30 Day Shred!! Who's with me?!



  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    I wanna join this group!!! I bought the DVD about a month ago and did one day and COULDNT move soo I have only done it like 3 times but now I am back on track (or trying to be!!) LOL eating better and working out!! I am also doing the couch to 5K program soo what I am wanting to do is alternate between the two and sometimes both in one day since they are both about 30 minutes right now!!! :)) YAY!!! If I didnt work so late tonight I would be inspired to do 30 Day tonight but I will try my best to get it in tmw either before or after work!!! :)) YAY!!!
  • jlj1121
    jlj1121 Posts: 21 Member
    hey there! L1D5 done over here. i'm already looking forward to level 2. i've pretty much reached my weight goal and am hoping this workout will get me some muscle definition. does anyone use weights heavier than 5 lbs? according to my HRM i only burn about 120ish calories per workout. i'm hoping that number increases when i get to level 2.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I see new faces every time I check in :happy: Welcome!!! :drinker:

    jlj1121... I still use 5 lb weights. Not quite ready to increase yet. Level 2 is a bit more challenging. I burn more than on level 1. In my opinion Level 2 is the most challenging of the 3 :tongue:
  • Way to go My2loves!! I'm starting Level 2 today, I got a bit behind last week as I was away and found it waayyy to easy to put off doing! But now I'm back at home and have been keeping at it. I'm excited for the challenge of the next level! I'll post when I'm done.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    L1D6 Done! So when I was wondering if today would be harder than yesterday because of a couple skipped days... OMGoodness! :noway: :noway: It hurt and was hard, I guess that will teach me not to skip 2 days! I have also begun my "life plan" Now called "The Perfect 10." This is how I hope to continue maintenance with out having to count all the calories. I will Blog it soon.... Fun to see all the new folks here! :drinker: Let keep Shredding!!! :drinker: Oh, and I measured my thigh just to see if shredding was taking effect, 1/2" smaller ... pretty unbelievable! :laugh:
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Hey just a quick question....what do guys place the 30 Day Shred under in exercise?? like to jot down the exercises??
  • im in!! i started it today...but how do u log it in under excercise? what would u put for level 1? i still havent figured out how to do that...
  • Oh, and I measured my thigh just to see if shredding was taking effect, 1/2" smaller ...

    I've lost 1/2" in my thigh and 2" in my waist so far. Woot!

    I log the 30 DS as Circuit Training, General. Actually, I made my own exercise called JM 30 DS and used the calories from the gen circ training.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I also log it as circuit training, general. It's pretty comparable to what my heart rate monitor says. :happy:
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I finished Day 10 Level 1 today. I'm taking tomorrow off & will start Level 2 Thursday. I'm afraid! lol
  • L2D4 done! I must say, the plank jacks (circuit 3 cardio) and oblique twists (circuit 3 abs) are a killer on my deltoids and neck because of all the planking going on. UGH! Is it just me that feels the pain? I shouldn't complain though. I took measurements and I've lost 4.5" total since I started the 30 DS.
  • Okay, I started Level 2 today and man it was tough!! I feel like its way more ab work and definately takes me more co-ordination to do but I really enjoyed it. Can't wait to do it again tomorrow!!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Did yoga instead of the Shred today. Be back tomorrow.:happy:
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Did L1D7 today but I will be out of town until Tuesday next week!! Jillian Michaels is coming with me! :tongue: Hopefully I will get to it 3 out of 5 days! Felt much better today. Keep up the good work and see you all Tuesday!
  • jlj1121
    jlj1121 Posts: 21 Member
    I see new faces every time I check in :happy: Welcome!!! :drinker:

    jlj1121... I still use 5 lb weights. Not quite ready to increase yet. Level 2 is a bit more challenging. I burn more than on level 1. In my opinion Level 2 is the most challenging of the 3 :tongue:

    lol, i'm sure i'm just getting ahead of myself and will be paying for all this tough talk once i get to level 2 :).
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    I did the shred this morning!!!! yay I hope I can stick to it!! I did Level 1 and Day 1 today!! :0)
  • tjislovinglife
    tjislovinglife Posts: 101 Member
    Im in I started this workout about 3 weeks ago and I love it she is very motivating but im not sure how to count the calories burned does anybody know
  • tjislovinglife
    tjislovinglife Posts: 101 Member
    How do I check in
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Started the shred today! I actually do it in the morning and do Biggest Loser; Last Chance Workout in the afternoon. I do it on my TV's On Demand so its only Level 1 that they have on here! Excited!
  • Im in I started this workout about 3 weeks ago and I love it she is very motivating but im not sure how to count the calories burned does anybody know

    A few of us log the cals as Circuit Training, General. Welcome! As for checking in, some of us are daily and others just when they can.
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