Join me in a round of P90X beginning 4/26/10



  • longhorns2
    longhorns2 Posts: 23
    I got a GREAT Yoga in today- was very happy with my progress on some of those moves. The Crane... LMAO, never gonna happen. !!!!

    So I have a question for you ladies.

    Did you do the Lean or the Classic first? I am in week 4 of Lean, but was reading online that really I should have just done the classic.

    For some reason, and I can't even remember why I went with Lean, but I was thinking that was a better choice for someone who needs to lose weight. Then I found a blog where the lady stated over and over and over that Classic is the way to go for weight loss.

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,746 Member
    I've done Classic, and I've done Lean, and I honestly don't think it makes a big difference. The important thing is consistency. I think you should do whichever one appeals most to you, and you'll get good results as long as you stick to it.
  • xarchie123x
    i ordered p90x too, and hope to get it by july 2nd...i m lil nervous about starting it...but lets see how it goes!! :)
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    Patty - I am in Week 9 of Lean for all the same reasons as you (can't remember why I chose it :laugh: ). I contemplated switching to Classic for Phase 3 but my spreadsheet would get all screwed up so I am sticking it out on Lean (yes, I am that anal-retentive :laugh: ). I will probably do a second round as Classic. I have subbed Plyo for CardioX a few times though just to switch things up. Honestly, the only downside I see to Lean is that there is no Legs & Back workout in Phase 3 but you could always be a rebel do it anyway. :bigsmile:

    Today I did Plyo instead of Cardio. Made it to the 45 min mark, baby woke up and even though she wasn't crying I was pooped and opted to hit Stop. Good workout though!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,746 Member
    No Legs & Back was my deciding factor in choosing Classic over Lean this round. It makes me feel better that I'm not the only anal-retentive one here. I really like the ab workout on Slim in 6 better, but I'm being stubborn and doing Ab Ripper X anyway because that's what the schedule says. :tongue: I am going to do a hybrid of Slim in 6, Slim Series, and P90X for five weeks after this round is done and before we go on vacation, and I will be doing Slim & 6-Pack instead of ARX for that. I can't wait! :laugh:

    Today is Plyo for me, "the mother of all P90X workouts." I agree with that quote, BTW.
  • jandv1991
    jandv1991 Posts: 19
    Is it too late to join this group?
    I am on week 2 day 2 of the P90x program and I LOVE it! I am doing the classic program.
    I have never been excited about a workout program but this one I cant wait to get home and get started.
    My hubby and I are doing this together so it is a bit easier.
    The first day of week 1 I was able to 30 minutes of the Back and Chest. Last night I was able to do all of it - I still do modified push ups and pull ups but I didnt pass out from trying like last week.
    I cant chooose just one that I love - I dont care for yoga but going to keep trying.

    A little about me - 41 year old female - need to lose about 40 pounds. In the past 2 years I have lost about 80 pounds but quit losing. Hoping this will get me where I want to be.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,746 Member
    Welcome, jandv1991!

    That's neat you and your hubby are doing this together. I keep hoping mine will be inspired to do the workouts, but I don't think that's ever happening. He'd much rather play 18 holes than work out, but at least he gets some walking in when he does that.

    I do assisted pull-ups too. I used to do all my push-ups on my knees, but now I do them the regular way until I can't do anymore, and then I go to my knees so I can keep going. As long as you're consistent and keep pushing yourself, you will keep improving, and that's what counts!

    Congrats on the 80 pounds you've lost already. That's great!
  • longhorns2
    longhorns2 Posts: 23
    Thanks guys for the comments. I decided to switch and see what happens.

    And it DID mess up my spread sheet, and I did have to change things over, and I am quite sure when I am sucking through Plyo I will be regretting my decision to switch. LOL! I did that one and the back and chest on accident one week... holy cow those are tough workouts. But whatever... Bring it! :laugh:

    Got Core in today, and also did a little running. Yoga tomorrow, and then I am ready for Phase 2!

    I lost 6 lbs, but have gained back 2 of them this week. What the heck is that all about? :noway: The only change I have done has been adding more protein to my diet. I have been consistent with the exercise and food tracking has been right on. would the protein show up as a gain before it converts and helps me with the loss I am hoping for?

    It's really not about weight for me--- I mean, who are we kidding, of course it is, but I don't freak over going up or down usually. I know water and what not can do that. But P90X has been kicking my *kitten* for 4 weeks now, and I feel I worked hard to lose those 6 lbs, and am pretty annoyed that 2 of them decided to come back.

    Any suggestions? Will phase 2 start showing more movement on the scale?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,746 Member
    Thanks guys for the comments. I decided to switch and see what happens.

    And it DID mess up my spread sheet, and I did have to change things over, and I am quite sure when I am sucking through Plyo I will be regretting my decision to switch. LOL! I did that one and the back and chest on accident one week... holy cow those are tough workouts. But whatever... Bring it! :laugh:

    Got Core in today, and also did a little running. Yoga tomorrow, and then I am ready for Phase 2!

    I lost 6 lbs, but have gained back 2 of them this week. What the heck is that all about? :noway: The only change I have done has been adding more protein to my diet. I have been consistent with the exercise and food tracking has been right on. would the protein show up as a gain before it converts and helps me with the loss I am hoping for?

    It's really not about weight for me--- I mean, who are we kidding, of course it is, but I don't freak over going up or down usually. I know water and what not can do that. But P90X has been kicking my *kitten* for 4 weeks now, and I feel I worked hard to lose those 6 lbs, and am pretty annoyed that 2 of them decided to come back.

    Any suggestions? Will phase 2 start showing more movement on the scale?
    If you can handle Plyo, you can handle the switch from Lean to Classic!

    If you are being consistent with the workouts and the eating that got you the 6-pound loss, I think that 2-pound gain is just a temporary thing and that you should just keep on doing what's been working. It's hard to get the food dialed in exactly. I'm down only 5 pounds from the beginning of Phase 1, and I've actually increased my calories from 1,800 to 1,900 because it just felt like the right thing to do. I hope it was!
  • longhorns2
    longhorns2 Posts: 23
    Jill, the calories are so hard to figure out too. I agree. I started with 1200, and then the extra from the exercise. But P90X is saying more like 2400. That seems like WAY too much for me, not to mention, I am just not that hungry unless I go to junk food to make up the calories. Which is clearly NOT the way to go.

    I settled on 1700 based on something the P90X coach Nancy was saying. So that's where I am trying to hit everyday, but not sure if it's too much or more likely, still too little. The food is so freakin hard to figure out! Agreed!

    But here's something to celebrate!

    1) 30 days of P90X. I did it every damn day. I cannot remember sticking with something every day like this... so this is huge!

    2) I didn't take measurements until last week (week 3) but... check this out.

    In ONE WEEK:

    Waist- lost 2 inches
    Hips- lost 2 inches
    Thighs- lost 1 inch
    biceps- lost .75 inches
    Bust- lost 1 inch
    calves- lost 1.5 inches

    Lost 8.25 inches in 7 days

    Very happy with this so far. I know there were more inches lost from the beginning of the program, but no idea just how many.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,746 Member
    Very happy with this so far. I know there were more inches lost from the beginning of the program, but no idea just how many.
    Those are fabulous results! Keep on keeping on. Congrats!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,746 Member
    Off to do Shoulders & Arms and Ab Ripper X. See ya!
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    Patty - those are great results!!!

    I completed Shoulders & Arms, and Ab RipperX. I am pleased with the improvements I have made since the last time I did this workout. I am SO SORE from Monday's workout though, especially my back under my arms. I think it was from those goofy Divebomber pushups!! :tongue: I am really pleased with the progress I've made on ARX, too. First week I only completed 138 total moves and today I am up to 246. :bigsmile:

    Oh and on the weight thing, I am also only down 5 pounds since the beginning but my inches are decreasing. My calories are around 1900-2000 each day.
  • longhorns2
    longhorns2 Posts: 23
    Cynthia- I have to echo the excitement about being able to do more of the moves and more exercises each time. It's exciting to see how far I have come in 4 weeks just as far as the Yoga and pushups are concerned. Great job--- where are you in terms of weeks? Did you say that father up the thread and I missed it?

    I got Yoga in today- yahoo!

    Keep pressing play.
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    I am in Week 9.
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    Alright kids, where are you all ?? :laugh:

    Yesterday was my 40th bday so I chose to sleep in and take the day off from exercise and logging. :drinker: :bigsmile:

    This morning back at it bright and early. Core Synergistics done, I love this workout! I am getting better at Sphinx Pushups (finally!). :happy:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,746 Member
    Happy Birthday!

    I'm about to do Back & Biceps and Ab Ripper X. Or I think I am. My brother was supposed to be here a while ago, but now he's running late. I don't want to start my workout and then be interrupted when he gets here, but I also don't want to wait forever to start it. I think I'll just start it and chance being interrupted. It's not like it's a cardio workout, although I burn more calories doing these two workouts back to back than I burn doing Plyo, according to my HRM. Crazy!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,746 Member
    I know what I'm going to do! I'm going to go do Ab Ripper X now, and then I'll do Legs & Back after my bro comes and goes. (He's picking up our son to go camping/bigfoot hunting. LOL.) Win-win. I'll have ARX done and over with, and I'll be able to enjoy my favorite workout uninterrupted. :bigsmile: Bye!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,746 Member
    Ab Ripper X done. Still no brother. Although it's nice to have ARX out of the way, I found it was a little more difficult to do without being warmed up first, especially those dreaded oblique V-ups. I hate them!
  • cynthials
    cynthials Posts: 213 Member
    Oh man, me too Jill! And now I think about you each time I do them! :laugh: