My husband is boycotting my cooking...



  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Just because YOU want to eat a certain way doesn't mean he has too. I don't blame him for wanting to eat GOOD food. Perhaps you should cook 2 seperate meals. Don't impose your new found lifestyle on other people, including your spouse.

    Hes an adult. He can cook his own food if he doesn't like what's on the menu. Why the heck should she cook two meals? I'm sure she has other things to do besides coddle a brat who is acting like a two year old instead of a partner in a marriage.


    Why should she cook two meals? He is a big boy and can go make his own food if he doesn't like what she makes.

    I refuse to make two meals. If my husband doesn't want what I'm eating he can make something else. If I purposely make something I know he won't eat is the only time I cook two meals.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    That meal plan sounds delicious, and your hubby sounds like a petulant *kitten*.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    Didn't expect to come back to this thread and see som many

    Here's what's on the menu for this week:

    Chicken Cordon Bleu Sanwiches- Chicken breast, ham, arugula and smoked mozzarella with butter and dijon mustard on a baguette.

    Szechuan Orange Beef and Broccolini over Rice

    Almond Crusted Flounder with Garlic Caper Butter Sauce with Roasted Asparagus (and rice for him on the side...none for me)

    Chicken Francaise with Broccoli and side of rice

    Bacon wrapped Filet Mignon with sauteed spinach and roasted French Fingerling Potatoes

    Teriyaki Shrimp Stir Fry with Zucchini, Red Pepper, Snow Peas and Mushrooms...over rice (again)

    My husband will only eat rice or potatoes as far as carbs go. He won't eat cous cous, quinoa, bulgar, barley or any other I don't make them. I've made all of these things before and he's asked me to make them in the past.

    This all goes back to this weekend when I was really busy preparing the garden for spring planting, busting my *kitten* ripping up sod and turning over the soil....that I didn't have time to make him potato pancakes.

    I have no problem making them...or eating one or two...but I didn't have time. So he blamed it on my "diet." I'm not really on a diet. Just eating a little healthier and eating a little less.

    it sounds like he is just complaining to complain
  • banteringblonde
    banteringblonde Posts: 6 Member
    tell your hubby he needs to go back and live with his mommy if he wants to be treated like a child.
    if he wants it he can cook it, you're the spouse, not the maid/chef
    find a man who is supportive of your choices and kick his immature *kitten* to the street

    SERIOUSLY! Let him cook his own food and learn some manners!
  • himilayaneyes
    himilayaneyes Posts: 204 Member
    Make him some fried chicken and mashed potatoes. Put a lot of butter in the potatoes....and laxative...hide the toilet paper.
    love this.
  • weloveourboys
    weloveourboys Posts: 133 Member
    I'm loving the over-reactions

    It seems she should leave her immature, non-supporting husband
    He should leave his selfish, self-rightous wife!

    It's just a tiny little issue that a husband and wife need to work on, what's the matter with you people! Surely there's room for a compromise.


    You should be ashamed of yourself. You were not suggesting compromise; you were suggesting that she should bow down to her husband because he must be the breadwinner. You're doing women no favours.
  • blondemom1979
    blondemom1979 Posts: 64 Member
    I assume he's not crippled, so let his selfish, childish *kitten* cook his own artery clogging crap. Some guys are threatened when their wives claim back their power. Don't let the boy make you feel less than. You are not his mommy. Require him to be grown up. Life never gets better by rewarding negative behavior.

    YOU'RE AWESOME! :love:
  • jmc0806
    jmc0806 Posts: 1,444 Member
    If that's what you're making this week, what time is dinner? I'll eat what he won't haha
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Didn't expect to come back to this thread and see som many

    Here's what's on the menu for this week:

    Chicken Cordon Bleu Sanwiches- Chicken breast, ham, arugula and smoked mozzarella with butter and dijon mustard on a baguette.

    Szechuan Orange Beef and Broccolini over Rice

    Almond Crusted Flounder with Garlic Caper Butter Sauce with Roasted Asparagus (and rice for him on the side...none for me)

    Chicken Francaise with Broccoli and side of rice

    Bacon wrapped Filet Mignon with sauteed spinach and roasted French Fingerling Potatoes

    Teriyaki Shrimp Stir Fry with Zucchini, Red Pepper, Snow Peas and Mushrooms...over rice (again)

    My husband will only eat rice or potatoes as far as carbs go. He won't eat cous cous, quinoa, bulgar, barley or any other I don't make them. I've made all of these things before and he's asked me to make them in the past.

    This all goes back to this weekend when I was really busy preparing the garden for spring planting, busting my *kitten* ripping up sod and turning over the soil....that I didn't have time to make him potato pancakes.

    I have no problem making them...or eating one or two...but I didn't have time. So he blamed it on my "diet." I'm not really on a diet. Just eating a little healthier and eating a little less.

    dump your husband and marry me. all of this sounds delicious
  • dancngdolfn
    dancngdolfn Posts: 81 Member
    I actually cook two seperate meals and his lasts him for a couple days so i'm not always cooking 2 meals every night. It works for us.
  • Seachele28
    Seachele28 Posts: 10 Member
    This started over the lack of potato pancakes? Hand.Him.The.Recipe.
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    I am betting the husband is the bread winner. Since he brings home the bacon, atleast cook the man the food he wants. ( and women wonder why men cheat) He's gonna find someone who will cook that steak, burger, etc for him.

    You bet wrong. I'm the breadwinner (LOL). I bring home the bacon...literally too.

    I will not make a separate dinner. I work 10 hour work days on top of a 3 hour round trip commute. There will be no cooking 2 dinners. Oh...and steak (wrapped in bacon) is actually on this week's menu ironically.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Wow the ammont of people saying he should cook for himself is incredible!

    I assume the household chores, wage-earning roles are 50/50 split. Maybe he does all the decorating - does he say "I'm painting the bedroom black and gold, if she doesn't like it then she can paint it herself"? Of course not, there would be compromise

    Is he the only one that works? Then she has chosen to be the one that cooks. Does he have to work all day then come home and eat what he doesn't like? What a crappy life

    My wife does most of the cooking, she WANTS to make things I like. When I cook, I WANT to make things she wants. What's wrong with that?
  • Paganrosemama
    Paganrosemama Posts: 86 Member
    Wow! The husband is being very childish...

    I have different dietary needs/wants than my husband, and I am the cook in the house. Often If my hubby wants some red meat he will thaw it out before hand I will cook on the side, if I have the time or motivation, If not, he cooks it himself later. Same goes if I make something he just plain doesn't like, he makes a sandwich, mac n cheese, or other simple item... Some of his favorite dishes that I no can longer eat, he has been asking me to teach him how to make on his own...

    Occasionally I get a slight grumble, but nothing like boycotting something he likes....

    Sounds like you both need to find some way to compromise if your marriage is worth it...
  • MichelleZannone
    I occasionally get this from my husband. I tell him I am the cook if he doesn't like it he can be the cook. lol :noway: I try to fix him a dish that he like's to go with our meals like some mashed potato's . That usually shut's him up ....for a little while :laugh:
  • rossmy1
    rossmy1 Posts: 17
    You are funny!!! LOL!!! :laugh:
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I'd make him hamburgers for a week and prepare yourself all the other luscious things on your menu. He said he wanted hamburgers...well make them for him every night with greasy fries on the side. I suspect one week of eating that will cure him and he'll start wanting the delicious meals you posted. By the way, they do sound great!
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    Didn't expect to come back to this thread and see som many

    Here's what's on the menu for this week:

    Chicken Cordon Bleu Sanwiches- Chicken breast, ham, arugula and smoked mozzarella with butter and dijon mustard on a baguette.

    Szechuan Orange Beef and Broccolini over Rice

    Almond Crusted Flounder with Garlic Caper Butter Sauce with Roasted Asparagus (and rice for him on the side...none for me)

    Chicken Francaise with Broccoli and side of rice

    Bacon wrapped Filet Mignon with sauteed spinach and roasted French Fingerling Potatoes

    Teriyaki Shrimp Stir Fry with Zucchini, Red Pepper, Snow Peas and Mushrooms...over rice (again)

    My husband will only eat rice or potatoes as far as carbs go. He won't eat cous cous, quinoa, bulgar, barley or any other I don't make them. I've made all of these things before and he's asked me to make them in the past.

    This all goes back to this weekend when I was really busy preparing the garden for spring planting, busting my *kitten* ripping up sod and turning over the soil....that I didn't have time to make him potato pancakes.

    I have no problem making them...or eating one or two...but I didn't have time. So he blamed it on my "diet." I'm not really on a diet. Just eating a little healthier and eating a little less.

    If this is the menu what time should I show up for dinner?!?!

    Move in a cook for my boyfriend and I. We'll pay an annual salary and even provide healthcare coverage!
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I am betting the husband is the bread winner. Since he brings home the bacon, atleast cook the man the food he wants. ( and women wonder why men cheat) He's gonna find someone who will cook that steak, burger, etc for him.

    You bet wrong. I'm the breadwinner (LOL). I bring home the bacon...literally too.

    I will not make a separate dinner. I work 10 hour work days on top of a 3 hour round trip commute. There will be no cooking 2 dinners. Oh...and steak (wrapped in bacon) is actually on this week's menu ironically.

    Ok so you work 13 hours a day. If he works less and has more spare time than you then he should do the cooking. But would you be happy if the roles were reversed and he cooked what HE wanted for you? Then said "If you don't like it then cook your own"? Both doing the cooking seems impractical - surely there's compromise?
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    If you were just making salad for dinner or something and forcing him to eat it, that would be one thing, but you said you're not really even cooking "diet food". So he's being ridiculous. If he wants more butter, hand him the stick of it and let him add it to his food himself.
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