
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    The blizzard is over but BRRRR!! it is cold this morning. We are certainly on the yo-yo temps of the approach of spring....plus 15 celsius on Saturday, minus 15 this morning.....grass fires on Friday, blizzard on Sunday! It's the split personality of a prairie spring:smile:

    Nancy - So exciting that you are leaving for Nicaraugua on Sunday already! Do have a fantastic time!! Will you be able to post from there? How have the spanish studies been going? I have always wanted to learn Spanish,.... and improve my French.:wink:

    grandmallie - I hear you on the targetted weight loss - thin fingers and loose rings were not the outcome I was looking for!:laugh:

    Katla - how wonderful to have a beach day! I totally agree that we need to grab those moments and days - of good weather, or freedom from pain - and go with them when we can. Carpe Diem!

    Jolene - I think many of us can relate to the disappointment of gaining back those hard fought for losses. And it is probably harder to see it in our daughters. It is great that you will be able to support each other in this journey - and that you can model those good behaviours and determination that success requires. It will be a great benefit to have the support and understanding of a mom, or daughter:happy:

    Kathyzoo - so sorry about the stress with DD. I understand how it can knot up your insides and create stress elsewhere in our lives. I am glad she stayed put in the stormy weather, and hope you could relax and enjoy the reprieve and quiet for a bit. Hang in there with her - with patience, grace and firmness as needed - and you will both survive and maybe even thrive:ohwell:

    To those of you who enjoyed the link to the spanx story :laugh: - you are welcome! It made we laugh....and we can all use a bit of that in our day!

    May you live every day of your life - starting today!:flowerforyou:

    Glenda - back in the depths of Albertan winter
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Hello, hello, hello my Lovelies!

    This morning has dawned wonderfully sunny and bright so I don’t mind that it is still -14c. DH has gone back to work after two weeks at home working on the basement. He is in New York for the conference that got postponed from the hurricane. I decided not to go this time and just concentrate on our Ireland trip.

    Progress is definitely being made downstairs; the next big job will be cutting all the tiles, the installation, grouting and then the major clean up. I think I will attempt somewhat of a cleanup today as everything is so covered on drywall dust it looks like it could be a set for Beetlejuice. DH isn’t here so I can move his tools around (don’t tell him). I cannot wait for the dust and debris to be gone as my lungs are screaming.

    DH is gone for the week so we are off meat and potatoes and on to an eating adventure! We are trying Chicken tandoori tonight, seafood fettuccini tomorrow night and parmesan- baked tilapia on Thursday. (Yes, I’ll check the calories!) Don’t have it planned beyond that yet but we can’t waste time, there are a lot of flavours to be enjoyed while he is away.

    Here we go again… H.O. is having us go through a series of 10 training videos and follow-up questionnaires that feel like they were aimed at grade school kids. Seriously?! Whoever writes this stuff needs to get out more in the real world! They have been in business 25 years and they are just formalizing their training now, again? (Trying to.) How do they figure we have made it so far? What it smacks of is the children of the owners, no experience, just graduated with the ink still wet on their diplomas, have been given a project to introduce them into the business. Sigh…. I’ve been here before, several times. I have a degree too but was never allowed so high-handed an attitude. Oh dear, this sounded a bit like a rant…. Hmmm, not really, just a bit frustrated as I have to do it on my own time at home. There’s 5 hours I won’t get back ( I could be using it to catch up here!) . Yes, they have promised a reward but I make more in 5 hours of straight work, thank you very much. At least I can drink wine while my intelligence is being insulted. Hehehe…

    Enough of that, it’s too nice a day to sulk! Must find a place that does invisible mending, my DH has put a hole in his suit pants (with his oversized wallet.) I have told him he needs a man purse for all he tries to stuff into that thing! I am hoping there is enough bare pavement showing now so that I can have a bit of a walk in the fresh air (sidewalks are still a sea of ice.)

    Haven’t thought too much about March goals other than I should sew my mouth shut!

    March goals:

    -hands out of the chocolate chips (its so hard...)
    -more fruit and veggies (I’m getting better!)
    -more water (that part needs work)
    -more exercise (melt the ice please, I prefer to be outside)

    Welcome to all you new gals! Congratulations for everyone’s successes, encouragement for those of you wrestling with temptation (like me)! I am sending prayers of healing to those of you who need it and for your families.

