FAB FOUR Daily Challenges



  • lolyno
    lolyno Posts: 43 Member
    Hi All,
    Just tagging so I can have this thread

    Monday I did a last chance workout not knowing that was the challenge haha and I have weigh-in and posted already this am yeah!!!!

  • bronzegemini
    bronzegemini Posts: 49 Member
  • lolyno
    lolyno Posts: 43 Member
    Hi All,
    Just posting Tuesday challenge CHECK weigh in complete and extra veggies today yeah!!!

  • Eava57
    Eava57 Posts: 1,297 Member
    Tagging too...didn't get enough vegetables in today!
  • bronzegemini
    bronzegemini Posts: 49 Member
  • lolyno
    lolyno Posts: 43 Member
    Hi Fab Four,
    Just checking to post Wednesday's challenge-->complete woohoo!!!!! feeling good and motivated I worked out today for 95 minutes feeling pumped yeah
  • lolyno
    lolyno Posts: 43 Member
    Thusday Challenge complete danced for an hour and ten minutes doing Zumba I LOVE it
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I got those sit-ups done yesterday. Looking forward to this week's challenges.
    Thanks slightingscale!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    This Week's Challenges:

    Monday...........5/24.....110% last chance workout (increase intensity or workout length)

    Tuesday.........5/25.....RESTART! final weigh in & post your new challenge goal

    Wednesday...5/26.....cut back on, or eliminate caffeine today (but not so you get a migraine)

    Thursday........5/27.....take your vitamins + calcium + vit

    Friday..............5/28.....drink your water.....8 x 8 oz = 64 oz

    Saturday.........5/29.....no carbonated beverages today

    Sunday...........5/30.....do 10 push ups (knees on floor is okay)
  • Idayna
    Idayna Posts: 5
    Just joining... looking forward to the challenges.
  • km323
    km323 Posts: 124
    Just joined yesterday and I'm in love with the daily challenges idea!
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    MONDAY............5/31.......110% last chance workout (increase intensity or workout length)

    TUESDAY...........6/1...........weigh in today & commercial challenge: when watching TV tonight, move it during commercials breaks: push ups, stairs, jumping jacks, lunges, push ups, etc

    WEDNESDAY....6/2.........no junk food snacks today (instead plan healthy snacks)

    THURSDAY........6/3........eat a salad today (preferably low calorie)

    FRIDAY................6/4........pamper yourself in a healthy way today

    SATURDAY.........6/5........bicycle today (stationary or outdoor)

    SUNDAY.............6/6.........no extra sugars today (candy, desserts, sweet drinks, etc)
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    This is great..especially since Friday ( my birthday) is all about pampering yourself!! :happy:
  • MABoxall
    MABoxall Posts: 24 Member
    Hi FAB FOUR - I am so ready to start again. Thanks for this!
  • lolyno
    lolyno Posts: 43 Member
    I'm ready toooooo
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member

    monday..........6/7.......110% last chance workout (increase intensity or workout length)

    tuesday..........6/8.......weigh in today & eat your fruit*

    wednesday....6/9.......do 25 reverse sit ups

    thursday.........6/10.....put your fork/spoon down between every bite

    friday...............6/11.....sign up for a local race

    saturday.........6/12.....grab a buddy and get moving

    sunday............6/13.....switch out chips for carrot sticks

    *Fruit Servings (USDA)
    One Serving: 1/2 c cut raw or cooked fruit; 1/2 c fruit juice; 1 small-med fruit
  • Keemeri
    Keemeri Posts: 74
    Thanks for the info!:smile:
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