5'8" Ladies, what's your ideal weight?



  • Shari1011
    I am 5 ft 9 and have always been 130-135 until the last year I put on 20 lbs.. I am now 160. I am a smaller frame ( smaller boned) so my goal of 140 I feel is within a safe range to be back to feeling myself again. I just feel now that I am older it is MUCH harder.. going to get BACK on track..
  • Jewelforyou
    I'm like ambr1305. 5'8 and small-boned. About 15 years ago I was my biggest at 165. Since then I've consistently been between 130-135 pounds 95% of the time. With a small upper body but still bigger with quite a bit of body fat on my lower body.

    I've been down to about 127 before (not because I tried, it just kind of happened....a pleasant surprise) and that's when I noticed I started to lose some of the lower body fat.

    So I think for me my ideal would be between 125 and 130. Decidedly to actively try for 125, we'll see if that happens or not!!
  • Amysusie
    Amysusie Posts: 1
    im 5'8" and i want to get down to 135 to 141, it is possible to get down there and maintain it. you just have to really change your eating habits!
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I am 5 foot 8 exactly with a larger frame people somethings think I am 100 lbs lighter than what I really am. I somewhat think people are trying to be nice but I do know I do hold my weight pretty well. Goal weight is 165 for me :)
  • brendaschmitt1
    Im 5'8 and started at 185 . Now I am at 173 but would love to be at 150 with muscle tone.
  • mamacita721
    mamacita721 Posts: 194 Member
    I have stopped caring about the scale. I just want to fit in my size 6 jeans with no muffin top and to be able to dead lift 200lbs!
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    I m 5'8" I really dont know. I think 140. I am going to go by BF% though. I want to be 25%
  • ArSjogren
    ArSjogren Posts: 3 Member
    Hi ~ I currently weigh 173 and I'm thinking my ideal weight is about 155. After reading various sites online, where my "ideal" weight is anywhere between 138-152. Makes me think that I'll know my ideal weight when I get there. That maybe it's not a number but a feeling. Do I feel happy? Do I have good energy? Is there a comfortable fluctuation for weight to vary and it not be the end of the world. We're all different people, different genetics and varying body types so I don't think it makes sense that there should be a one for all number.
  • 2bmeagain12
    2bmeagain12 Posts: 284 Member
    5'8" here too. I am aiming for 145 smack dab in the middle of the healthy range for our height. Like many others here, I too will reevaluate once I get closer.
  • PanicMoon
    PanicMoon Posts: 8 Member
    I'm just under 5'8
    But my current weight is 145 and my goal is 110-120 :)
    Although I usually go by measurements so current: 36-26-41 goal: 34:22:36
  • Puffingmuffin
    Puffingmuffin Posts: 76 Member
    I'm almost 5"8'. My current weight is 123 pounds which I am comfortable in. However, I am skinny-fat. A guy friend commented I had fat arms yesterday which made me a little distraught. I recently started exercising 5 times a week (1.5-2.5 hours per session) and feel tighter already. I rather be more toned than weigh lighter. However in saying so, I hope to reduce my fat % and be around 110. Ideal measurements: 33:23:34.
  • lsj77
    lsj77 Posts: 16
    I'm 5'9 and my ideal weight would be 117 lbs. Thin, I know! My current weight is 122 lbs.
  • Weeblessings
    Weeblessings Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 5'8 and my goal is 160lbs. I go lower then that, and I'd look like I had an eating disorder, because I look to skinny. My husband is glad that I still want to have some meat on my bones, and hold on to my curves, he doesn't like super skinny women. Which is good, since being a mom of 4 kids and being in my middle 30's I highly doubt I'd get lower then that anyways AND he's married to me. :laugh:
  • brainzap
    brainzap Posts: 145 Member
    Goal is 105
  • psychjp
    psychjp Posts: 8 Member
    I'm at about 130 right now and am happy with the number on the scale and how my clothes are now fitting. My focus is changing now from losing the weight to adding more muscle and lowering my body fat %.
  • cerulean9
    cerulean9 Posts: 9
    For most of my twenties, I weighed between 135 and 145, and was pretty happy with that. I've held those numbers in my head (for a long time!) as ideal. But looking at the posts here I'm seeing that a lot of people feel pretty good in the 150-160 range, and who knows - that may be the case for me when I get there. Currently at 182, so I'll see how I feel in 25 lbs. As an aside, I've found the site mybodygallery.com interesting - women post photos of themselves and indicate their weight and height - so you can actually search the site by weight and height. Kind of a nice non-judgmental and empowering space, actually.
  • cerulean9
    cerulean9 Posts: 9
    Be careful with those friends who feel at liberty to criticize your body. It's your body, and no one else's business - and you have to question why anyone would put you down like that, especially if his comments left you feeling upset.
    It's awesome that you are lifting weights. Get strong, and don't worry about what other people think! You can be strong, independent and confident if you go for it.
  • mtnstar
    mtnstar Posts: 125 Member
    I feel best around 125, a goal which I just achieved this week after 7 months of postpartum exercise and sensible eating. I have a small frame and am not naturally very muscular (sigh).
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    120ish is my ideal weight, because that's where I used to be, but even if I reach 124-125 I'll be happy; then I'd work till I get a bit lower :P
  • onedayatatime12
    onedayatatime12 Posts: 577 Member
    I feel best around 125, a goal which I just achieved this week after 7 months of postpartum exercise and sensible eating. I have a small frame and am not naturally very muscular (sigh).

    *gasp* Me too!