What can you do now that you couldn't 30 days ago



  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    Thanks for all the posts...everyone has such awesome achievements. I look forward to reaching some of your points myself!! I had one more achievement yesterday...I did 20 minutes on the stair machine...after doing my 5k training. I hate that machine with a passion and the first few times I was lucky to get to 8 minutes. I will eventually get to 30 and then ramp the speed up but I'm glad to have done 20!
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Flirt like a pro. Really, I didn't know how much of a novice I was until I made it to MFP.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    Run 5 k

    Do 5 real sit-ups

    Do ten modified push-ups.
  • flava90
    flava90 Posts: 3
    I can run 2.06 mles in under 30 mnutes..I use to struggle wth running period but now I feel I have a second wind
  • I can do a 60 second plank and two 30 second side planks. 30 days ago I couldn't do a 15 second plank and side planks just make me fall over. I'm proud of myself! :-)
  • kelcileigh
    kelcileigh Posts: 23 Member
    When I started working out February 15 I was doing 4 miles in an hour on the elliptical. Now I'm doing around 4.8 miles in the same time :) It's the little things...
  • kelcileigh
    kelcileigh Posts: 23 Member
    I can do a 60 second plank and two 30 second side planks. 30 days ago I couldn't do a 15 second plank and side planks just make me fall over. I'm proud of myself! :-)

    THESE KILL ME! Congrats on your progress! I will keep trying
  • DVaughan1975
    DVaughan1975 Posts: 158 Member
    There is this horribly annoying hill on my route when I jog. Yesterday, it was much easier and my legs felt so much stronger. It was awesome. I could just keep going now. Also, when I started jogging....I was at about a 14 minute mile. Now it's about an 11 minute mile. Took a while to get there but the trick is to keep at it : )
  • kiannarb
    kiannarb Posts: 42 Member
    I can run a longer distance at higher speed on the treadmil (about 1.5 miles at 4.2 speed), I can do more sledge hammer slams to a tractor tire, and I can do pushups easier. my next challenge is to work more w/ the battle ropes, flipping the tractor tire, muay thai bag, and bosu ball. sorry if my spelling is off. :blushing:
  • ellemuise
    ellemuise Posts: 34
    run 25 mins straight without stopping, a little over a month ago i could barely make 1 minute!
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    BENCH 70X3
  • sophayz
    sophayz Posts: 592 Member
    front squat with 110 lbs (i am 118 myself so its quite a balance challenge)
  • gpizzy
    gpizzy Posts: 171
    chatarunga in yoga - and actually hold my dolphin plank for a minute.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    - Run 3 miles without stopping to walk

    - Dead-lift my body weight (185) (small milestone)...goal is at least 375Lbs

    - Sprint 3 stories of stairs without getting winded
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I have a much easier time at my job lifting the 45-pound boxes of nails and screws and walking up and down ladders with them. I get less easily winded, and catch my breath faster. It's still nooby, but I can now run for up to 5 minutes at a stretch, instead of not at all, lol.

    I also walked 3.5 miles in an hour the other day. :)
  • Brianna716
    Brianna716 Posts: 303 Member
    I ran for 22 minutes straight. That's the first time in my life I've done that.
  • EjaneK11
    EjaneK11 Posts: 209 Member
    I can do push-ups so much better now! :tongue:
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    I no longer wheeze when exercising.
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    Wear old jeans that used to be too tight.
  • krithsai
    krithsai Posts: 668 Member
    I can do standing sprints in my spin class. I can sit without adjusting my pants to feel comfortable against my tummy.