

  • jehan
    jehan Posts: 155 Member
    hi ladies. I'm just about to start Level 2. I was browsing through the video and when I tried the move that "from standing position, you bend down to a push-up", I feel like I can't even do the modified version because my pooch gets in the way and I'm not as flexible as before. For those who have done and tried it, any tips?


    When I first started level 2 I couldn't do the push up either but she says if you can't do the push up just do the plank pose and come back up. Im on day 7 of level 2 and I am now able to get halfway down in a push up. It feels good that I can because its another way that shows I am getting stronger. Just do the modified version into the plank and back up for now. You don't want to push yourself. Good luck hun!

    Thanks. I'm already done with D3 of L2. I still can't do the push-up so I'm still on the plank pose. Although, I'm starting to get the hang of it. When I started L2, going down to a plank pose was quite difficult. I just hate it that the JM has to put all the plank positions all close together. I think my shoulder is going to pop out of its socket. I just can't wait to finish SHred.
  • nonnom34
    nonnom34 Posts: 1
    Ill join! I really wanna get that summer body by summer... I'm tired of having that onesie swimsuit! I want a bikini!!
  • MissE4410
    MissE4410 Posts: 173 Member
    I am on day 9 level 1 so I will join you all! I am going to stick with level 1 for a while as I don't want to rush through the 30 days. Add me if you would like :)
  • rdelsaz
    rdelsaz Posts: 15 Member
    I'm in! :) Will take measurement tonight and start tomorrow!!! :)
  • penelopia
    penelopia Posts: 52 Member
    im in
  • Jenn5024
    Jenn5024 Posts: 27
    Here are my pic results so far after 12 days on the shred. Can anyone notice a difference?

  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Here are my pic results so far after 12 days on the shred. Can anyone notice a difference?


    Way to go, your stomach looks flatter :)
  • lilmzritz
    lilmzritz Posts: 176
    I'm down starting today!
  • opheliaphoenix
    opheliaphoenix Posts: 1,474 Member
    I know I'm late to the thread, but I am in as well! I tried it once before last month, but I was at my highest weight of 282 lbs, so it was a huge mistake for me...ha. I was almost in tears by the end of it, so I got in my own head and discouraged myself. However, I am ready to try this again. I am still very out of shape, but I did Level 1, Day 1 today and was able to get through it. Still had to catch my breath a lot, but I made it through a little easier than I did 20 lbs ago.

    Anyways, I have my measurements from the week I first started losing weight, but I will take new measurements tonight to mark Day 1 of 30DS. Is that private group for measurements still active? If so, is there anyway I could get an invite? :) Also, is there anyone over 250 lbs doing this? I haven't read all the replies yet, but I am about to go back through all of them right now. Best of luck to everyone in this challenge!

    @Jenn5024: I can definitely see a difference! That's amazing for only 12 days. Motivating!
  • Jenn5024
    Jenn5024 Posts: 27
    Down 6 pounds. Wish I would have taken measurements
  • Jul685
    Jul685 Posts: 81
    Here are my pic results so far after 12 days on the shred. Can anyone notice a difference?


    Stomach is definitely flatter! I've noticed mine is flatter too. :)
  • Melanya7
    Melanya7 Posts: 24
    I just finished today. I am down 5 pounds (142 to 137) and lost about 10 inches. I am also down a full size and then some. While I may not be bikini ready, I look mostly like me again ( before the baby who is now 8.5 months old). The biggest difference is in my butt, thighs an upper waist. My husband reached out for my butt in bed the other night and said , " hey, where did it go!" Last weekend two people finally said, "you don't look like you had a baby." Yippee!

    I feel like this workout motivated me again. I feel stronger and happier.

    I bought ripped in 30 today and will start it on Monday :) anyone want to join in?
  • Ace7316
    Ace7316 Posts: 1
    I started 30 day shred Monday and today is day 3 and my quads, abs, shoulders/pecs, and calves are KILLING ME!!! Being a guy I was kind of skeptical because it's girls doing the video, but I tell you what Jillian is whipping my butt in shape! Sometimes I cuss at her because she is pushing me LOL.
  • bhealthyagain
    bhealthyagain Posts: 41 Member
    I started 30DS this morning. It's tough because I have no time at night and a little one that gets up during the night. But I'm up an hour earlier than usual every day just to fit this in. I need change!! Feeling tired but I will get use to it!! We can do this!!
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    I started on the 3rd but then switched it up to do Zumba yesterday for 45 minutes. I am also doing 100 squats daily. Super sore but will try level 1 again tonight.