
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Good morning all,
    I realize that I haven't posted for a little while. I have been in a mental funk lately. I am tired of everything. :yawn:
    Tired of trying to be healthy,:yawn: tired of exercising, :yawn: tired of not having a job, :yawn: tired of worrying about finances, :yawn: tired of hot flashes:explode: ,:yawn: tired of cold rainy weather and of course the list could go on.
    Even though I am tired of it all I keep plugging on. I did slip up yesterday and I ate a little too much late at night :tongue: and I had a couple of vodkas and then beat myself up about it. Today is a new day.

    I can't respond to all the posts but as far as the HRM goes, for the money I like the Polar FT7 even though it doesn't have some of the higher end things I would like but I don't want to spend another 100 bucks more to get.

    For those of you caring for parents, I feel you. I am so fortunate that my father found a younger woman to care for him and love him. So I don't have to. (I have three brothers but they won't even speak to him since he found a woman to "replace" mom)

    I thank you for being here and supporting us all. I couldn't do this journey without your friendship and support. :flowerforyou:

    Now I need to find something to feel happy about and get my but moving.:grumble:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I can't help commenting on people who call us "obsessive" because we've found a plan that works and are sticking to it.........there are many subtle ways that others try to derail our plans and dreams........name calling is only one of them....the more weight I've lost, the more people have called me "obsessive", "rigid" , "compulsive" and the more comments I've heard about "wasting away" and "disappearing"...........I love all of you on this thread because you call my good habits healthy and admirable and cheer as I fit into smaller sizes. Don't let the dream stealers get you down.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    PS. I did yoga and "Gut 'N' Butt" this morning, had my regular breakfast, went to line dance class, came home and ate my regular lunch (an Isagenix shake while riding the exercise bike and watching TV), read posts on MFP, and put on my outdoor Shape Ups to go walking with the dogs at the dog park.........the people who call me obsessive are missing the point :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hi everyone!

    My computer is repaired and I'm back in business, so to speak:bigsmile: I've been reading posts almost all morning, and there is so much happening.

    Kathy(pjms):You must be so anxious to meet Baby Isaac....the last week seems 21 days long.:ohwell:

    Renny: Your heart breaks for your child at any age. You never want to see them in pain. I know exactly how you feel, and sometimes life just sucks.

    Tiarapants: You don't sound mean-spirited to me, just honest:flowerforyou:

    Jam0525: Taking pleasure in life's little things is a gift we all need. Happiness sometimes is as simple as finding your favorite broom:wink:

    Laura(80111): I' use Avon too, and it works fine so far:smile:

    Cathy(caminogirl): Amen to being heartbroken when an adult child is hurting. Sometimes we can help, and other times we can only be there to offer comfort.

    Robin: I hear you! Sometimes you get so sick of worrying that it's a relief to finally vent about what's bothering you. Job search and financial worries are major, major stress sources. A lot of people would be derailed by just the hot flashes:angry: You seem to have an amazing source of strength that keeps you heading in the right direction.:heart: Here's hoping something positive comes along soon.:flowerforyou:

    Mimi, myny: Hi!:smile:

  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    Robin - just had to follow up with you on those hot flashes! I mean really - what's with them!! :noway: I don't know about you but I can't even eat, drink, walk or talk without the sweat just rolling off me at just the most unexpected moments - like in the movie theatre, I mean seriously, thats nuts!!! Honestly, every time I sit down to dinner my body temperature jumps up a notch. So I hear ya - :explode: :angry: :mad: :grumble: - you've got my sympathies! It's very disconcerting and disruptive. I've heard soy helps so I've been snacking on soy nuts (roasted but unsalted) and putting soy in my latter instead of milk (:tongue: yuck). I've also heard they end, but I've heard they can go on for years too....:noway: :noway: :noway: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh::noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: :noway: I'll be in the loony bin by then. I'll save ya a seat! :wink: :wink: :laugh: :laugh:

    just editing for spelling - posting without my glasses again!! C.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Michele – Thanks for letting me know what you do with exercise calories. I am in the same situation some days, I am too full of veggies and good protein to eat more good stuff. A couple of days I have tried to add a granola bar in the evening or something like that, but it seems once I do I am more likely to want to keep on grazing. The old me is lurking just under the surface.:devil: I think the old me will always be lurking – darn it.

    Also thanks for the input on the HRM that hangs from the neck. I thought that was odd too, as I keep hearing about the monitor part frequently not being in tight enough contact to the body. It sure wouldn't be tight if it was hanging from the neck. It must be the watch part that hangs, as you said. Sounds like from what I am hearing on this site that the FT7 is the way to go, as you can change the battery yourself.

    Laura - I so hear you on sorting out your parents house. I did that myself for three days after my mothers funeral in 2001. It had to be done quickly as they lived across the country and we needed to get back to work. As you say, it isn't much fun. She and Dad were both adults through the depression and kept everything as a result. Now here I sit in 2000 sq ft house that is pretty darn full. I just don't know how to avoid leaving a mess for the rest of the family to sort out. Hopefully there won't be too many thing that they feel attached to and will mind getting rid of. I don't think our son is as sentimental as I am, the grandkids maybe though.... I have oil paintings and hundreds of pounds of pottery my mother made. I just can't find the will to sift the pottery. I know when we pass something will have to be done. I ask myself if it's wrong to let someone that isn't so personally wrapped up in the objects to deal with it. For now, I'm saying no it isn't. I may change my mind later on.

    Barbie - My parents lived in their own home until the end as well. Dad died at 97, just two weeks short of his 98th birthday and Mom made it 4 years without him and passed at 89. And yes, for those doing the math, I was a late-in-life child. Dad was a month shy of 50 when I was born.

    It was a challenge trying to give them the help and attention they needed from a distance. Lets just say that my phone and travel bills are much less now. I'm so sorry you felt that your Mom wouldn't approve of how you settled her belongings. Our minds can be our own worst enemy at times. I too brought home much to sort. It's such a painful process but I think it may also help us to heal. Sorting and remembering at the same time.

    Robin – I'm sorry you are in a funk.:flowerforyou: Is it possible that you have gotten run down? Maybe a cutback in your exercise or possibly add some vitamins? Is there some exercise that is more fun and less work that you could switch to for a while? You have done so well so far sounding happy and focused while looking for work.

    I think my exercise change up and not eating as many exercise calories is working for me. I usually weigh every day at the gym, with clothes and shoes in the middle of the day. Today I appear to be down 1.5 pounds. If it stays off, I'll record it on Friday.

    Well, that's my book for now. I'm thinking of you all when I read, but to write to you all would be more than you all would care to read. Let's just say that I think of all my new friends and their lives often.

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Oh, one more thing - yes Cathy and Robin, soy does help. I was plagued with hot flashes too and started taking a soy powder that was high in isoflavinooids. That plus soy yogurt, black cohash and time did the trick. I didn't do HRT. Results, unfortunately, vary. :grumble: Mine lasted about 4 years. It really does get better for lots of us.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    i have heard good things about Estroven--a supplement that is soy based. Haven't personally used it as I never had a need to, but I have heard it does help lessen the symptoms. Good luck.

    Just here for a sec, waiting for a computer scan to finish on my parents' pc, so thought I would drop in.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    I use Black Cohost, Estrovan and extra Vit B12....it keeps the Hot Flashes away, before I used all three they would come at a regular pace and boy was life hot:smokin: Now I can wear regular clothes once again although I do keep my trusty fan handy in my purse!

    O life is good in this change!

  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    Just dropping in for a minute...

    Barbie, I hear you about people thinking you're rigid. In my case, it's I who worry about coming across as rigid! I am getting more comfortable with it though as I realize how important it is to keep the momentum going. I don't want to weigh and measure when I go out to eat :laugh: , but I do want to do it when I'm visiting family. That's the happy medium for me.

    Robin, I'm sorry you're feeling bummed. Hot flashes are no fun. :grumble: I used HRT for a couple of years. I know it's not good for long-term, but it sure was helpful for a shorter term. I didn't know whether I was up or down in those days. The HRT helped me level out. You have a nice, healthy diet. Keep on keepin' on. It takes just one good day to be back "on track." :heart:

    Hugs to everyone. I appreciate every one of you. :flowerforyou:
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good evening Everyone....
    A late and quick jump in tonight.
    I've been to Zumba tonight ...:frown: I am so out of sync. with eveyone else it's unbelievable!! Two left feet!! ...no wonder I can't go round the corners when doing the waltz!! :happy: Unlike my GD who got four trophies last Saturday at a dance competition ...before the family "Bash".
    I've been baking bread tonight for my DIL who has found she has a wheat intolerance. :embarassed: Trial and error ...with more error I think!! Anyway ...the latest creation turned out to be very ..:noway: ."rustic". A heavy wedge shape with a surface rather like a moonscape! But...it does taste good and smelled delicious. Having made two "bricks" I have now read the booklet that came with the breadmaker and have found a recipe that corresponds with the Wheat and gluten free flour we have so .....I'm going to mix a little rye flour in too and try again.
    I've been reading all the posts and it's evident we all seem to have our problems ...parents and children. Boy ...isn't it great to know we're not alone!! We have good things too, for sure!! And ...the hot "Flushes" or "Flashes" are certainly sounding the same in the US as they are here. I tried the red clover, black Gohosh , sage etc but as:noway: I HATE taking tablets that didn't last long. Not sure whether it eased things either. HRT helped me but I came off after a year. I certainly felt good while taking it...no aches and pains, no flushes, better moods etc. but the weight piled on!! Once off ,the flushes are few and far between now but I do feel achey in the joints.
    So .... :happy: a few things to grateful for today ....The weather's been good, DS likes his new job, Everythings going to plan with Mum coming home, my arm is easing and I have a physio date.
    :flowerforyou: I do hope you all have some good things going on too.
    Bye for now
    Back tomorrow
    :heart: Jackie
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    After a long day, involving an ER visit by Mom, I am back at her house, and she is in the hospital in Wichita, and when she is strong enough, will probably be discharged to a rehab facility. At the moment, her dr. is calling it a combination of dehydration and overmedication. I guess time will tell. I'm too tired to even think of logging food.
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Sorry to hear that, Mary.

    I've been out of town and I think catching up on all the posts is not in the cards. I don't suppose someone can give me the 5 min. version? :laugh:
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    MacMadame, there's so much going on, I don't think 5 minutes is going to do it! The nice thing is how we can just jump back in. You are such an inspiration. I'm glad you hang in there with us.

    Ainslieglen, I'm glad you're back in action! I missed you.

    Mary, I'm sending prayers for your mom and you. You are a caring daughter. She's a lucky mom.

    Jackie, I relate to the two left feet. I'm laughing about how hard it is for you to turn the corners when you're waltzing. Me too. Even with a strong lead, I'm hopeless. I love watching though. Good for you for jumping in and doing it.

    My thanks to Randy (rfsahae) for her "MP3 for walking." I had "pre-booked" 30 minutes on my new cross-country ski machine. (I'm not sure whether pre-booking is a really bad idea or, considering the outcome, a good one.) I'd finished less than half the minutes by 11 pm. I wanted to throw in the towel but, after much gnashing of teeth and cranking up Randy's music, I got on again.

    I promise not to tell you every detail of the blood tests from my checkup last week (!), but I thought you'd like this: My cholesterol was 179 (<200 is good), my LDL (the bad stuff) was 90 (<130 is good), and my HDL (the good, protective stuff) was 79 (usual for my age is 30-40). These are the best results I've had in many years.

    I told my sister, who's a dietitian. She was stoked too. She told me the ratio of LDL to total should be under 5. mine is 2 if I'm figuring it right. Not only do I look better and feel better, even my blood likes the new way of eating (lots of veggies and fruit) better.

    By the way, the first song on Randy's MP3 was "Stayin' Alive" by the BeeGee's. The changes we're making are helping us not only stay alive, but have more life in our lives.

    Lest I sound like Polyanna, my grandkids almost drove me up the wall today. Can you say sibling rivalry? I finally put the younger one down for a nap (she doesn't usually take one). She conked out in 2 minutes flat. Peace, ahhh.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Morning/afternoon/evening ladies (depending on what part of the world you are reading this from).

    It's actually quite a sunny day here today, albeit a tad windy.

    So, dad is still in hospital and has been moved to the main cardiology department. It sounds awful, but it makes life a little easier that they don't allow visitors before 3:00 pm, so I don't have to rush over there until later. I also have a meeting this afternoon at mum-in-laws nursing home with the Court of Protection Officer. They do a regular assessment to check the mental capacity of patients, just to make sure that nobody is taking advantage of her and that she is being treated well. We certainly have no problems with the way she is being treated at the home. Considering how much it costs each week (in the region of £1500 weekly), we feel that she has the best care we can afford. She's not always happy (who is), but we know that she is safe, well-fed, comfortable and stimulated.

    Having found myself with a relatively free day (pardon the pun - but my days are normally filled with caring for relatives!) I have indulged myself by spending quarter of an hour on the treadmill whilst reading a good book, followed by a Leslie Sansone Walk away your waistline workout. I quite like using the bands that are provided with the dvd, but do feel that my co-ordination leaves a lot to be desired! I'm also never entirely sure what to add to the exercise log after having done it.

    I then ran upstairs to clean up and managed to trip and land right on my knee which is now sporting a huge bruise! Fortunately it was my right knee as my left knee is much more arthritic and I probably wouldn't have been able to stand up if I'd gone down onto that one.

    My thoughts are with you all. It is such a good thing that we are all such strong women!

    Be healthy xx
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Not sure if this is allergies or a summer cold, but it sure has put a damper on my exercise routine. Just did some strength training with hand weights and something similar to the "Gut n Butt" exercises. I have a bazillion things I need to be doing outdoors, but looks like I'll be taking it easy again indoors today. Word to the wise: DON'T take Claritin D and Vitamin C together on a empty stomach. :sick: Good news is I'm on my last load of laundry.

