Black Team- A Team of Champions!



  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,757 Member
    I am going to workout next week Marla! No worries. I may do a day or two where I run at home and do some other stuff here, but mostly, I would like to hit the gym and sort of already told my sister that I was going to do that. I invited her to Zumba. She didn't sound all that thrilled. Hey, I offered!

    I was thinking about you and your kids and the sharing of clothes, what a nightmare. I only have two where it is even a consideration but Ian would rather die than have Nathan wear his stuff. It's not so much that he is selfish... well, maybe a little... but he buys his stuff with his own money most of the time. Dressing well is important to him. Taking good care of his clothes is important to him. He was voted best dressed in his class this year if that says anything. Nathan could care less what he looks like. Taking good care of his clothes is not on his priority list at all. Ian was just scrubbing his shoes yesterday morning before school with a toothbrush, that's how anal he is with it. So, sharing would not go well, not well at all.

    Well my friends, I am getting tired. Time for a much needed shower, although, today I did shower after my run since I was going out in public. I'm happy to hear I'm not the only unshowered funky one running around some days! The worst part about that for me is the way I sweat. Bad. Running off me bad. In my ears, in my eyes, dripping off my sunglasses, dripping off my chin. I look like I ran through a sprinkler when I'm done. No kidding. It's the grossest thing! I've had people bump my arm in Zumba and I feel so bad cause I know they just got a big old wet hand! EEEWW!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey-- rather positive development today-- I snapped my fingers for the first time in months.

    Still hurt, but I actually made noise-- woo-hoooooooo-- swelling has been better lately. Not sure why, but I'll take it.

    Had a pleasant enough evening with the kids-- rented "Tooth Fairy." Cute. Evening ended on a bad note when I had to go into the linen closet and it looked like a bomb had gone off.

    Did you hear me from there? Not a good mom kind of a day-- I've done more than my share of maternal yelling this day.


    Oh well-- not much I can do about it now. They're all in bed-- try better tomorrow-- grumble.

  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Lori- when my aunt was herw, I let her know I was staying on routine..this is about me now..I know your sister will understand you have come so far..I think my aunt understood, I was home by 8:45 and I spent the rest of the day with her..

    Marla- I yell on some days too. I hate that also..Thats what I am gonna work on next!!

    I am sp proud of my weight loss.

    Weight last week 141.8 weight this week 140.8
    fat last week 21.9 fat this week 21.6
    bone last week 5.6 bone this week 5.6
    water last week 59.1 water this week 59.3

    and the one I am proudest of...
    Muscle last week. 45.0 muscle this week 46.3

    Thats amazing, I am so proud of myself!!

    Just had a bowl of cherrios and drinking my coffee no french toast was outta bread..
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,064 Member
    A late good morning from me - hubby decided to upgrade pc from vista to windows 7 so have only just got pc back - can't do this very well on the blackberry.

    Marla I probably didn't hear you scream yesterday as I was having a ding dong with Thomas and the 2 sounds cancelled themselves out over the pond :laugh:

    Have been having a bad eating week, and can probably say that it will continue as we have friends coming over to watch the football with us tomorrow, so I will promise that as of monday I will back on the wagon, and as of the 21st (when hubby goes away again) I will be really focused - no alcohol, no sweets and lots of exercise.

    Will check back later, Christopher is having a bout of the sods :huh:
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Just stopping in to say good morning!:smile::flowerforyou:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    All right, my friends-- CUE THE ROCKY MUSIC--


    YO, Adrienne!!!!!!!!! I DID IT!!!!!

    Yes, folks, I ran 4 miles IN THE FREAKING SUN!! Woot!

    I guess it was a blessing in disguise that I left this morning with pain everywhere-- arthritis attacking more joints in my feet-- (man, how many freaking joints are down there???) Since I was so uncomfortable EVERYWHERE I didn't have time to focus on the sun.

    Also, I think I hit paydirt on the timing of my blood pressure medication.

    I even did my last 1/2 mile directly in the sun, when I had the chance to go up on the sidewalk for mostly shade. It was downhill for a large part of it, so I figured I'd take the opportunity to stay in the sun and get used to it.

    S-U-C-C-E-S-S that's the way we spell success-- woo-hoooooo!

    Need to scoot-- typing, grocery shopping-- busy day.

    Sarah teed off at 7:50 in the Teva Championship in Mason, Ohio-- realtime scoring if anybody wants to follow. I'm too nervous to check.


    Edit-- crap. I knew I shouldn't have checked. Already 2 over through the first three holes. Wonderful. :sick: Come on, Sarah!!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,932 Member
    Go Sarah!!!!!!!!
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,932 Member
    Atta girl! Keep up the hard work Sarah!
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Marla-WTG on the four in the sun ! Go Sarah Go !
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Just stopping in to say good morning!:smile::flowerforyou:

    Hi Roni!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,064 Member
    Go Sarah :flowerforyou:

    Marla - well done on the run xx
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Hi Everyone-

    Checked out Sarah Marla - I'm sure she was disappointed. Does she have to make the cut for the 2nd round or do they play all weekend? New to how that all works.

    Hey Tanya - Getting ready for the big World Cup came tomorrow for US Vs England? Which one will you be routing for eh? We are heading to yet another graduation party with instructions that we will have the big screen TV on inside for the game. Excited that my 15 year old will be in Germany in two weeks. Nothing like the world cup celebrations in Europe I imagine. We certainly don't do it justice in the states.

    Shuntae - U ok?

    Drinking my water today as will try a 10 mile run tomorrow...will add a little salt in there as well:wink:

    Marla- Congrats on the Sun Run! Knew you could do it!