    Back to my mantra, Choose Happiness,

    Hugs and sunshine to all,
    Kate, in sunny Central Alberta
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon all,

    Someone on here said something about losing weight in their fingers. Well, I think I lost weight in my feet! :noway: This past weekend I went to DSW because I had a coupon. I normally wear a size 7 or 7 1/2 shoe, but for some reason, I had to get a size 6 1/2. I can tell that my fingers have gotten smaller because my rings feel loose, but I never heard of feet getting smaller before. Maybe it was just the brand, but I got two pair of boots, and they were from different manufacturers, so I just thought it was weird. Anyway, I got a pair of tall boots, and the best news is they fit over my calves, which, in the past, has been a problem for me. So I am excited to be able to wear them...and they even fit over jeans! I consider this my NSV for the week. I am feeling more confident in my ability to maintain this weight loss than ever! Thanks for all the support and Vitamin F I receive daily on this thread.:heart:

    :flowerforyou: awake4777 - First may I say congrats on your amazing weight loss! There are so many gimmicks that it's great to see those of us who do it the old fashioned way!

    :smile: Gail - It's nice to get outside and walk. I am looking forward to the spring so I can take long and comfortable walks myself.

    :wink: Phyllis - I just tried ankle weights this morning for the first time during a 20 minute strength routine. I'm not quite sure of the benefit, but it did get my heart rate up.

    :mad: Sandy - We are in store for that same "wintery mix". We've had some doozies in March, so I'm praying it passes us by.

    :heart: Amanda - Please keep us posted on the results of your testing and feel better soon.

    :drinker: M- Eating cupcakes and STILL losing weight? You must be doing something right!

    :happy: Marla - Thanks for the quote. Procrastination is the thing that often sabotages my good intentions.

    :smile: Nancy - Have a wonderful time in Nicaragua.

    :heart: Jolene - You and your daughter are lucky to have one another for support. You can both do this!

    :frown: Katla - OUCH! Your shoulder sounds painful. Take it easy.

    :wink: jb - Congrats on your progress. I don't know about you, but losing a pant size means about an 8-10 pound loss for me.

    :happy: Judy - Nice job on that race!

    Have a wonderful afternoon and good thoughts for that storm to pass us by!!!

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi to everyone. It’s a cold dreary day here, made worse by news from the vet. Benny Beagle needs his gallbladder out which is a rough operation for a dog. His cyst in the gallbladder came back and his liver enzymes are elevated again, so it’s time to do it before he starts acting sick. I haven’t been able to work much since I heard the news….so minor compared to all the human health problems we read about here, but he’s my baby. Don’t tell the cats that!

    Awake: wow nearly 100 pounds gone! I can’t imagine. You must be very proud of yourself!

    Jodios: tell DH to send that snow my way! I’d jump around too! I use a chair for some of my disastrous yoga activities. Sometimes the chair and I both fall!

    Mary: all those foods affect your sinuses? Is it allergies? That sounds miserable!

    Patsue: welcome!

    Sue in SD: I too do laughter yoga, only I’m not the one laughing. It’s anyone else in the room with me!

    Phyllis: great photo! Where was it taken?

    Marti: welcome!

    Roz: 1 kilo = 2.2 pounds

    Katla: I do the same thing with word and myfitness pal as you. I haven’t lost my posts since starting that!

    Viv: glad to see you again. You were missed

    LindaSundance: according to our kids, we are too old to go out and have fun too although movies are ok. They totally are appalled when we stay out til 1 dancing! And, by the way, sex stops at 35.

    Laurie: welcome you will find lots of encouragement and support here

    Sandy: I too wear my pjs inside out hoping for snow days, but it hasn’t worked at all this winter!

    Amanda: I have missed lots of posts but are you ill? I sure hope it’s nothing serious. Sending you good warm thoughts!

    Sandy 307: welcome!

    DeeDee: what a great idea to take pictures. I’ll have to adopt that one!

    M; I hope your mother recovers soon. She is lucky to have you coming.

    Marla: love the quotation

    Kathy: we never can stop worrying about our kids, can we?

    Nancy: it’s always nice to see you! Ibet you are dreaming of leaving on your trip!

    Jolene: don’t be too hard on yourself. We have all made bad decisions. All we can do is move on from there.

    Katla: you always have a positive spin which is so refreshing!

    Jb: congrats on the size 12!!!!!

    Judy: congrats on finishing your race!!!

