

  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Cookie - the Fitbit I have does clip on pretty securely. The clip is rubber so it tends to "stick" and not slide. I did think about the bracelet but they weren't on sale yet and I really wanted to replace the pedometers I had (neither of which was reliable).
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    bump! have a good week MFP family:drinker:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I had good day today at the Portland Zoo with my DD, DGD and DIL.:love::love: :love: I had a grand time riding the train and seeing the animals--especially Lily the baby elephant, but I got COLD.:grumble: I'm still cold and will be going to be early, :frown: even though I'd love to stay up and visit with our company.:heart:

    Take care. Log your calories and drink lots of water.

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good evening ladies,

    Today was a beautiful day in treasure valley area of Idaho lots of sunshine. So been enjoying it soaking up the vitamin D.

    I am excited about the goal to get ready for 2 races this summer. Very excited and nervous same time.

    @Katla sounds like a fun day.

    @Lila glad you are back

    @Grandmollie hope you feel better.
    @Meg hope you get all of your writting done.
    @Robin venting is ok here. We are here for each other.
    @Linda its good to read your posts.
    @Dee glad you have your Tiara on.. You go!!
    @Mary that book sounds interesting

    I have started using some of the strengthening machines. One of the trainers showed me how to use them still not very confident but know that will past. I look sort of funny using them but I don't care.

    March goals

    Walking Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. 35 minutes
    circuit training : Monday --Friday. 20 minutes

    Monday and Saturday water jogging. 40 minutes

    Sunday free day

    Being kind to others and being kind to myself.

    Logging my food in daily.
    Drinking 8 glasses of water daily.

    Thank you,

    Liz from Caldwell Idaho
  • Aquarius2
    Aquarius2 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all:happy:
    Thanks for the welcome :wink:

    So many ladies on here I'm not sure if I will be able to keep up with all the posts

    I forgot to post my starting weight of 73 kilos when I made my pledge of 2 kilos yesterday oops!!

    I had a good day today food wise but haven't used my DVD yet too busy doing all the cleaning today:laugh:

    Keep up the good work everyone
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Good morning all!

    Only have a few minutes, but wanted to wish everyone a marvelous Monday!
    Log it, drink it, move it!!
    Deb A in CNY
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good morning, all!

    Just stopping by to wish you all a great Monday. I hope you all have a great day!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Morning ladies,
    and sorry I missed your Birthday Jmkmomm~ Happy Birthday and it is a reason to celebrate!!! Sorry I missed the party:ohwell:
    I woke up a little late and my heel is throbbing~ I am not going to the gym today.I am gonna try and do some stretches here ,
    Thank you for the information on that book ,will check out amazon and look for it.having pain really hampers trying to exercise thats for sure...back to the workweek and I am hoping everyone's week goes problem free:wink:
  • lisao62
    lisao62 Posts: 80 Member
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Jmkmmom:flowerforyou: Happy birthday to you!!!

    Robin:smile: You know we`re always here for you no matter what:flowerforyou: !!!! Sending you a hug!!!

    Jackie:smile: Post a pic of that smoking hot dress:smokin: !!!!! I like the new profile pic, is that from your hike?

    Liz:smile: What a wonderful training schedule you have!!!

    Barbie:smile: Hope Jake`s surgery goes well:flowerforyou: !!!

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: !!! Come in often and join the conversation!!! Great group of supportive women here!

    Time for me to get ready for this day...it`s cold outside 25 degrees and I have training outside this morning:frown: :grumble: , I really don`t want to go:sad: , but since I`m not sick enough to be in bed, I`ll be there:grumble: ! Even though I`m just walking instead of running ( Drs. orders):ohwell: .

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

    DeeDee in cold, but clear NC
  • nanasorchid52
    Happy Monday VitF ladies!

    Hope you all have a good day! Keep logging, drinking and moving!:smile:

    Barbie - thinking of you today as jake has his surgery. Sure it will all go well . :heart:

    Oh we'll sun is shining so off out and about

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Just a quick check before heading out to work.

    Barbie - while I readily admit I'm a spreadsheet geek, I am not doing the math for lifting the 2 million pounds. Instead, the machines at the Y track it all for you when you sign in to use the equipment. Each station has a small screen that gives you your set up info for that machine, what you last lifted, how many sets/reps, and a little diagram and timer system that shows your range of motion and scolds you if you are going too fast! You can also manually log your cardio into the same system, then access all of it from the internet to check your history/rankings within the Y, etc. If the electronics for a particular piece of equipment are down, you can write it down at the desk there and the Y will record it, or you can also do that on the internet.

    Off to get my breakfast and go to work..have a great day!

    Gail, metro Atlanta
  • lua620
    lua620 Posts: 31
    Happy Monday all. Hope to get a chance to come back later.
  • uwharriegold
    Katla in NW Oregon: THANKS for advice about eating in Portland. I got the message. Got to download the app on my iPhone so I can keep up with every swallow. (Did I mention I love beer and haven't had one since mid-January). Like the take control of breakfast idea. We do have breakfast at hotel, and I'm going to be very careful about my choices there. I want to save extra calories for some of the delectable choices available later in the day. I WILL LOG EVERYTHING!!!
    :flowerforyou: Thanks Again!!!
    :happy: Love this forum, Ladies!!!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning! For those of you who struggle with water intake, here is some info on the importance of it. These are quotes from "Strong Women and Men Beat Arthritis" by Miriam Nelson.

