

  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good morning, all!

    We’re expecting a couple of days of the dreaded “wintry mix” here – changing throughout today and tomorrow between rain, sleet, snow and ice. Have I mentioned (more than once) that I don’t like winter? :grumble:

    I’m not going to let it get me down, though. I am knocking on the door of a big milestone for me (haven’t been below 180 pounds in a very long time and I am hoping the scale will be kind and show that I’ve slipped below that today). If not, I’ll keep pressing on and reminding myself that I am almost 20 pounds lighter than earlier this year. I had given up on even logging back then so MFP doesn’t “know” that my weight peaked about 10 pounds higher than it recognizes.:bigsmile:

    Marcie – no extra brain cells here, either. I just keep a Word document open and write my comments there. I go back and forth – read a little, write a little – and then ultimately just copy and paste the whole thing into a Reply. There are other ways to do it but this is what works for me.

    Awake – wow, 100 pounds! That is awesome, congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    Jodios – I will check around for chair yoga tapes, thanks. And I loved the comment about your DH. I never thought about the teachers being as excited as the kids when a snow day was declared. Does he wear his PJs inside out on nights that a big snow is expected? That was always the myth that my youngest DD believed in.:laugh:

    Mary – good luck in getting through the “restart” of your eating plan!

    Sue, East Texas – welcome!

    Gail – I hadn’t thought of Erma Bombeck in years but I loved her sense of humor!

    Marti – welcome and are you in Westerville, Ohio? If so, I am right next door in Lewis Center. You have “joined” this group simply by posting. Now, when you go back to My Topics, this thread will be listed. A new thread is opened each month (and during the month, when we get to 500 posts) but a link to the new thread will be posted at the end of the “old” one.

    Laurie – welcome, good goals!

    Sandy, central Ohio
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Had a barrage of tests yesterday. I still have to have kidney function tests and am getting another appointment to see a gastroenterologist. Feeling a bit yuck to be honest. Bags under my eyes are turning to portmanteaux!

    Work is beckoning, so I'd better do some - wish I was on holiday somewhere sunny and secluded.

    Catch up soon.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • moxie1962
    moxie1962 Posts: 165 Member
    hard to keep up with these 50+ ladies! :drinker:
  • Sandy307
    Sandy307 Posts: 70 Member
    Can I join in please? I am Sandy from Ontario Canada. I am in a slump right now so have only been maintaining...I need to get back on track.

    My goals for March are ...

    1. Treadmill 3 times a week.

    2. Water exercises 3 times a week in the hot tub.

    3. Consume more water.

    4. Get more sleep.

    Well ladies, I think they are all doable goals, now I just have to stick with them.

    I have enjoyed reading your posts and hearing about some of your goals and also some of the hurdles you are facing...I hope I can be here to encourage you all in your struggles.

    Take care all. (((hugs)))

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Welcome to everyone new:flowerforyou: ! You join just by posting!! Please come in often and just start chatting! This is a fabulous group of women!!!!

    Cheryl:smile: Hope you feel better soon:flowerforyou: !!!! I applaude both you and Linda having younger kids, not so sure I could do that anymore:noway: ! I adore my grandchildren but they don`t live with me:bigsmile: !

    Jolene:smile: I took pictures at my heaviest and then take pictures after every 10 pounds or so and it`s so encouraging to see the difference!!! I do remember when my youngest grandchild was born..6 yrs. ago, when I was looking at pictures while they were still in the hospital, I came across a pic of the Dr. holding her, and in the background there was this person I didn`t know, so I took a closer look and OMG it was me:sad: :laugh: ! I had no clue I was that big:noway: ! That`s one of the pictures I pull out when I`m not feeling so good about myself now! Makes me feel great now!!!

    Amanda:smile: Hope they figure it all out and you get to feeling better soon:flowerforyou: !!! I`m like you a sunny secluded spot sounds pefect:glasses: !!! They way it`s going right now though, I just have to close my eyes and go there in my mind!