    Well I’m off. I have given myself a splitting headache thinking about the dog. Need to go find some motrin! Take care all and have a good day! Meg from Omaha
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Went shopping for jeans last week, brought 2 pair home, decided they were too big and returned them. Then on Sunday I went to another store and found 2 pair of Lee's "Glam" Classic Fit that are just about perfect. I don't much care for the sparkles on the back pockets, but I'll wear tops long enough to cover them, lol. I can officially announce that I am done with size 14. YAY! I fit nicely into size 12 and could even cram myself into a size 10 in one brand. What a realization! My body is still changing although the scale is still stuck at 159-160. I have lost 10 pant sizes!! That puts my chin up, yessiree. :bigsmile: I was wearing a size 22 at the end of 2010 when I started MFP.
    :smile: jb in completely cloudy and cool Portland

    Wow! Just Wow! Congratulations on your loss in pants sizes. I admire your tenacity and discipline. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I hope to come close to your success, but I know it will take time. I'm in 14 now and hope to make 12 by DH's birthday in mid-May.:smile:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.
    Woke up to a winter wonderland.
    Welcome Sandy.:flowerforyou:
    Was out shoveling for 35 min,looks like I did nothing.Heavy and wet.
    Have a great day!!
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Kate that is such an encouragement to know that this time next year if I stick to this I may be 10 sizes down. ButI'm human and want it quicker than I year. I want it this summer. But it's been quite a while since summer has seen me at the weight I am now down to so I guess I should count my blessings. Everyone else will count thier blessing also since I'm sure it's not a pretty sight to see me at 230 pounds wearing summer clothes!
  • BetsyAnn2013
    BetsyAnn2013 Posts: 37 Member
    I don't get to visit as often as I'd like and only read the most recent page or two of posts. I'm encouraged by all the successes shared and empathize with all who struggle. I seem to be struggling right now. I see the numbers going down slowly, but I don't feel the difference! I have to give myself credit for keeping up with the food and exercise logs. This is the longest I've maintained this type of lifestyle change. :bigsmile: I'm trying to refine my diet, water intake, and exercise to maximize results. It seems like each person needs a different "regime" to have success and I haven't found mine yet. Just have to keep trying until I get it right.

    BetsyAnn in East TN
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Glenda wrote
    The blizzard is over but BRRRR!! it is cold this morning. We are certainly on the yo-yo temps of the approach of spring....plus 15 celsius on Saturday, minus 15 this morning.....grass fires on Friday, blizzard on Sunday! It's the split personality of a prairie spring:smile:

    Glenda - back in the depths of Albertan winter

    Another Albertan. Hope it is as bright and sunny where you are as it is in Calgary right now.

    I am doing pretty good with my March goals but having a bit of trouble with my leg. Sciatica. Why is it that when we want go go all out exercising after all these years that road blocks jump in our way. Oh well, I have determination. I will succeed.

    Jeri in Calgary, Alberta
  • nelkatherineharper
    nelkatherineharper Posts: 9 Member
    What is this "bump" business...I am just checking out these group of messages for the first time....
  • monet13
    monet13 Posts: 324 Member
    Hello - I saw this group on a friend's page (Positive power - Judy) and I think this is just what I need! I started on MFP in October 2011 ad had lost about 95 #'s but unfortunately the last 4 months have been very difficult - injured knee +surgery, illness with my Mom and brother, lots of stuff :cry: and I reverted to comfort eating and couldn't work out for awile - end result, I've gained 30#'s back!! :sad: :grumble: I posted a blog on my site and got some great feedback from friends and I think I'm ready to get going again - gonna take it one day at a time though :) This seems like a great group and I surely need the support!! Oh, and lest I forget, my surgery seems to have catapulted me fast forward into menapause!! Regular as rain up to then, narry a TOM since surgery (November) but lots of hot flashes and night sweats! I'm Marge in the Midwest (Illinois) :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    evening ladies, just finished reading the last couple of pages. sounds like alot of you are getting that yucky four letter word... dont worry I think it's working its way towards us tomorrow night ,all day thursday and into friday morning... Nothing can compare to the storm a few weeks ago, so Im sure we will manage...
    anyone want a spare husband?He I promise you is gonna drive me to drink:drinker:
    I get home tonight , he had stuffed shells for dinner,so i packed up a few for his lunch tomorrow, and he gripes that he doesnt want the same thing for lunch that he had for dinner.. I told him I am not a short order cook,and If he doesn't like what I make him he is on his own.. that just steams me, now he wants me cooking 2 different things daily so he can have something different ..
    Alright now that I vented, I am feeling much better:happy:
    will get my butt up early and off to the gym in the morning, and hopefully sleep better tonight.. enjoy your evening dear friends:heart:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :embarassed: :embarassed: Just logged my food for the day and can't believe I've gone over by nearly 300 calories !! That's a wake up call if ever there was one.

    Back to logging food before I eat it - and it's a good motivation to re start exercising. No wonder I can't lose weight.

    Well time for bed

    See you in the morning :yawn: :yawn:

  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Welp, no joy for me this morning from the scale. Still stuck where I’ve been for the last two days but I will carry on and just keep doing what I’m doing.

    Amanda – I hope you get the answers you are seeking from those tests.

    Sandy in Ontario – welcome from Sandy in Ohio!

    Grandmallie – lol at the cookie bouquet for your tonsillectomy.

    Mwheatcraft – prayers and positive thoughts for your mom and safe travels for you!

    Marla – LOVE that quote – I am so stealing it!

    Jo – lucky you, enjoy the sun!

    Grlaurie – welcome, join right in!

    Kathy – I wish I had some magical powers to share with you but I don’t. I can only say Hang in there!

    Nancy – have a safe trip and fabulous time in Nicaragua!

    Jolene – sorry to hear that your DD is down but please don’t take all of that guilt. Instead, focus on being a great role model for her now and helping her to get back on track.

    Have to cut this short, will try to catch up later.

    Sandy, central Ohio
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    Only a couple of inches of snow here today. Very windy this evening with a big more snow coming down making driving a bit nasty but nothing compared to other parts of the Midwest. I guess we dodged a big snowball.

    It continues to be soup weather so that's on my agenda for tomorrow. I have some mixed beans from Costco soaking now so I'll be ready to fire up the big kettle tomorrow.

    And maybe some laundry and a trip to the post office to send back some shoes I ordered which do not fit at all.:grumble:

    I've been just holding on by one fingertip lately. One thing after another---the last few days it's been an apparent flare of fibromyalgia. Horrible brain fog, little muscle knots in my neck and the most horrendous muscle spasms around that same area down to the scapula (I think that's what it's called---you know, your wing). I am determined to try to get through this without medication. I've not taken any muscle relaxers or tylenol for about a year but I know how reliant I was on them before. 6-8 super strength Tylenol a day and while it relieved pain it didn't cure it. I'd like to keep my liver so I gave them up and I hope, as several people have told me, that the liver can repair itself. :noway: :ohwell:

    Anyway, I've been trying topical pain cream, Biofreeze, topical pain patches, heating pad, warm shower with little relief. Today every few hours I've gotten on the floor and have been doing some stretches and a couple of exercises with a hand weight and this seems to be working better than anything so far. Now to see if I can sleep tonight or if I'll be climbing out of bed to get on the floor for more stretching!! :blushing: :blushing:

    So I thought a dose of Vitamin F would be very helpful!! :heart: :heart:

    All best wishes to this marvelous group of ladies. Here's to you.:drinker: :drinker:

    Lin in Central Iowa

  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    Its March 5th and on track hopefully for the 5 lb goal by month end,
    did treadclimber 1/2 hour tonight (so much harder than I remember from when it was at my gym)
    light weights (just dumbells)
    Forgive me for not commenting on everyones amazing goals and successes. I have a 58 year old brain and a sieve:blushing:
    Have a great rest of the week ladies and good luck with all your goals!
  • Aquarius2
    Aquarius2 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi ladies:smile:

    Thanks to megblair for the conversion :wink:
    So that means I'm currently at 160.6 lbs and I have lost 42.24 lbs since September
    Well I weigh in again tomorrow so I will be back to report my progress

    I'm very pleased with myself today for doing another 10 minutes of my Pilates DVD as well as 10 minutes tai chi
    I also think I need to add " eat more veggies" to my March pledge:happy: :happy:

    It's starting to cool down here had to replace the cotton blanket with the thick minki blanket last night
    Have a good day everyone :laugh:

    Roz from NSW
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: I had my first Zumba class last night. It was classified as Zumba Gold, meaning that is for us golden oldies; so, low impact and a little less high intensity, which suits me fine. I was still sweating like the proverbial you-know-what with this hour of some type of moves that were supposed to simulate a type of dance. Also went for a 45 minute walk today with a co-worker/friend at lunch time. She is so much more disciplined than I am in working out. She has her own way of being motivated. She tells me, "I do it because I like to eat, so I have to work out." She's a great friend, itty bitty oriental girl that she is! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Went to the dentist today. My poor old teeth, so many of them with poor old fillings, will need some significant work. I am so happy to have a benefit plan that at least part of it will be paid for!