    Tamara - Congrats on the weight loss and the rest of your stats. You are an inspiration! I haven't the foggiest idea how you get all those measurements...muscle. bone etc.

    Beth - Exciting to hear all the updates on the baby. Keep them coming.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Not a good week for me...up a pound. Guess I should be happy with all the parties going on!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hi Everyone-

    Checked out Sarah Marla - I'm sure she was disappointed. Does she have to make the cut for the 2nd round or do they play all weekend? New to how that all works.

    Hey Tanya - Getting ready for the big World Cup came tomorrow for US Vs England? Which one will you be routing for eh? We are heading to yet another graduation party with instructions that we will have the big screen TV on inside for the game. Excited that my 15 year old will be in Germany in two weeks. Nothing like the world cup celebrations in Europe I imagine. We certainly don't do it justice in the states.

    Shuntae - U ok?

    Drinking my water today as will try a 10 mile run tomorrow...will add a little salt in there as well:wink:

    Marla- Congrats on the Sun Run! Knew you could do it!

    Tamara - Congrats on the weight loss and the rest of your stats. You are an inspiration! I haven't the foggiest idea how you get all those measurements...muscle. bone etc.

    Beth - Exciting to hear all the updates on the baby. Keep them coming.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Not a good week for me...up a pound. Guess I should be happy with all the parties going on!

    Donna- To to to know its the hardest thing tot keep up with all those stats, I step on the scale..and thats it!!! My scale measure all of that!!

    Made good money today, will run my 10 miles tomorrow morning,heading out to pick up kiddos from a friends house where they have been since wednesday,,,boy its been to quiet...Then heading to baseball practice to run with another mother and then off to dinner, where ever I measuring no weighing no rules....Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,064 Member
    Hi Everyone-

    Checked out Sarah Marla - I'm sure she was disappointed. Does she have to make the cut for the 2nd round or do they play all weekend? New to how that all works.

    Hey Tanya - Getting ready for the big World Cup came tomorrow for US Vs England? Which one will you be routing for eh? We are heading to yet another graduation party with instructions that we will have the big screen TV on inside for the game. Excited that my 15 year old will be in Germany in two weeks. Nothing like the world cup celebrations in Europe I imagine. We certainly don't do it justice in the states.

    Shuntae - U ok?

    Drinking my water today as will try a 10 mile run tomorrow...will add a little salt in there as well:wink:

    Marla- Congrats on the Sun Run! Knew you could do it!

    Tamara - Congrats on the weight loss and the rest of your stats. You are an inspiration! I haven't the foggiest idea how you get all those measurements...muscle. bone etc.

    Beth - Exciting to hear all the updates on the baby. Keep them coming.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Not a good week for me...up a pound. Guess I should be happy with all the parties going on!

    Donna - we have friends over tomorrow to stay ( one of whom is austailian), but we will be routeing for England (sorry :laugh: ), my 13 year old even has a st georges cross flag hanging in his bedroom window. We are planning on getting food delivered as hubby is working from 6am till 3pm tomorrow, so won't be wanting to bbq (and I can't bbq unless you want to be posionsed :laugh: ). I hope that your 15 year old enjoys their time in germany - where are the going? I was born there in a British Military Hospital (so fully english)!

    I am going to say good night folks, just watched France vs Paraguay rubbish game, but hey ho the RSA game was much better :wink:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Donna-- actually, Sarah was rather positive after her round. She had her opportunities to go under par for sure, but all in all she played solid. There will be a cut after tomorrow's round. Fingers crossed.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    hey gang--

    On the go since I arose this morning-- wow. Busy day. Sitting down to type for the night. Doing an interview with the parents of Casey Anthony, the woman accused of murdering and dumping her daughter in Florida. These types of files keep me on the edge of my seat. At least I'll stay awake.

    Wishing you all a blessed weekend. Tomorrow I'm to run 6 miles-- just mapped out my route. We have a 6pm party tomorrow night (yes, WE got invited to a party-- woo-hooooo-- believe me when I say NOBODY invites a family with 9 kids ANYWHERE ) so I'll have to squeeze all of this in--

    Love to all!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,757 Member
    I have been busting *kitten* all day too Marla. I realized a few seconds ago why I have grown slightly more lax on the house. When I spend hours and hours cleaning I turn into a b!tch on wheels. Hubs turned 40 yesterday, he came home this evening, I made cake, they had freaking cake crumbs everywhere. I was pissed. Once again, when there are already a few crumbs on the floor, it doesn't seem to matter as much.

    Anyway, time for a shower, feeling mighty funky!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    I have been busting *kitten* all day too Marla. I realized a few seconds ago why I have grown slightly more lax on the house. When I spend hours and hours cleaning I turn into a b!tch on wheels. Hubs turned 40 yesterday, he came home this evening, I made cake, they had freaking cake crumbs everywhere. I was pissed. Once again, when there are already a few crumbs on the floor, it doesn't seem to matter as much.

    Anyway, time for a shower, feeling mighty funky!

    I swear-- you and I are twins separated at birth.


    Have a great visit with your sister!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,064 Member
    Morning all,

    Lori - have a great visit from your sister.

    Marla - hope the typing went ok, and enjoy your party tonight

    I have to go to the supermarket this morning, before cleaning through the house, changing beds etc. All need to be done before our friends arrive at around 4pm, so unfortunately I had better go and get some breakfast and get this day started.

    Have a great weekend friends
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :flowerforyou: happy weekend everyone. I have my grandson with me today..........I love it:flowerforyou: