How to target back fat?



  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I know that no one has said this to you yet, but I just wanted to let you know that you can't spot reduce. #VIPPROTIP4SNOWFLAKES.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Oh...and I would not really call my regimen "ineffective" seeing how I now run marathons asswipe. Oh, and I said I lost 3 pants sizes. I am complaining about not melting fat off certain areas. God, how ineffective my workout must be. Let me cry because I am just a girl. That can probably out-run your *kitten*.

    I didn't call your workout ineffective; YOU did. You're the one with the back fat problem, not me. In your OP, did you ask for help in marathon training, or for fat reduction? Congrats on your running progress as it sounds very impressive. But we didn't gather here to talk about no races, did we?

    I'm going to say this simply in the hope that it penetrates (that's what men are good for, right?). If you want to lose fat, start strength training. Your whole body, not just your legs. Because then, when you get your diet correct, the weight you lose will primarily fat, instead of lean body mass. A portion of that fat will come from your back. Did any of this sink in?

    So you can call me names all you want. I'm a big boy and my feelings aren't easily hurt. But you gonna try something different or do you wish to continue on your ineffective (for fat and weight loss) program?

    The choice is yours.
  • DeviantDarkwolf2
    DeviantDarkwolf2 Posts: 363 Member
    Why is it there are still women who think that if they lift heavy they will turn into the hulk and so become cardio queens instead?? Smh indeed OP you asked for advise and you got given some very good advise and yet you are not happy why ask in the first place?? Building muscle helps with your metabolism, it also firms things's an article you may like to read.... I especially like the sentence.. a person with more muscle will burn more calories doing any activity compared with a person with less muscle.
  • Amoravy
    Amoravy Posts: 86 Member
    I wanted to add that having the right kind of bra/swimsuit that is the correct size, cut, style, and material will make a big difference in the way your back fat looks. Although I am going to continue taking the advice everyone listed above, I don't think you will so this may be your best

    hahaha YES!

    wait...what if I dont believe in underwear?
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    Don't listen to these men. Hire a FEMALE personal trainer and talk to her. Men don't understand a woman's body. It's not the same. Women's bodies are even designed to hold on to fat in preparation for childbirth. It doesn't know there isn't a famine around the corner. Women even have certain days of the month they should be buffing and certain days of the month they should be boosting. It's based on hormones. Your diet and your workouts should be based on that. How many men can explain that one?

    1. Lose more weight.
    2. Start strength training
    3. If you have a back, chest, arms and shoulders, upper body strength training is probably a good idea.



    1. What in the HALE is buffing and boosting??
    2. OP if you want guidance as to why you haven't lost weight during a year of exercising, you should open your diary, providing that it is accurate.
    Buff Mother (Michelle Berger) wrote a book based on Buffing (you surely know what that means) I would hope you do if you lift. Google it. She is pretty well known in the fitness industry for women. It all makes complete sense and backed up by doctors, several personal trainers, etc, etc. I guess you could Google if you cared to know more.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Oh...and I would not really call my regimen "ineffective" seeing how I now run marathons asswipe. Oh, and I said I lost 3 pants sizes. I am complaining about not melting fat off certain areas. God, how ineffective my workout must be. Let me cry because I am just a girl. That can probably out-run your *kitten*.

    I didn't call your workout ineffective; YOU did. You're the one with the back fat problem, not me. In your OP, did you ask for help in marathon training, or for fat reduction? Congrats on your running progress as it sounds very impressive. But we didn't gather here to talk about no races, did we?

    I'm going to say this simply in the hope that it penetrates (that's what men are good for, right?). If you want to lose fat, start strength training. Your whole body, not just your legs. Because then, when you get your diet correct, the weight you lose will primarily fat, instead of lean body mass. A portion of that fat will come from your back. Did any of this sink in?

    So you can call me names all you want. I'm a big boy and my feelings aren't easily hurt. But you gonna try something different or do you wish to continue on your ineffective (for fat and weight loss) program?

    The choice is yours.

  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member
    THANK you for a real tip and not just telling me I need to lose weight and that's it. Are you talking about the videos? I heard they are really good. Which one did you use?

    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred has yielded some great results to start off with if you haven't done any weight/body weight training. Note: You will be sore, and this is a good thing. Take measurements on day 1 of it, then at day 30. Heck, even day 14 and see if you've noticed any difference. Insanity is too tough at this point. After 30 Day Shred, I'd recommend Ripped in 30.