    :flowerforyou: Lin - I wish you well. You've had setbacks that I can not imagine. Hang in there. I admire your strength of character. Come for a dose of Vitamin F anytime. :heart:

    :flowerforyou: grandmallie - no thanks with respect to adopting a spare husband. I am now lucky that my DH has started understanding so much more of my journey and is very supportive. It takes many conversations with love and non-judgment reasoning that may make the difference. I say "may", because I could not presume to know your DH.

    :flowerforyou: jmkmomm - I want quicker results too. However, I am learning that this journey is about health and wellness. Do you know that overweight women in Europe are much less likely to worry about their appearance? I think we could take a page out of their book, and wear those summer clothes with abandon. Why do we care what anyone else says or thinks? Is your or my life about them? (preaching to myself here)

    :flowerforyou: jb - wow!!! so inspiring. It gives the rest of us the impetus to continue!

    :flowerforyou: meg - I've said it before, you crack me up. I am drawn to your posts, because they are uplifting, funny and bring hope. A dose of Meg could be a prescription that I would not mind.

    :flowerforyou: Lucy - the boots OVER jeans, how cool is that. I don't have that particular issue, but I sure as heck would like my RINGS to fit, thank-you-very-much!

    :flowerforyou: Kate - the "man purse" hahaha. That is hilarious. In Europe it is quite acceptable for men to have a "man purse". Look it up, I kid you not. And....no, don't you dare sew your mouth shut! I like what you spew out. Love your quote: "Choose Happiness". Not always easy depending on circumstances, but good to keep hearing nonetheless, especially from women who have been there.

    That's it for today.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC - where they just concluded the flower count in Victoria, where the public called in ~3/4 of a billion blooms. (Sorry about that for the rest of Canada, but Victoria is the place to be)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sue in TX. The dermatologist is next on my list after Jake’s surgery recovery and my appointment with the osteoporosis doctor.

    :flowerforyou: Marcie, I don’t have any more brain cells than you do, I just use technology
    a Word document open to write on as I read the posts

    Michele, one of the things I read in “The Thin Commandments Diet” is to stop worrying about what is normal, and concentrate :flowerforyou: on what works…..I lost a lot of weight and have kept it off for three years by logging food and exercise almost every day

    :flowerforyou: Viv, glad to see that you are over your “slug” phase….today is a new beginning.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda….best wishes for useful news from all the tests.

    :flowerforyou: Jolene, it’s a waste of energy to blame yourself for your daughter’s weight issues……just be supportive of her.

    My day today.
    Got up at 3:15
    Walked the dogs one at a time for about 15 minutes each
    Ate breakfast, wrote in gratitude journal, read a few posts on MFP
    Walked the dogs for 90 minutes
    Changed clothes, gathered water and snacks and CDs to listen to in the car
    Left the house to drive to the ferry at 6:30
    Got to the ferry early, parked the car, and walked around and up and down stairs for 40 minutes
    Walked onto the ferry and walked for 40 minutes until the ferry arrived in Seattle
    Took a cab to the hospital
    Waited with Jake while they decided to take another x-ray….danced in the hospital room while they ook him down for the x-ray….then waited some more until the doctor read the x-ray.
    Found out that one of the leads from the defibrillator had moved and needed to be readjusted.
    Left Jake at the hospital awaiting another surgery
    Came home ----taxi, ferry, 90 minute drive with stops to get more cash and more fuel so I can go back tomorrow.
    Got home to find out that the dog walked misunderstood me and hadn’t walked the dogs……they were so happy to see me and hadn’t made any “messes” in the house.
    Walked the dogs immediately, fed them and then walked them for an hour.

    I am so grateful for Jake’s good care, my reliable car, no snow, and all the walking I got to do.

    I’ll be in bed very soon.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    Barbie, Im exhausted just reading your posting. Prayers and goodnite all and hoping tomorrow brings peace and strength to all of us:flowerforyou:
