Beach Beauties



  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I was hoping to get more numbers from people for teh weigh-in so I waited a little longer, but didn't get anymore so here is what we have. People did really well this past week. Keep up the good work.

    Name Start Weight Week Current Weight Total Lose Goal Weight
    bballgrrl34 183.1 2 181.1 -2 170
    Lobster888 135.2 2 134 -1.2 125
    Amillionmegs 140 2 139.2 -0.8 130
    amandadider 130 2 128.8 -1.2 120
    mom2Toby 142 2 139 -3 132
    gigi76 147 2 145 -2 135
    barty 132 2 129 -3 126
    ashehoff 143 2 ~ ~ 133
    tanya7712 136 2 ~ ~ 126
    loathesome 145 2 ~ ~ 130
    sumblondechic 125 2 122 -3 115

    Sorry for it being hard to read. I had it in an excel sheet, but it isn't transferring over well.

    Well, I didn't meet my goals yesterday. I did drink 10 cups of water but that is it. So today I am setting new goals and I really plan to meet them.

    1. Drink 10 cups of water
    2. Go for a run hopefully about 2 miles
    3. ab workout
    4. Only one dessert
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Hi Beach Beauties,

    Where is everyone at? I liked the updates and goal setting. I may not be meeting my goals, but it is still great to hear other people's accomplishments. Beach Beauties come on back.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I don't know where everyone went??? I am here, checking in - all by myself - (I broke into song) LOL -
    I have completed day 10 of power 90!!! yeah for me. Also, my wedding is officially 4 months from today. 10-10-10 Isn't that the coolest date ever!!!

    Today is also day 4 of South Beach - I miss fruit >>>>>but I am getting over it!!Other than that I am doing pretty good with it. Still stay under calories and eating pretty good. I am not hungry so I guess that is a good thing>>>>

    My goals for day:
    1.) Go to my step class tonight after work
    2.) Try a new recipe on South Beach
    3.) Drink more water - always!!

    Hope everyone is still out there being motivated!!! check-in and let everyone know how you are doing.

    Anyone else trying South Beach ?
  • Lobster888- congratulations on the up coming wedding! my wedding date was 08-08-08...helps my husband remember the anniversary date that way lol....i wanted to ask you about power 90....i'm assuming your talking about p90x? if so how is it? it looks so hard i don't see how I could ever make it through one of the work outs....

    ...hope everyone has a good weekend! I'm confronting my first weekend with my new no smoking policy and today marks my 5th day without a smoke so i'm hoping i can make it through this weekend without a smoke!!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey Amanda, first big accomplishment on 5 days smoke free - that is wonderful. I have actually never smoked but everyone around me (except for new hubby) does. I have seen the struggles to quit. Keep up the good work!!

    Yes - I thought of that - he will never forget 10-10-10 or at least he better not LOL.

    Actually Power 90 is not P90X. It is the one Tony made prior to P90X - the original !. I too was afraid of not being able to complete P90X and also the time commitment. P90X is around at hour (some days more) on most days. Power 90 is about 30 to 45 mins. I figure I would start with that and see if I can commit to the full 90 days. A little test and also to work up to P90X. There is level 1/2 and 3/4 with original - but there is also the Master series that is more advance level 5/6 - I am going to order that if I make it 1/2 though 3/4 OK. I can complete power 90 (so far ) pretty well - but I have done the 30 day shred (twice) and I do the biggest loser boot camp. level three kicks but in both!!! So I am trying to work up to P90X. There is a thread about the power 90 - that is how I found out. You can go to and look at it.

    I am trying really hard to lose these 10 pounds - I want to look just right in my wedding dress. (have 9 pounds to go :( ! I have been at a stand still - actually gained a little over the last 6 months no matter what I do. So I figure Power 90 and switching to South Beach should do something.....

    Hope you have a great healthy day!!!!!
  • Please add me to the list as well!

    My name is Janelle, im 24 years old. I am petite (5ft tall...or short i should say haha) and generally stay around 100-110 lbs (i know this weight sounds low but im practically a midget , its fairly proportional). I've been working out on and off for the past two months and started cutting WAY down on sugar and carbs. I have a destination wedding/beach vacation to attend at the end of july and i want to tone up. my arms & legs have some definition but i can not get rid of the damn stomach pooch i have going on. Hopefully with this group i can stay motivated and check in every so often so my chances of actually seeing results are improved!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Welcome - and good luck!!! We usually post our weigh-ins on Monday and some sweet Beauty puts it all together.

    We just need start weight, current weight, and goal weight. It's nice a thread - you will like it!!
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    sw: 180....
    goal weight by july 15: 170

    my name is kizzy...30 years old ( just turned 30 in may)...always been highest weight EVER was 189 ibs...that was back in 2002/2003...since then i vowed to myself that i would never reach the 200 mark and since than i haven't been...that same year i joined an in person weight loss support group stayed with them for a couple of years and the lowest weight i went down to is 150s...i stopped going and i gained almost all my weight back....

    i just started getting serious about losing weight this month...i've been counting calories since the beginning of this month....and just this week i've been measuring out portions and putting them in the appropriate containers...and this week i started eating salad each day as well along with eating at least one serving of i'll be buying the fruit in bulk and start eatting more veggies....salad helps out alot in that department

    this month i'll be buying a pair of weights along with buying a scale to weigh on everyday
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good for you - way to go - set goals and go after them !!! You are doing great!!!
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member

    I would like to join as well.

    My name is Katie, and I am 22. I've hit the highest weight I have been about 3 months ago and since then I have been in a pretty down mood over myself. I so far have lost 4 lbs on this site :D

    I am currently at a weight of 177 and I would like to try and aim for a weight of 165 by July 15th.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Welcome new Beauties,

    I started my day off well, Power 90 Sculpt and abs !!! I ate a good South Beach breakfast and off to my day at work.

    Goals for today!!

    1.) Make good choice for lunch out today!!
    2.) Drink lots of water
    3.) Try a new recipe for dinner - healthy south beach!
    4.) Try to squeeze in a walk with my sweetie!!!

    Hope everyone is having a good day.

    Remember to check in often - it helps keep you motivated and it keeps you accountable!!!!!
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Hi New Beauties,

    I will add you to the spread sheet. Weigh-ins are on Monday. Good luck with all your goals.

    I am gonna try again and set some goals for myself. I can't work out today because I got hurt playing bball yesterday. Hopefully the limp will be gone by my bball game tomorrow. We shall see. So today's goals

    1. Drink 10 cups of water
    2. Only one dessert
    3. Do abs since I can't do cardio or my leg lift
    4. Catch up on sleep

    Hope everyone has a great week. I am so ready for the weekend. I will try my best to stay under the calories this weekend. I have been struggling with that. Yesterday there was the Jimmy Fund Scooper Bowl, and I was well over my calorie allotment. Luckily I got a chance to work out, but it was out of control. Way too much ice cream, but it was for a good cause so I told myself it was ok. I know that can't happen again anytime soon.
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Hi New Beauties,

    I will add you to the spread sheet. Weigh-ins are on Monday. Good luck with all your goals.

    I am gonna try again and set some goals for myself. I can't work out today because I got hurt playing bball yesterday. Hopefully the limp will be gone by my bball game tomorrow. We shall see. So today's goals

    1. Drink 10 cups of water
    2. Only one dessert
    3. Do abs since I can't do cardio or my leg lift
    4. Catch up on sleep

    Hope everyone has a great week. I am so ready for the weekend. I will try my best to stay under the calories this weekend. I have been struggling with that. Yesterday there was the Jimmy Fund Scooper Bowl, and I was well over my calorie allotment. Luckily I got a chance to work out, but it was out of control. Way too much ice cream, but it was for a good cause so I told myself it was ok. I know that can't happen again anytime soon.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Beauties,

    Hope everyone is staying focused - July 15th is alittle more than a month away. We have to keep striving....

    I am trying to stay focus for the weekend, they are always more tempting for me. So, I am getting ready to try the fat burner express with the Power 90 !!! Hope I am ready for it. Sunday will be my rest day and one cheat snack/sweet!!! Weigh-in is monday - so I am hoping to see a loss since I have changed things up!!!

    So, goals for today
    1.) Complete the fat burner
    2.) Cook a healthy south beach meal for dinner (got some fresh shrimp even though I live in the Gulf area - paid alot)

    Goals for weekend

    1.) Try to get all my water in
    2.) Watch portion sizes - tend to go over because there is more food avaiable to me.
    3.) Pay attention to salt - especially when cooking

    So, is everyone still out there - check in with me!!!

    O.K. Fat burner here I come!!!

    Have a happy healthy day!!!
  • Good morning beach beauties.....well I had my weigh in today and I'm down but not by much (but every little bit helps!)
    my start weight was 130...last week i was 128.8 and today 128 so down .8 pounds...I had a big slip up on saturday as I live in montreal and there's huge party in the streets for the formula 1 races that come to I ate a little too much, and even smoked a few cigarettes which i'm not proud of since i've been trying to quit....anyways my goal for this week is to exercise 5/7 days....hope everyone had a good weekend!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Beautiful,

    Today in weigh-in!!! So my new status is

    S.W. 135.2
    C.W. 133
    G.W. 125

    I loss a whole pound this week - so that good. I will keep doing South Beach and Power 90. It's seems to be slowing getting me past this plataeu. Had not really been able to keep below 135.00 So that is three weeks below 135 where it didn't go back up. Must mean soemthing....

    So, all the Beauties need to check in - we need to stay on track.

    Everyone check-in with goals for the day or week -

    My goals for today

    1.) Pack healthy lunch and snacks
    2.) Drink more water
    3.) Try to get a walk tonight!!

    Hoep everyone had a great weekend!!!
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Hi Beauties,

    So, great job you two. Every bit does count and help so keep it up. I am down .5 pound, which isn't much but it is a loss and that is good since I have been at a little bit of a plateau. My SW: was 183.1 and I am now at 180.6, so all together 2.5 pounds. People keep sending in your info and I will post the results at the end of the day.

    Lobster888 way to stay on us. I like the motivation and support. I know it is helping me and probably others. I have been struggling with not having lots of sweets. So this week I am gonna try my best to limit the amount of sweet I take in. It is normally pretty good like fro yo, but it is adding up so it is less healthy of a dessert if I ate tons of it.

    Goals for today:
    1. Gym (hurt my leg, but wanna get something in)
    2. Drink 10 cups of water
    3. One dessert and limit my snacking
    4. Stay under calories

    Have a great day and good luck everyone
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member

    I am down to 175. SW was 181 and my goal weight is 135.

    My goals for today are:
    1) drink 10-12 glasses of water today
    2) perform my best at ultimate tonight (even though I have a sore ankle)
    3) stay under my calories
    4) avoid unhealthy snacking with the exception of one
  • I have a beach wedding/vacation to attend at the end of July in Aruba and would like to lose 10 lbs, or more preferably, at least lose some inches around my hips and waist. I know my current weight looks low but im only 5 ft tall and i used to be a gymnast until about 5 years ago so i know how much better i will look with a little less pudge and a little more muscle. Everyone on here is great and i find it a big help in staying on track. :flowerforyou:

    Name Start Weight Current Weight Lose Goal Weight
    Janelle 120 lbs 118 lbs 2 lbs 110 lbs
  • I just figured out how to add my ticker to my i posted this message just to make sure it worked
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