    ALL I have wanted to do since I've been sick is EAT! I made some spicy beef stew last night so sipped on the broth off and on all evening. Been trying to snack on sugar-free jello and pumpkin seeds so I don't break the calorie bank. Kept thinking how a banana split would be heavenly....

    Still waiting to hear if our offer on the fixer-upper is accepted or not.
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Hi Everyone .....
    An earlier post today as DH is home, the house is tidy and we're waiting for you know who to come home.
    The bed's made and her :heart: Teddy bears are waiting patiently at the foot!!:laugh: The cats have done a runner though as they don't think much of the air mattress!
    We've also bought a visual link baby monitor so that we can keep an eye on Mum from upstairs or outside ....it may be like "Big Brother" but I think I'll feel easier having it.
    So .....cheerio for now.
    To all you other "Carers" ........give yourselves a well earned pat on the back. We do make such a difference in our loved ones lives. Take care of yourselves too!
    Back tomorrow
    :heart: Jackie
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Mary, sorry about your Mom. Jackie, glad to hear your's is coming back home. Tiarapants, hope your Dad will be out of the hospital soon, too.

    Barbie, I hear you on people being judgemental. Unfortunately it's so much easier to judge others rather than to judge oneself! All we can do is be true to ourselves and just ignore everyone's comments. I find that I am so firmly entrenched in my "disease" that even the compliments can be a reason for me to "splurge." Fortunately, I'm learning that a "splurge" can be a cute piece of clothing at the consignment store or a soak in the tub instead of a calorie filled cookie or truffle!

    Hope everyone has a fantastic day. Don't forget to drink your water:drinker: in the heat and humidity (if you are blessed with those:laugh: ).
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Well I just wiped out my post by hitting the wrong key:grumble: Know that I have sent special thoughts to, Jackie, Mimi, Jackie, Mary, MacMadame, tiarapants, and suezzzque ~

    You all hang in there, getting healthy is great (Mimi), grandkids are a blessing even when fighting (mim), our Parents and the care thereof (tiarapants, jackie, Mary) we are all up to the challenge and getting physically better suezzzque..... I have only the best of thoughts for all of you and send you this:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: ...the telaflorist is busy sending you flowers!

    DIL saw the Doctor yesterday and she said that as long as our #2 Grandson wants to stay put "cooking" that would be a good thing, so i guess her labor up to now isn't enough to be concerned about...so we wait.

    Have a good day everyone.


    PS Terri great words of encouragement! Yep we all are here to encourage each other, and we know what will make us all look and feel better...best not to listen to those 'outside' that really don't know !
  • PamelaHoneyHuggy
    PamelaHoneyHuggy Posts: 37 Member
    :love: Hi Out there. I am new to this. I just turned 52 on June 11th. My goals for this month is to hopefully reach that 10lb weight lost and to get into a habit of exercise! Need menu's to help me if you guys have a chance. I get so hungry in the mornings. I eat breakfast at 5:30 am but by the time I get to work I am starving. Eat asnack but by 10:00am I am ready to eat a cow!!! I work at a desk so can't really move around. Any thoughts??? Getting a few and they do help. I live in FL and it is soooo hot here. Drink at least 12-14 glasses of water a day! I want so bad to succeed at this and my husband & kids be proud of me. My health needs to improve! Thanks for listening.(Or Reading Lol). Would love new friends..... Pamela (HoneyHuggy)
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Good morning all,

    Mary - sorry to hear about your mom

    Mimi - that is awesome about your blood tests. I guess I am going to have to go do that soon. I have never had mine checked.

    SuzyQ - sorry you are feeling under the weather, I hope you feel better soon.

    Jackie - I am glad things are going as planned right now.

    Tiara - glad you found a few minutes for yourself and how great is it that you used to do the treadmill. thats the way to do it.

    Terri - I love your definition of a splurge

    Laura glad that GS#2 is doing well and I am sure you know that good things come to those who wait.

    So I am bound and determined not to feel down or depressed today. Mind over matter. I can make myself happy.

    I have been a little obsessed with the scale going down and I know that it is slowing down. I may not lose this week but I know that is okay. I need to just make sure I can maintain for a while at least. If i lose, great, if I don't gain, great.

    I think I may spend some time cleaning out my office and organizing papers. I usually feel better if I do some organizing attempt at cleaning. So I may not log as many hours on the treadmill today. and thats okay. (she tells herself trying to buy in to it):wink:

    I hope you all have a truly wonderful Thursday. Oh and of course its cold and rainy again this morning.
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