Beach Beauties



  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    Hey, can I join? Late, I know...but my goal date is only July 19th. I can move it up a few days.
    If it's cool that I join, I'll gice you my bio. I need to be held to this by someone other than me :)
  • NYCDutchess
    NYCDutchess Posts: 622 Member
    My goal weight is...................................................................................124....pounds

    My weight on Monday 6/21/10............................................................132...pounds

    And more than the "weight" I want to be nice and slim and toned for this summer. I carry weight at my waist and my inner thighs. Any suggestions are welcome. Feel free to read my food diary. I'm REALLY cutting things out for now.

    No Coffee, Only proteins, fruits and vegetables. Barely any other carbs. At least 64 oz of water, but most likely closer to 90oz.

    One cheat day (and when I cheat, I want it to be a) worth it b) not all that bad.

    Trying to make sure I get at least 30 minutes of cardio some ab and leg work. Missed gym today, so I will do something tonight.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Of course you can join! Welcome to Beach Beauties - just send in your information!!!
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    Start weight January 2010........................................................... 170+lbs

    Goal weight.....................................................................................130lbs

    Last Week........................................................................................145lbs

    Weigh-in Monday 6/21/10.............................................................145lbs

    I need to get something different going this week!
    Niece's wedding this Saturday, sure hope I can get into my dress!
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hi, Not a bad week......down another pound and i'm now only one pound from my original goal of 126 pounds (but would like to lose a few more so I have some to play with) so i'm very very happy :laugh:

    My start weight (and heaviest weight) with MFP on 1/12/10 was 164.5 pounds

    My goal weight is...................................................................................126....pounds

    My weight on Monday 5/24/10 ...........................................................132....pounds

    My weight on Monday 5/31/10............................................................130...pounds

    My weight on Monday 6/7/10..............................................................129...pounds

    My weight on Monday 6/15/10............................................................128...pounds

    My weight on Monday 6/21/10............................................................127...pounds

    Hope you all have good weigh-ins
  • gabyp0716
    gabyp0716 Posts: 351 Member
    Hi Beach Beauties,

    My name is Gaby, I just found this thread and I'm hoping I can join. I have a goal date of 7/24/2010 cause I'll be hosting my greek themed engagement party and I bought the cutest greek goddess dress.
    Of course livin in Orange County, CA its all about summer and wearing summer dresses and bikinis, so pushing myself to 7/15/2010 would be even better. The last couple of weeks I have lost a little motivation and I think this group would be the kick in the @ss. I'm ready to buckle down and get it done:

    My goal weight is...................................................................................165....pounds

    My weight on Monday 6/21/10............................................................174...pounds

    My Goals for the week:
    - complete the Brazil Butt Lift program week 3 not skipping any workouts
    - add 3 to 4 days of circuit training
    - add 3 to 4 days of Yoga
    - drink 64 to 90 oz of water each day
    - stay within my calories even during the weekends (that seems to be the problem)

    ** sorry for the edit. I wanted to change the date of my party is 7/24/2010
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning Beauties,

    Hope everyone is doing great - would like to see a few more beauties check-in before we make our new weigh-in list!! Coem on girls, you can do it!! We jsut have to keep trying even if we fall down a bit - the important thing is to get back up and keep going. This journey is tough - that is why we are not doing it alone. We have each other to lean on and get support from. Let keep up the good work and keep striving for our goal!!!

    My goal for today

    1.) Salt - still really having a problem - need to get it under control!
    2.) More water - to help the salt problem
    3.) Try to make my snack a little smaller in calories..
    4.) Make it to spin/ab class tonight

    Hoep everyone is having a great day!! If anyone needs a pep talk or some one-on-one support just check-in and I will be glad to help!!!!