    "Water makes up 75% of the muscles and more than 20% of our bones.
    No other substance in the human body is involved in so many functions. Water moisturizes and gives structural support to the joints and other tissues. It carries nutrients and oxygen to the joints as well as to the rest of the body through the blood and lymphatic system. It plays a crucial role in maintaining body temperature.
    Water also removes metabolic waste by way of urine, gives "form" to our cells, and serves as the medium for thousands of other life-supporting chemical reactions that are constantly going on within us. No wonder water has been referred to as the physiologic river upon which nutrients navigate the pathways of metabolism."

    I love the last line about "the physiologic river". Anyway, learn to love your water!! :drinker: I'm reading the book about arthritis since I have terrible time with it at the base of my thumbs. After moving furniture around in preparation for a music program and playing guitar for a few hours on Friday night, my left thumb is swollen and sore. I have those "lumps" on each hand there at the base of the thumbs, just like my mom. :ohwell: I've been using ice, but I'd like to learn more about what can be done on a daily basis. Diet is emphasized in the book, as well as losing weight, strength training, cardio and stretching. One thing I'm going to start adding on a regular basis is sardines :tongue: Beta-carotene is emphasized, along with Omega-3s, milk, yogurt and Vitamin E which can be obtained by eating sunflower seeds. Love sunflower seeds, they're great on salads. We're always learning and being reminded of things in this life, isn't it great? :love: I think so!

    Enjoy your day.

    :smile: jb in frosty Portland
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Morning all-Happy Monday! Very glad to be a part of this thread again-I think that was what I was unconsciously missing! Really focusing more on healthy eating again!

    Short rant before work-got into it with my stepdaughter last night. She is going on 23 but acting more like 16 esp. after being at her mother's for the last 3 days (she lives with us). Her hours got cut at work so she is stressing abt paying $150 for car ins (2 accidents on her record) Wants to save money and go with her mothers agent which is fine but I was trying to explain that she still needs certain coverage such as uninsured motorist for example. Got up from bed to discuss with her because I was concerned (she wasn't in bed yet) Not only did I get blown off but was told, "Don't mean to be mean but you are seriously annoying me." :noway: But very proud of myself!:happy: In the past I would have blown up and things would have escalated but all I did was explain I was trying to help esp. since her mother wasn't going with her to the agent and said good night. I think she has my son's attitude a little -when he was 23 he informed me that he was 23 now and basically didn't mom's input anymore. Kids-gotta love 'em!
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Good Morning My dear friends,:flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone had a good weekend. I actually did better this weekend that I have in a while. YAY Me!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Ok, I have a question/contemplation (maybe I am the only one that does this):blushing: Do you ever start feeling really good about what you have accomplished in weight loss and start thinking how great it is that you can wear smaller sizes and everyone tells you how terrific you look:bigsmile: …and then someone snaps a picture of you:grumble: and you get a peek at it:noway: . Then you start with the self-loathing and the what the heck am I feeling so good abou:explode: :angry: :mad: t? Look at me I still look …FAT:mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :noway: !

    I have this happen to me all the time. Does anyone else ever feel like this?:huh:
    Just curious if I am the only freaked person out here, lol.:smile:

    Sandy, you are welcome to join me in my goals. Maybe we can keep each other on track this month.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda, I have you and your father in my prayers.:heart:

    Jodios, thanks for the vote of confidence.:happy:

    SundanceB, I can so appreciate how you feel about surgery. In 2010-2011, I had 3 surgeries in 10 months. I had gotten to a point that I was almost afraid to go to the doctor. However, you must do what you have to do in order to get better. Its’ no fun, but you can do this and we will be here for you..every day.:wink:

    Jb-2011- I just love that baby pig. IT’S SO CUTE!! It reminds me of my pet pig Arnold that I had as a child. They are such sweet animals.:heart:

    jmkmomm – Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY:flowerforyou:

    See you in the funny papers.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Mon.
    Let`s make it a good one
  • allisonlane61
    allisonlane61 Posts: 187 Member
    Ok, I have a question/contemplation (maybe I am the only one that does this):blushing: Do you ever start feeling really good about what you have accomplished in weight loss and start thinking how great it is that you can wear smaller sizes and everyone tells you how terrific you look:bigsmile: …and then someone snaps a picture of you:grumble: and you get a peek at it:noway: . Then you start with the self-loathing and the what the heck am I feeling so good abou:explode: :angry: :mad: t? Look at me I still look …FAT:mad: :angry: :explode: :grumble: :noway: !

    I've been trying to get to a Monday paste/reply post, but I really wanted to answer this:




    Now it's, like, 25/75. Before, I hated 100% of my pictures. Now, I'm down to "disliking" (not even hating) only about 25-30% of my pictures (and they're usually side views).

    Before, if a picture was being taken, I knew I'd look awful and hate it. Now, 100% of the time I KNOW I'm going to hate it, but wind up only really not liking very few! It happened yesterday with my hiking picture, which is now my profile. When she took it, I thought, "I am posting this picture whether I like it or not," but I was pleasantly surprised.

    Please be proud of what you have accomplished, and never be so hard on yourself. We all were born with so much dignity, and I'll even say it--royalty! :) We are worth every atom in our body and worth so much more than we sometimes think of ourselves.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,315 Member
    Good morning all from Snowy Calgary,

    Well I did my first strength workout in a long time. My goal is 3 x a week.

    Barbie - yes I think it may work if we get together on motivating each other.

    As for everyone else, it will take me a bit to remember who,you all are and your stories.

    Have a great day.