    Sandy:smile: I`m with you, I don`t like winter either:noway: , and I`m so ready for spring!!! We`re supposed to get rain today and tonight and maybe a dusting of snow tomorrow:angry: . Closing my eyes and going somewhere warm and sunny in my mind now:tongue::laugh: ! Remind me of this when I start complaing that`s it too hot in the middle of summer, although I rarely do that!

    Need to get going now, my homework is to walk 2 miles today:grumble: and I need to do that before the rain gets here!
    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in changing from sunny:happy: to rain:angry: NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,768 Member
    Morning lovely ladies,
    I dont understand all the word/copy paste thing ,so I just try from memory:wink: about those cookie bouquets,a funny story,I was 30 yrs old and working at a bowling alley ,waitressing,bartending,I had my tonsils out at that age, can you imagine?:huh:
    God Bless my Boss and his family they sent me a cookie bouquet, tonsils? cookie bouquet? thought it was pretty funny, I couldnt eat for a week and all I could do is suck on ice chips.. that was a quick 13 lbs down.
    Slept pretty crappy last night, but was up and at the gym at 5 this morning,finally back up to 50 minutes on the recumbent and the machines..
    You never lose weight where you want to:tongue: I want to lose weight in my belly,but somehow am losing weight in my finger's, had to have my DH put my wedding ring in the lock box so I dont lose it.
    So proud of all you ladies,trucking away and losing weight.
    I say we are our own biggest loser..
    Hope everyone has a sparkling day xoxoxo
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Nope, not going to read the seven additional pages since two days ago - :laugh:. JNKMOMM, I hope you had a happy birthday and make some happiness in your life.

    I'm off to Colorado after all. Mom's having a difficult time recovering - evidently the testing they do for heart troubles is almost as bad as having a heart attack. She's really wiped out, so I'm going to go spend a couple of weeks with her to try to perk her up and get her moving again. I can work remotely from there but working out will be a little trickier - she just put in tile floors throughout the house so I'll have to see how that goes with all the jumping around. Anyway, JaneH, Laura - hit me up!

    Celebrated DSD's 16th birthday - we have another driver in the house, and OMG I don't know how we're going to top all the stuff she got for this birthday. We had her BFF and her family and my sister and her family over for dinner and cake. I made cupcakes two ways: peanut butter cupcakes with chocolate ganache and devil's food cupcakes with whipped cream filling. I made both of them with whole wheat pastry flour - my concession to cake to try to make it somewhat healthier, but then I topped them with buttercream. Ahem. Anyway, it's a milestone celebration, I don't have cake even once/month so I'm not beating myself up about it. And I'd lost another pound anyway.

    I'm going to try to get some spring cleaning out of the way before I leave - DH is off to a rugby tournie this weekend with DSS so it's just me and the mop. Another month almost gone before it's barely started - hard to believe. He'll be gone, then I will then when I get back he leaves the next day - and then it's April. Whew. First Phillies game on the last Saturday of the month though - starting to get excited again :wink::laugh:.

    That's all from me - nothing too major to report. I'm definitely in maintenance mode as far as diet goes - I find I just eat the same all the time now, and it's so much healthier and less. After nine months I guess it's a habit now. That's something I can stick with.

    Cheers all,

  • uwharriegold
    Women over 50 are SO smart! I love the little pearls of wisdom I pull from your posts.

    I saw one of those success signs recently that I can't get out of my head. It said: "A year from now, you'll wish you started today." We all have a head start on that because we're well on our way to accomplishing our goals. Time flies ... we all know it ... so just think how fabulous we will be this time next year! Woo-hoo! We can do it -- together!!!

    Doing a lot of planning to ensure I don't blow what I've accomplished these past 6 weeks while I'm in Portland, OR for 10 days. In the past, I have always TRIED to eat healthy, but splurged on "special occasions." and eventually, I ended up with 50 pounds worth of "special occasions." Finally, at the ripe old age of 63, I know better!