    I want to see all the Beauties at their goal weight even if takes a little longer than July 15th!!!!!
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    Start weight January 2010........................................................... 180IBS

    Goal weight.....................................................................................125IBS

    Last Week........................................................................................179IBS

    Weigh-in Monday 6/21/10.............................................................179IBS
  • beasy22
    beasy22 Posts: 41 Member
    Bump - I'm in:) x
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey Beauties,

    Is anyone going to update our weight loss report? bballgrrl34 do you have time? I am not very good at this computer thing but I could try.... Anyone???
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Ok Here goes - if I forgot anyone or if something is wrong - I am sorry - Just trying to post an update

    bballgrrl 183.1 180.6 2.5 170
    lobster888 135.2 131.0 4.2 125
    amillionsmegs 140.0 139.2 .8 130
    kizzym 179 179 125
    amandadider 130 128 2.0 120
    mom2toby 142 139 3.0 132
    2010Dutchess 132 132 124
    gigi76 147 145 2. 135
    gabyp0716 174 165
    barty 132 128 4 132
    hooah 148.4 145 3.4 130
    sumblondechic 125 122 3. 115
    janelle514 120 118 2 110
    maneyes 177 174 1 165

    O.K. I think this is it!!! Everyone did great - way to go!! If anyone has changes or corrections - send them to me and I can see if I can edit it.....

    I tried!
  • amandadidier
    Thanks! lobster for doing the update!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Your welcome Amanda,

    Where are all my Beauties? I really miss you guys - I feel ike I am talking to myself for the last few days... not that I don't do that ...but it's usually not in writting!!!

    I have a many beauties will log in today and post thier goals??? I want to see everyone's goal!!!! Remember I am like a mother hen and my chickie's are important to me. I need to keep tabs on you beauties....

    O.K. - I think 10 beauties will check in......
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Oh where Oh where are my beauties --- Oh where oh where did they go

    I don't like writing to myself but .... if I have to ... I will .... I will start making it interesting

    Late late last night - there was thump coming from the kitchen in my house.... what was it? ...the dark chocolate in my pantry trying to fight it's way out!!! I had to jump up and push the door close - whew !! That was a close call!!! LOL
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    I'm sorry. I've been a bit busy. Can't normally check in Monday and Thursday nights seeing as I'm off at an ultimate frizbee game. I then go home and pretty much pass out but I will try harder to check in on this board. Been trying to keep up with multiple boards at the same time doesn't go so well. Challenges galour :D

    Enjoyed your story though lobster888.
  • amandadidier
    Good morning everyone!

    Lobster I loved your story...hopefully you can keep them coming even when all the beauties are logging back in! so I haven't written in a while because I had a very busy week with a few birthday parties and a few days where I was definately not keeping on top of eating well.... but even though i exceeded my calorie intake a few days and had a few pieces of cake...i think using mfp helped me to not eat a second piece of cake I'm happy lol...I did manage to squeeze in a few exercises this week and I just did 30 min of kickboxing this morning so I'm feeling good and thinking of the weigh in on Monday! hope everyone has a good weekend...i'm off to a wedding in a few hours and i'll try to keep to one piece of cake or maybe not even have cake! we shall see....
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member
    Hi Beach Beauties,

    Sorry for being MIA. I had a week long conference and I did not have time for anything this week. Thanks for doing the weigh-in updates lobster. I will do them this week. I knew I was gonna be busy this past week, but it was beyond what I expected. I ended up sleeping 10 hours last night just to catch up on lose of sleep. So, I weighed myself today at the gym. I weighed 174. I haven't weighed myself in 2 weeks. I thought I would be heavier. I am sure that the reason I weigh less is because I have lose muscle mass do to no working out. Also, I think this scale is broken at the gym. So, I am hoping to buy one soon and really see what I am at. I hope everyone has a great weekend and can staying strong during this bbq weather.
  • amandadidier
    Good morning beach beauties....I'm checking in for the weigh in today and i'm at 126.2 which has made me really happy....hope everyone has a good day
  • UltimateLover
    UltimateLover Posts: 306 Member
    Weigh in: 174
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    Hello everyone, Well a good week for me as I made it to my Original Goal Weight of 126 Pounds :laugh: and lost the final pound Yeyyy but i'm still going to try and lose a few more!!!!!!My start weight (and heaviest weight) with MFP on 1/12/10 was 164.5 pounds

    My goal weight is................................................................................126....pounds.......Yes made it on 6/28/10

    My weight on Monday 5/24/10 ...........................................................132....pounds

    My weight on Monday 5/31/10............................................................130...pounds

    My weight on Monday 6/7/10..............................................................129...pounds

    My weight on Monday 6/15/10............................................................128...pounds

    My weight on Monday 6/21/10............................................................127...pounds

    My weight on Monday 6/28/10............................................................126...pounds

    Hope you all have good weigh-ins