Things people do on the treadmill that bug you..



  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    I hate it when all the treadmills are taken up and you see people literally doing the whole workout walking slower than if they were out side having a stroll on the beach! Drives me insane!

    Haha me too. Why not just walk up and down your street?! That's free!

    I think this one is a little unfair - people have different starting points. like there was a senior next to me walking - he has every right to use the treadmill too. also, I walk some and I run some, it just depends. I would prefer outside but its cold.

    I live in a pretty small town so I see a lot of the gym users around town. They walk quicker outside than on the treadmill. I know people are all different but using a treadmill at 2.5mph when you usually walk 3-4mph is annoying!
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    To each their own. But one time I saw this lady on a treadmill walking backwards and lifting small dumbbells. It didn't bug me, but i was laughing on the inside. We should stop taking time at the gym to worry about what others are doing though. Unless they are intentionally doing something ridiculous that you literally can't miss.
  • gym_king_carlie
    gym_king_carlie Posts: 528 Member
    I HATE but I also LOVE when people keep glancing at my machine to see my speed, for some reason I always attract people who want to compete (usually posers) who see me as a big guy and easy to beat when doing cardio, I never challenge but I never turn one down either, if your competing with me, im competing with you and it satifys me when they give in :) sounds arrogant, but it raises my game and in a weird way, I appriciate it lol
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    good lord some of the complaints ive read in this thread are ridiculous

    This is why I do cardio in a hoodie w/headphones - block out the world

    I've seen that. It doesn't so much bother me as confuse me. Wouldn't wearing the hoodie make it unbearably hot?
  • Lanise_10
    Lanise_10 Posts: 432 Member
    Seriously, unless they're directly affecting your workout by being loud or disruptive, I don't see why it matters if they're holding on the the bars, walking backwards, walking slow, you don't see a change in their appearance or whatever....
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    I hate it when all the treadmills are taken up and you see people literally doing the whole workout walking slower than if they were out side having a stroll on the beach! Drives me insane!


    Don't see the point in going on the treadmill to walk for 30 minutes - just go outside in the sunshine!

    When I'm doing HIIT and the people next to me give me funny looks wondering wtf I'm doing whilst they're walking.

    People on their phones in the gym in general... and people who're constantly on their phones in general...
  • AQ3107
    AQ3107 Posts: 81 Member
    good lord some of the complaints ive read in this thread are ridiculous

    This is why I do cardio in a hoodie w/headphones - block out the world

    I've seen that. It doesn't so much bother me as confuse me. Wouldn't wearing the hoodie make it unbearably hot?

    I do that too. Love it. Makes me look unbearably hot whilst running hehe
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Nothing people do on a tread mill bugs me.

    However, People using a rowing machine badly bugs the hell out of me... Partly because I know it can really damage their back but largely because it just looks so stupid when people are moving their arms and legs in opposite directions (arms forward, legs back at the same time...) - honestly - the bit you are supposed to be pulling is staying still!!!!! ARRRGGG *BOOM* head explodes.

    Actually - in general people lifting with bad technique bugs me because I worry they will hurt themselves but know its none of my business if they do...
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    When they crank up the incline and hang on for dear life.

    This just makes me crazy! You look like an idiot! Slow it down or lower it......One lady at my gym does this and trys to jog while holding on for dear life....
  • agirlscamaro
    agirlscamaro Posts: 175 Member
    Tell me! What things bug you when they are happening on the treadmill next to you?

    One thing to start: When I'm running my miles, the rest of the treadmill people hold their handlebars as if they are in a supermarkt, pushing their cart!

    I have to hold unless i'm running. For some reason if I don't I end up trying to go off the belt. My balance sucks.

    My pet peeve is when you'll have 10 empty treadmills and someone comes up and gets on one right next to you.
  • TNR32
    TNR32 Posts: 110 Member
    I'm one of those that sing while on the treadmill (good thing I don't go to a gym)...but the reason why I do that is to try to control my breathing kinda like calling cadence in boot while on the morning run. But on the other hand when I did go to the gym I didn't pay attention to anyone else there.
  • marksvizz
    marksvizz Posts: 33
    When I get on the treadmill, Im usually in my own zone . However dislike when peaple are on treadmill and are on there cell phone
  • mummum2
    mummum2 Posts: 415 Member
    Seriously, unless they're directly affecting your workout by being loud or disruptive, I don't see why it matters if they're holding on the the bars, walking backwards, walking slow, you don't see a change in their appearance or whatever....

    ^This^^ mind ones one business and if it does not impact on your 'life' mind your own!
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    I once saw a girl on a treadmill suddenly switch directions (i.e.instead of the normal face-forward) to some complicated sidestepping--or galloping/leaping actually). I suspect she was trying to work a different muscle group but it terrified me--I was sure she was going to put her foot down wrong and trip and meet certain death or serious injury.

    Use common sense, people! Be safe!
  • peacefulsong
    peacefulsong Posts: 223 Member
    Every now and then I'll see someone post about how they want to join a gym but they are intimidated by going in there with all those other people who have been going forever, are in better shape, etc. Those are always met with a chorus of people saying "Don't worry, no one is paying attention to you, they're focusing on their own workout!!" And then a thread like this pops up, where everyone chimes in on how much it bugs them that someone isn't exercising the way they do.

    I mean, I can understand if someone is doing something that actively intrudes on your concentration or ability to work out as you wish, but things like going slower, or holding the handlebars, really?
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    You lot are all so lucky.

    The ONLY thing that really annoys me, not even on the treadmill next to me, it pretty much just has to be in the same room, you can't get away from it,

    is when they stamp on the front of the treadmill *thud* every *thud* step *thud* they *thud* take *thud*
    You *thud* can't *thud* get *thud* away *thud* from *thud* it, *thud* it's *thud* just *thud* so *thud* loud *thud* and *thud* annoying! *thud* Don't *thud* they *thud* know *thud* they're *thud* doing *thud* it? *thud*

    *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud* *thud*

    anyway, you get the idea. Just do that for an 30-60mins while I'm working out. That annoys me.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    It really bothers me when people on the treadmill are too busy paying attention to what others are doing on their treadmill....

    That's it.
  • lostinthe619
    Crop dusters... :sick:

    I'm a big guy still and push myself hard on the treadmill so I'm already huffin and puffin as I run along focusing on doing my thing, the other day I had someone almost knock me off the treadmill with their funk. Nothin like taking a deep breath of someone's noxious fumes. :noway:

    Get it out before the gym, or if it hits you then go to the restroom!
  • angserino
    angserino Posts: 59
    When people are paying more attention to what you are doing, than what they are doing themselves.

  • k_town78
    k_town78 Posts: 21
    There is a lady at my gym that likes to bring soda with her to the TM. This time of year though the gym is full of people who are doing it ALL wrong. (Resolutioners)