    Love this forum,
  • nanasorchid52
    Good afternoon ladies

    Well there is a yellow thing in the sky here- I think it's called the sun but haven't seen it for such a long time I am not sure!!

    But I it is making me feel very good! Had my darling GS for the morning and then had lunch at the DD. walked everywhere and clocked up 14, 000 steps. Just reminds me how much I walked when the children were young

    Love reading all of your inspiring stories! Welcome to all the new VitF ladies - I am a newbie and this is such a supportive group.

    So many great goals this month!

    No time to write to you all individually as I am going to make the most of the weather and tidy the garden.

    Have a brilliant day - you are all worth it!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: don't forget that water :drinker: :drinker:

    Keep smiling
    Wales UK
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bump before work -- have a great day!!

    Gail / Atlanta
  • grlaurie
    grlaurie Posts: 77 Member
    Hello All I am just 50 and am on this treadmill of weight loss again. I have been logging since December 28th or so and am down 25 pds. I lost 75 pds 2 years ago and gained it all back so I am somewhat fearful of doing the same again. However I do want to live to see 60 so I must continue to fight the good fight :).

    March goals: work out each day for a minimum of 25 minutes.
    Lose 10 pounds

    Enjoy life each day

    Have a fantastic Tuesday
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good morning:flowerforyou:

    Don't have to work today so can just watch the snowfall from inside. Very glad I don't have to go out in it. My DH and DD both got snow days from their jobs and to continue the saga with my stepdaughter, she decided to drive over a half hr away to her boyfriends last night knowing this storm was coming. We pretty much had round two via texting and finally talking by phone until I finally convinced her to stay put and not drive back until Wed. So I went to bed with a splitting headache. Not gonna lie, not that I know she's staying put there, plan on relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet with the rest of my family today! Thanks to all that commented with kind words and support after yesterday's rant!

    Barbie-Very glad that Jake's surgery went well!:smile:

    Off to drink more water:drinker:

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello all my friends,

    I think my March resolution should be to get back in the habit of posting to you all ... I have been spending my mornings (when I used to post) reading philosophy and studying Spanish. My trip to Nicaragua (with my 85 yr old parents) begins on Sunday. I'm getting excited just typing about it.

    So far as weight goes I've been ranging between 3 pounds up/down since Christmas, and I've only got four pounds to loose to get to my goal. Sigh. It's hard to push through that last barrier.

    Can't go back over the last, what is it? Eleven! pages to catch up. Will just say hello, thanks for being here, see you all soon.

    Hasta Pronto,

    Nancy in SE British Columbia
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member

    Hi fellow Michigander!

    I'm in the UP and Winter makes it soo hard to get motivated to go to the gym. I'm looking forward to walking outside again. Hang in there and keep moving forward!
  • jolenec1
    jolenec1 Posts: 110 Member
    Barbie- so glad Jake’s surgery is over and went well. You be careful making the trek to pick him up.:smile:

    Marti from Westerville- Welcome to the gang.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda x- I hope your tests all come out well. I know what you mean about wanting to be on holiday. I would love to be on a nice quiet beach somewhere myself.:glasses: :happy:

    Grandmallie- I hear you. I want to lose in my belly and breasts. I lost in my hips and feet…:grumble:

    My poor baby girl (age 22) was so upset last night. She has gained back most of the weight she had lost 2 years ago:sad: . I know how frustrating that is to go through. She stays so busy working full time and going to college full time. She has adopted my bad habit of putting other things before her own health and well-being. But I told her, we are all human and make mistakes. She knows how she lost it before and how she regained it now. The good news is…I am working alongside her this time and we will keep each other on track. She went shopping after work last night and picked some things she thought would help her get back on track:happy: . So today begins a new day for her. She is such a beautiful girl and so kind hearted. I don’t know what I would do without her and it breaks my heart to see her so upset. Yet I know exactly how she feels. :noway:

    I can’t help but feel like I am to blame for her weight issues as well as my own. I have a lot of work to do to rectify the situation.

