You do a very good job. Thank you.

    I made those muffins but it says fat free not sugar free. Stupid me had some and watched my blood sugar go up. lol.
    I gave them to the men at the Legion and they found them very good said not to sweet. But with my putting sugar aside for 3 months everything sweet is to sweet. Which is great.

    Your March goals sound great But if you must miss a day at the pool don't beat yourself up.
    Taking care of your teeth a great goal.

    Jo in Wales
    Sounds like a great day is planned. Have fun.

    Read somewhere cinnamon in a bit of water is good for heartburn. But never had to try it.

    You have to treat yourself as you would treat a friend.
    You are the most important person in your life, I know it's hard not to put everyone else first but don't
    A failed marrieage your not the first and believe me you won't be the last.

    Your so dedicated to your walking running marathon.
    Doing it even though your sick.

    Well as for me Feb. wasn't all a loss got myself under 200 that i've been battling for years. This morning wii put me further away with a surprising loss of 3 lbs. I got on wii three times thinking he was lying lol. 3 times same weight so must be right. lol.

    Doctor called yesterday I went and had my blood work done tuesday. My A1C went from close to 10 down to 6.5 she was very impressed. And i'm very happy with myself. I lost 12.5 lbs. She had said 10 lbs would help she was right. So now to see in the five's in the next three months.

    See you all lighter.
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    [deleted to move to March]
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: :bigsmile: if you're looking for motivation, support, friendship, a kick in the pants to get back on track, or new ideas, please join us on the new thread for March.

    here is the link:


    :heart: Barbie
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Bump bump bump
    I am still here. Crazy busy weekend. Full of bad food but I guess the good news is it's not in my house! :tongue:
    See you all tomorrow! Have a grand day! Meg