    Irrelevant comment - I was not calling you an aggressive *kitten* by the way, but meant you were acting like one with some of your retorts. Don't worry about comments you may disagree with on here. Snarky comments when made, which I don't blame at times, can make it tougher to want to help said person out. :tongue: In any case, good luck with it. If your caloric intake is good and you're doing the video at least 3-4 times a week (although it recommends 5), you'll begin to notice some difference.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Don't listen to these men. Hire a FEMALE personal trainer and talk to her. Men don't understand a woman's body. It's not the same. Women's bodies are even designed to hold on to fat in preparation for childbirth. It doesn't know there isn't a famine around the corner. Women even have certain days of the month they should be buffing and certain days of the month they should be boosting. It's based on hormones. Your diet and your workouts should be based on that. How many men can explain that one?

    1. Lose more weight.
    2. Start strength training
    3. If you have a back, chest, arms and shoulders, upper body strength training is probably a good idea.



    1. What in the HALE is buffing and boosting??
    2. OP if you want guidance as to why you haven't lost weight during a year of exercising, you should open your diary, providing that it is accurate.
    Buff Mother (Michelle Berger) wrote a book based on Buffing (you surely know what that means) I would hope if you lift. Google it. She is pretty well known in the fitness industry for women. It all makes complete sense and backed up by doctors, several personal trainers, etc, etc. I guess you could Google if you cared to know more.

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Don't listen to these men. Hire a FEMALE personal trainer and talk to her. Men don't understand a woman's body. It's not the same. Women's bodies are even designed to hold on to fat in preparation for childbirth. It doesn't know there isn't a famine around the corner. Women even have certain days of the month they should be buffing and certain days of the month they should be boosting. It's based on hormones. Your diet and your workouts should be based on that. How many men can explain that one?

    1. Lose more weight.
    2. Start strength training
    3. If you have a back, chest, arms and shoulders, upper body strength training is probably a good idea.



    1. What in the HALE is buffing and boosting??
    2. OP if you want guidance as to why you haven't lost weight during a year of exercising, you should open your diary, providing that it is accurate.
    Buff Mother (Michelle Berger) wrote a book based on Buffing (you surely know what that means) I would hope if you lift. Google it. She is pretty well known in the fitness industry for women. It all makes complete sense and backed up by doctors, several personal trainers, etc, etc. I guess you could Google if you cared to know more.

    Just googled it as I had never heard of her. Its a marketing scheme that people fall for.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Don't listen to these men. Hire a FEMALE personal trainer and talk to her. Men don't understand a woman's body. It's not the same. Women's bodies are even designed to hold on to fat in preparation for childbirth. It doesn't know there isn't a famine around the corner. Women even have certain days of the month they should be buffing and certain days of the month they should be boosting. It's based on hormones. Your diet and your workouts should be based on that. How many men can explain that one?

    1. Lose more weight.
    2. Start strength training
    3. If you have a back, chest, arms and shoulders, upper body strength training is probably a good idea.



    1. What in the HALE is buffing and boosting??
    2. OP if you want guidance as to why you haven't lost weight during a year of exercising, you should open your diary, providing that it is accurate.
    Buff Mother (Michelle Berger) wrote a book based on Buffing (you surely know what that means) I would hope if you lift. Google it. She is pretty well known in the fitness industry for women. It all makes complete sense and backed up by doctors, several personal trainers, etc, etc. I guess you could Google if you cared to know more.

    ^This times infinity.
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    Don't listen to these men. Hire a FEMALE personal trainer and talk to her. Men don't understand a woman's body. It's not the same. Women's bodies are even designed to hold on to fat in preparation for childbirth. It doesn't know there isn't a famine around the corner. Women even have certain days of the month they should be buffing and certain days of the month they should be boosting. It's based on hormones. Your diet and your workouts should be based on that. How many men can explain that one?

    1. Lose more weight.
    2. Start strength training
    3. If you have a back, chest, arms and shoulders, upper body strength training is probably a good idea.



    1. What in the HALE is buffing and boosting??
    2. OP if you want guidance as to why you haven't lost weight during a year of exercising, you should open your diary, providing that it is accurate.
    No one can really comment

    ^ Another vote for strength training from a woman. The basics are the same for males and females.

    Cant help without seeing your diary but I would add:

    4. Small calorie deficit

    5. Enough protein.
    I am the original poster of this comment here that said, "don't listen to men" and that "women hold more fat" I also added in the post below that I forgot to mention to LIFT WEIGHTS and suggested it. It just didn't get copied along with this quote. I am a woman too. Yes, lift weights. And yes the basics of lifting are the same. That isn't what i was referring to. I said it is harder for women to lose fat based on the fact that we are women and we have babies. I am only talking about women of childbearing age who have not gone through menopause. We hold onto fat in constant preparation for getting pregnant. I said men don't "get that". I said they lose fat easier. For one they have more muscle, two they don't have bodies which hold onto fat for the event they get pregnant. Again STRENGTH TRAIN. There are a lot of sloppy readers here so quick to post a comment without reading .
  • Cat_Lifts
    Cat_Lifts Posts: 174 Member

  • Amoravy
    Amoravy Posts: 86 Member
    THANK you for a real tip and not just telling me I need to lose weight and that's it. Are you talking about the videos? I heard they are really good. Which one did you use?

    Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred has yielded some great results to start off with if you haven't done any weight/body weight training. Note: You will be sore, and this is a good thing. Take measurements on day 1 of it, then at day 30. Heck, even day 14 and see if you've noticed any difference. Insanity is too tough at this point. After 30 Day Shred, I'd recommend Ripped in 30.

    Irrelevant comment - I was not calling you an aggressive *kitten* by the way, but meant you were acting like one with some of your retorts. Don't worry about comments you may disagree with on here. Snarky comments when made, which I don't blame at times, can make it tougher to want to help said person out. :tongue: In any case, good luck with it. If your caloric intake is good and you're doing the video at least 3-4 times a week (although it recommends 5), you'll begin to notice some difference.

    I might actually try this. Sore is good. I haven't been sore in a looooong time! I wish I would have taken my measurements at the very beginning instead of looking at the scale. I will be sure to do it with the video though.
  • tanagrl
    tanagrl Posts: 4 Member
    Weight training in addition to your usual cardio routine is sooo beneficial. Just doing cardio WILL help you to lose weight but you most likely will lack muscle tone and be more apt to have the skinny/flabby look. The appropriate Weights/#of reps will NOT cause a women to turn into a man-we simply do not have the testosterone. The perfect example of this is a female fitness competitor (not bodybuilder)...i.e. Their workouts are mostly weight lifting with less of an emphasis on cardio.(especially if they naturally have a hard time keeping on muscle.)..As far as a good target for "back fat" pull ups work wonders!!..There are also different ones you can do on an exercise ball.
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    Rhetorical question... Why, oh why do we insist on picking ourselves apart?
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    Wow it is crazy in here! My two cents is to try weighted gloves in your cardio. My arms and back have become more toned because it's like I'm lifting low weights at high reps (which I am technically), but I still get that cardio burn. That being said, I would also recommend adding in 5-10 minutes of pushups, planks, sit ups, etc every time you run.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    One cannot target any fat on the body with direct exercise. You can with lipo though. If you aren't lifting, then you're not helping to strengthen or retain muscle while you lose weight. Lifting also help with metabolism.
    And last, it comes down to calorie deficit. Not too much or too little either. Consistency matters as well as INTENSITY. If the cardio you're presently doing has you at a plateau, then change it to a higher intensity.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • jackieomara
    jackieomara Posts: 119 Member
  • Amoravy
    Amoravy Posts: 86 Member
    Wow it is crazy in here! My two cents is to try weighted gloves in your cardio. My arms and back have become more toned because it's like I'm lifting low weights at high reps (which I am technically), but I still get that cardio burn. That being said, I would also recommend adding in 5-10 minutes of pushups, planks, sit ups, etc every time you run.


    I have seen the wrist ones but seemed like they'd be annoying moving around while running when I tried them on. I didn't know they had gloves. 3 pounders?
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    OP, you may want to take a very long diet break. I read in your profile that most of your weight loss efforts have either come from starving yourself or yo-yo diets. With this in consideration, and the fact you have been potentially under a calorie deficit for over a year, you may want to give your endocrine system a much needed break to allow the hormones that regulate your metabolism as well as RMR a chance to recover. By keeping the petal to the medal, so to speak, you've been reducing your energy balance lower and lower meaning you'll need to keep lowering calories to elicit further weight loss. Of course, this isn't wise since this will lead to severe under-eating.