    Got to get to work. Its piled high on the desk. Have a great day ladies.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    wizzywig: Welcome back!:bigsmile:

    LindaS: I am also a daylight time fan. I love the longer days and daylight time enhances light, IMHO.:flowerforyou:

    Laurie from MI: Welcome! You’ll find lots of support here.:smile:

    Amanda X: I’ve been thinking about you. I hope test results are good and treatment, if needed, is a positive experience.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy: Welcome aboard! You’ve joined just by posting. The more you post, the more you get and give support.:smile:

    grlaurie: A long time ago I went on a diet and lost a lot of weight. Then I resumed eating with the family and it gradually all came back and brought friends with it. Now I understand that I have to permanently change my eating habits or it will just be another round of yoyo dieting. :noway: This group is so helpful with learning how to accomplish that.:bigsmile:

    Yoga this morning! Yay! :bigsmile: DD was invited but would rather sleep in, which is probably for the best. I don’t think “Grampa” is up to the task of taking care of DGD for an hour and a half. :noway: :noway: She is one VERY busy little person and he has big health issues. :ohwell: My bruised shoulder has turned several shades of sickly yellow, which means it is improving. It still hurts like the ****ens to pick up DGD if I’m not VERY careful.:grumble: One of the things we’re learning is to seize the opportunities presented by good days. This is both weather and MS related. Yesterday was a miracle with sunshine at the beach, and today it is raining. I’m so glad we went.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Beautiful Tuesday,

    No time to read and seeing that we are already at pg 12 makes me realized I may just have to start from here.

    Hubby had a Dr's appt last week and the Dr was really pleased with his #26 loss and he's kept it off since December so he is hitting it hard again so I will have to make sure all his meals are back to the low carb and keep the right foods stocked for him and his meals.

    I'm still not getting my lifting in like I want but am still doing a bit...really do need to pull out my kettlebells and that would really make a difference.

    Shipped off #1 Son's birthday present...so hard to believe that he will be 36 on the 9th....I remember it like it was yesterday when we were headed to the hospital to have him...boy does time fly:ohwell: :ohwell:

    Hoping all of you are having a good day. Keep up the great job of logging it really is what makes the difference in losing.

    Laura80111 in Colorado

    :drinker: don't forget to drink your water:drinker:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    It's rather wintery-looking here this morning, spring came knocking lightly a few times over the last few days but I see it's not quite time for it to settle in. More days of no sun in the forecast. The dogs could care less, why should I? I learn things from them every day of my life. :wink:

    Went shopping for jeans last week, brought 2 pair home, decided they were too big and returned them. Then on Sunday I went to another store and found 2 pair of Lee's "Glam" Classic Fit that are just about perfect. I don't much care for the sparkles on the back pockets, but I'll wear tops long enough to cover them, lol. I can officially announce that I am done with size 14. YAY! I fit nicely into size 12 and could even cram myself into a size 10 in one brand. What a realization! My body is still changing although the scale is still stuck at 159-160. I have lost 10 pant sizes!! That puts my chin up, yessiree. :bigsmile: I was wearing a size 22 at the end of 2010 when I started MFP.

    The Spanx page was too funny! I could relate to when I was cramming myself into those size 10's :laugh:

    Mary in TN, I noticed you'd mentioned the Pain Free book. I must have missed an earlier converstaion about it, but I'm in complete agreement that it's a wonderful book and I also highly recommend it for a miriad of pain problems. I followed Egoscue's exercise plan for Hips and Backs religiously for almost 5 months in an effort to correct severe sciatic nerve pain, elevated hip and herniated disc. It worked. No more pain! I still do some of the exercises in the Maintenence section.

    Barbie, you've inspired me. It's too late to go to the track, so I'll get upstairs for Yoga and strength training this morning. Once I get out of the habit it takes forever to get back to it! I know how important it is to stay strong and limber.

    Wishing everyone a Tuesday-good-news-day! There's always good news somewhere, if we just take the time to look.

    :smile: jb in completely cloudy and cool Portland
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    Morning all. Well the snow has started in earnest here in N. Illinois. Knowing it was going to be a snowed in day I slept in (if you call 30 glorious extra minutes sleeping in), did a kick butt hour of my 10 Pounds Down Cardio Abs DVD and just finished my yogurt and fruit. I need to get myself into work mode shortly but wanted to check in with all you lovely ladies:smile:

    Sundance – just to be clear, chair yoga is a type of yoga class where you use chairs as props. There are no special yoga chairs…most classes like the one at my studio just use a sturdy folding chair. Definitely ask at your Y. If they don’t currently offer chair yoga maybe they would consider adding it if there is enough interest. Yoga will help you gain flexibility, strength and balance. It is also very calming.:happy:

    For the newbies looking to join – you already have. As soon as you post you are part of this community. Just click on the community tab on the top right, click on my topics and you’ll see the women 50+ thread, click on that and your back. Welcome and come back often – this is a great group!:flowerforyou:

    Cheryl – hope you are feeling better. Today is a great day to stay in and rest but I just realized your kids are probably home with you…get whatever rest you can:laugh:

    Sandy in Ohio – teachers do get as excited as kids about a day off! He didn’t wear PJ’s inside out:bigsmile: – didn’t know about that myth. Congrats on getting to your milestone (I’m assuming if you didn’t hit it today you will shortly).

    Awake – 100 lbs AWESOME:drinker:

    Amanda – hang in there and hope you feel better soon:sick:

    M – wishing your mom a speedy recovery. :flowerforyou:

    Jo – a yellow ball in the sky, sorry I’m unfamiliar with the concept. Enjoy the sunshine:laugh:

    Jolene – sorry that your DD is upset, but now you are teamed up in your weight loss journey and that will be good for both of you. Please don’t blame yourself for the past. You should give yourself kudos for know what both she and you need to do to get healthier going forward:wink:

    Well can't delay any longer time to get to my desk and work:grumble: Have a great day and those of you in the midst of this snow storm stay safe! Jodios
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I went to the old thread and just knew something was wrong with only 84 posts..I thought - I can catch up with this no problem....then I saw the new thread...............OMG I don't have time to catch up sorry...maybe I will start with a couple pages at a time. :blushing:

    Well I did my race on Saturday!!!! See my instense pic <<<<<<~~~~~~~ :laugh: It was fun...a few times yes I was scared!!!! But I did it...5 miles with 13 obstacles!!! My time was 1:05!!!!!!! I'm pretty proud of that! I feel great but do have alot of bruises. The group is all over these now and we are signing up for a mud run in May and another 6k Galidator Rock N Run in September. I am going to start training on the running part...I was last in the group to finish..

    OMG I need to focus now on weight loss!!!! I feel like I need to follow a plan. I have the exercise down, which might be the hardest part for some. Now I have to really get busy and start showing weekly losses!!! Anyone else in the same boat??? My daughters friend has lost alot on Herbilife...she was going to come over and explain what she is doing...she says she is eating alot and drinking shakes and exercising..I can do all those things :laugh: She didn't come over because she had a meeting to go to...now she wants me to come to a group thing and weigh get my BMI etc....I don't want to be roped into anything I just want to start the plan!!!! HELP!!!! I think I will just start with what we all know...eat less move more. I am going to count my food and if I over eat it will be with fruits and veggies...WATER too!!!

    I had a Tyson training yesterday...my hands are sooooo puffy!!!! We had to sample different hams, hot dogs, pepperoni and bacon!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you say sodium!!!! Well I better fo pour myself a glass of water and get to work!!!

    PS - I did make it to Cozmosize last night!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:

    Have a GREAT day ~ Judy